Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 7-13-2005 Arbiter, July 13 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. Cleveland ''The~rrior" Corder Peg Blake resigns, I Wheeler to continue t. as interim Vpi BY RANDALL P05T News Editor Cut locks and computer 'accessorles were strewn abo~t th~ VIllage aparlments computer lab after a break-In on June 20. PHofo BY RANDAll. POSTmlE ARBITER PHaro CDUlmSY UNIVERSITY RELATIONS many milestones, including the completion of a 40-child addi- Computers stolen from Village tion to the Children's Center, de- velopment of an expanded New Student Orientation Program, co-chairing with BSU Provost Sona Andrews on the Preshman apartments -lab, no arrests made Success Task Force, and cham- pioning the $8.5 million Student BY 5ARA BAHN50N the 24-hour lab was closed..The lockedat all times. can be entered ServicesBuildingand a $12.5mil- ASSistant News Editor BSUPolice Department believes through the use of a traditional lion Student Health Wellness and that four all-in-one computers, to keyor a student 10 keycard. Counseling facility. Four computers were stolen which the computer unit and the Video surveillance of the com- "She.will certainly be missed from the Boise State University monitor are attached, were stolen puter lab was in use at the time and was a tireless advocate for the Villageapartments' computerlab by the man follo~ing thedepar- ." of-the theft, but images gathered shideiftii IoZiiiik..:Siiiif"':)' V .. on June 20,prompting signlflcan; ture ofthe femalewitness. were .deemed unusable. .police. " BISke ~amli;to;B~is~P'S(~te-in changes in security equipment The BSU Police Department, say. 1998after serVing13years at the and employeeeducation. is following up on a number of "Wedon't have a good picture University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Officials say at"approximately leads in the theft, but say they of the suspect, which is unfortu- where she earned her Ph.D.in ed- 3:00a.m., a man entered the com- are at a loss in the case due to a nate," said Craig Thompson, di- ucation administration. puter lab with a key, identified lack of proper surveillance and rector of'StudenrHousing. At Boise State, she oversaw a himselfasan employeetoafemale the inability to trace the key that Officials say the inadequate department ofmore than 200em- present inthe lab,and toldher that was used by the alleged intruder surveillance. in combination with ployees with an annual budget of or intruders. The lab, which is a lack of personal responsibility' $22million. This year, she completed her term as president of the 9,000- member National Association of Student Personnel Administrator, Zangsaid. Scientology: What. it is and isn't Other milestones Blake achieved during her time at Boise or psychiatrist. He was born in site, in explaining the faith, says: State include construction of the BY JEFFERY WEISS Tilden, Neb., in 1911and served "Man is an immortal spiritual be- The Dallas Morning News in the Navy during World War ing. His experience extends well Knight Ridder Tribune II. As a member of the NewYork beyond a single lifetime. His ca- See Bllke [page 2J Explorers Club, he was credited pabilities are unlimited, even DALLAS- Tom Cruise's high- t----------------------...::...:...; with participa- -----------'----- if not pres- profile trashing of psychiatry Magazine crews posing tion in several "It's an optical illusion ently realized. -. should come as no shocker to scientific ex- Sci en to log y anyone familiar with his religion. Scientology's position regarding pe~~tio~~~ a [that many celebrities ~~~:be~o~~i~ as BSU students in Boise most of psychiatry is compara- friend of John are Scientologists] , , ,No cally good,and magcrews and salespersons are ble to official Catholic teachings BY TIM HOOD Cam p bell, more than a half-dozen that. his spiri- News Writer legitimate, but scams and frauds about abortion. the editor of tual salvation are not uncommon. Scientology says that all psy- Astounding have been publicly asso- depends upon There have been reports made "Something they'll do, if you're chologicalillsare a result ofa par- S c ie nee "himself and recently to the Boise Police not going to buy a magazine, ticular kind of psycho-spiritual iat d ith S· t 1 Fiction, one. CIa e WI Clen 0 ogy, his fellowsand Department of young people they'll ask you for a small cash wound, and that medications and of the best- his attainment misrepresenting themselves and donation of five or ten dollars- other tools of modern psychiatry, known maga- of brotherhood notably electroshock therapy, are . their intentions in order to sell which they'll usually just putin zines of the pulp era. Campbell, with the universe." books or magazine subscrip- their pocket:' Sam said. Or, if you useless and harmful. who became an