RP-42 jF VOL. 2 FEBRUARIY 2000 Public Disclosure Authorized WORLD BANK III NATIONAL HIGHWAYS PROJECT RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN (REVISED) NH-2-(PACKAGE 11) CONSTRUCTION PACKAGE 'A' & 'C' Four Lmaingand Strengthening of Highway from Km 393 (Sikandara) to Km 115 (Khaga) Section of NH:-2 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Submied to: PreparedBy: Public Disclosure Authorized National Highways Authorityof India Sverdrup Civil Inc. (USA) (Ministryof SurfaceTransport) & Enviro Infra Tech (1)Pvt Ltd. (Sub-consuftant) Resettlement Action Plan for NH-2 (Package-II A & C) CONTENTS Acknowledaement Contents List of Tables List of Annexes LocationMap AlignmentMap CHAPTER 1: EXECUTIVE SUMMERY 1. Introduction 2. Corridorof Impact 3. Methodology 4. Project Area 5. MinimizingNegative social Impact 6. People affected by the Project 7. Livelihood 8. Land Required 9. ResettlementSites 10. Common property Affected 11. Income Restortion Schemes 12. R & R Policy Framework 13. Participationof Stakeholders 14. InstitutionalArrangement. 15. ImplementationArrangement and Schedule 16. Budget. 17. Monitoring & Evaluation CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Surveys 2.2.1 Screcizg 2.2.2 Census 2.2.3 Socio-EconomicBaseline 2.2.4 Data Feeding and Analysis 2.3 Consultation Methods 2.4 Limitations CHAPTER 3: MIIMIZING RESETTLEMENT 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Efforts for MinimizingResettlement 3.2.1 Design of Sections 3.3 Congested Areas ResettJement Actiora Plan for NH-2 (Package-1l A & C) 3.3.1 Raised carriage ways with concentric Widenin-. 3.3.2 Bypasses 3.3.3 One side expiation CHAPTER 4: SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROFILE 4.0 Introduction 4.1 Profile of the Are. 4.1.1 Demography 4.2 Socio-economicProfile 4.2.1 Main Workers 4.2.2 MarginalWorkers 4.2.3 Non-Workers 4.3 OccupationalStructure RuralUrban 4.4 Analysis of Census 4.4.1 Project Affected People 4.4.2 Profile of Project affectedPeople 4.5 Impact on Women 4.6 OccupationalStructure CHAPR 5: RESETTLEMENTPOLLICIES & LEGALFRAMEWORK. 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Broad Principals 5.3 Designationof project affected persons. 5.4 R&RPolicy 5.5 Summary EntitlementMatrix 5.6 Detailed Project-Entitlement CHAPTER6: CONSULTATION,PARTICIPATION & ROLE OF NGO'S. 6.0 Introduction 6.1 Key findings of consultation 6.2 Local Level Consultation - CHAPTER 7: LAND ACQUSMTION 7.1 Introduction. 7.2 Land Estimates 7.3 Impact on the people due to land Acquisition. 7.4 Common Property Resettlement Action Plan for NH-2 (Package-fl A & C) CHAPTER 8: RESETTLENMENTSI . 8.1 Introduction 8.2 DisplacedFamilies 8.3 Option Preferredby the Displaced 8.4 ResettlementSites 8.5 Host Community 8.6 InformationCheck list for Host Community. CHAPTER 9: INCOME RESTORATION 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Livelihood AffectedFamilies 9.3 Livelihood of deferentcategories of affected 9.4 Eligible familiesfor Income Restoration 9.5 OccupationalStructure 9.6 Income RestorationSchemes CHAPTER 10: INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISM & SCHEDULE 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Roles and Responsibilities CHAPTER 11: IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGMENT & SCHEDULE 11.1 ImplementationProcedure 11.2 General Activities 11.3 Land Acquisition 11.4 Relocation 11.5 Rehabilitation CHAPTER 12: COST & BUDGET 12.1 Introduction. 12.2 Value of Land 12.2.1 Compensation 12.2.2 ReplacementValue 12.2.3 Assistancefor Structures 12.2.4 TransitionalAllowance 12.2.5 EconomicRehabilitation 12.2.6 Shifting Allowance 12.2.7 Rental Allowance 12.3 Disbursement Assistance 12.4 Compensation 12.5 Mechanism of funds-Disbursement ResettlementAction Plan for NH-2 (Package-UA & C) CHAPTER 13: GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL SYSTEMI 13.1 Need for GrievanceReddressal 13.2 GrievanceRedress Committee 13.3 GrievanceRedress Mechanism 13.4 Response Time CHAPTER 14:MONITORING & EVALUATION 14.1 Introduction 14.2 MonitoringProject input and Out put 14.3 MonitoringProject Objectives ResettlementAction Plan for NH-2 (Pack-age-IUA & C) LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER 1 TABLE NO. TITLE OF THE TABLE 1 - Width of Corridorof Impact 1.2 Project Area 1.2.a MinimizingNegative Social Impact 1.3 Distributionof Affected& Displaced Population 1.4 Affected Families - Titleholders -1.5 Affected families--Non-titleholder 1.6 Affected families-Vulnerable 1.7 DisplacedFamilies - Tideholdes 1.8 Displaced families-Non-titleholder 1.9 Displaced families-Vulnerable 1.10 Livelihood of Affected families 1.11 Livelihood of vulnerablefamilies affected 1.12 Land required for specificpurpose !.13 Land required for Widening& up-gradation of the Project Road 1.14 ResettlementSites 1.15 Eligible Familiesfor Income Restoration 1.16 ResettlementAction Plan Budget By Construction Contract CHAPTER 3 3.1 MinimisingNegative Social Impact CHAPTER 4 4.1 DemographicProfile 4.2 OccupationalStructure 4.3 OccupationalStructure (Sex wise), 4.4 OccupationalStructure (Rural-Urban) 4.5 Distributionof Affected Population 4.6 Profile of the project affected people: 4.7 Ratio of Male I Female affectedby the project. 