Index This is an index of some of the more important terms from Chapter 6,of the names of Australian Aboriginal languages (or dialects), and of loan words from Australian languages (including some words of uncertain origin and some, like picaninny, wrongly thought of as Aboriginal in origin). Variant spellings are indexed either in their alphabetical place or in parentheses after the most usual spelling. References given in bold rype are to the main discussion of a loan word or language. Aboriginal art, 239-40 Baagandji, xiii, 27-8,58,100, 148, Aboriginal Embassy,244 192,195 Aboriginal Flag,244 baal (bael,bail), 22, 205-6,213, 218 Aboriginal time,236 Bajala,43 Aboriginal way,244 balanda,222 Aboriginaliry,244 bale,see baal acrylic art,240 balga,125 adjigo (adjiko), 33, 118,214 ball art,108 Adnyamathanha, xiii, 14,39-40,56, bama,162,163,214 103,174 bandicoot, 50-1 alcheringa (alchuringa),47, 149 Bandjalang, xiii, 20,25-6, 103,119, alunqua,107,212-13 127, 129,132, 137 Alyawarra,46-7 bandy-bandy, 99 amar,see gnamma hole bangala�27,107, 126,213 amulla,107 bangalow,27,121,213 anangu,162, 163 banji, 164 ancestral beings (and spirits),241 Bardi,xiii, 151,195 Anmatjirra, 46 bardi (grub) (barde, bardee,bardie), apology,246 16,30,101-2 Arabana,xiii, 41,187 bardy,see bardi Aranda,xiii, 46-7, 107, 117, 120, bark canoe,239 149-50,155,169,172-3 bark hut,239 ardo,see nardoo bark painting,240 Arrernte,see Aranda barramundi (barra, barramunda), 90, art,239-40 215 Arunta,see Aranda beal,see belah assimilation,243 bel,see baal Awabakal, xiii, 20, 161, 163, 167,196 belah (belar),126, 132,213 .,. 248 Index bendee (bendi), 126 bommie, bommy, see bombora betcherrygah, betshiregah, see bondi, 175,217 budgerigar bone pointing, 243 berrong, 51, 80 bong, see bung bibbil, see bimble (box) boobialla, 48, 108,213 Bigambil, xiii, 42 boobook, 22, 81-2, 87 biggada, 51, 76 boobyalla, see boobialla bilby (bilbi), 25, 51-2,80 boodgery, see budgeree billabong, 24,131, 189-90, 212 boo die (boody), 15,52,82 billar, see belah boojeri, boojery, see budgeree billibang, billibong, billybong, see boomalli, 200-1 billabong boombora, see bombora bimble (box), 126, 215 boomerang (boomereng, boomering), bindi-eye (bindei, bindeah, bindii, 2,22,30,175-7,212,214,216,239 bindiyi), 127,213,215 boonaree, 127 bingey, see bingy boondie, see bondi bing-eye, see binghi boonery, see boonaree binghi, 163 boong, 17, 164, 170 bingy (bingie, binjie, binjy), 196 boongarry, 45, 52 Biri, xiii, 170 boorah, see bora birrida, 190 boordee, see boodie black police, see native police boorie, 164 black trackers, 236 booyong, 127 black velvet, 164,236 bora (borah), 25,149-50 blindy-eye, see bindi-eye borak (borack, borax), 36, 206, 218 boang, see bung boree (shrub), 128 bobuck, 52 boree, borer, see bora boco, see boko boung, see bung bogey, 22, 200, 213 boylya, 16, 150, '155 bog-eye, see boggi boyung, see booyong boggabri, 108 brigalow (bricklow), 128, 148,213 boggi (bogghi, bogi), 99, 217 brolga, 25, 82, 87,212 bogie, see bogey brumby (brumbee, brumbie), 52-3 bogong (moth), 23, 102 brun, see prun boing, see booyong buckee, see bugeen boko, 163 bucklee, bucklegarroo (initiation rite), bolly gum (bolly wood), 127 150 