
l1146 CQNGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE DECEMBER 8 Officers of the Supply Corps · Clifton B. Cates Lemuel C. Shepherd~ To Be Commanders Leo D. Hermie . Jr. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Charles K. Phillips To be brigadier generals MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1947 Allen .B. Reed, Jr. · Alfred H. Noble Omar T. Pfeiffer Officers of the Dentat Corps Graves B. Erskine William E. Riley The House met at 12 o'clock noon. To Be Commanders Louis E. Woods Merwin H. Silverthorn Franklin A. Hart Ray A. Robinson The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera John P. Jarabak Field Harris Gerald C. Thomas Montgomery, D. D., offered the follow­ Herman K. Rendtorff William J. Wallace Henry D. Linscott ing prayer: Robert D. Wyckoff Oliver P. Smith Dudley S. Brown Almighty God, our Father, we bring Officers of the line Robert Blake Robert H. Pepper our sins and our virtues into Thy re­ To Be Lieutenant Commanders William A. Worton William P. T. Hill William T. Clement Andrew E. Creesy vealing light and pray Thee to skill us John L. Hutchinson Ogle W. Price, Jr. Louis R. Jones Leonard E. Rea in those purposes which make for a world Walter F. V. Bennett William E. Hoppe John T. Walker Merritt B. Curtis of love, of contentment and peace. Be James F. Wheeler Robert M. Ross Francis A. Lewis William J. Hagerty The following-named officers for appoint­ not far away, but continue to create Frederick W. Zigler Harry S. Warren ment in the United States Marine Corps in within us the ·finest conceptions of duty Willard H. Davidson James H. Mahoney, the ranks hereinafter stated; in accordance and responsibility. Grant unto us the Robert H. Lemmon Jr. with the provisions of Public Law 347, Sev­ understanding that the law of goodness Christopher J. Kerst- Frank M. Romanick enty-ninth Congress: is mightier than the rule of intellect. ing Charles W. Sellars, Jr. To be lieutenant colonel Help us to endeavor uprightly to give to Vincent M. Dickerson Richard 0. Devine Spencer S. Berger our thoughts a logic that is made supe­ William F. Barry William Schubert To be majors rior by our integrity and personal char­ Robert G. Black Richard B. McNees acters. In these most urgent hours, let J. Thomas Godfrey Bernard M. Sorem James B. Maguire, Jr. Olin L. Hipp Paul A. Newlove John H. Papurca us show forth a zeal to create a new Franklin V. Bernhard James R. Wilson Spencer H. Pratt and better order for stricken humanity. Benjamin R. Egge- Harold S. Lewis To be captains 0 by the sacrament of human sympathy man, Jr. Robert H. Boyle Junius M. Lowder, Jr. lead us on and on, ever in harmony with Officers of the Supply Corps George J. Brookes, Jr. Richard L. Nickerson Thy holy will. In the name of Christ To Be Lieutenant Commanders James H. Crutchfield Gerald D. Schmidt we pray. Amen. Stanley S. Hughes John K. Walker Johnie L. DeLany The Journal of the proceedings of Fri­ Harry L. Miller Stuart H. Smith To be first lieutenants day, December 5, 1947, was r.ead and Officer of the Civil Engineer Corps Van Daley Bell, Jr. Herbert c·. Reed approved. William M. Derby, Jr. Albert H. Risner To Be Lieutenant Commander Neil Dimond Paul W. Seabaugh CALENDAR WEDNESDAY Joseph R. Braheney William G. Graeber, Ray W. Settle Mr. HALLECK. Jy.lr. Speaker, I ask Officer of the Dental Corps J r. Henry K. Shaw Joseph N. Irick G<:lrdon N. Smith unanimous consent that business in order To Be Lieutenant Commander Edward E. Kaufer Lyle S. Stephenson on Calendar Wednesday of this week may John C. Roble Richard H. Kern James B. Talley be dispensed with. IN THE NAVY Francis R. Kraince Elwood C. Veregge The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Billie E. Laos James F. Williams the request of the gentleman from In­ APPOINTMENTS IN THE NAVY Doane W. McElravy Robert P. Wray The nominations of Charles R. Burke and diana [Mr. HALLECK].? 567 other officers for appointment in the To be second lieutenants There was no objection. John C. Alexander Jack R. Kearney United States Navy, which were confirmed EXTENSION OF REMARKS today, appear in full in the Senate proceed­ J ames C. Alison Charles F. King, Jr. ings Of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD for Novem­ John R. Barnard William R. Lipscomb Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin asked and ber 24, 1947, under the caption "Nomina­ James C. Barr Frederick C. McLaugh- was granted, permission to extend his tions," beginning on page 10765 with the Donald M. Blomgren lin Charles M. Darracott Richard R. Miller remarks in the RECORD in three instances name of Charles R. Burke, and ending on and include extraneous matter. page 10767 with the name of Walter P. LeRoy M. Duffy