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In addition to ensuring a reliable initial installation, our wide range of services minimize your total cost of ownership signi fi cantly. www.sorg.de Sorg 1 pag.indd 1 01/03/19 15:19 Special cast irons & alloys for glass moulds Fonderie Valdelsane S.p.A. Strada di Gabbricce, 6 - P.O. BOX 30 - 53035 MONTERIGGIONI (Siena) - ITALY Tel. +39.0577.304730 - Fax. +39.0577.304755 - [email protected] www.fonderievaldelsane.com Fonderie Valdelsane_1 pag.indd 1 14/12/17 14.15 Zecchetti 1 pag.indd 1 07/03/19 11:16 Antonini 1 pag.indd 1 24/09/18 17.06 www.bdf.it studiobrand.it BDF Industries (all season) Collection Our best experience for your Glass Industry More than 100 years of tradition and more than 60 years of experience in Glass Industry, always in continuous research in new technologies and innovations to improve your production performances. The enthusiasm makes us truly unique because it is a passion that never fails. BDF Industries has everything you need to “dress” your Glass Plant: from Furnaces to Forehearths, from IS Machines to Variable Equipment, from Automation to Controls, to Energy management and recovery. BDF Industries. The perfect Partner who always knows how to put itself in your shoes. Excellence. Your Industrial Partner in Glass FURNACES | FOREHEARTHS | IS MACHINES BDF 1 pag.indd 1 13/11/18 11:19 Tiama: your co-pilot on the way to the Smart Factory Introducing YOUniverse, unique to Tiama and further proof why we From batch plant to the warehouse, YOUniverse creates a maximum are the leaders in business intelligence within the glass manufacturing fl ow of information to enable as many machines as possible to “talk” to industry. YOUniverse has been specifi cally developed with YOU and each other to improve effi ciency, productivity and profi tability. With your needs at its core. Utilizing fl exible and automated “plug and its open information interchange, this revolutionary system allows play” systems YOUniverse makes the inspection process smarter and machines from any manufacturer to be linked to the YOUniverse. capable to adapt to any changes. Welcome to the future – yours and your factory‘s. Take your first step towards Smart Factory technology by visiting youniverse.tiama.com Intelligence Monitoring Traceability Inspection Service Real-time Process & Quality Controls Tiama 1 pag.indd 1 09/01/19 15:31 Contents PUBLISHING DIRECTOR: Arcangelo Altamura $!҃҃ : -u1obm;ম REGULAR FEATURES ASSOCIATE EDITOR: (-Ѵ;ub;mm;"1oŇ-Ѵ;ub;ĺv1oŠ]Ѵ-vvomѴbm;ĺ1ol CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: ADVERTISERS INDEX & -mb1;uu-ķ;mmb=;uu;vvl-mķ,o࣓ Ѵ-bm;)_b;m 10 ALL COMPANIES ADVERTISING: ITALY: -ubboo-Ňl-ubboĺѴo-Š]Ѵ-vvomѴbm;ĺ1ol MENTIONED WORLDWIDE: 1b-mooѴbm-ŇѴ1b-moĺloѴbm-Š]Ѵ-vvomѴbm;ĺ1ol GRAPHIC DESIGN: "omb-u;b-|oŇvomb-ĺru;b-|oŠ]Ѵ-vvomѴbm;ĺ1ol OUR FAIRS PRINTED BY: BICIDI ARTI GRAFICHE 12 CALENDAR 2019 (b-"-m ;Ѵb1;mĺƒƕ7ƐѵƐƒѶ;mo-Ŋ|-Ѵ BACK COPIES: €ƑƖ-bul-bѴbm1Ѵ7;7Ň|-ѴĹ€ 15 mঞu;1om|;m|všƑƏƐѶ0ƐƔƐ"ĺuĺѴĺѴѴub]_|vu;v;u;7ĺ!;ruo71ঞom;;mr-u- NEWS AND PRODUCTS ঞ-ѴѴ bm -m =oul bv v|ub1|Ѵ ruo_b0b|;7 mѴ;vv ub;m r;ulbvvbom _-v Cuv| 0;;m 14 o0|-bm;7=uol|_;0Ѵbv_;uĺ$_;l-]-bm;bvor;m|o1oѴѴ-0ou-ঞom=uol-ѴѴķ0| mol-mv1ubr|vour_o|o]u-r_vbѴѴ0;u;|um;7ĺ$_;;7b|ouĽvoL1;7o;vmo|-11;r| u;vromvb0bѴb| =ou orbmbomv ;ru;vv;7 bm vb]m;7 -uঞ1Ѵ;vĺ ou| u;vromvb0Ѵ;Ĺ bѴ-mĺ 0Ѵb1-ঞomu;]bv|;u;7-|moĺƓo=|_;bѴ-mou|!;1ou7vL1;omƐƐĺƐĺƐƖѶѶŊ ISSN 0394-9893 SUPPLIERS GUIDE "" !+$"ş ""! "ķ 66 ĺƐѶƒķƒƑķƑƏƐƖķ ! "$! ĺ YELLOW PAGES 78 SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE WEB SERVICE COVER ADVERTISER WEB PUBBLICATIONS PEREGO GIANCARLO SPA Via Marchesina 58 - 20090 Trezzano S/N (MI) - Italy Tel.: +39 - 02 - 48400060 - Fax: +39 - 02- - 4453300 E-mail: [email protected] - www.gperego.it glass machinery plants & accessories 2/2019 7 CONTENTS GM2.indd 7 05/03/19 16:24 Contents ARTICLES 32 PIRAMAL GLASS ];মm]=|u;Ŋu;-7 57 ANCHOR GLASS same mixer for one million glass 36 TIAMA LARGE BAND containers/day since 1980 CHROMATIC PROBE bmmo-ঞ;|_b1hm;vv7;|;1ঞom 60 HEYE INTERNATIONAL b|_"l-u| -1|ourovvb0bѴbঞ;v -m=-1|u;uĽv0;m;C| o=lѴঞ;b]_|ruo71ঞom 40 uol-Ѵuruo71||o-m;;u7- ""!$ $! &$"$ !" b|;lŋ|_;b1|ouo=]Ѵ-vv1om|-bm;uv EVER INCREASING DEMANDs 48 OCMI OFFICINA MECCANICA v|u;m]|_;mbm]l-uh;|rovbঞom 62 " "$ " Ґ"ґ b|__b]_t-Ѵb| ƕƏ;-uvo=-1ঞbঞ;vĸ special lines and machines PHARMACEUTICAL 52 =ou|_;r-1h-]bm]v;1|ouv GLASS TUBING l-fourѴ-;uvĸl-uh;|7olbm-ঞom ҃$+, Via Antonio Gramsci, 57 - 20032 Cormano (Milano) - Italy &" + Tel.: +39 - 02 - 66306866 - Ŋl-bѴĹr0Ѵb1-ঞomvŠ]Ѵ-vvomѴbm;ĺ1ol www.glassonline.com 8 glass machinery plants & accessories 2/2019 CONTENTS GM2.indd 8 05/03/19 16:24 ONEThere’s only WAY to make an high quality product PAS-12 and PAS-9 the new Amig jug forming machines PAS-12 PAS-9 Amig Pas-12 Pas-9 adv V03 indd 1 2/18/2014 8:50:31 PM Ocmi 1 pag.indd 1 01/03/19 15:17 olr-mb;vl;mঞom;7ş-7;uঞv;uvbm7; ... in this issue of şĺ7;uঞv;uv-u;bm7b1-|;7bm0oѴ7 COMPANY NAME PAGE NO. COMPANY NAME PAGE NO. ѴѴѴ-vv ƓƔŊƓƕ MODERNE MECANIQUE ƖķѵѵŊƕƔ AMIG ƖķѵѵŊƕƔ MT FORNI INDUSTRIALI ƖķѵѵŊƕƔ ANTONINI ƓķѵѵŊƕƔ mvom-1_bm;uolr-m ƔƕŊƔƖ m1_ouѴ-vv ƔƕŊƔƖ bruo_-ul--1h-]bm] ƔƑŊƔѵ u1 ƒƏ ҃$ ƖķƓѶŊƔƐķѵѵŊƕƔ $( ƐƔ Ŋ ƐƓķƑƔ BDF INDUSTRIES ƔķѵѵŊƕƔ lrb ƑƐ BUCHER EMHART -1ho;uķѵѵŊƕƔ "uor ѵƑŊѵƓ CHINA GLASSѵƔŊ !;=u-1|oub;v ƐѶ oumbm]m1ĺ ƔƑŊƔѵ bu-l-ѴѴ-vv ƒƑŊƒƔ COLOMBIA GLASS 2019Ƒƕ! ! uom|o;uķѵѵŊƕƔ "҃ $҃" ƐѶķƐƖķѵѵŊƕƔ "1_o ƑƔķƑѶķƔƑŊƔѵ ( ƐѵŊƐƕ "o1b;|o=Ѵ-vv|;1_moѴo] ƑƓ FLUORITAL -1hmvb7;o;uķѵѵŊƕƔ SORG NIKOLAUS uom|mvb7;o;uķ FONDERIE VALDELSANE buv|-];ķѵѵŊƕƔ ƐѶķƑƐķѵѵŊƕƔ ;uu;v_;bl;u ƔƑŊƔѵ SOUTH AFRICA GLASS 2019Ƒƒ "" * ƕƕ "|;-m-|ouor ƔƑŊƔѵ GLASS SERVICE ƐƐķѵѵŊƕƔ "|क़ѴѴ;-vmb;uv Ƒѵ ""$ *ƕѵTEICHMANN, HENRY F. ƐƕķѵѵŊƕƔ u-=$;1_m|;um-ঞom-Ѵ ƒƐ TIAMA ѵķƒѵŊƒƖķѵѵŊƕƔ GULF GLASSƓѵ(;u-ѴѴb- Ɛѵ HEYE INTERNATIONAL ƒķѵƏŊѵƐķѵѵŊƕƔ VIDROMECANICA ƐƔķѵѵŊƕƔ KAMMAN ƐƒķѵѵŊƕƔ (mv|ul;m|v ƑƓ Kioo 18 VITRUMѶƏ + "! " ƑѶķƑƖķѵѵŊƕƔ )-Ѵ|;1 ƒƏ -মl;u ƑƏ )b;]-m7Ѵ-v