bolya, see boylya budda, 128 bombora, 190, 217 buddawong, see burrawang bomerang, bommerang, bomring, see buddha, see budda boomerang budgeree (budgeri), 22,82, 203,213 Index 249 budgerigar (budgerygah, budgie), 25, bush medicine, 239 82, 212, 215 bush tucker, 239 budtha, see budda business, 241 bugeen (buggeen), 150 byong, see booyong bugong, see bogong (moth) by-yu (nut), 110 bulkuru, 119 bullan-bullan (bullen-bullen) cabon, 22, 204, 213 (lyrebird), 82-3 cadney, see carney bullan-bullan (parrot), 83, 136 callop, 90, 91, 213 bullich, 129 caloola, caloolah, see cooloolah bullroarer, 241 canagong (canajong), 48, 110-11 bullwaddi, bullwaddie, bullwaddy, see canoe, bark, 239 bulwaddy carabeen, red, 26, 129-30 bullya, see boylya carbeen (carbean), 130 buln-buln, see bullan-bullan (parrot) carney (carni, carnie), 28, 100 and bullan-bullan (lyre bird) cave art, 240 bulwaddy, 129 cawbawn, see cabon bumble (tree), 107, 108-9 Central Aranda, 46-7 bumbora, see bombora cherabin (cher(r)abun, cherubin), bumerang, see boomerang 90-1 bundi, bundy, see bondi chingah, chingi, see jingy bundy, 129 chittick (chittock), 130 bung, 43, 158, 203-4, 218 chowchilla, 44, 83 bungalow, see bangalow chuditch (chudice), 30, 53 bungarra (bung-arrer, bungarrow), 15, churinga, 47, 150-1, 187 33, 100, 213 cicatrices, 240 bungwall, 119 circumcision, 240 bunjamun, see bunji(-man) clapsticks, 238 bunji, 164 classes (sections), 241 bunji (-man), 164 clever man, 243 Bun-wurung, 34 cobba-cobba, 151 bunya (bunya-bunya) (pine), 26, 43, cobbera, see cobra (head) and cobra 109-10, 213 (mollusc) bunyip, 36, 104-6, 218 cobborn, see cabon bunyip bird, 105-6 cobra (cobbra) (head), 196 burgan, 129 cobra (mollusc), 91 burka, 164-5 cockatoo, 51 burramundi, see barramundi coconut, 236 burrawang (burrawong), 110, 213 co lane, 111, 216 burry, see boorie combo, 236 burwan, see burrawang combungie, see cumbungi 250 Index conception site,242 cuba,see cooba condolly, 38, 91 cudgerie,132 . congolli, 91 cUJong,see cooJong conkerberry,121-2,215 cumbungi,122 cooba (coobah),130-1,214 cunjevoi (cungeboy, cunjy, cunji) cooboo,165 (sea-squirt),91-2, 215 cooee,22,190,206-7,216 cunjevoi (cunjiboy) (plant), 26, 43, cooee bird, 207 119 coo hoy nut, III cunmerrie,153 coojong,131 currajong, see kurrajong coola, see koala,and cooler (angry ) currawong, 17,84,213 coolabah, see coolibah currijong,see kurrajong coolah grass,III custodianship, 242 coolamon (coolaman),25, 184, 185-6 customary law,241-3 cooler (coolar),161,204 coolibah, 25, 131 dalgite (dalgyte), 53 coolie (person), 165 dama, damar, see tammar coolie,see cooler (angry) Damin,see Lardil cooliman,see coolamon danger places,242 coolly, see coolah grass dargawarra,53, 67 coolobar, see coolibah Day of Mourning,244 cooloola monster, 131 deaths in custody, 246 cooloolah, 44, 131 Dharawal, xiii, 27,68, 81, 121, 126, cooly, see coolah grass 174 coolybah, see coolibah Dharuk (Dharruk), xiii, 16-18,20-3, coongaberry, see conkerberry 30,196,198,203-6,239 coordaitcha,see kurdaitcha birds,81, 84-5, 87-8 coorie, see koori (Aborigine) environment,190-1 copi, see kopi flora,110, H2,114, 118, 129 coradgee, see koradji implements,175, 177, 180-1, 183 corella, 24, 83-4 