NECROLOGY 215 NECBOLOGY AUGUST 27, 1902, TO AUGUST 25, 1903 1902 SEPTEMBER 6. Dr. Albert Frankel, former editor of " Die Gar- tenlaube," at Leipzig, aged 82. 18. Isaac Ruelf, former Rabbi in Memel, at Bonn, aged 71. 29. Emile Zola, at Paris, aged 62. (beginning) Samuel Rosenthal, chess player, at Paris, aged 64. (end) Dr. Salomon Cohn, Rabbi at Breslau, aged 80. OCTOBER 3. Simon E. Jacobsohn, violinist, at Chicago, aged 63. 5. Behrend Joseph Stokvis, physician, at Amster- dam, aged 68. 18. Reuben Asher Braudes, Hebrew writer, at Vienna, aged 52. 22. Siegmund Hinrichsen, president of the Hamburg House of Burgesses, aged 60. (beginning) B. Abraham, general in the French army, aged 79. Dr. Mark Israelevitch Pomeranz, rabbi at Odessa, aged 57. DECEMBER 3. Heinrich Landesmann (Hieronymus Lorm), au- thor, at Briinn, Moravia, aged 81. 3. Adolph Benjamin (Ish Yemini), in New York City, aged 54. 6. Eleazar Robinson, principal of the Machzike Tal- mud Torah School, New York City, aged 53. 8. Samuel Van Straalen, of the department of printed books at the British Museum, at Lon- don, England, aged 57. 13. G. M. Cohen, rabbi, at Cleveland, Ohio, aged 82. 15. Solomon Hirsch, former minister of the United States to Turkey, at Portland, Ore., aged 63. 16. Dr. Josef Stein, managing editor of the Frank- furter Zeitung, aged 63. (about) 19 Isaac Lvovitch Asknazy, painter, at Moscow, aged 47. — Lucien Miihlfeld, novelist, dramatic author and critic, at Paris, aged 32. — Dr. Moritz Eisler, writer on Jewish religious phil- osophy, at Troppau, Moravia, aged 80. 216 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK 1903 JANUARY 5. Baroness von Oppenheim-Cohn, at Berlin. 9. Gabriel Bamberger, principal of the Jewish Train- ing School, Chicago, 111., aged 58. 9. Henry de Worms, Lord Pirbright, at London, aged 62. 18. Joseph Sebag Monteflore, President of the Eng- lish Portuguese community, at London, aged 80. 18. Henri Georges Stephane Adolphe Opper de Blo- witz, journalist, at Paris, aged 78. 28. David Raynal, French statesman, at Paris, aged 61. FEBRUARY 3. Morris Tuska, communal worker, in New York City, aged 72. 18. Moses Mielziner, Professor of Talmud at the He- brew Union College, at Cincinnati, Ohio, aged 74. 24. Jacob H. Hecht, communal worker, at Boston, aged 69. APRIL 3. Moses Cohen Reicherson, Hebrew grammarian, in New York City, aged 75. 14. Professor Moritz Lazarus, at Meran, Tyrol, aged 78. 15. Gustav Gottheil, rabbi in New York City, aged 76. MAY 10. Salomon Hirschfelder, genre painter, at Munich, aged 71. JULY 3. Alfred A. Marcus, communal worker, at Boston, Mass. 4. Albert F. Hochstadter, communal worker, at Long Branch, N. J., aged 57. 18. Philip Wertheimer, Secretary of the Berlin Jew- ish Community, aged 85. 23. B. L. Farjeon, novelist, at London. AUGUST 1. Immanuel Munk, Professor of Physiology at the University of Berlin, aged 51. Dr. Isaac Blumenstein, Grand Rabbi of Luxem- bourg, aged 59. 8. Jonas Weyl, Grand Rabbin of Marseilles. 25. Wolf Landau, Rabbi at Bay City, Mich., aged 63. A LIST OF LEADING EVENTS IN 5663 217 A LIST OP LEADING EVENTS IN 5663 AUGUST 27, 1902, TO AUGUST 25, 1903 1902 SEPTEMBER 3. Two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of the Spanish and Portuguese Con- gregation Beth Israel, at Hamburg. (No cele- bration. ) 4. The First General Conference of Russian Zion- ists convened at Minsk. 11. Anti-Semitic outbreak at Czenstochow, Poland. Fourteen Jews killed. 12. Twenty-fifth anniversary of the incumbency of Rev. Dr. W. Landau as Rabbi of the Reform Congregation, Bay City, Mich. 12. The Committee appointed by Mayor Seth Low, of New York City, to investigate the riot on the day of the funeral of Chief Rabbi Jacob Joseph exonerates the funeral procession. 15. The temporary steps erected for the dedication of the Sons of Zion Synagogue, St. Paul, Minn., give way. Several persons injured. 17. A year old ritual murder charge revived at Port Said, Egypt, and the alleged abductor of a child sentenced to sixteen months' hard labor. 24. Fire at a Jewish wedding in a village near Odessa, Russia. Sixty-four persons perish, among them fifty-one Jews. 29. Sir Marcus Samuel elected Lord Mayor of Lon- don. (end) Ritual murder accusation against the Jews of Klausenburg, Hungary. The supposed victim found at once. OCTOBER 1. Fiftieth anniversary of Oheb Shalom Congrega- tion, Harrisburg, Pa. 3. Promulgation of the Ministerial Order of August 12 barring the importation of the securities, shares, etc., of the Jewish Colonial Bank into Russia. 29. Conference of the Actions Committee of the Zion- ist Congress convened at Vienna. (middle) Outbreak of cholera in Jerusalem, Jaffa, and Lydda. 218 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK NOVEMBER 20. Professor S. Scheehter delivers his inaugural ad- dress as President of the Faculty of the Jew- ish Theological Seminary of America. 