FOLIA GEOGRAPHICA DANICA ∙ TOM. XIX SOIL RESEARCH IN DENMARK Editors J.P. MØBERG H. BREUNING MADSEN dr. agro dr. scient KØBENHAVN C.A. REITZELS FORLAG ROSENDAHLS BOGTRYKKERI ∙ ESBJERG 1991 FOLIA GEOGRAPHICA DANICA . TOM. XIX SOIL RESEARCH IN DENMARK Editors J.P. MØBERG H. BREUNING MADSEN dr. agro dr. scient KØBENHAVN C. A. REITZELS FORLAG ROSENDAHLS BOGTRYKKERI . ESBJERG 1991 The Royal Danish Geographical Society congratulates Professor, Dr.phil. Niels Kingo Jacobsen, Secretary General and Vice-President of the Society, and Professor, Dr.agro. Kjeld Rasmussen, Member of the Board, on their 70th birthdays. S. Thostrup Vice-President Contents Niels Kingo Jacobsen............................................................................. 5 Kjeld Rasmussen................................................................................... 7 Leif Petersen: Pedological Research in Denmark................................ 9 Jens Peter Møberg: Formation and Development of the Clay Fraction in Danish Soils.................................................................... 50 Henrik Breuning Madsen & Niels H. Jensen: Potential acidity in relation to soil characteristics............................................................ 62 Karsten Raulund-Rasmussen: Soil acidity and soil acidification - Fundamental concepts and status for five Danish forest soils......... 70 Ole K. Borggaard & Birgitte Raben-Lange: Iron Oxides and Organic Matter in Danish Spodosols in relation to Phosphate Adsorption 83 C. Bender Koch: Genesis of placic horizons in spodosols................... 93 Søren Storgaard Jørgensen: Mobility of Metals in Soils...................... 104 Hans Christian Bruun Hansen: Cation ordering in stichtite, a chromium(III) bearing hydroxy-carbonate of the pyroaurite group 115 Thomas H. Christensen & Jens Chr. Tjell: Cadmium in Danish agri­ cultural soils...................................................................................... 123 Vibeke Ernstsen: Initial soil formation in a salt marsh area of the Margrethe polder.............................................................................. 130 Kristian Dalsgaard, Mogens H. Greve & Peter Sørensen: Soil variation in a sandy till landscape of Weichselian age in the northern part of Jutland, Denmark.................................................... 139 Bjarne Holm Jakobsen: Aspects of soil geography in South Greenland.......................................................................................... 155 Peter Frederiksen: Dystric Cambisol from Tierra del Fuego - the contribution of soil micromorphology................................................. 165 Leif Petersen: Soils of Kalimantan, Indonesia....................................... 173 Merete Styczen: A study of crusts and their effect on water balance of some Nigerian soils....................................................................... 188 This volume of Folia Geographica Danica is sponsored by Dronning Margrethes og Prins Henriks Fond Fonden til Fædrelandets Vel Augustinus Fonden Tuborgfondet Kemira Danmark A/S A/S Det Østasiatiske Kompagni Layout and technical arrangement: Inge Primstad, Jørgen Ulrich, Kr. M. Jensen. 5 Niels Kingo Jacobsen Niels Kingo Jacobsen was born on June 13,1921, sistant at the Skalling Laboratory. Under the in Copenhagen, but spent all his childhood at the leadership of Niels Nielsen the Wadden Sea west coast of Jutland, in the township of Esbjerg. studies gradually developed into the project "The Here he finished High School in 1939 and, in­ Danish Wadden and Salt-Marsh Investigations". spired by Professor Niels Nielsen and his Wad- From 1953 Kingo Jacobsen was head of the den Sea investigations, he started to study natural Tønder Section of this project, and he conducted sciences and geography, first in Aarhus and later numerous investigations in the Tønder salt­ in Copenhagen where he got his M.Sc. Degree in marsh region; his research was mainly concen­ 1947. The following years N. Kingo Jacobsen de­ trated on the geomorphology and soil of the area. veloped a keen interest in two main disciplines: The investigations resulted in maps and morpho­ the arctic environment and the Wadden Sea area genetic interpretations of the whole Tønder salt­ in western Jutland. marsh area, covering its surface topography, the For 25 years he was a member of the editorial geest surface, the extension and thickness of the board of "Meddelelser om Grønland". In 1950 his single layers of silt, sand, clay, and peat, which publication on "Erhverv og Kultur langs Polar­ had built up this marshland. Moreover, the land kredsen" (Economy and Culture along the Polar use and ownership relations were also covered. Circle) appeared. During these years a cooperation to last for From 1948 Kingo Jacobsen worked as an as­ life with