Cambridge University Press 0521829410 - Romanticism and Animal Rights David Perkins Index More information Index Adams, Carol J., xi John Clare’s sonnets on, 96, 97–101 Aikin, John, x outlawed, 99 Evenings at Home, 6, 37–38, 154, 179 Baillie, Joanna, 180 “Council of Quadrupeds,” 67 “The Kitten,” 48, 53 “The Little Dog: A Fable,” 50 Lesson, 21, 132, 180 Allsop, Thomas, 128 baiting of animals (see also badger baiting, animal rights bullbaiting), 89 as a term, ix–x appeal of, 91 animals criticized, 17–18, 74, 92, 93–94 driven, 14 defended, 93 to markets, 116 and gender ideals, 93 as figures of speech spectators at, 93–94 for children, x, 107 Barbauld, Letitia, x, 180 for colonialized peoples, x, xi, 66, 67, Evenings at Home, 6, 37–38, 154, 179 107 “Council of Quadrupeds,” 67 for the lower classes, x, xi, 11–12, 108, 109, “The Little Dog: A Fable,” 50 169 Legacy for Young Ladies, 179 for races other than white, x “From Grimalkin to Selima,” 179 for servants, x, 106 “The Mouse’s Petition,” 8–10, 11, 27 for slaves, x, 106 Barker-Benfield, G. J., xi for women, x, xi, 107, 148 Bate, W. J., xvi likeness to humans, 22–25, 29–30 Bayle, Pierre in emotion, 24 Mr. Bayle’s Historical and Critical Dictionary, in intelligence, 22–24 156 in moral character, 26–27 Beattie, James, 75 in physiology, 24 Beck, Alan natural happiness of, xi–xii, 37–39, 40 Between Pets and People, 176 rights of, 41–43 New Perspectives on Our Lives with Companion slaughtering of for food, 16, 116–17 Animals, 176 souls of, 27–29, 30 Beckford, Peter, 65 Atkinson, Herbert, 93 Thoughts Upon Hunting, 65, 72–73, 178 Austen, Jane, 76 on training foxhounds, 15 Sense and Sensibility, 47 Beilby, Ralph Austen, Lady, 57 A General History of Quadrupeds, 26, 76, 178 Averill, James H., 81 on badger baiting, 90 on bullbaiting, 90 badger baiting (see also baiting of animals), 89, on the donkey, 109 90, 98 on the hare, 55 Thomas Bewick, 90 Bentham, Jeremy, 25, 46, 106 Bewick and Beilby on, 90 Introduction to the Principles of Morals, 25, 178 The Gentleman’s Recreation on, 90 Letter to the Morning Chronicle, 178 182 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521829410 - Romanticism and Animal Rights David Perkins Index More information Index 183 Principles of Penal Law, 25, 178 Bruce, James, 128 Works, 178 Buchan, Peter Bentley, Elizabeth Scriptural and Philosophical Arguments . “To a Redbreast...,”137 That Brutes Have Souls, 28, 177 Berkeley, George, 23 Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, 26, 178 Besant, Sir Walter on the domestic cat, 27 London in the Eighteenth Century, 176 on hares, 46, 56 Bewick, Thomas, 76 on hunting, 65 on badger baiting, 90 bullbaiting (see also baiting of animals), ix, xii, A General History of Quadrupeds, 26, 76, 178 xiii, xiv, 17–18, 74, 89–90 on badger baiting, 90 Thomas Day on, 89–90 on bullbaiting, 90 Sir William Pulteney’s 1800 bill against on the donkey, 109 bullbaiting, 17–18 on the hare, 55 bull-running, at Stamford, xiv, 149 on hare hunting, 15 Burns, Robert, x, xiii, 4, 31, 49, 60, 66, 75, 132, History of British Birds, 134, 178 180 Bialostosky, Don H., 79, 81 poems: Bible “The Auld Farmer’s New-year-morning arguments from, 32–33 