enthusiastic ad- Q: Is there anything scientific tions. These reports have come in pay for a magazine subscription What kind of religion sets up a vocate for "Dianetics,"published about Scientology? from throughout Boise and Ada with cash, the salesperson may psychological theory as sacred some ofMr.Hubbard's work. A:It is certainly "scientistic": it County. not even process your order and doctrine? A thoroughly modern Hubbard died in 1986,"having uses jargon and gizmos that seem one. The Church of Scientology,. One incident involved young keep the cash forthemselves. accomplished:' according to his scientific. men posing as BSUstudents so- "It'snot that they're necessarily no relation to Christian Science" officialbiography, "all he set out For instance. there's the "e- liciting cash donations for. the bad people, they're just in a bad is barely 50years old. Founded in .todo."He leftthousands ofpages meter," a sort of low-levellie de- Children'sHomeSocietyoftdaho, situation. The salespeople . are America,itstands as aparticular- ofwritings and hundreds ofhours teeter, The person being exam- t lysuccessful new religiousmove- In another incident, a young paid verylittle and feelcompelled t of recorded statements, all of ined, "audited" is the official woman selling magazines forced to stay in the situation because ment. which are considered sacred text term, holds two metal cans con- -----ws howsuccessful,however,is her way into a west Boise'home they often have nowhere else te t byScitmtologists. nected by a. wire to the meter. and then stole a DVDthat was go:' said Sam. .. .. a matter ofdispute.Scientologists Q: What makes Scientology a Stress' affects conductivity, .so sitting on the table after she was "They'rejust capitalizing off of count their worldwide numbers religion? .' the auditor searches for words or, asked to leave.Therewerealso re- . young kids to make. money,.and in the millions. Manyreligion so- A:Hubbard eventually claimed situatlons that jiggle the needle. ciologists say the real numbers ports ofpurses being stolenin two they don't pay them very much. that .engrams were not simply Scientologists believe that those different Boise-areahomes. It's reallyscrewed are a tenth as large. up.~'·..'.. produced. in this life, but that jigglesare evidence ofengrams. "It sounds likeS. magazine According to Sam,thecompa-', What can't be argued is that 'everyone carries the. residue of Auditors focus on those areas, .Scientology has some famous' crew,"says Sam, a former maga- . niesbehindthe~.1JlagCrew,s put' billions of years of past lives.All . desensitizing the person through ziriesalesperson.' "They say they outadsjn Ii~pli.~rstatgetlng adherents: Cruise. John Travolta, ..people are said tonave a "thetan," repetition. until the needle' no and KirstieAlleyamong them. It's .are.'working with organizations young people tijl9:mi>~sP!g up~ something like a soul In other re- longer jiggles. Scientologists be- and posingas collegestudems-at front bonuses and,thethance to also clear that Cruise's plugging . ligious traditions. lieve that's evidence that the en- Of ·War· of the •Worlds,~ which .' sounds likethe kind ofthings that .traveb"It appeals.i~~~~~ peo.pl~~·· '. Scil~ntologi recognizes the gram has been released. When magazinecreWsdo.~: . to be.able totra .." 'nd;'5cll'-:, .:; •.opened Wednesdlly,not to men- .existence of an impersonal su~ they-'reallreleased"the person is . tion his gushy wooing ofacness premebeing; but one verydiffer· considered"clear.=~;.' .. ar~~:::t~~~wt~~~::c~e;~~ ..,.~Jt~~es;·.an ..·. ....~'Salll"":'~',~:~:E' KatieHolmes,has raised the level Sdentologists pay' to be au- people. These crews consist of a '...•'.The.city of . .,",",1; dltedllnd forlllanyoJher classes ~;::;!()fI(tft'~~~oni=~ey'~5'.creWleader and anywherefrOni.otli·' .' ..' '\8'q~ ons: I, . MUSic,poUtics Latestofficial' Idaho Dance when Frank was aU.S.sena- reepgnizes his effectiveness Boise State faculty and stu- tor liVing in Washington, D.C. at ~ltegratirig educatlenand dents to collaborate with sci- merge inLive 8 ' tally puts tsunami Theatre gets Newman and Woodward rese~rch. " entists at similar labs at the' Massachusetts Institute of are currently hOnorary mem- The CAREER award,given cOncerts across death toll at about $10,000 grant Technology, the University of bers of the Institute's board of to dutstandingfacl1Ityfrom BOISE Idaho Dance directors. California-Berkeley and other tbeglobe 225,000 acro~s the nation who are most research universities as part of Theatre, a contemporary The donation will help fund \ ' 'a Frank Church Public Policy likely to become the academic a National Science Foundation LONDON - The new era of BANDA ACEH, Indonesia dance company that is housed in Boise State University's Scholarship.
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