''Evaluation of vari10·US agric.ulture programmes undertaken by Kudumbashree in Thiruvananthapu1 ram district'' .· PR01JECT REPORT Submitted to, Jawa ar :al Nehru :Kris. i1 Vis wa Vidyalaya Jabalp.ur In partia fu.ttUm·ent of the requ·rem,ents for the degree of 1 1 MASTER OF BUSl'NESS ADMI I ISTRATION B D1e , arb11e . o,f Agricul ra Economics. & Farm1 anagement awa . 1arlal ·e Kris hi Vishwa V' drya aya abalpur Co lege of .Ag1 ·cu1, r I re Jab,a pur . IP' 2.1 1' 5 CERTIFICATE - I This is to certify that the project entitled "Evaluation of various agriculture programmes undertaken by Kudumbashree 1n Thiruvananthapuram district" submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Business Administration in Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur is a record of the bonafide research work carried out by Mr.Sagar S.S. Under my guidance and supervision. The student's Advisory Committee and the Director of Instruction have approved the subject of the project. No part of this project has been submitted for any other degree or diploma (Certificate awarded etc.) or has been published I published part has been fully acknowledged. He has acknowledged all the assistance and help received during the course of the investigation. Date: )1·5 · 2 oJ.£; of?~' Place: Jabalpur (Dr.~ Chairman PROJECT REPORT APPROVED BY THE STUDENTS'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE Committee Name Signature (7-erv-1 Chairman (Dr. D.N. Tiwari ) ~-·· · ·· Member (Dr. R. M. Sahu ) Member (Dr. A. K. Rai ) CERTIFICATE II This is to certify that the project report entitled "Evaluation of various agriculture programmes undertaken by Kudumbashree in Thiruvananthapuram district" submitted by Mr. Sagar S.S. to the Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree Master of Business Administration in Agriculture in the department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur has been after evaluation, approved by the External Examiner and by the Student's Advisory Committee after an oral examination on the same. Date : J ~ · 7 . "2. o 1 S crf,~ Pace: Jabalpur (D~ Chairman MEMBERS OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Committee Name Signature Chairman (Dr. D.N.Tiwari) Member (Dr. R. M. Sahu ) Member (Dr. A. K. Rai ) Head of the Department (Dr. N.K. Raghuwanshi) Director of Instruction (Dr. G.S. Rajput) J. N. KrisN «~ Y1dy aJaya JatMipul Clll·) ~, Kudumbashree ~'~... ./ State Poverty Eradication Mission <f: ~ Local Self GOVL Department. Go'il of Kerala ~-. ....¢'~ To ,.·bom so e,·er it ma,· coDcern This is to certify that Mr. Sagar S.S. final year student of the Post Graduate Programme in MBA (Agri. Business Management) from Ja'\\'Bharlal ~ehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya(JJ\T)(VV). Jabalpur. Madhya Pradesh. As pan of the course from 19.01.2015 to 19.03.2015. he has undertaken a project in K ud urn bashree mission titled: Evaluation of various a.gricu lture programme undertaken by K udum bashree in Th]ruvananthapuram district of Kerala-. 'While doing his project he has sho\\n k.een interest and grasped the practica.l aspect of the agri business mari.:eting We wish him a.IJ success in his future endea"ors r' ~er;Jr~r For Kudumbashree mission ~· f<.....h.~ t..... ~J..~ fJl:~L.; ~ P~;..5~ ~t.~ ~o-.r~ C(J'.,u~~ ~l=.<-~ #"01 s._~""....n Trid3 S!iilcings Mei:!iull Coilt"ge P.O... Thin:va~l'lthap.ura~ ttTl Tet 04'7i-:554Th.. ~715 (0) ~: ~:n-::554n7 rmait mb@tll:J-'rn~-n~ . O"'i: --~ Declaration and Undertaking by the Candidate I, Sagar 5.5, S/o Mr.B. Surothaman certify the work embodied in project report entitled "Evaluation of various agriculture programmes undertaken by Kudumbashree in Thiruvananthapuram district" is my own first hand bonafide work carried out by me under the guidance of Dr. D.N.Tiwari , at Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, College of Agriculture during session 2013-2015. The matter embodied in the thesis has not been submitted for the award of any other degree/ diploma. Due credit has made to all the assistance and help. I undertake the complete responsibility that any act of misinterpretation, mistakes, and errors of fact are entirely of my own. I, also abide myself with the decision taken by my advisor for the publication of material extracted from the report and subsequent improvement, on mutually beneficial basis, provided the due credit is given, thereof. Date: o2=7- OS"- 20lS"" ~ Place: Jabalpur SAGAR S. S. Copyright© Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 2015 Copyright Transfer Certificate Title of the Project :"Evaluation of various agriculture programmes undertake by Kudumbashree in Thiruvananthapuram district". Name of the candidate :Sagar S.S. Subject : M.B.A. (.A.gri Business Management) Department :Agricultural Economics & FarmManagement College : College of Agriculture Year of project Submission: 2015 Copyright Transfer The undersigned Sagar S.S. assigns to the Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, all rights under Copyright Act, that may exists in and for the report entitled "Evaluation of various agriculture programmes undertaken by Kudumbashree in Thiruvananthapuram district" submitted for the award of MBA (Agri Business Management) degree. Date:27 · _5- 20 JS: Place: Jabalpur • ~ Dr~ Sagar 5.5 Major Advisor (Student) Acknowledgement It is indeed a great pleasure in getting this privilege to express my indebtedness and deepest sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to my guide Dr. D. N.Tiwari, Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management. College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V. Jabalpur for the talented and inspiring guidance, constructive criticism. constant encouragement and generous support throughout the course and specially during my project. I have intense desire to express my wholehearted sense of gratitude to venerable member of my advisory committee namely Dr. R. M. Sahu, Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management and Dr. A. K. Rai, Associate Professor, Directorate of Instrumentation, JNKW Jabalpur for their valuable guidance and fruitful suggestions during the course of study and project work. I feel short of words in expressing my sincere and profound gratitude to Dr. N. K. Raghuwanshi, Professor and Head , Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur for his keen interest in watching the progress of my work,constructive criticism and giving useful suggestions from time to time throughout the project work. I express my sincere thanks else, I would be failing in my duty, if I forget to express my due obligations to, Dr. A.K.Sarawgi, Dr. R.M.Sahu, Dr. P.K.Awasthi, Dr. H.O.Sharma, Dr. Deepak Rathi, Dr.K.G. Choubey, Dr.A.M.Mishra, Shri. N.P.Sharma, and all the professors of Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management for their constant encouragement and suggestions at various stages during the course of this study. render my sincere thanks to Dr. V.S.Tomar, Honorable Vice- Chanceller, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur for providing all necessary facilities during the course of my study at Jabalpur. I also thank to Dr.S.K. Rao Dean, faculty of agriculture and also thank to Dr. G.S Rajput. Directorate of Instruction, for providing all the necessary facilities during the study at J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur. I also thank to Dr. (Smt.) Om Gupta, Dean College of Agriculture, Jabalpur for providing all the necessary facilities during the study at J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur. I extend my sincere thanks to Mrs. Valsala Kumari (Executive Director,Kudumbashree), Mr. Rahul (Project Officer), Mr. Pradeep (Programme coordinator),Anandhu(block coordinator) and all staff of Kudumbashree for their support in completion of this project. My heartfully thanks to my all batch mates especially to Mani, Bhaskar, Dhinesh, Gagan, Lakhan,Amrita and my juniors Abhishek, Appu, and Nithin for their precious help and for enduring the extended period of total immersion that often required to get the job done. Last but not the least, I have my deepest sense of affection to my parents Mr.B.Surothaman, Mrs. K.Saraswathy who inspired me to achieve this uphill task by their blessings and love. I am also thankful to Mr. Sanjay graphics for the neat and timely completion of this computerized Work. Date: :2/· S · '2 0 l > Place: Jabalpur List of Contents Chapter Title Page 1 Introduction 1-4 2 Profile of the Organization 5-19 3 Profile of Study Area 20-27 4 Research Methodology 28-29 5 Results and Discussion 30-44 6 Summary, Conclusions and recommendation 45-48 7 Annexure I and II Vitae LIST OF TABLES Sl. Title Pag' No. No. 2.1 Some special micro enterprises are listed below 18 3.1 Borders of Thiruvananthapuram district 22 3.2 Geographic coordinates of Thiruvananthapuram district 23 [ 3.3 Land use pattern of Thiruvananthapuram district 24 3.4 Area and production of major agriculture crops in 25 Thiruvananthapuram district 3.5 Brief Facts about Thiruvananthapuram district 26 : Monthly Agricultural income of the farmers 30 5.1 5.2 Crop insurance by the farmers 31 I I 5.3 depicts the agricultural situation of the farmers 31 5.4 Cropping pattern of the farmers 33 - 5.5 Details of Subsidies/ Grants from development departments 34 I ! ! 5.6 Current market dealers for farmers 34 5.7 JLG Formation and facilitation : 37 5.8 Agriculture Area target achieved 37 5.9 Training programmes organized/conducted 38 5.10 Field visit undertaken during the year 39 5.11 Mechanization of Farmers Fecilitization Centre (FFC 39 5.12 : Paticipation/attendance 40 5.13 Adoption of innovative agriculture techniques/programmes 41 , undertaken during the year and Mure plan LIST OF FIGURES Sl.
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