Salutation...,”51–52, 107 birds, “nesting,” 130, 135 “The Death and Dying Words of Poor Blake, William, 3, 5, 27, 39, 44, 53 Mailie...,”49–51 “On Another’s Sorrow,” 136 “My Heart’s in the Highlands,” 75 “Auguries of Innocence,” 3, 34, 92, 138, 139, “On Seeing a Wounded Hare Limp By 161, 180 Me,” 57, 75 “The Blossom,” 138 “Poor Mailie’s Elegy,” 49–51 “The Book of Thel,” 34, 180 “To a Louse,” 5 “The Fly,” 6 “To a Mouse,” 4, 7–13, 40, 180 “The Lamb,” 107 “Song – For a’ that and a’ that,” 11 “The Little Black Boy,” 82 poems on pets, 49–51 Milton, 5, 41, 180 Butler, Joseph, 28 “The Shepherd,” 107 Butler, Marilyn, xvi, 151 “Song” (“How sweet I roam’d”), 138 Byron, George Gordon, Lord, xiii, 2–3, 40, 41, Songs of Experience, 6 71, 75, 121, 180 Songs of Innocence, 40, 138, 161, 180 Childe Harold, 95–96, 100 “Spring,” 40 Don Juan, xii, 71, 126, 180 “The Tyger,” 11 “Inscription on the Monument of a Vala, 7 Newfoundland Dog,” 4, 27, 180 Bloomfield, Robert, 75, 107 “The Prisoner of Chillon,” 49 The Farmer’s Boy, 105–06, 180 “Hunting Song,” 75 Canning, George, 93 Boatswain, 3, 4, 27 opposes Sir William Pulteney’s bill against Boswell, James, 28, 29 bullbaiting, 17–18 Bougeant, Father, 28 Carson, Gerald Boullier, David-Renaud Men, Beasts, and Gods, 175 Essai Philosophique sur L’Ameˆ des Bˆetes, 27, 29, Caverhill, John, 152 177 Cecil, David, 57 Bovill, E. W. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de English Country Life 1780–1830, 176 Don Quixote, 65 Bowring, John Chafin, William Memoir of Jeremy Bentham, 178 Anecdotes and History of Cranborne Chase, 91, Bronte,¨ Ann 179 Agnes Grey, 133, 179 Chandler, David, 82–83 Brooke, Henry Chandler, James, xvi The Fool of Quality, 26, 31, 179 Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, fourth Browne, Mary Anne, 11 earl of, 70, 71 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521829410 - Romanticism and Animal Rights David Perkins Index More information 184 Index Cheyne, George, 117 “Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” 4, 22, 34, 36, Clare, John, x, xiii, 75, 96–101, 132–33, 134–35, 40, 41, 84, 110, 138–41, 180 180 “To a Young Ass,” 108–15 “peasant poet,” 167 Coleridge, Sara poems: Pretty Lessons in Verse for Good Children, 180 “The Badger,” 91, 96, 97–101, 102–03 Colliber, Samuel “Birds in Alarm,” 134, 172 Free Thoughts Concerning Souls, 27, 177 “The Death of Dobbin,” 107 Cone, Carl B. “The Fern Owl’s Nest,” 172 Hounds in the Morning, 179 “The Firetails Nest,” 135 Connoisseur, 138 “A Hunt for Dobbin,” 107 Constantine, David “Hunting Song,” 75 “Outside Eden: John Clare’s Descriptive “The Landrail,” 172 Poetry,” 168 “Little Trotty Wagtail,” 144 Cook, John “Milton Hunt,” 75 Observations on Fox-Hunting, 66, 73, 178 “The Moorhen’s Nest,” 172 Cowper, William, x, 2, 5, 35, 40, 44–48, 49, “The Nightingale’s Nest,” 135, 143, 172 54–63, 66, 70, 75, 86, 112, 133, 137 “The Pettichaps Nest,” 134 “Adelphi,” 61 “The Raven’s Nest,” 172 bullied in school, 61–62 “The Reed Bird,” 172 his fantasies and nightmares, 59–60 “The Robin’s Nest,” 172 his hares, 45–46 “Rural Morning,” 107 “hermaphrodite,” 57, 161 “Sedge Birds Nest,” 172 on hunting, 59 “The Sky Lark,” 172 his sense of persecution by God, 