. • >"" • » I ' " »->..4^. - -V'l" • Jr' —s*' vKJS =^gV-' fOP SECRET MWM. KSOUOMK*» SURRT „1XEP — XTiLI Ftylac fraa Mab—, GOMS*1 Itaihawar anrivad in Bwa an Id Jannatr and MU tM 3M«r eonfaraneas with tba Italian Ktniatair «ni tba QUafk aff Staff. Dwrioc M* ba MI «IM raealTad Ir PrMitet KUBawU. In tba first MStlng ULd at tba Palaaaa Vlninala, Qananl ElnnhaMt Mt tb« •inistsrlal groap.1 1 Praatat vara Ganaral Gruaathor, Prina XlnUtar Ba Oaapori, Conot Sfbraa, Dafanaa Klnlatar Pacdardl, Traanur Mlniatar Pall*, Mr. Canal«, XA. Calaaal Walton. Pfina KinUtar Sa Gaspari apanai tha naating by thaaJdng Gnaral EUsntMMr for taking up tba baatvy burdan of IaaAarahlp and Mld that tharo no aat «gante for tba naating, which was thought of as s dlaouaaiaa *f policy. Ba than osllad on Coaot Sfor**, wt» strsssad Ganarel XLMnhomrtS •eraatian of atnoaphara" or oUait* of seca^Jiahiant« Ha said ba waa «agar to bara Gaoarsl Elsanhowar go bade to tba QtadLted Stataa with tho lnprasalca that an IMIIIIII najorlty of tha Italian paapl* sill follow tho gommant. Ha IlMt ha iiasH aaaur^Qanaral BUemhowar that, «van without daflaito of aid, ItsliSM would folly naot all tbalr aogagMsnts, tat that tha rlaa of Italian lafeatxy would allaviat« uMaplojaent and lnoraaaa Italy's capability to prodwo both for barsalf and har aillas. Ganoral SUanbowar saiA that his pnrpoM in oaning to luopa bad wall ondsrstood, that his first task on roturning to tha Dnltad Statas wwtlit ba to nako tho AMirloan paopl« milt* that tba sslmtlM of tba £m world Has in Ita unity, aad to demonstrate that tba fra* world cannot bo aarad by ignoring hangar and adsaxy in sano part of It. Ha urgad ths Italians to tabs up tbalr MM with tho Coonoil DqpwUaa and aaid ba NMU point ont DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ta tba Chaixnan, Kr. Spafford^that apaady ootloa would banoflt ofoiysM in HMD> Qaoaral Klsanbcwwr said that MS «f Ids strong wlabas WM to bo abl« to tall tba V. 3* CangTMs that Ioropa Mdscvtood tba nrgMsj of tba altsatloa and / TOP SECRET ma to tatt^tbM that «Mh IUO ooontiy wi randy to oontribote Ita rasowrcas and Its spirit to tba task. Tlw Iilalator of tba fraasac^Ssnor P alla, rariawad tba tedgat far VMIMMUt and dafanaa. In addition to theregular M|ft for dafsase af billlao Ura ( M-), Italr b«d ondnrtakM * ratrag»wit prograa af 250 UllloB Ura («00 allHcn dalla»), waking » total budget for Aafaua far twelve Mthar 575 MJJLloa lira (950 KllUvn dollars). TbU warn anoontad to 8% af tha Italian national laeons, and 3Sjt af Italian ezpMHlitwrM. Sasar Palla painted oat that th» annual Individual IAOOM waafcBO.OO a year «260.00 bsfor* taxas) and asked that Uila fact be leapt In nind vfatn Italy'» contribution waa oaaparad with that af other antlapa. tha Itallana, Sanor Palln said, fait Iwtt fa™**"*- tba noral ecapnlnion to (MkH^iilthwt waiting for 0. 3. help, knowing tbat tUa help wwld osas.2 2 fhac «xpeodtfctu»rif 400 nLliion dollaïs tn «Aiitlon to the regalnr dafanaa tadgafc represented an lnoreaaa of apprcacinately SOjf In fand* available to tbe Italian ariwd forces. Alang idUi tola mnMWt prograa tha Italians will go abaad with their civil lnreatnanta, both far IndnatrUl raaaona and baoMaa they feel that Cnnmriian will ba defeated If thay dafaat unoaploynent» Furthermore, tba Italian «awwawit haa aaked tba ParllMant for fall power« in tha aooncnic field, a pelltioal net af first IaportMM and * prelude to aany things Mdt M restrict!*« of consunptlon, farther taxas, and tba nobillsation of all class aa to support this effort in the civil and nilltaiy field. Defense KlaUtar Paoolardi than aasurad Gaciaral EUMtwmr tbat tba will to defend existed In Italy. Hs pointed out tbat Italy tas a «oTsrvMnt nads af «f MH ready and willing to Ogbt CaaMmiM. Bayoad tba dafanaa budget, DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE there war* otbar expenditures, abargad to tha Dspartnirt of tba Interior «ad to tha SmaHamt of Indnatoyj which were In affect oontpilatie&a tonacda national security, such M civil dafenaar.preparetieos and stockpiling. Ba fait tbat tba a TprI ^^inrfc iTAix I Ur" OLUi il r Mfetrth «f UM rfâllan UM< FORE— WM MMthSac "little sheet of : Flmaart Italy, though mw twaty UMTTATLONS,2 WM ready to sLvs Qsnsrsl 3 the nllltsty IiMtstlMis wm declared BMHMlstsnt ths Itsllsn Goraranaat at tbs «ad of 1951, after tba Unttad SUtM, Graaft Britain, and Franse, and a nwfeor of other countrlee agreed « 21 DseMbsr 1951 ta ItSjy1S nota of 6 DsoanlMir 1951 to all algnatorlee salting for ollntnstlcn of tba artidaa which restricted ItalytS right Md capacity to provide for har own dofOMO. (SM 0. 