ƑƐķƑѵ ;uv;m ƒƐ ZECCHETTI ƑķѵѵŊƕƔ MIR STEKLA Ɠƕ ,brr; Ƒѵ ZIPPEZ SUPPLIERS GUIDE SALES NETWORK COMPANY PROFILE PHARMACEUTICAL GLASS EUROPE INDUSTRIEANLAGENIN GmbH Reserved for advertisers of this issue Agents & Sales Offices Worldwide www.zippe.dew Tel.: +420-602-172664 HEINER REKER - EQUIPMENT AMPOULE PACKAGING BATCH PLANTS CAD DRAWING EUROPE E-mail: [email protected] FOR GLASS Agrado S.A Company Data Agent for: Olivotto-Antas-Lynch-Lindner Avda. San Roque , 26 - Pol. Industrial La Postura 28340 MACHINES Colorobbia Lizmontagens Thermal Waldweg 16 EME Technologies 33758 Schloss Holte - Germany Valdemoro - Madrid - Spain CONTACTS KYP Accesories BELARUS Falorni Tech Tel.: +49-5207-77227 Tel.: +34 - 902325032 - Fax: +34 - 918954891 DR. PHILIPP ZIPPE - CEO Moderne Mecanique DENMARK GCG - Glass Consulting Group Fax: +49-5207-923455 OCMI OTG E-mail: [email protected] - www.agrado.es GÜNTHER MLYNAR Glass Service SHOR ALIAKSANDR E-mail: [email protected] Spami-Optrel-Stevanato Group CARPOULE AFTER-FORMING www.heinerreker.de MANAGING DIRECTOR Horn Frunze Street 2-52 - 231300 Lida - Belarus RENOLD NORDICS H Agent for: Fluorital DR. HOLGER ZIPPE - CHAIRMAN Teichmann, Henry F. / E.W. MACHINES/LINES Tel.: +375-2986-80858 K rup Alle 2 - 1 Sal - 4100 Ringsted Bowman Moderne Mecanique E-mail: [email protected] Denmark ANNUAL TURNOVER OF THE COMPANY Tel.: +45-89-884316 JÜRGEN JENDRI Vidromecanica OCMI OTG Agent for: Glass Service EUR 50 <----> 55 million AUTOMATIC TUBE LOADERS Fax: +45-89-884317 grado S.A. is known for its solid experience ZIPPE ENGINEERING & SALES KYP Accesories E-mail: [email protected] in the fi eld of manufacturing ampoules and vi- PERCENTAGE OF TURNOVER FROM GLASS TEXILINE LTD Belchenstrasse 11 Moderne Mecanique H www.renold.com 79350 Sexau - Germany als for the pharmaceutical sector, both in the 100% Logoyskiy Trakt 22 - 2305B A OCMI OTG CARPOULE FORMING 220090 Minsk - Belarus Agent for: Renold Tel.: +49-7641-933370 native Spain and also abroad. Product handling areas QUALITY CERTIFICATIONS Spami-Optrel-Stevanato Group BLOWING MACHINES MACHINES/LINES Tel.: +375-29-6508766 Fax: +49-7641-9333710 controlled ISO-8, duly separate warehouses, quaran- E-mail: [email protected] ISO 9001 Bucher Emhart Glass Moderne Mecanique Fax: +375-17-2839137 tine zones and other departments, make the factory E-mail: [email protected] FRANCE Agent for: Emmeti-Sipac SALES Forma Glas OCMI OTG one of the most modern facilities of the domestic and Olivotto-Antas-Lynch-Lindner Agent for: Fluorital Domestic: 20% - International: 80% AUTOMATIC WAREHOUSES international market. Through the years, starting from Waltec Maschinen FLUORITAL FRANCE S.A.R.L. HUNGARY its foundation date in 1966, Agrado has achieved to NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Zecchetti 14, Av. Du Superbe OrÄnoque stand out amonggp the competitors turningg into one of approx.
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