(No Model.) - ' 2' Sheath-Sheet 2_. R. NADBNIGZEK. ' ' ROTARY ENGINE. ' No. 518,327. _ Patented Apr. 174, 1894. \ WITNESSES.‘ 7g INVENTOH‘ ,w i’ “ - BY% 5, a. Jwtt. ‘ I A TTOHNE Y5 UNITED- ‘STATES PATENT ' ' RUDOLE NADENICZEK, OF BUDA-PESTH, AUSTRIA-HUNGARY.’ ROTARY ENGINE.‘ SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 518,327, dated April 17, 1894. Application ?ledllovemher 10,1893. Serial No. 490,560. (No more.) To all whom it may concernf cylinders, sickle-shaped in cross-section, is in 50 Be it known that I, RUDOLF NADENIOZEK, closed at the sides by the two lids c c, which clerk in an office at No. 69 Praterstrasse, Buda form "the flanges of two further cylinders c’ Pesth, Austria-Hungary, and a subjectof the c’, Fig. 2. Into these cylinders c’ the ends d Emperor of Austria-Hungary, have invented d of ‘the inner cylinder B protrude, and lie certain new and useful Improvements in R0‘ with theirvouter surfaces against theinner 55 tary Engines, of which the following is a speci surfaces of said cylinders. The cylinder ends ?cation. '. - d 01 pass through the cylinders o' o’ and, di- .' This invention relates to that class of ro ’minished in cross-section, are laid in bear IO tary engines, in which a piston plate is made ings d2. , - to rotate within a cylinder. This plate is ' v The driving shaft 6 of the machine lies in v6 0 either driven round bysteam admitted to the the longitudinal axis of the‘larger cylinderA cylinder, transmitting its motion to another and passes through the inner cylinder B. It driving medium, for instance, a shaft; or in is laid‘ in bearings in a suitable manner out versely, the plate is driven round‘ from- a driv side the cylinders and carries the piston-plate ing shaft, 850., and used as a suction pump for fattached to it by means of a coupling ve’, air or water. In each case the piston plate said plate passing through a slit in cylinder must have a suitable guide in the interior of B into the working space and ?lling up the the cylinder, and further the inlet and outlet ‘whole breadth of the same from one lid 0 to 20 ports of the cylinder must be open ed'and shut the other, being made to ?t steam or water in a suitable manner. For these two motions, tight against the same. I employa single device, namely, a second The machine as above described, can be cylinder in the interior of the outer cylinder used in combination with another of a simi containing the piston-plate. ' lar nature, the two plates f being set at an' 25 In‘ order to make this invention more fully angle of one hundred and eighty degrees to intelligible, reference is had to the accompa each other and arranged on one shaft e. -75 nying drawings,in' which like letters are used The engine Works as follows: The piston, f to denote like parts throughout the several of each working-chamber takes up its ?rst ?gures. position I, when it is slightly in ‘front of the Figure l is a cross-section of the engine em port a, through which steam enters, Fig. 3. ployed as a steam engine. Fig. 2 is a longi The steam presses the piston round and when tudinal section of the same.v Fig.3 is a cross at full steam, it is in position II. During this section showing the position of. the piston period of motion, an excision g on the sur plate by entrance and by expansion of steam. face of the cylinder B, which otherwise closes 35 Fig. 4 is a cross-section of the engine ar the ports a, passes over the said port, and'per ranged as a suction-pump; Fig. 5 is a cross mite the entrance of steam behind the piston 85 seotionthrough cylinders o’ and Figs. 6, 7 and plate f. Excision g is divided up by one or 8 are enlarged details. " I more bridge-pieces g’, so that the steam can The new rotary enginevwhich can be em-_ not pass over direct from inlet porta to out ployed as a steam engine with expansion of let port 12; the excision 9 being longer than I steam, or asa suction pump, is provided with the breadth of the cylinder surface between the little cylinder B so seated in the outer a and b. When the piston has taken its po cylinder A that it rests on the same between sition II, excision g of cylinderB has left the the inlet and outlet ports a and b, and in the port a, which latter is now closed by cylinder 45 case where the machine is employed as a