Cambridge University Press 0521473780 - Australian Languages: Their Nature and Development - R. M. W. Dixon Index More information INDEX OF LANGUAGES, DIALECTS AND LANGUAGE GROUPS *indicates a non-Australian language or language family or subgroup Aboriginal English 40 phonology 561–4, 571, 579, 593–7, 602, Adjnjamathanha, WBb2 618, 626–8, 643 phonology 593–4, 610, 643 pronouns 283, 289–91, 335, 382 pronouns 70, 283, 310–11, 350, 373, 517–19 verbs 197 syntax 523 Aranda, see Arrernte Aghu-Tharrnggala, De2 6, 609 Arandic areal group, WL 12, 670–2, 684 Agwamin, Jb2 601, 635 phonology 591–3, 597, 601–2, 633–4, 651–4 Ainu* 241 pronouns 283, 396 Alawa, NBm verbs 199 noun classes 509, 512 Arawak family* 36 nouns 159 Aritinngithigh, Ba8 576, 598, 629 phonology 568, 572, 583, 614, 636, 658 Arrernte, WL1 18, 99, 670–2 pronouns 248, 255, 398 classifiers 455–9 verbs 179, 191, 405, 418–20, 432, 446 phonology 548–51, 568, 574, 582, 628, 634 Algonquian family* 443 pronouns 289, 295–6, 396, 402 Aljawarra, WL1 145–7 switch-reference 89–90 Amurdag, NKb 510, 668 verbs 82–3, 179, 242, 322 nouns 472 Atampaya, Ba2 156–7 pronouns 339, 350, 357, 397–9, 519 Athapaskan family* 443 verbs 212, 406, 420, 432–4 Austronesian family* xx, 11, 24 Andjingith, Ba10 608 Awabagal, Na1 83, 155, 280, 351, 356–7, Angkamuthi, Ba2 569 395, 461 Anguthimri, Ba6 141–4, 159, 321–2, 535, 569 Awngthim, Ba6 591, 598, 601 Aninhdhilyagwa, NBd3 noun classes 460, 475–6, 481, 487, 492–3 Baagandji, V nouns 165, 460 adverbs 181 phonology 550, 612, 628, 634–6, 644–5, nouns 134–5, 156 656–8 phonology 593, 645–8 pronouns 248, 259, 370, 398–400 pronouns 263, 268, 301–3, 349, 354, 375, verbs 197, 410, 422–3, 428, 435–6, 442, 446 391–5, 402, 516 Anmatjirra, WL1 634, 652 verbs 178, 238 Arabana-Wangkangurru, WAa3 56 Baardi, NE2 667 adverbs 181 nouns 471, 506 negation 84 phonology 629, 638, 643 nouns 135–6, 141, 153–4 pronouns 69–70, 312 719 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521473780 - Australian Languages: Their Nature and Development - R. M. W. Dixon Index More information 720 Index of languages, dialects and language groups Baarrundji, V 391–4 Dalabon, NBe 127, 490, 502, 506–7 Badjiri, WAc3 156, 645 nouns 165, 471 Bandjalang, Mf 56, 97, 103 phonology 580, 629, 637 negation 84–5 pronouns 249, 255, 284, 353, 370, noun classes 460–6 374, 422 nouns 77–8, 135, 153–5, 159 verbs 322, 438, 448 phonology 555, 570, 576, 581, 595, 635, Daly River areal group, NH 407–9, 504–6, 643–4 674–9 pronouns 263, 267–8, 291, 295–306, Damin (initiation style of Lardil, NAa) 329, 333 92, 636 syntax 90, 523–4, 530–3 Darambal, L1 156–7, 166, 173, 267, verbs 179–80, 195, 208–9, 221 589, 614 Baraba-Baraba, Ta1 82 Dardi-Dardi, U5 82, 669 Barrow Point language, Dd2 290, 606, 610 Darkinjung, O2 215, 277, 280, 461–2 Barunggam, Ma4 633 Dhangu, Yb2 524, 528–34, 661 Basque* 680 Dharamba, Pb2 298, 312 Bidhawal, Q 43–4, 378–9, 384, 404 Dharawal, Pb1 82, 127 Bidjara, Ja1 127, 660, 686–7 nouns 158, 166–7 negation 84 pronouns 277, 298, 312, 357, 363 nouns 461 Dharuk, O1 1, 11, 85, 210, 277, 595, 620 phonology 583, 643 DhayЈyi, Ya2 661 syntax 90 Dhudhuroa, R2 44 verbs 201, 213 phonology 