May 19, 1976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 14693 EXTEN,SIONS OF REMARKS INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FEL­ Being a Canadian citizen, I feel incapable upon which this country was founded and LOW'S ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE TO of appropriate expression of the appreciation continues its existence; you must certainly THE TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN I feel for this privilege; and to adequately stand a bit taller, walk a bit prouder. In the state my acknowledgment of this high honor knowledge that you are an American and SOLDIER you have bestowed upon a:ne. I trust that America Is you. Surely, as you came to this such words as I have to oft'er wlll be a fitting place to participate in this tribute; you, each HON. HUBERT H. HUMPHREY tribute to the Unknown Soldier, and to all o! you, must have sensed an awakening~ a those who share this reverent and respected new awareness, of your duties and responsi­ OF MINNESOTA resting place. bilities to maintain these Ideals at their high­ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES I am aware that there are those resting est level. here of my own country, who fought and Wednesday, May 19, 1976 To do less would be to break faith with died in the cause of Freedom alongside your those whom we honor this day. To do less Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, on fathers, sons and daughters, and because of is to commit a grave injustice to the heritage Sunday, May 2, 1976, some 3,500 mem­ them I can sense that feeling of belonging, of this nation. To do less 1s to deny the o! kinship, with those of your nation who duties and allegiances you owe to yourself, bers of the Independent Order of Odd rest here. Because of them, I can envision Fellows, held their 43d annual pilgrim­ your family, your fellow citize.ns, and to the that greater and deeper feeling you must ex­ world of Man. In expressing this tribute to age to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. perience in this place. To define such a feel­ the unknown soldier, may I offer the words of The purpose of this pilgrimage is not ing, one must possess more eloquence than I, Ralph Waldo Emerson: only to honor the Unknown Soldier and to convey the awe, the loss and desolation, Not Gold, but only man can make the Nation's war dead, but also the mem­ the wonderment at it all, and surely, most A people great and strong; bers of the Independent Order of Odd surely, that solemn pride of which Lincoln wrote in his letter to a grieving mother who Men who, for truth and honor's sake Fellows who made the supreme sacrifice had lost five sons in battle, when he said: Stand fast and suffer long. for our country. "The solemn pride that must be yours to Brave men who work while others sleep, This annual pilgrimage of members of have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar Who dare while others fly the order from all over the United States of Freedom." They build a nation's pillars deep is marked by distinctive fraternal and Yes, my brothers, sisters, and friends, truly And lift them to the sky. patriotic features. yours must be a solemn pride as you look Let this then, be our tribute to the "Un­ The ceremony of remembrance of those upon this grim fulfillment of that prophetic known Soldier"; our tribute to the Bicen­ who have given their lives to preserve statement by a former President of this great tennial; our tribute to America. May their nation. But, even more solemn, must be the costly sacrifice become the pillars o! great­ the "American way of life" enshrines the realization of the great responsib111ties that ness that we will 11ft. principles of Odd FellowshiP-friend­ rest upon you, to protect and preserve that "The solemn pride that must be Ours!" ship, love, and truth. freedom; for which these whom we honor Are we worthy of it's cost? Three of the order's most prized jewels today made their sacrifice. Think o! the great in honor of the Unknown Soldier of task that is yours to uphold those ideals o! World War I, World War II, and the this nation in our world and our time. Con­ Korean conflict have been placed in the sider for a moment all that is implied in your obligation to persevere against all foes TRIDUTE TO OTrO KERNER, JB.. trophy room at Arlington Cemetery. in the defence o! Uberty; the pursuit of hap­ FORMER GOVERNOR, STATE OP In this Bicentennial Year, Odd Fellows piness; the right o! free choice of the indi­ ILLINOIS placed 73 wreaths at the Tomb of the vidual, truly an avocation o! monumental Unknown Soldier and a wreath also was proportions. It was for these ideals, that the placed at the Canadian monument in Unknown Soldier laid down his life; for these HON. JOHN G. FARY Arlington Cemetery by the four interna­ ideals that all these hundreds of thousands OF ILLINOIS tional heads of the order: J. Douglas down through the years wllllngly and volun­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tarily made their supreme sacrifice. Certainly Moore of Perth, New Brunswick, Canada, Wednesday, May 19, 1976 sovereign grand master; Mrs. Hazel Lou there can be no greater eloquence than that expressed in the words o! Patrick Henry and Mr. FARY. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Wallace of Shreveport, La., president of Nathan Hale: "Give Me Liberty or Give Me the International Association of Rebekah Death" and "I Regret I Have Only One Life call to the attention of the House there­ Assemblies; General Elmer Teft, General To Give For My Country." Such dedication. cent passing of a great American, Otto Commanding, of Sarnia, Ontario, Can­ such devotion can only be expressed by great Kerner, Jr. of Chicago, a veteran of al­ ada, of the General Military Council, men. But these were ordinary men. men of most 30 years of public life, and a man I Patriarchs Militant; and Lady Emma this land, who chose to die, rather than yield not only saw fit to admire politically, but Wolfert of Buffalo, N.Y., president of the to the oppressive hand of tyranny, the humil­ personally as well. iating yoke of slavery. With such a heritage, I would have it here recorded that Otto International Association of Ladies and tradition rising virtually from the mo­ Auxiliaries, Patriarchs Militant. ment of birth of this great nation, you, it's Kerner was my friend, and that I shall The annual banquet, held in the city contemporary citizens must indeed be proud, always cherish the memory of that of Washington on the evening preceding and rightly so. Think also of the silent elo­ friendship. the pilgrimage features addresses by dis­ quence emanating forth from this view be­ As a member of the Illinois State Leg­ tinguished leaders of the order and fore us. So many, too many, to have been islature in the 1960's, I had the honor of prominent statesmen. sacrificed in the cause of Freedom; and the serving under the executive authority of defence of this Nation's ideals. Certainly Governor Kerner and, in so doing, came Mr. President, I insert at this point their sacrifice was costly, vastly so; but not the pilgrimage address for 1976 by J. more than the duty devolved upon you to to recognize him as a man of the most Douglas Moore, sovereign grand master honor their _sacrifice in defending those enormous abilities. of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. ideals for which they died. Graduating law school in the 1930's, There being no objection, the address In preparation for this occasion, I consid­ he established his own law practice in was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, ered speaking on the virtues and attributes of Chicago which he surrendered to serve the "Unknown Soldier" and what he would the Country in World War II, in the as follows: say to us today, if such were possible. Yet, PILGRIMAGE ADDRESS, 1976, WASHINGTON, I became possessed by the thought that, in 6-year period 1941-1946. Entering the D.C.-ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY this historic year, certainly every American Army as a private, he rose to brigadier Mr. Chairman. Distinguished Guests, Fel­ must !eel a great pride in the accomplish­ general during World War II and was a low Officers, My Brothers and Sisters, Ladies ments of this country . accomplishments member of the prosecution's legal team and Gentlemen: As I stand upon this Hal­ too often bought at terrible cost; the evi­ at Nuremburg. He was highly decorated, lowed ground and gaze out at row after row dence o! which lies all around us. Then, the receiving both the Bronze Star and the of graveposts, each marking the last resting words of Lincoln came back to me with Soldier's Medal. place of an American patriot; I am aware of vivid clarity and profound meaning. My an overpowering sense o! humility that it friends, as you recall and re-enact the rich Upon receiving his discharge from has fallen to me to dellver the address of this hl.story of this great nation; a.s you observe service, Otto Kerner entered politics as a occasion 1n the Bicentennial year o! this and celebrate its bicentennial as you search candidate for State attorney for the great nation. for a self-rededication to the noble ideals Northern District of Dlinois. He was 14694 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 19, 1976 elected, and proceeded over the next 7 section 608 of the Trade Act of 1974 sification of imported materials in these years to distinguish himself in that ca­ directs appropriate agencies to collect product lines-determined by review of pacity.
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