4.8 OccupationalStructure of Affected People CHAPTER 7- 7.1 Land required for specific purpose 7.2 - Land required for Widening& up-gradation - of the Project Road ResettlementAction Plan for NH-2 (Package-11A & C) CHAPTER8 8.1 Distributionof Affected & Displaced Population 8.2 ResettlementSites CHAPTER 9 9.1 Livelihood of Affected families 9.2 Livelihood of different categoriesof Affected families 9.3 Livelihood of vulnerablefamilies affected 9.4 Affected familieseligible for Income restoration. CHAPTER11 11.1 ImplementationSchedule CHAPTER12 12.1 ResettlementAction Plan Budget by ConstructionContract: CHAPTER14 14.1 Fmancial,PhysicaL Social Development and Participation 14.2 Summaryof Objectives& related indicators for M&E Contact Package A & C . ResettlementAction Plan for NH-2 (Package-llA & C) LIST OF ANNEXE CHAPTER ANNEXE NO Tl*E OF THE TABLE CHAPTER 1 ANNEXE-1 Land Acquisition CHAPTER3 ANNE)X-3.1 Locationsof MinimisingNegative Social Impact CHAPTER4 ANNEXE-4.1 Project affectedfamilies Agriculture CHAPTER4 ANNEXE-4.2 Project affectedfamilies Residential CHAPTER4 ANNEXE-4.3 Project affectedfamilies Commercial CHAPTER4 ANNEXE-4.4 Project affectedfamilies Resi & Comm. CHAPTER 4 ANNEXE-4.5 Project affectedfamilies others CHAPTER4 ANNEXE-4.6 Project Displacedfamilies Agriculture CHAPTER4 ANNEXE-4.7 Project Displacedfamilies Residential CHAPTER 4 ANNEXE-4.8 Project Displacedfamilies Commercial CHAPTER 4 ANNEXE-4.9 Project Displacedfamnilies Resi & Comm. CHAPTER 4 ANNEXE-4.10 Project Displacedfamilies Others CHAPTER 5 ANNEXE-5.1 R & R Policy, NHAI. CHAPTER 6 ANNEXE-6.1 Outcome of Consultation CHAPTER 7 ANNEXE-7.1 Project affected-Commonproperty CHAPTER 7 ANNEXE-7.2 Project affected Wells and Hand Pumps .i ResenlementAction Plan for NH-2 (Package-IlA 8 C) CHAPTER 7-- ANNEXE-7.3 Acquisition of land and Properties CHAPTER7 ANNE)-7.4 Land AcquisitionProcedure CHAPTER8 ANNEXE-8.1 Availabilityof for relocation of sites CHAPTER9 ANNEXE-9.1 Eligible familiesfor Income Restoration CHAPTER9 ANNEXE-9.2 Govt Schemes CHAPTER9 ANNEXE-9.3 List of familieseligible for Residential& CommercialPlots CHAPTER 11 ANNEXE-11. 1 Terms of Referencewith NGOs. CHAPTER 11 ANNEXE-11.2 List ofNGOs. CHAPTER11 ANNEXE-11.3 NGOs. Profile. CHAPTER11 ANNEE-1 1.4 ModelIdentity Card for Project Affected& DisplacedPersons CHAPTER 12 ANNEXE-12.1 UniteRates forthe Budget. CHAPTER 12 ANNEXE-12.1 Methodsfor valuationof Properties iv Resettlement Action Plan for NH-2 (Package-11 A & C) CHAPTER 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION India has rightfully emphasizedupon the need for much awaited infrastructuredevelopment in its stride towards the next rnillennium. As an integral part of infrastructure development, highway planning also seeks a rightful place not only in the overalltransportation scenario of the country but also to reach the standardsachieved by the advancedcountuies. The basic objective of National Highways Authority of India is to enhancethe safe carrying capacity of NH-2 with least adverse impact on neighborhood communities and the environment. This stretch of Agra to Dhanbad, NH-2 has been divided (for consultancy services) into 5 packages each of 200 km. (approx.). Package I covers the road stretch between Sikandraat Km 393 to Khaga at Km 115 (A total of (approx.), 189 km. excludingnew bypasses). This package has been further divided into three constructionpiackages to ficilitate internationalcontract biddingseparately. oContract package A from km 393 to km 470 which is approximately61 km * Contract package B from km 470 to kmn38 which is approximately51 km - Contract package C from km 38 to kan115 which is approximately77 km The resettlement Action Plan has been prepared for Contract A & C which covers a length of 138 km. The remainingone ContractB will be part of projectNH IV The primary purpose for preparing Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) is to assess the socio- economic conditions of the Project affected persons (PAPs) in order to minimize and provide mitigative measures.If the displacementis indispensable,rehabilitation should be done in such a manner so that the standard of livingof PAP will be restored. The special attention is paid to the vulnerable groups. RAP has provisions to ensure that PAPs are compensated at replacement value for the assets lost and to enable them to regain or improve their socio- economic conditions enjoyed prior to the project. 2. CORRIDOROF IMACT The corridor of impact is the width required for the actual constructionof the road including carriageway, shoulder, embankments and longitudinal drainage. Within this corridor, there should be no structure or hindrance.The objctive of Resettlement
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