645, 648 Biri, Ja2 110, 127, 660, 683, 686–7 pronouns 264–8, 273, 277, 289, 293 phonology 570 Dhurga, Pb2 82, 363 pronouns 291, 341–2, 346, 351, 372, 379 Dhuwal/Dhuwala, Ya1 231, 322, 661–2 verbs 205, 234, 241 Diyari, WAb2 56 Biriin, Mf 263 classifiers 456–8 Biyay, H2 145, 233, 536 nouns 67, 79, 155, 241, 464 Bularnu, WMb2 285–6, 380, 612, phonology 563, 579–80 645, 663 pronouns 283, 303–5, 313, 321, 333 Bungandik, Tb1 127, 351, 654 syntax 88, 530, 534 Bunuba, NF1 84, 667, 673 verbs 179–80, 203–5, 208, 211, 322 avoidance style 93 Djabugay, G1 30, 36–7, 660 nouns 144, 166 nouns 137, 142 phonology 552, 563–7, 643–4 phonology 575, 640–1, 644, 688–9 pronouns 316 pronouns 263, 281–2, 286, 291–9, 309, verbs 188, 207, 235, 411–14, 431 323, 330 Burarra, NBf1 127, 662–5 syntax 530, 533 noun classes 494–6 verbs 201, 206, 210, 232 phonology 613 Djalnguy (avoidance style in G2, Yidinj and verbs 432, 446 in H1, Dyirbal) 61–2, 80–1, 93–5 Djambarrpuyngu, Ya1 87, 239, 326, 618 Cairns subgroup, G 131, 281, 660 Djamindjung, NCa1 471, 503, 511, 666, Carib family* 36 676–8 Casino dialect, Mf 464–5 pronouns 247, 255–6, 316–17, Central inland New South Wales subgroup, 366–8, 386 Nc 159, 169, 298, 661, 684–5 verbs 185–90 Cheangwa language, WGa3 648 Djan-gadi, Nb1 164 Cunningham vocabulary, I1 645 Djangu, Yb3 661 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521473780 - Australian Languages: Their Nature and Development - R. M. W. Dixon Index More information Index of languages, dialects and language groups 721 Djapu, Ya1 Eastern Daly subgroup, NHe 291, 455, classifiers 456–8 666, 675 negation 84–5 Edgar Range to Victoria River subgroup, WJa nouns 134, 142, 153–4 358–9, 663 phonology 557, 572, 580, 595, 610, 616–17, Emmi, NHb1 675–8 625, 644 adpositions 147 verbs 79, 178–80, 195, 211, 227–8 generic nouns 455–6 Djaru, WJa2 663 noun classes 472, 493 nouns 136, 141, 163 phonology 606, 629, 644 phonology 644 pronouns 251, 338, 406, 462 pronouns 265–6, 271, 329, 376 verbs 190, 427–8 verbs 180, 191, 407 Djinang, Yc 56, 661–2 Fitzroy River subgroup, NE 178, 191, 234, adverbs 182 407–9, 418–19, 666–7 phonology 557, 617–8 Flinders Island language, Dc1 pronouns 333, 346, 379–80, 384–5 negation 85 verbs 211, 231 nouns 156–7 Djinba, Yc 56, 211, 379–80, 385, 661–2 phonology 606, 610, 621 Djingulu, NCb1 pronouns 264, 277, 290, 306, 354 adjectives 68 reflexive/reciprocal 322 noun classes 476, 482–5, 490–4, 503–4, 512 Gaagudju, NBk phonology 551, 621, 648, 658 noun classes 462, 480, 494–6 pronouns 256 phonology 643, 656 syntax 87, 528 pronouns 259, 350, 368, 519 verbless clauses 241 verbs 194, 413, 420, 437, 441–2 verbs 415–16 Gaalpu, Yb2 604, 610 Djirringanj, Pb3 73 Gaanay, see Muk-thang Djirru, H1 5 Gabi-Gabi, Ma3 82, 156–7, 279, 301–3, 315, Dravidian language family* 569, 587 330–1, 461 Duungidjawu, Ma4 239, 461 Gadjang, Na2 121, 267, 280, 356–7, 395, 461 Dyirbal, H1 5–6, 10, 18, 30, 36–7, 41, 56, Galali, WAc2 610, 645 688–9 Gamilaraay, Nc1 91–2, 264, 280, 374, 661 adverbals 182–3, 328 Garik, NKa2 472, 667 avoidance style 61–2, 80–1, 93–5 Garrwa, X2 49, 661–4 negation 82–4 nouns 166 noun classes 466–7, 486–95, 508 phonology 565, 645–8, 