62–63 “Sports of the Field,” 75 his reception and impact, 44–45 “To Day the Fox Must Die,” 75 his sexuality, 56–57 “To the Snipe,” 132 poems: “The Village Minstrel,” 97 “Conversation,” 59 “The Wrynecks Nest,” 135, 172 “Epitaph on a Hare,” 46, 48, 58, 143 “The Yellowhammers Nest,” 134 “Epitaphium Alterum,” 46 Clark, Samuel, 33–34 “The Faithful Bird,” 137 Clarkson, Thomas, 44 “The Progress of Error,” 59 Clemency to Brutes, 1, 34, 169, 176 The Task, 34, 39, 40, 45, 46, 47, 59, 60, 61, coach horses, xiv, xv, 105–06 107, 167, 180 cockfighting, xiv, 89 Cox, Nicholas attacked, 92, 93 The Gentleman’s Recreation, 178 by George Crabbe, 92 Crabbe, George William Blake on, 92 Parish Register, 92 William Chafin on, 91 Critical Review, 178 Daniel Defoe on, 91 on Clemency to Brutes, 2 and gender ideals, 93 on James Granger’s An Apology for the Brute popularity of, 91–92 Creation, 1 spectators at, 93–94 Crowe, Henry cock-throwing, xii, xiii, xiv, 31 Zoophilos, 95 Coetzee, J. M. cruelty to animals The Lives of Animals, 176 in baiting, 92 Coleridge, George, 111, 115 in cockfights, 92 Coleridge, James, 111 Cowper on, 46–47 Coleridge, Luke, 111 in children, 20–22 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, x, 2, 28–29, 44, 82, to horses in hunting, 164 125, 154, 180 to hounds in hunting, 73 “The Eolian Harp,” 110 impiety of, 34–35 “Epitaph on an Infant,” 127 in the lower class, 93–95 “Kubla Khan,” 83 “nesting,” 130–35 “The Nightingale,” 141, 145–46 in slaughtering and cooking, 16, 116–17 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521829410 - Romanticism and Animal Rights David Perkins Index More information Index 185 Cullen, Margaret Feldman, Paula, 136 Mornton, 42, 179 British Women Poets of the Romantic Era, 180 Fenwick, Isabella, 82 Darley, George, 101 Ferguson, Moira, xi Darwin, Erasmus, 27 Animal Advocacy and English Women, 175 Zoonomia, 24, 178 Fogle, Bruce on animal intelligence, 23 Interrelations Between People and Pets, 176 Darwin, Charles, 23 Foucault, Michel, xiv Davidoff, Leonore, 44–45, 57 fox hunting, xiv, 64–77, 88 Davies, David, 170 cruel to horses, 164 Davies, Thomas, 1 expenses of, 64, 162 Day, Thomas, x pleasures of, 69–70 History of Sandford and Merton, 22, 118, 153, Thomson on, 77 179 training hounds, 15 on bullbaiting, 89–90 as training for war, 65 on the diet of poor people, 118 Frampton, Josiah, 164, 179 on hunting, 68–69 Friends’ Retreat, York, 55 on nesting, 132 Frost, Robert, 52 sympathy with insects, 5, 6; with hungry birds, 40–41 Galen, 125 Dean, Richard game laws, 64, 71 On the Future Life of Brute Creatures, 28, 177 Gay, John Defoe, Daniel, 33 Fables on cockfights, 91 “The Hare and Many Friends,” 58 De Levie, Dagobert “Rural Sports,” 58 The Modern Idea of the Prevention of Cruelty to Trivia, 14 Animals, 175 Gentleman’s Magazine, 46 DeQuincey, Thomas Gentleman’s Recreation, The Confessions of an English Opium Eater, 127 on mutilating badgers for baiting, 90 Descartes, Rene,´ 3, 24, 27, 70, 155, 156 Gilbey, Sir Walter design, argument from, 35–38 Sport in the Olden Time, 176 Discourse Concerning Compassion due to the Gilpin, William, 164, 179 Brute-Creation .
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