Kenny c. Palmer Woznick. Robert M. H. DuPuy Bertram H. Pryor Mr. ARNOLD asked and was granted The nominations of Richard C. Jacobi and James D. Feltman Kenneth R. Snyder permission to extend his remarks in the 376 others for appoint ment in the Navy, Leo Gumienny William E. Sweeney RECORD in two iP..stances, in one to in­ which were confirmed today, appear in full Jack R. Hansen Roma T. Taylor, Jr. clude an article from the United States in the Senate proceedings of the CoNGRES­ William A. Harris Jay J. Thomas, Jr. Neil E. Heffernan William L. Tipton, Jr. News and in the• other an article from SIONAL RECORD for November 24, 1947, under Nation's Business. the caption "Nominations," beginning on · Sidney H. Hilliard, Jr. Robert A. Underwood page 10764 with the name of Richard C. Thomas J. Holt James G. Webster Mr. ROBERTSON asked and was Jacobi, and ending on page 10765 with the To . be commiSsioned warrant officers granted permission to extend his re­ name of Mae E. Young. Robert L. Dickey Charles R. Jackson marks in the RECORD and include a state­ The nominations of the following-named Cecll M. Dietz Douglas K. Morton ment by Mr: Donald R. Richberg in the (civilian college graduates) to be ensigns in Frank E. Herbert August Olaguez New York Times of Sunday. the Supply Corps of the Navy were con­ Charles A. Holmes John D. Rogers Mr. DEVITT asked and was granted firmed today: To be a first lieutenant in the Regular Marine permission to extend his remarks-in the Joseph R. Bow John L. Perschy Corps Appendix of the RECORD in three in­ Donald L. B. Combs George R. Pippi~ Joel L. Neuman stances, in one to include an article from Edward L. Jennings, Rob€1't G. Pistner the St. Paul Pioneer Press, in another a Jr. Jacl\:son LeR. Schultz To be second lieutenants in the Marine Corps column from the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Everett E. Karraker Wayne S. Upton John H. Affleck David A. Lowe and in the third an ·address delivered by Howard "K" Parker Michael M. Ameen, Jr.Karl D. Morrison The following-named (civilian college . John A. Buck Robert L. Nelson the President of the Philippines, His graduates) to be ensigns in the Civil En­ Esten C. Carper, Jr. Jack J. Petska Excellency Manuel Roxas. gineer Corps of the Navy: Michael F. Castro Jerome N. Pieti Mr. FARRINGTON asked and was Robertson W. Buck Donald A. Chiappettl Robert C. Sebilian given permission to extend his remarks Lawrence M. White William J. Davis Carl H. Strandberg in the RECORD in two instances, in one Frank Y. Dill Donald B. Thomas IN THE MARINE CORPS to include an article from the Reader's Donald L. Evans, Jr. Paul R. Uft'elman Digest and in the other a statement APPOINTMENT TO PERM~NENT GRADE IN THE" ~hilip Hanna, Jr. Richmond Vanden MAlliNE CORPS Melvin G. Hector Heuvel from the Legislative Reference Service To be major generals Kenneth W. Henry Robert E. Walton of the Library of Congress. · Edward G. Jernigan Justin H. Wenger Harry Schmidt Ralph J. Mitchell Mr. KEATING asked and was given Keller E. Rockey Pedro A. del Valle To be second lieutenants permission to extend his remarks in the Allen H. Turnage Thomas E. Watson Michael M. Spark Appendix of the RECORD regarding a joint Samuel L. Howard LeRoy. P. H\lnt ~Chard M. Bickford resolution he is introducing today. 1947 CONGREHSIO·NAL RECORD-· HOUSE 11147 Mr. TOLLEFSON asked and was given $2,000 because it seems probable that their long ·fight for removal of discriminatory permission . to extend .· his remarks in the additional foreign-aid bill is going Federal and State taxes and hampering regu- "th t ff t• · · lations. The Federal tax of 10 cents a pound the Appendix of the RECORD and include t 0 pass Wl OU . any e ec lVe prOVISIOn on colored margarine has heretofore been one a letter. to check its inflationary effects. · of the chief targets of attack. But now that Mr. SMITH of Ohio · asked and was · I am introducing this bill to express millions of housewives have discovered how given permission to extend his remarks my conviction that there must be an easy it is to introduce coloring matter into in the Appendix of the RECORD and in­ easing of the cost of living. This is one uncolored margarine we doubt whether this clude a letter. way to help. One ought not to be taxe<i particular tax is very much of a deterrent to Mr. BRADLEY asked and was given just to ·live. It costs more than $500 for an expansion of margarine sales. Much more permission to extend his remarks in the the average person just to live today. obstn,Ictive are the Federal and state li- Everyone pays some unseen taxes ~~ censes, fees, and other restrictions that have RECORD and include two resolutions.
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