654 nouns 77, 136–51, 155–6, 161–2, 167, pronouns 378, 382 170–4, 403–4, 461 syntax 543 phonology 552–3, 557–9, 575, 618, Gidabal, Mf 464–5 639–48, 653, 657 Giimbiyu, NJ 165, 247, 259, 493–6, pronouns 80–1, 263, 268, 276, 282–3, 287, 636, 656 294, 307, 317–18, 330–1 Girramay, H1 5–6, 263, 268, 294, 317–18, syntax 72–3, 78–9, 90–5, 520–36 330–2 verbs 61, 178, 196–213, 220, 228, 426 Giya, Jc2 645–8 vocabulary 57–8, 96–100, 105–6, 110, 117 Greek* 148–9 Gudang, Ba1 608, 645, 681 East Mindi subgroup, NCb 316–17, 503, 658 Gugu Yalandji, see Kuku-Yalanji East Torres, A2 576, 606–8 Gugu-Badhun, Ja3 306, 660, 687 Eastern Arrernte, WL1 551 Gulngay, H1 5–6 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521473780 - Australian Languages: Their Nature and Development - R. M. W. Dixon Index More information 722 Index of languages, dialects and language groups Gumbaynggirr, Mg1 108 Gurnu, V 391–5, 402 negation 85 Gurrgoni, NBf2 127, 665 nouns 142, 154–7, 161–5, 173, 466 noun classes 482, 489–96, 506–7 phonology 555, 635, 644, 654 nouns 139, 469 pronouns 264–8, 286, 301–2, 307, 317, phonology 613, 637, 644 323, 327–8, 333 possession 78 verbs 195, 204, 221, 234, 327 syntax 86, 90, 535 Gun.gunma (avoidance style in NF1, verbs 437, 445–6 Bunuba) 93 Guugu Yimidhirr Dd1 43 Gunbarlang, NBg2 negation 84 noun classes 478, 487–8, 493–6 nouns 136, 156, 164 phonology 637 phonology 557, 565, 573, 583, 588, 595, pronouns 249, 255, 338, 350, 365–7 609, 635 syntax 512 pronouns 291–3, 337 verbs 419–20, 426, 431, 438 syntax 530, 534 Gundjeihmi, NBg1 490, 506 verbs 177, 208–10, 222, 228–31 Gundungurra, Pa1 83, 361–2, 398 Guwa, Jd1 645–8 Gungarakanj, NBi 471, 508–10, 675–8 Guwar, Mc 301–3 phonology 637 Guyani, WBb2 594–5 pronouns 258–60, 291, 310, 319, 350, 363–7, 518–19 Hindi* 569 verbs 82, 421, 444 Gunggari, Ja1 593, 660 Ijo* 575 Gunggay, G2 36–7 Ikarranggal, De2 6 Guniyandi, NF2 667 Ilgar, NKa2 668 nouns 142–4 Indo-Aryan subgroup* 570, 587 phonology 574, 626, 644, 648, 654–6 Iwaydja, NKa2 310, 667–8 pronouns 258 pronouns 257–8, 262, 365, 396, 472, verbs 188, 192, 200, 235 507, 519 Gunja, Ja1 106, 660, 687 verbs 197, 406, 410, 420, 432–4 phonology 570, 588, 606, 610, 617–18, 636–7 verbs 201, 233, 237 Jaja-wurrung, Ta1 5 Gunwinjgu, NBg1 101 Jawoyn, NBh1 3 negation 85 noun classes 462, 487–8, 493, 506–9 noun classes 489–96, 506–7 phonology 637 nouns 165 pronouns 250, 316, 363, 365 pronouns 399 verbs 222, 436–7, 446 syntax 512–13 Jê family* 36 verbs 221–2, 235–6, 412–13, 420 Jirrbal, H1 5–6, 94–5, 263 Gureng-Gureng, Ma2 82 negation 82–6 Kadli, WBa 117, 402, 528 nouns 156–7, 164 Kalaaku, WE2 6, 282, 298, 307 phonology 633–5, 643 Kalkatungu, W1 56, 120, 679–80 pronouns 301–3, 330–1 nouns 137, 142, 158, 161, 174 Gurindji, WJb3 116–17, 663, 677, 683 phonology 593–4, 626 phonology 626 pronouns 310–11, 341, 345, 352, 364, 373, pronouns 250, 266, 294, 297, 314, 343, 377–8, 385–7, 403 359–60, 369, 372, 376 syntax 524, 530–3, 543–5 verbs 203, 226 verbs 178–80, 202, 206 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521473780 - Australian Languages: Their Nature and Development - R.
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