B. The expansion of the steam nowcom~ steam engine, the cylinder B covers the inlet mences, which brings the piston from position 95 port a and consequently bears eccentrically .11 into position III. From this point the in the interiorof the larger cylinderA, Fig. one piston is taken again into position I by 3. The working space A between the two the other piston on the common shaft e, and 518,327 which is now under steam pressure. The sickle-shaped space at between 0’ and d push steam passes out at port 12. ing the rod- piston r with the cylinder d In order that the machine can act as a suc round, the steam being admitted through pipe tion pump, both the inlet and outlet ports a p which at one end opens into the inlet port and b are arranged near the place where the (1, passes through the mantle of the cylinder 70 cylinder B rests part of its surface on the in 0' and at the other end opens out into the ner surface of cylinder A, Fig. It. The inlet space between 0’ and (Z, Fig. 5. The live port therefore, in this instance, also remains steam entering the space in acts in conjunc~ uncovered. Excision g on the surface of cyl tion with the steam admitted through the 10 inder B is here unnecessary. For the re tubes m to equalize the pressure and prevent 75 mainder, the arrangement of the machine as friction in the bearings, the tubes m being a suction-pump is essentially the same as supplemental means so as to connect said when acting as a steam motor. The shaft 6 spaces directly with the steam chamber A’. is however rotated by some external driving i If the machine is acting as a suction-pump, p0wer,the medium to be pumped being sucked then the medium is "sucked into the space it in through port a behind the piston plate f behind the piston '1', while the cylinder at wlth into the ‘working chamber A’, and pressed the rod-piston r is rotated from the exterior» out at‘b in front of the plate. As the piston The steam, &c., passes. out again through‘a plate,‘ which ‘passes through the walls of the tube g, which opens into the outlet port b. 20 inner cylinder, does not rotate round the axis In a similar manner as the inlet and outlet 85 of rotation‘ of the same, but round the axis of ports a and b of the working chamber A’ are rotation of the larger cylinder A, it will, in separated by the part of the surface of. the oyl? rotating,‘ continually alter its position in the inder B resting on cylinder A, the inletand slit of ‘cylinder B. For this purpose, the slit outlet ports of each space it are separated by 25 in cylinder B is provided with loosely mount the parts of the cylinder 61 d of cylinder B rest 9O edbearin gs h, through which the piston-plate ing on the inner surfaces of the cylinders c’ c’. passes. The bearings turn corresponding to The contact surfaces of the parts (1 (1 lie in a the positions of the piston-plate in the slit. contrary sense to those of the cylinder B. In order that the cylinder B ?ts well against Further when two machines are connected to the lids c circular grooves are made in said work together, the pistons r r of the one ma 95 lids" opposite the outer edge of cylinder B, in chine can be placed at an angle of one hun which grooves steel rings 2' are placed, press~ dred and eighty degrees to the pistons of the ing against cylinder B under the in?uence of other, similarly to the piston-plates f, so that helical springs 76, Fig. 2. Similarly, between the one pair is assisted over from the outlet 35 cylinders‘ d‘ and 0' steel rings 1 are placed, opening of tube q to theinlet opening of tube I00 Fig.‘ 2. 19, by the other pair, when these latter are In order that the inner cylinder B should under steam pressure. Piston r is composed, not bear too heavily on the bearings d2 inclos as can be seen from Fig. .6 of the three parts ing its ends d’, and also on the lower inner 1"’ r2 W, of which the two combined parts WW, I surface‘of‘cylinder A, from the great pressure hold the part r3 ?rmly in a mold. This latter 105 of steam in the Working-chamber A’, steam part lies with its exterior surface tight against tubes m are arranged in the inner cylinder, the inner walls of the cylinder 0' and can which‘ connect the working-chamber A’ with turn slightly in its mold.
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