Final Proposed Draft Amendment (FPDAM) 5 ISO/IEC 10646:2003/Amd.5:2007 (E) Information technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) — AMENDMENT 5: Tai Tham, Tai Viet, Avestan, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C, and other characters Page 2, Clause 3 Normative references Page 20, Sub-clause 26.1 Hangul syllable Update the reference to the Unicode Bidirectional Algo- composition method rithm and the Unicode Normalization Forms as follows: Replace the three parenthetical notations in the second Unicode Standard Annex, UAX#9, The Unicode Bidi- sentence of the first paragraph with: rectional Algorithm, Version 5.2.0, [Date TBD]. (syllable-initial or initial consonant) (syllable-peak or medial vowel) Unicode Standard Annex, UAX#15, Unicode Normali- (syllable-final or final consonant) zation Forms, Version 5.2.0, [Date TBD]. Page 2, Clause 4 Terms and definitions Page 20, Clause 27 Source references for CJK Ideographs Replace the Code table entry with: In the list after the second paragraph, insert the follow- Code chart ing entry: Code table Hanzi M sources, A rectangular array showing the representation of coded characters allocated to the octets in a code. In the third paragraph, replace “(G, H, T, J, K, KP, V, and U)” with “(G, H, M, T, J, K, KP, V, and U)”. Remove the „Detailed code table‟ entry. Replace all further occurrences of „code table‟ in the Page 21, Sub-clause 27.1 Source references text of the standard with „code chart‟. for CJK Unified Ideographs Replace the last sentence of the second paragraph Page 13, Clause 17 Structure of the code with the following: tables and lists (now renamed „Structure of the code charts and lists‟) The current full set of CJK Unified Ideographs is represented by the collection 385 CJK UNIFIED Insert the following note after the first paragraph. IDEOGRAPHS-2008 (See annex A.1). NOTE – Clause 34 also includes additional information on Insert the following sources in the Hanzi G list: characters clarifying some feature of a character, such as its naming or usage, or its associated graphic symbol. G_GH Gudai Hanyu Cidian (古代汉语词典) Page 14, Sub-clause 20.3 Format characters G_GJZ Commercial Press Ideographs (商务印书馆用 字) Insert the following entries into the list of format charac- ters: G_XC Xiandai Hanyu Cidian (现代汉语词典) G_CYY Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping 1A60 TAI THAM SIGN SAKOT Ideographs (中国测绘科学院用字) G_ZFY Hanyu Fangyan Dacidian (汉语方言大辞典) © ISO/IEC 2007 – All rights reserved 1 ISO/IEC 10646:2003/Amd.5:2007 (E) Final Proposed Draft Amendment (FPDAM) 5 G_ZJW Yinzhou Jinwen Jicheng Yinde (殷周金文集成 4th field: Kanji J sources (J0-hhhh), 引得) (J1-hhhh), (J3-hhhh), (J3A-hhhh), (J4-hhhh), (JA-hhhh), or (JK-ddddd), After the list for Hanzi H source, add the following text: or (J_ARIB-hhhh). The Hanzi M source is th 5 field: Hanja K sources (K0-hhhh), MAC Macao Information System Character Set (澳 (K1-hhhh), (K2-hhhh), (K3-hhhh), (K4- 門資訊系統字集) hhhh), or (K5-hhhh). th Insert the following sources in the Hanzi T sources: 6 field: ChuNom V sources (V0-hhhh), (V1-hhhh), (V2-hhhh), (V3-hhhh), or TC TCA-CNS 11643-1992 12th plane (V4-hhhh). TD TCA-CNS 11643-1992 13th plane 7th field: Hanzi H source (H-hhhh). TE TCA-CNS 11643-1992 14th plane th Insert the following source in the Kanji J sources: 8 field: Hanja KP sources (KP0-hhhh) or (KP1-hhhh). JK Japanese KOKUJI Collection th J_ARIB Association of Radio Industries and Business- 9 field: Unicode U sources (U0-hhhh) or es (ARIB) ARIB STD-B24 Version 5.1, March (UTCddddd). 14 2007 In the description of the linked content, add a 10th field Insert the following source in the Hanja K sources: as follows: K5 Korean IRG Hanja Character Set 5th Edition: 10th field: Hanzi M source (MACddddd). 2001 In the paragraph starting with „The format definition Replace the description of the KP1 entry in the Hanja uses‟, replace the first sentence as follows: KP sources with the following: The format definition uses ‘d’ as a decimal unit and KP1 KPS 10721:2000 and KPS 10721:2003 ‘h’ as a hexadecimal unit. Insert the following source in the ChuNom V sources: Provide a new source reference file with format V4 Dictionary on Nom 2006, Dictionary on Nom of changes as specified above and content updated as of Tay ethnic 2006, Lookup Table for Nom in the resolution WG2 M51.9, M51.10, and M51.11. South 1994 Insert the following source in the Unicode U sources: Editor‟s note: In addition to the changes mentioned above, the following updates were made: UTC The Unicode Standard 5.1-2008 In the paragraph starting with „The content linked to is‟, Removal of character 2AC85, because its only replace the „12-lines header‟ with „13-lines header‟. source reference (T-source TD-3C3C) was removed; In the description of the linked content, the descriptions from the 2nd to the 9th