CATALOGUE 2020 www.collins.co.uk/CollinsBigCat CONTENTS Contents Explore Collins Big Cat STEM careers readers Why Choose Collins Big Cat? ..................................... 3 STEM careers readers ...........................................24–25 Overview Chart ......................................................4–5 Guided and Independent Reading Books Like Me ........................................................ 22 Arabic Readers ..................................................36–37 Collins Big Cat for Guided and Independent .................. Reading .....................................................................26 Phonics Guided Reading Handbooks ......................................27 Song of Sounds .....................................................6–7 Reading Intervention The Letters and Sounds Framework ........................... 8 Phonics for Letters and Sounds .........................10–18 Phonics Progress ........................................................28 Phonics Practice.................................................19–21 Progress ...............................................................29–31 Assessment Digital resources Assess Fluency in Reading ...........................................9 Reading Assessment Tool .....................................32–33 eBooks .......................................................................34 Lower Primary Free resources White Plus readers .....................................................23 Lime Plus readers ......................................................23 Free resources to support your teaching .....................35 Lower Primary readers .........................................39–48 Accelerated Reader and Reading Recovery Upper Primary Accelerated Reader ....................................................38 Upper Primary readers ........................................48–59 Reading Recovery ......................................................38 Symbols used in this catalogue AR Levelled for Accelerated Reader RR Matched to Reading Recovery 2 collins.co.uk/BigCat Download the order form at collins.co.uk/CollinsBigCat 3 WHY CHOOSE COLLINS BIG CAT? Why choose Collins Big Cat for your school? From early phonic development to fluent reading, Collins Big Cat is a whole-school reading programme that provides complete support for primary reading • Foster a lifelong love of reading with hundreds of book-banded readers featuring beautiful illustrations and stunning photography for every step of a child’s reading journey • Support teaching across the curriculum with high-quality fiction and non-fiction which includes a variety of genres • Develop and assess key reading skills including inference and deduction through comprehensive teaching and assessment support Symbols used in this catalogue AR Levelled for Accelerated Reader RR Matched to Reading Recovery 2 collins.co.uk/BigCat Download the [email protected] form at collins.co.uk/CollinsBigCat 3 OVERVIEW CHART OVERVIEW CHART OVERVIEW CHART OVERVIEW CHART O OVERVIEW CHART O VERVIEW VERVIEW Support every child on their reading SupportSSupportupport everyeeveryvery childcchildhild onoonn theirttheirheir readingrreadingeading CHAR CHAR T T journeyjourneyjjourneyourney fromfrfromom phonicspphonicshonics tototo fluencyflfluencyfluencyuency TeacherTeacher supportsupport READINGREADINGREADING READING LEVEL:LEVEL: LEVEL: RECEPTIONRECEPTION LEVE RECEPTIONL Ages ANDAND 4–7 KS1/P1–P3ANDKS1/P1–P3 KS1/P1–P3 READINGREADING LEVEL:LEVEL:LEVEL KS2/P4–P7+AgesKS2/P4–P7+ 7–11 andand assessmentassessment PHONICS FOR PHONICSPHONPHONICSICS FORFOFORR 156156156 fullyfully fully decodabledecodable decodable 22 PhonicsPhonics2 TeacherPhonicsTeacher TeacherHandbooksHandbooks Handbooks readersrereadersreadersaders alignedaligned aligned toto to FullFFullull supportsupportFull supportforfor integratingintegintegrating forrating integrating LETTERSLELETTERSLETTERSTTERS 000 0 111 AAA 1 A 111 BBB 1 B 222 AAA 2 A 222 BBB 2 B 333 3 44 4 555 5 666 6 77 7 LettersLLetterseLetterstters and and Sounds Sounds for for a a CollinsCCollinsollins BigBigCollins CatCCatat Phonics PhonicsBig Cat forPhonicsfor for AND LilacLilacLilacLilac PinkPinkPink PinkAAA A PinkPinkPink BBPinkB B RedRedRed AAARed A RedRedRed BBBRed BYellowYellowYellowBlueBlueBlue BlueGreenGreenGreenGreenOrangeOrangeOrangeTurquoiseTurquoiseTurquoise ANDANANDD securesecusecuresecurere startstart start toto to reading.rereading. ading.reading. LettersLLettersetters andLetters Sounds and readersrereadersSoundsaders into intoreaders into SOUNDSSOUNSOUNDSSOUNDSDS youryour phonicsphonicsyour phonicsteaching.tteaching.eaching. teaching. PHONICS PHONICS PHONICS PHONICS PHONICS 727272 phonic-basedphonic-based phonic-based readersrreaderse adersreaders PHONICSPHONICS 