La politica exterior COB_ANG qx8:coberta 23/11/10 16:46 Página 1 OTHER TITLES OF THE COLLECTION Col·lecció Institut 53 Política sanitària i comunitats autònomes. Seminari d’Estudis century st 54 Estado compuesto y derechos de los Autonòmics ciudadanos. Seminario 70 55 La posición del Tribunal Supremo en el Estado autonómico. Seminario Economic and technological globalizations, as well as the 56 Ciutadania i identitat nacional en els increasing importance of multilevel institutions of government, processos de devolution a la Gran Bretanya i a França. Ivan Serrano Balaguer constitute a new scenario for the foreign policies implemented 57 Mundialització, lliure circulació i immigració, by sub-state entities in liberal democracies. These processes i l’exigència d’una llengua com a requisit. encourage self-governed territories to implement specific Seminari foreign policies in order, on the one hand, to defend and 58 Més enllà de la nació unificadora: al·legat en favor del federalisme multinacional. promote their interests, values and identities and, on the Alain-G. Gagnon other hand, to promote a number of global objectives, such 59 L’economia política de la descentralització as peace, development or respect for internal national and fiscal. Introducció de la política en l’estudi cultural pluralism. Comparative politics shows that territories de les transferències intergovernamentals. Sandra León-Alfonso endowed with national characteristics (Scotland, Quebec, 60 La libertad religiosa en las Comunidades Catalonia, etc.) are entities that play an active role in the field Autónomas. Veinticinco años de su regulación of foreign policy. Catalonia has historically displayed a clear jurídica. Ricardo García García will to establish a set of international relations and policies in 70 61 Posición y funciones de los Tribunales ISBN 978-84-393-8636-0 Superiores de Justicia. Seminario order to improve the participation of its public and private 62 La vegueria com a govern local intermedi actors in different international institutions and networks. This a Catalunya. Ricard Gracia Retortillo volume analyses, from a comparative perspective, the main 63 L’avantsala de l’Estatut. L’autogovern de features of the foreign policies implemented by sub-state Foreign policy of constituents units 9 788439 386360 policy of constituents units at the beginning of 21 Foreign Catalunya a la llum de la seguretat pública territories with national characteristics which have a clear st (1978-2006). Àlex Bas i Vilafranca at the beginning of 21 century interest for Catalan politics: Scotland, Quebec, Flanders and 64 Las relaciones intergubernamentales en el Estado autonómico. La posición de los Wallonia, the German länder and the Swiss cantons. actores. Xavier Arbós Marín (coord.) 65 El plurilingüisme a la Constitució espanyola. Seminari 66 Descentralització, asimetries i processos de resimetrització a Europa. Ferran Requejo, Klaus-Jürgen Nagel (eds.) 67 Dret a l’habitatge i servei públic d’allotjament català? Seminari 68 La incidencia del Tratado de Lisboa en el ejercicio de las competencias autonómicas. With the support of 70 Seminario Generalitat de Catalunya 69 La política exterior dels ens subestatals Departament d’Interior, a principis del segle XXI. Ferran Requejo (ed.) Relacions Institucionals i Participació Available in Catalan Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics 70_La politica exterior INT_ANG qx8:interior 23/11/10 16:57 Página 3 FOREIGN POLICY OF CONSTITUENTS UNITS AT THE BEGINNING OF 21ST CENTURY Col·lecció Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics 70 70_La politica exterior INT_ANG qx8:interior 23/11/10 16:57 Página 5 FOREIGN POLICY OF CONSTITUENTS UNITS AT THE BEGINNING OF 21ST CENTURY Ferran Requejo (ed.) David Criekemans Thomas Fleiner Charlie Jeffery John Kincaid André Lecours Klaus-Jürgen Nagel Stéphane Paquin BARCELONA 2010 70_La politica exterior INT_ANG qx8:interior 29/11/10 15:09 Página 6 Catalan Public Library. CIP data Foreign policy of constituents units at the beginning of 21st century. – (Col·lecció Institut d'Estudis Autonòmics ; 70) Bibliografia ISBN 9788439386360 I. Requejo, Ferran, 1951- ed. II. Institut d'Estudis Autonòmics (Catalunya) III. Col·lecció: Institut d'Estudis Autonòmics (Col·lecció) ; 70 1. Governs subestatals – Relacions exteriors 327 The IEA does not necessarily identify with the opinions of the authors of this book and it accepts no liability for them, or for the external data or documents that have been included in them. No part of this publication, including the cover design may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any way, or by any means, without express autho- risation of the holder of the copyright. Cover photo: Palau Centelles, Barcelona (16th century). Detail of ornamental motif from the ceiling of the Mirrors Room. © 2010 Generalitat de Catalunya. Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics First edition: November of 2010 Print run: 1.000 copies ISBN: 978-84-393-8636-0 Legal deposit: B-45.675-2010 Printing: Addenda Printed on certified white offset paper (Elemental Chlorine Free) 70_La politica exterior INT_ANG qx8:interior 23/11/10 16:57 Página 7 CONTENTS PRESENTATION ROSER CLAVELL ................................................................................... 9 FOREIGN POLICY OF CONSTITUENTS UNITS IN A GLOBALISED WORLD FERRAN REQUEJO ................................................................................ 11 COMPARATIVE OBSERVATIONS ON THE INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES OF CONSTITUENT GOVERNMENTS JOHN KINCAID ..................................................................................... 15 CANADIAN FEDERALISM AND FOREIGN RELATIONS: QUEBEC AND ALBERTA ANDRÉ LECOURS ................................................................................. 29 THE FOREIGN POLICY AND DIPLOMATIC REPRESENTATION OF THE BELGIAN REGIONS: FLANDERS AND WALLONIA COMPARED DAV I D CRIEKEMANS............................................................................. 43 SCOTLAND’S EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL POLICY CHARLIE JEFFERY................................................................................. 103 FOREIGN POLICY: THE CASE OF THE GERMAN LÄNDER KLAUS-JÜRGEN NAGEL ........................................................................ 121 FOREIGN POLITICS/POLICIES, NATIONAL PLURALISM AND GLOBA- LIZATION IN THE FIRST DECADE OF THE 21ST CENTURY. THE CASE OF SWITZERLAND THOMAS FLEINER................................................................................. 143 FEDERALISM AND MULTI-LEVEL GOVERNANCE IN FOREIGN AFFAIRS: A COMPARISON OF CANADA AND BELGIUM STÉPHANE PAQUIN................................................................................ 161 ANNEX. QUESTIONNAIRE ON FOREIGN POLITICS/POLICIES, NATIONAL PLURALISM AND GLOBALIZATION IN THE FIRST DECADE OF THE 21ST CENTURY FERRAN REQUEJO ................................................................................ 187 7 70_La politica exterior INT_ANG qx8:interior 23/11/10 16:57 Página 9 PRESENTATION With regard to the work carried out by the Patronat Catalunya Món to establish the Foreign Affairs Action Plan of the Government of Catalonia, and observing the project entrusted by the Commission of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, we gave great consideration to the growing emergency of sub-state entities in society and contemporary international relations. In fact, the undercurrent of our discussion was centred on the di- versity and complexity of the globalised world in which the concurrence of very diverse actors, both public and private, requires much more proactive international relations, which due to their paradiplomatic and multilevel na- ture often overrun the traditional forms of state diplomacy and open a wide margin of action for sub-state entities with legislative power, and particularly those with their own distinguished identity. These issues led us to organise the international workshop called «Com- parative Foreign Policies of Sub-state entities» which was hosted by the Par- liament of Catalonia on 22 April 2009 with speeches made by different international experts on federalism and self-government: Mr. John Kincaid, director of the Robert. B. & Helen S. Meyner Center for the Study of State and Local Government, Lafayette College (USA); Prof. André Lecours, as- sociate professor in the Department of Political Science at Concordia Uni- versity (Quebec, Canada); Dr. David Criekemans, lecturer at the Department of Political Science at Antwerp University (Flanders, Belgium); Prof. Klaus- Jürgen Nagal, associate professor of Political Science and Administration at Pompeu Fabra University; Prof. Thomas Fleiner, Institute of Federalism, University of Fribourg (Switzerland); Prof. Charlie Jeffery, Professor of Pol- itics and International Relations in the School of Social and Political Sci- ence, Edinburgh University (Scotland, UK); Prof. Stéphane Paquin, associate professor at the School of Applied Politics at Sherbrooke Univer- sity (Canada), and the coordination of Mr. Ferran Requejo, professor of Po- litical Science at Pompeu Fabra University. This publication is the result of the debates and observations made by the participants during the workshop in relation to the experiences in Que- bec, Flanders, Scotland, federalism in the USA, in Germany and Switzerland, and it is the combined effort of the Patronat Catalunya Món and the Institut d’Estudis 9 70_La politica exterior INT_ANG qx8:interior 23/11/10 16:57 Página 10 Autonòmics. I am convinced that it will be a useful tool for researchers and specialists in this subject and that it will contribute
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