field are replaced by the following: Removal of source reference G_KX for 3A6E (the KX entry was virtual); 2nd field: Hanzi G sources(G0-hhhh), (G1-hhhh), (G3-hhhh), (G5-hhhh), Replacement of source reference G_KX by (G7-hhhh), (GS-hhhh), (G8-hhhh), G_HZ for 3C08, 3DD7, 21CED, 2304A, 23057, (G9-hhhh), (GE-hhhh), (G_KXdddddd), 2305C, 23063, and 24799) (the KX entry for (G_HZ), (G_HZddddd), (G_CY), (G_CH), each of these characters was virtual). Note (G_CHdddddd), (G_HC), (G_HCdddddd), that some of these replacements could be un- (G_BK), (G_BKdddddd), (G_FZ), done depending on the resolution of the issues (G_FZddddd), (G_4K), (G_GHdddddd), concerning conflicting KangXi sources men- (G_GJZddddd), (G_XCdddddd), tioned below. (G_CYYddddd), (G_ZFYddddd), or (G_ZJWddddd). It should also be noted that there are unresolved con- flicting information concerning the following KangXi 3rd field: Hanzi T sources T1-hhhh), (T2-hhhh), (T3-hhhh), (T4-hhhh), entries (the first value is the one used in the provided (T5-hhhh), (T6-hhhh), (T7-hhhh), source reference file): (TC-hhhh), (TD-hhhh), (TE-hhhh), or 3A6E (KX 0463.211 or 0463.030); (TF-hhhh). 2 © ISO/IEC 2007 – All rights reserved Final Proposed Draft Amendment (FPDAM) 5 ISO/IEC 10646:2003/Amd.5:2007 (E) 22183 (KX 0338.240 or 0338.231); be fixed in the next edition of this standard. In addition, the KP source information is already available in the 22A8F (KX 0420.160 or 0420.170), this one source reference file. relates to KX source for 6287 which would get the alternate source, and depending on the Page 22, Sub-clause 27.3 Source references resolution, should induce a glyph change for for CJK Compatibility Ideographs 22A8F showing clearly the „sun‟ component 日 on the right (instead of the „say‟ component 曰); Provide a new source reference file with format changes as specified above and content updated as of 2304A (KX 0477.061 or KX 0477.020) resolution WG2 M51.10. 23057 (KX 0477.141 or KX 0477.140) (The following text is identical to ISO/IEC 10646, but is linked to the new file.) 2305C (KX 0477.181 or KX 0477.160) Click on this highlighted text to access the reference 23063 (KX 0477.201 or KX 0477.200) file. 26B20 (KX 0354.030 or KX 1022.060) NOTE – The content is also available as a separate viewa- ble file in the same file directory as this document. The file is (The following text is identical to ISO/IEC 10646, ex- named: “CJKC_SR.txt”. cept for the renumbered note, but is linked to the new file.) Page 28, Clause 34, Code Tables and list of Click on this highlighted text to access the reference character names (now renamed „Code charts file. and list of character names‟) NOTE 5 – The content is also available as a separate view- Replace first paragraph by following. able file in the same file directory as this document. The file is named: “CJKU_SR.txt”. Detailed code charts and list of character names for the BMP, SMP, SIP, and SSP are shown on the following Page 22, Clause 27 Source references for pages. CJK Ideographs Code charts are arranged by blocks which may span Insert a new sub-clause 27.3 and update the following several pages. sub-clause number and its references. Each code chart is followed by a corresponding charac- 27.3 Source reference presentation for SIP CJK ter names list, except the CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPHS Unified Ideographs blocks and the HANGUL SYLLABLES blocks. In the SIP code charts, CJK Unified Ideographs Exten- sion B are arranged in a manner similar to non ideo- 34.1 Code chart graphs and their presentation does not include source Code charts are presented in arrays of graphic symbols reference information. However, CJK Unified Ideo- representing the characters organized in one to sixteen graphs Extension C uses a different format: columns of sixteen symbols each. The lower digit of the Ucode C J K U V coded representation is indicated in the left margin while the remaining upper digits are indicated in the top G M T margin. The full coded representation for each charac- ter is also indicated under each representative graphic 2AB65 symbol. 34.2 Character names list G_ZFY00619 TC-3248 V4-4876 The character names lists contain both normative and informative information. The following information items The leftmost column of any entry shows the code posi- are normative: tion in ISO/IEC 10646. Each of the other columns Character code position, shows the graphic symbol for the character and its coded representation in the source standard also iden- Associated character name, tified in the chart entry. Normative character alias (one preceded by Editor‟s note: Some CJK Unified Ideographs from Ex- „※‟) which is a formal, unique, and stable al- tension C have KP sources but are not shown in these ternate name for a character.
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