Kjeld Rasmussen developed, and they 6 even stayed for quite a long time together work­ during the Danish natural science expedition to ing on their doctoral theses at the then newly Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. established Skalling Laboratory at Ho. In 1964 In recent years Kingo Jacobsen has resumed Kingo Jacobsen defended his thesis entitled: his activities in Greenland and initiated various "Træk af Tøndermarskens Naturgeografi med soil studies in cooperation with the Greenland særligt Henblik på Morfogenesen" (The Natural Home Rule and Ministry of Greenland; to men­ Geographical Conditions within the Tønder Salt- tion some, studies at Holsteinborg in West Marsh). In October the same year he succeeded Greenland and, supported by the Knud Rasmus­ Niels Nielsen as professor in geography at Uni­ sen Foundation, expeditions in the Thule District. versity of Copenhagen, where he had worked as In Southern Greenland the effects of sheep- assistant professor since 1958. breeding on the environment has been investi­ Along with his activities in the Tønder salt­ gated, e.g. how much the impact of grazing may marsh region Kingo Jacobsen has investigated the aggravate erosion. Rejsby salt-marsh and the peninsula of Skallin­ Throughout the last 25 years Kingo Jacobsen gen. In the mid-60s Kingo Jacobsen established has represented the discipline geography in many the Skalling Laboratory in Esbjerg, which has boards and committees, e.g. as President of the since been the center for a great number of Danish National Committee of Geography, as a scientific investigations of waddens and marsh­ member of the National Committee of Interna­ land. During the last decade Kingo Jacobsen has tional Association for Quaternary Research, and been the leader of a large-scale ecological pro­ of the National Committees of Climatology, ject focussing upon the west coast of Jutland, Oceanography, and Cartography. During the COST 647. 1960s Kingo Jacobsen helped to establish the One of Kingo Jacobsen's greatest merits as Section on Environment under the Nordic Soil professor has been to expand the field of geogra­ Researchers Union where he has been the Dan­ phy within the disciplines: soil, hydrology and ish representative for several periods. Moreover, climatology. Especially the first one became his he has taken great interest in nature conservation specific field of research in a close cooperation matters both in Denmark and in Greenland. with professor Kjeld Rasmussen at the Royal To this should be added Kingo Jacobsen's im­ Veterinary and Agricultural University. Thus pressive personal achievements throughout the Kingo Jacobsen initiated a great number of soil years in the Board of the Royal Danish Geogra­ studies with subjects ranging from pure pedolo­ phical Society, from 1972 as Secretary General gical studies over soil erosion to more stratigra- and recently also as Vice President. With an un­ phic investigations of sediment types in the failing optimism Kingo Jacobsen has arranged Wadden Sea region. and prepared the many activities taking place in Together with Kjeld Rasmussen he partici­ the Society, and together with the other members pated in the expert committee which in 1975 of the board raised funds for these activities. The established the guidelines for the Danish soil greatest work load in this connection has been as classification. They submitted a minority recom­ chief editor of the Society's publications, espe­ mendation as they wished a more pedologically cially Geografisk Tidsskrift, where so many of oriented mapping than the majority did. Kingo Kingo Jacobsen's students have presented the re­ Jacobsen - together with among others Kjeld sults of their research. In the mid-70s he resum­ Rasmussen - initiated studies of soil profiles in ed the publication "Atlas over Danmark" with connection with the trench dug for the main gas Series II and is currently planning publication of pipeline system across the country. This meant another volume on soil conditions in Denmark in the start of a nationwide pedological data base. the original series I. In the late 1970s, thanks to Kingo Jacobsen's efforts, a number of soil studies were carried out Kr. M. Jensen and Henrik Breuning Madsen 7 Kjeld Rasmussen On June 17, 1921, Kjeld Rasmussen was born in tural University. As a Professor he has been in­ Sønder Vissing, a village west of Skanderborg in volved in a multitude of activities within and Eastern Jutland. After finishing school in 1935, outside the University. He has given more than he worked on his parents' farm, and in 1939-40 2350 scheduled lectures to students at the Uni­ he attended a course at Asmildkloster Agricul­ versity and he has conducted an unknown num­ tural School. In 1943
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