3. Dspsrtnant of Ststo InfonsUtm Ueno. 114* 9 Fobrasxy 1952.) d&visiMS MW and five IF Jsm 30 M a : TtMra vara «any sbortagee, Ssnor Fseolsrdi »aid, tat not In good will or tha will to rebuild ths aned foroM fron ths ground up to fulfill tbalr nissloa. Seaor Fseeiaxdl than reviewed tho official figuras an military aid to Ioropo and to Italy, which, ho said, would canse dlacourfigMMxt to offloors of tha Ixnad Forces. 478,000 tones of »AP aid bad been delivered to Europe, of wbicb Italy get 17,670. 1600 tanks, of which Italy got 79. 750 pieces of heavy artillery, of which Italy got 87. 6000 Tehielas, of which Itsly got 13* 400 slreratt, of which Italy got 159. 50 ships, of which Itsly got 3* THOM dellTarlea to Italy, Sanor Faoolsrdi said, wore not In proportion to the ItallM good/will, Imt ba WM .sura that Qanaral SUsnhowar would realise tM tXM Talno of the XtaliM Ai^. General SUanbowar said ha bad not heard of these figures sad weald take the Mttor up. Ganaral Elsenhower thm discussed the strength of Madltorranaan MMtrlas nlileh adght bo opposed to tbs U.S.S.R: Tkrtay, Qreaoe, Tugoslavla, Italy, and Spsln — ooontrUs which frcn a MUitary point of view could have DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE great inflMWfio In the HsdltsrrsaeM whore a gnat* naval and sir force oould bo Mdo available speedily to assist than In oase of aggreaalcn. Qsnaxal Klsenhower then Impaired if friendly dlptaantto- oalatlana botwaM Fnga 3 of IMgM TOP SECRET Copy JL. ot 3 copiée ^ " '-TW® # TOP SECRET # it mr* possible for tho Italians to think in favorable taras about Iugoalarla in ordsr that they might be helped In protecting their southern flank. Such help ba recognised, could not ba given If there ware great political influences at M>riE against it.^ 4 Sinca the Meting Great Britain, Prance, and tha United Stataa have gi.v«n sons economic and nlUtaiy aid to TugosIavia. United States Aid since 1950 is described in the Foorth Seai-Annual Beport to Oongraas on tha WH+JI^I Pafansa Ayalstanoo Prograa. pp. 65-66. Priae Minister do Gasperi asked Count Sforsa to reply. Xn an eloquent speech Count Sforza reviewed Italy's relation with Greece and Torkay and w^h, W* > Yugoslavia. Toward Jugoslavia, all Italians were In basic agreement in their A bitter memories of Yugoslav occupation, in their disapproval of collectivization, and in religious repression vhich run counter to the tradition of tha Chrlatlan democratic people who lived there. A few days before, be pointed out, tba Italians bad signed economic treaties solving all problems left over fron the war, including reparations with the Yugoslavs. The Yugoslavs, he said, had told hin that they understood the need for an agreement but that the spirits wer« not yet ripe. In a orne concluding remarks Count Sforsa acknowledged the noral and econcacLc help of the United States. In his final coansnts he made a plea for an elinin&tion of red tape in the Council Deputies. General Eisenhower thanked the group for the frank discussion, and said that, although he was not acting in a political field, he would in the service of the twelve nations urge the reduction of unnecessary Council Machinery. On the sane day at the Ministry of National Defense in Eoae, General Eiaenhowwr net tba Defense Minister Signor Pacciardi, Oeneral Marras, Chief DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE of Staff, Kational Defense, and the Chiefs of Staff of ths Italian Araed Forces.5 TOP SECRET - • TOPSECREf 5 Pracub wart; Dsfsnss Htnister Psccisrdij Chief of Stoff, ltationsl Dsfanss, General Marraa ; Chief of Staff of tha Army, Ganaral Cappa ; Chief of Stsff of tha Air Force, Ganoral Arnona-Cat ; Chief of Staff of the Havyj Adnlral Farrorii General Eisenhower, Gonsral Gruanther, Lt. Colonel Walters* Staff Offlcors and Seerotarlat of the Hinlstry of National Defense* After welcoming General Elsenhower, Slgnor Paoclardl asked General Eisen- hower for his proposal for tha conversations. Ganaral SLsaohower replied that ha would like to have a general statement on capabilities, syst am of conscription, and a broad outline of their plans. General Harras theo reviewed the luportance of Italy in the defense of the Vest. Tbe possession of the Italian peninsula and the Alps would give solid support to a general defense of the West and would provide an excellent base for counter offensive operations. The possession of the Italian Peninsula and Islands would give freedom of maneuver in the Hedlterranean. On the land front, such defense would not require eoccsssivsly lsrgo forces. The border runs largely through the Alplno areas and ths plain area is only 60 kilometers wide as compared to the overall frontier line of sons 500 kiloneters on the North and in the East* A defensiv« stand in the Gsrnan area could only increase the importance of the Italian area.
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