111 AAA 1 A 111 BBB 1 B 222 AAA 2 A 222 BBB 2 B 333 3 44 4 forforforfor furtherfurtherfurther further practiceppracticer acticepractice andand and PRACTICEPRACTICEPRACTICE PinkPinkPink PinkAAA A PinkPinkPink BBPinkB B RedRedRed AAARed A RedRedRed BBBRed BYellowYellowYellowBlueBlueBlue Blue development.development.development. More Mo More More re thanthan than 900900 900 high-qualityhigh-quality high-quality bandedbanded banded readersrereaders adersreaders forforforfor thethethe the wholewholewhole whole schoolschoolschool school coveringcoveringcovering covering aaa wealth wwealtha ewealthalth ofooff of 66 GuidedGuided6 ReadingReadingGuided ReadingHandbooksHandbooks Handbooks genresgengenresgenresres andand and topics.topicstopics. topics.. and Tandargeted 66 Whole-classWhole-classand guided 6 Whole-class and ReadingReading Reading CoverCCoveroverCover thethe the CurriculumCurriculuCurriculum Curriculumm with with CollinsCCollinso Collinsllins BigBig Big Cat:CatCat: Cat:: Handbooks whole-claHandbooksHandbooksss reading lesson TargetedTargeted guidedguided andand Non-FictionNon-Non-FictionNon-FictionFiction includesincludesincludes includes informationinformationinformation information texts,ttexts,e xtstexts,, 000 0 111 AAA 1 A 111 BBB 1 B 222 AAA 2 A 222 BBB 2 B 333 3 44 4 555 5 666 6 77 7 888 99 101010 10+10+10+ 111111 11+11+11+ 121212 131313 141414 151515 161616 171717 181818 plans andTargeted activities guided to boost and biographiesbiogbiographiesbiographiesraphies andand and reportsrreportseports reports coveringcovering covering science,sciencescience, science,, LilacLilacLilacLilac PinkPinkPink PinkAAA A PinkPinkPink BBPinkB B RedRedRed AAARed A RedRedRed BBBRed BYellowYellowYellowBlueBlueBlue BlueGreenGreenGreenGreenOrangeOrangeOrangeTurquoiseTurquoiseTurquoisePurplePurplePurple GoldGoldGold WhiteWhite WhiteWhite LimeLimeLime LimeLimeLime CopperCopperCopper TopazTopaz RubyRubyRuby EmeraldEmeraldEmerald SapphireSapphireSapphire DiamondDiamond PearlPearlPearl whole-classcompwhole-classrehensionwhole-class readingreading, infe lessonreadinglessonrence and lesson PlusPlusPlus PlusPlusPlus geographygeoggeographygeographyraphy andand and history.historhistory. history.y. plansvocabularplans andandplans y activitiesactivities. and activities toto boostboost to boost comprehension,comprehension, inferenceinference andand FictionFFictionFictioniction includesincludesincludes includes classics,claclassics, classics,ssics, ShakespeareShaShakespeare Shakespearekespeare comprehension, inference and retellings,rretellings,etellingsretellings,, poetrypoetrypoetry poetry andandand and traditionalttraditionalr aditionaltraditional talestales tales toto to vocabulary.vocabulary.vocabulary. INDEPENDENT READING INDEPENDENT READING INDEPENDENT READING INDEPENDENT READING supportsupportsupport English.English. English. GUIDED, WHOLE-CLASS AND GUIDED, WHOLE-CLASS AND GUIDED, WHOLE-CLASS AND GUIDED, WHOLE-CLASS AND 2424 phonic-basedphonic-based readersreaders 2424 phonic-based phonic-based re adersreaders PHONICSPHONICS atat anan introductoryintroductory levellevel PHONICS atat an an int introductoryroductory level level 111 AAA 111 BBB 222 AAA 222 BBB 333 44 forfor YearYear 2/P32/P3 childrenchildren 1 A 1 B 2 A 2 B 3 4 PROGRESSPROGRESSPROGRESS forfor child Yearren 2/P3 who children are PinkPinkPink PinkAAA A PinkPinkPink BBPinkB B RedRedRed AAARed A RedRedRed BBBRed BYellowYellowYellowBlueBlueBlue Blue whowho areare strugglingstruggling withwith strugglingwho are strugglingwith decoding. with decoding. decoding.decoding. 7272 Reception/P1Reception/P1 andand 72 Reception/P1 and READING READING READING KS1/P2–P372KS1/P2–P3 levelled levelledreaderslevelled 111 ProgressProgressProgress HandbookHandbookHandbook READING PROGRESSPROGRESS KS1/P2–P3 levelled 1 Progress Handbook PROGRESS tailor-made for children 333 44 555 666 77 888 99 101010 111111 PracticalPPracticalractical planningplanning andand teachingtteachingeaching INTERVENTION INTERVENTION INTERVENTION readersreaders tailor-madetailor-made forfor 3 4 5 6 7 Practical planning and teaching INTERVENTION readers tailor-made for KS2/P4–P7+whoKS2/P4–P7+ are struggling childrenchildren with YellowYellow BlueBlueBlue GreenGreenGreen OrangeOrange TurquoiseTurquoise PurplePurplePurple GoldGoldGold WhiteWhite LimeLimeLime guidanceguidance toto boostboost strugglingstruggling KS2/P4–P7+ children Yellow Blue Green Orange Turquoise guidance to boost struggling who rewhoading. areare strugglingstruggling withwith readers.rreaders.eaders. who are struggling with readers. reading.reading. reading. More than 300 interactive KS1CollinsKS1 && KS2/P2–P7+KS2/P2–P7+ Big Cat Reading ReadingReading EBOOKSEBOOKS KS1 & KS2/P2–P7+ Reading EBOOKS MorePMorerogr
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