30. Rev. Dr. H. Pereira Mendes celebrates the twenty- fifth anniversary of his incumbency as Minister of Congregation Shearith Israel, New York 1903 City. JANUARY 11, Congregation Adath Israel, Louisville, Ky., cele- brates its sixtieth anniversary. FEBRUARY 5. Dedication of the Semitic Museum Building pre- sented to Harvard University, Cambridge, by Mr. Jacob H. Schiff, New York City. 22. Ritual murder charge against the Jews of Dubos- sary, Government Kherson, Russia. 26. Rev. Dr. Kaufmann Kohler elected president of Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio. MARCH g. Jubilee celebration of District Grand Lodge, No. 1, of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith. 8. Rev. Dr. Henry J. Messing celebrates the twenty- fifth anniversary of his incumbency as rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregation, St. Louis, Mo. 21. The authorities of the Government Minsk, Rus- sia, order the expulsion of fifty Jewish fami- lies, one hundred and fifty persons. 25. The Jewish quarter of Port Said, Egypt, invaded and despoiled, in consequence of a ritual mur- der charge. (See September 17, 1902.) 30. An earthquake shock at Jerusalem. (end) Outbreak against the Jews of Tumanovo, District of Tiraspol, Russia, in consequence of the ritual murder charge at Dubossary. (See February 22, 1903.) APRIL 12. Jewish shops at Mekinez, Morocco, looted by tribesmen of several clans. 19-20. Massacre of Jews at Kishineff, Bessarabia, Rus- sia, the result of prolonged anti-Semitic agita- tion in the " Bessarabetz," the only paper pub- lished there. The pretext was the ritual mur- der charge at Dubossary. (See February 22, 1903.) 23. Riots against the Jews of Uhnow, Galicia, Austria, in consequence of a fire supposed to have been started by Jews in the house of a convert. 29. General meeting of the Alliance Israelite Univer- selle (the first since 1881). A LIST OF LEADING EVENTS IN 5663 219 MAY 17. A meeting held in Baltimore to protest against the Kishineff atrocities. 18. A meeting held in Cincinnati to protest against tiie Kishineff atrocities. 19. A meeting held in San Francisco to protest against the Kishineff atrocities. 21. The Royal Commission on Alien Immigration, London, concludes its sessions. 24. A meeting held in St. Louis to protest against the Kishineff atrocities. 24. Anshe Keneseth Temple, Chicago, 111., celebrates its twenty-fifth anniversary. 27. A meeting held in New York City to protest against the Kishineff atrocities. JUNE 3. A meeting held in Philadelphia to protest against the Kishineff atrocities, b. A meeting held in Washington to protest against the Kishineff atrocities. 14. Macedonians attack the Jewish quarter of Sofia, Bulgaria. Energetic interference by the Gov- ernment. 15. Anti-Semitic disturbances at Lodz, Russian Po- land, in consequence of a Socialistic demon- stration by 5000 Jewish workingmen. 15. President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Hay receive a committee of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, who urge action on the part of the Government of the United States in behalf of the Jews in the Russian Empire. The Pres- ident first declines; later decides to lend the good offices of the United States in submitting a petition to the Czar. The Russian Foreign Office declines to receive the petition. 29. International Conference convened by the " Hilfs- verein der deutschen Juden " meets at Berlin. The report of its Kishineff agent received, and the decision reached that emigration from Rus- sia should be opposed. 30. Jewish shops attacked and Jewish merchants boycotted in Strassburg, Germany, as a result of election disturbances. JULY 17. Jewish quarter at Ofran, Morocco, pillaged. 26. Twenty-five Jewish bakers at Newark, N. J., strike, on account of the refusal of their em- ployers to grant them Saturday as a holiday, (end) The Russian Minister of the Interior promul- gates an order forbidding Zionist meetings and collections in aid of the Zionist movement. 220 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAE BOOK AUGUST 10. Orthodox Rabbis of Egypt, Turkey, Austria, and Roumania meet at Cracow in Galicia. They take an oath publicly declaring the ritual mur- der charge false, and urge.the formation of national rabbinical unions. They warn their constituencies against participating in the So- cialist movement. 12. The Royal Commission on Alien Immigration presents its report to Parliament. 18. Synagogue of the Congregation AnsheKovno, New York City, destroyed by fire. ' " 23. The Sixth International Congress of Zionists meets at Basle. Six hundred delegates pres- ent. Great Britain offers the Congress land for an autonomous colony in British East Africa. Uganda Protectorate. Von Plehve, Russian Minister of the Interior, declares his willing- ness to further the Zionist movement, provided it remains a movement for colonization. (beginning) Ritual murder charge at Zsepes Jacubfalu, Hun- gary. The supposed murderer under detention. REPORT OF THE FIFTEENTH YEAR OF THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY OF AMERICA i902-i903 JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 223 THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY OF AMEEICA OFFICERS PRESIDENT EDWIN WOLF, Philadelphia VICE-PRESIDENT DR.
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