mammals,51, 54, 64, corella pear, 84 69-70,73, 76-8 corroboree (coroborey, corrobara,_ other fauna,91, 94, 96, 98 corrobbaree,corrobboree, people,165, 171 corroberee, corobora,corrobori, religion, etc.,151, 153, 157, 161 corrobory),22,149, 151-2,159-60 verbs,200-1, 203 corroboree frog,152 Dharumbal, xiii,107 couba,see cooba Dhurga,xiii, 27, 153, 174, 225 country,242 dibbler, 30, 53-4 cowal,190-1 didgeridoo (didjeridu, didjiridu, crammer (cramma),201 didjerry),186-7 Index 251 Dieri,see Diyari elders, 236 digging stick, 238 emu,51 dilli,see dilly (bag) Eora,see lora dillon bush, 111-12,215 Euahlayi,see Yuwaaliyaay dilly (bag),43, 184,215-16 euro (euroo),40, 56, 58,68 din,ding, see gin exemption, 237 dingo,2, 18,22,54-5,77,212,218 Dippil,see Gabi-gabi firestick, 238 'disperse', 237 freedom riders, 244 Diyari, xiii, 39--41, 65,208 fringe dwellers,237 fauna,65, 101 flora,123, 147 Gabi-gabi,xiii, 3, 43--4, 202,207 implements,178, 180 flora,109, 131, 133, 143, loans into,224, 230 145 djanga, 165,223--4 galah (galar),25, 84-5, 212, Djaru, xiii, 225 219 Djingulu, xiii,169 Gami,27 doctor, 243 Gamilaraay,see Kamilaroi dombock,see jumbuck Ganay,xiii, 92, 113 dormitory system, 237 gang-gang (gangan), 24, 85 dot paintings, 240 Gaurna,xiii, 16,37-8, 147,160, 164, douligah, 27, 153 199,225 dowak (dowuk), 177 fauna,68, 70, 91 dreaming (path, track,site, story), flora,113, 115 242 implements,178, 182--4 dreamtime (ancestors),242 geebung (geebong), 112,218 dugite, 100 gerrund,gerun, see jerran dugulla, 112 ghilgai,see gilgai dukite,see dugite ghittoe, see j itta dulachie,see toolache gibber (gibba) (country, stone,bird, dulagar,see douligah chat),18, 191,215 dum bug, see jumbuck gibber-gunyah,see gunya dunnart, 55-6, 67 Gidabal, see Bandjalahg Durubul, see Yagara gidgee (gidga, gidgea) (tree), 25, 129, Dyirbal, xiii, 10-11, 44 132 fauna,66, 83 gidgee (gidgie) (spear), 177 flora,111-13, 115, 119,134 gidgee skink, 132 loans into,224, 227-8, 230 gidyea,see gidgee (tree) gilgai (hole) (gilgi), 192, 215 Eastern Aranda, 46-7 gilgie (crayfish),92, 93 eboro (ebero, ebroo), 187 gilgie (terrain),see gilgai 252 Index gilja, 132 hielarnan, 177-8 gillar, see galah homeland (centre, movement), 245 gin, 22, 165-6, 171 humpy, 16, 43, 198, 199, 212, 214, gina-gina, 197 228, 239 Girramay, 10-11, 44 gnamma hole, 16, 192, 215 ijjecka, see adjigo gnow, 85, 213 illyarrie, 133 go walkabout, 236 Indians, 235 goanna, 50 initiation, 240 goburra, see kookaburra introcisi'on, 240-1 goditcha, see kurdaitcha Invasion Day, 244 goom (goomie, goomy), 207 lora, 21, 58 goomal, see kumarl goondie, see gundy Jabwurung, 36 Gooniyandi, xiii, 90 jackeroo (jackaroo), 17, 166-7, goonya, l72 216 gooya, l12 Jajawurung, 36 Gowar, xiii, 42 Jandai, 42 Great Australian Silence, 238 jarrah, 15, 30, 133-4, 213 ground art, 240 jerran (jeerun, jerron, jerrund), 204 gruie (gruie-colane), 112-13, 216 jerryang, 85-6, 213 gubba (gub, guba, gubbi), 168 jhiro, see jitta Gulngay, 44 jibbong, see geebung Gunditjmara, see Kuurn Kopan Noot jidu, see jitta gundy, 17, 197, 214 jilgie, see gilgie guneah, see gunyah jillaroo, 167 gungurru (gungunnu), 133 jimba, see jumbuck .
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