109 THE SREEPADAM LANDS ENFRANCHISEMENT ACT, 1969 (Act 20 of 1969) CONTENTS Preamble. Sections I. Short title and commencemeut. 2. Defimtions. 3. Extinguishment of the nghts of Sreepadam Palace. 4. Landholders to be registered holders under Government. 5. Compensatron to Srcepadam Palace. 6. Treatment of lands held on Kuthakapattom. 7. Treatment of Thariss 1 • 8. Recovery of amounts due to Government. 9. Liab1hty to pay basic tax. 10. Collection of arrear3 of rent. 11. Issue of Patta~, etc. to landholders. 12. Appomtment of officers to settle tax, etc. ~ 13. Appeal. 14. Revision. 15 Finality of orders. 16. Indemnity. 17. Provision in regard to liabilities of Sreepadam Palace. 18. PO\\ er to make rules. 19. Amendment of Act 13 of 1961. THE SREEPADAM LANDS ENFRANCHISEMENT ACT, 1969 * (Act 20 of 1969) An Act to provide for the enfranchisement of Sreepadam lands on payment of compensation and for matters connected therewith Preamble. -WHERE-\S rt i~ exr:edrent to provide for the enfran• chisement of Sreepadam lands on payment of compensatiOn and for matters connected thcrewrth; BE 1t enacted m the :"J'JHetecnth Y car of the Repubhc of India as folio\\ s - 1. Short title and commencement.-(1) Th;s act may be called the Srccpadam Lands Enfranchrsemcnt Act, 1969. • Published 111 the Gazette c"traordmary No 99, dated 9th Apnl, 1969. 110 (2) It shall come into furce on such date as the Government mav, by notification in the Gazette, appoint. 2. Definitions.- In this Act, unless the context otherw1se requ•res,- (a) "appo1 .. ted day" means the day on which this Act co;::;es into force, (b) "basic-tax" means the tax 1mposed under the provisions of the Ke1ala Land Ta" Act, 1961 (13 of 1961), (c) "financial year" means the year commencing on the 1st day of April; (d) "holdmg" means any parcel or parcels of Sreepadam lands held by a landholder, (e) "kuthakapattom" means a lease of Sreepadam lands or of trees on such lands or of both, granted for cons1derat10n payable in money or m kmd or in both, whether annually or otherwise; ( f) "landholder" means a pe1 son holding at the commencement of th1s Act Sreepadam lands on Sreepadam pattom or othe1 favourable tenures, but does not mdude a person holdmg Sreepadam lands on Kuthakapattom; (t;) "presCIJbed" means prescnbed by rules made under this Act; (h) "rent" means whatever is lawfully payable in money or m kmd or 111 both, to the Sreepadam Palace by a landholder for the use and occupatiOn of any Sreepadam land; (1) "Sreepadam lands" means- (1) lands compnsed m the free-hold villages of ldakkode, Illamba, Mudah.kal, Alamkodu, Avanavancherry, Attingal and Kdattmgal 111 the Ch1raymkd Taluk, the revenue from wh1ch is wholly assignr_d m favour of the Sreepadam Palace, (1i) othe• lands not bemg pandaravaka lands Situate in the ( State of Kerala and owned by the Srccpadam Palace; i ( j) "tha1 issu'' means any land entered as tharissu 111 the revenue rec01ds (other than lands held under kuthakapattom) and owned bv the S1 ct>padam Palace, but docs not wclude any such land held by a landholl.er. 3 Extinguishment of the rights ofSreepadam Palace. -Not­ ~idthstandmdg anyt 11ng cdonta1fned 111 anythlaw cror contracdt ofr in anhy k JU gment, ecree or or er o court, WI euect on an 1om t e appomted day,- (a) all rights, title and mtere~t of the Sreepadam Palace 111 all Sreepadam land, held by landholders shall stand extmguished, 111 (b) all Sreepadam lands held on Kuthakapattom shall vest in the Government; and (c) all tharissu shall vest m the Government. 4. Landholders to be registered holders under Govern­ ment.--NotwJthstandmg anythmg contamed in any law or contract or in any judgment, decree ur order of court, with effect on and f10m the appomted day,- (a) every landholder shall, subject to the provisions of section 9, have full propnetorsh1p in the land comprised m his holdmg, and such right shall be hentable and alienable; (b) except as prov1ded m section 10, no landholder shall be liable to pay rent to the Sreepadam Palace. 5. Compensation to Sreepadam Palace.-( I) The Government shall, by way of compensation for the extmgUishment of the rights, title and mterest of ti-)e Srcepadam Palace under clause (a) of sectiOn 3 and for the vesting in the Governmc.nt of the S1 cepadam lands held on Kuthakapattom, under clause (b) of th<~t section, pay m pcrpet111ty to the Sreepadam Palace every financ1al year beginnlllg with the financial " year in wluch the appointed day falls, an amount of 31,075 rupees as annuity. (2) The Government shall, by way of compensation for the vestmg of tharissu in the Government under clause (c) of sectwn 3, pay to the Sreepadam Palace an amount calculated at the rate of four hundred and nmety-four rup.-es per hectare of thanssu. (3) The annmty payable under sut-section (I) shall be paid m one lump every financial year on such elate and m such manner as may be prescribed. (4) The compensatiOn payable under sue-section (2) sh,dl be paid m one lump and shall bear mtere~t at the rate of 5 per cent per annum from the appomted day 6. Treatment of lands held on Kuthakapattom.-( I) \Vhcre, m respect of any Srcepadam land, there 1s a lease on Kuthakap::~ttom, such lease shall be deemed to cont,nue under the Gove1 nment on the same terms and condJtJ<)nS as under the Sreepadam Palace. (2) Subject to the prOVISIOnS of sur-~ection (1), the Govern­ ment may, at any tm:e after the appointed dav, after reserving the lands nece~~ary for Government or public purposes, assign on registry 10 such manr.er and on payment of such consideration as may be prescnbed the remaimng lands vested in the Government under clause (b) of section 3, I 112 7. Treatment oftharissu.-(1) All tharissu vested in the Govetn• ment under clause (c) ofs<>cticn 3 shall be sul\eyed and demarcarcd in such manner as may be pre;c1ibed. + 1 (2) After the survey and demarcation of all tharissu as pro­ I vided in sub->ectJon (I), the Government ~hall, after re<>ervmg the t hari~su neces<>ary for Gm·ernment or public pm poses, assign on registry the remaining tharissu to such pe1 sons, in such manner and on I payment of such cons1det at IOn as may be prescnced · Provided that preference shall be g1ven to the persons in actual occupation of the tharissu Jmmedtately before the appointed da~. 8. Recovery of amounts due to Government.-AII amounts due to the Government a<> arrears of Kuthakapattom or towards consideration for ao;qgnment of Ia nrls on 1eg1stry shall be a fi1 st charge on the land held under such Kutha kapat tom or aso;1gned on such registry and shall be recoverable a<> arrea1s of land revenue under the Revenue Recovery Act for the 1iwe bemg m force. 9 Liability to pay basic tax.-( I) With effect on and from the appOinted day, all Srecpadam la~d'> held by landholders immediately '(': before that day shall be deemed to be pandaravaka lands for all I purposes and shall be lmble to be charged with l:asic tax. ' (2) The landholdeis shall be liable to pay the bas1c tax and the I provisiOn'> of the Kerala Land Tax Act, !961 (13 of 19Gl), shall apply I to the levy and collection of such tax. (3) "Ray1hhogdm" payable to the Government by any lard­ holder m respect of any Srec.padam l.nd shall ceao;e to accrue w1th effect on and f1om the ,1ppomtecl d.1y. I 0. Collection of arrears of rent.- (I) W1th effect on and from the appmnte t r-lay, the SI.:ep::tdam Palace o;hall not be entttled to collect anv re••t \\h1ch ac::t•Icd due to It ftom anv landholder 111 rest c.ct of hi:; hold 1ng bLfore, a'ld ,, out>tanrltng on th'at day, but the Taho;tld"r of the taluk 1:1 v- h1ch the holdtng i~ Sl!Udte shall be ent!lled to collect all such arrears of rent and any mterl'st payable there-:m as if th<>y wrre arrear<; <•f pubhc rrvenuc due on land : ProvH.Ied that 1f a landholde1 pay<> withm two yearo; from the appointed day in such manner as may be prescnbed an amount equal Ar-, to the arrear<. of rent for three finanCial years or the actual a1rea•s out· standmg on thr appomtcd day, v,.bJcl1ever ts les,, together with mtere~t thereon, all anc.no; ofi·:nt shall be deemed to be fully dtschargcd and no suit or other proc<'edings <>hall be or contmue for the recovery thereof. \ l -------------------------------~ 113 (2) All amounts po1id or collected under sub-section (l) shall be paid to the Sreepadam Palace after deducting- (a) five per cent thereof on account of collection charge~; (b) the amount If any, due from the Sreepadam Palace to the Government. (c) the rent, If any, collected before the appointed day by the Sreepadam Palace from any landholder in re'>pect of the financial year in which the appomted day falls or any ~ubs~quent financial year. (3) All amounts which the Tah~ildar is entitled to collect under sub•3ection (I) shall be a first charge upon the land in respect of which such amount~ are payable, subject only to the charge fin· bas1c tax. I I. Issue of pattas, etc., to landholders.-( I) As soon as rna y be after the appointed day, the Government shall issue patta> or other documents evidencing the right of the landholder in the lands comprised in their holding~.
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