Garden insect pest management using chemical tactics: advanced training for Master Gardeners Celeste Welty Ohio State University 2007 Chemical Control • History • Classification of insecticides available for garden food crops – By origin • Natural • Synthetics – By mode of action • The OMRI list • Data on efficacy against common pests History of insecticides • Sulfur, Homer 1000 BC • Arsenic, China AD 900 • Mineral oil for camel mange, 1300 • Tobacco decoction on pears, 1690 • Pyrethrum for fleas <1800 • Paris Green (copper aceto-arsenite), 1867 • Kerosene + soap, 1874 • Lead arsenate, 1892 • DDT, 1939 Insecticides, by Origin • Minerals & elementals • Oils & soaps • Botanicals (plants) • Diatomaceous earth • Microbials • Compounds derived from microbes • Mimics of natural insect hormones • Petroleum-based synthetic chemicals Insecticides, by Mode of Action • Nerve poisons • Respiration disruptors • Gut disruptors • Insect growth regulators • Suffocation agents • Cuticle disruptors Minerals & Elementals • sulfur • lime-sulfur • kaolin (‘Surround At Home’) • iron phosphate (slug baits) • boric acid (for indoor pests only) Voluntary Purchasing Groups, Inc. Bonham, Texas 75418 EPA Reg. No. 7401-188 EPA Est. No. 7401-TX-1 *32221-BADBAi sulfur & 15M-27-91T DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. 98 1. WHAT IS THIS PACKAGE FOR? $4 This product provides effective and economical control of listed plant diseases and insects. May be used as a dust or spray. 2. HOW DO YOU USE IT? When used as a dust, punch out perforated tab on top of shaker can and rotate lid to dust setting. Apply to all lime-sulfur plant surfaces to thoroughly cover. When used as a spray, mix 4 tablespoons per each 1 gallon of water used. Spray to cover thoroughly all plant surfaces. NOTE: DO NOT RE-ENTER TREATED AREAS FOR AT LEAST 24 HOURS AFTER APPLICATION IS MADE. ROSES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS: (as a Fungicide and Insecticide) For Black Spot, Brown Canker, Leaf Spot, Powdery Mildew, Thrips and Mites on Roses. Begin spraying when new Dusting growth starts in the Spring. Repeat at 7 day intervals and reapply after rainfall. For diseases and insect control on Shrubs, Flowers and Ornamentals, begin application when diseases appear and repeat at 5-10 day intervals and after rains. For control of Powdery Mildew, Thrips and Mites on Azalea, Alder, Buttonbush, Catalpa, Cosmos, Crape Myrtle, Dahlia, Daisy, Delphinium, Aster, Calendula, Dogwood, Euonymus, Gladiolus, Golden Fleece, Hibiscus, Holly, Hydrangeas, Lady’s Mantel, Ligustrum, Lilac, Petunia, Poplars, Silver Vine, Spirea, Sunflower, Sweet Pea, Verbena, Violets, Willows, Carnations, Cedar, Cherry Laurel, Chrysanthemums, Hollyhock, Juniper, Simlax and Spruce. For control of Leaf Spot, Thrips and Mites on Calendula, Cedar, Cherry Laurel, Sulfur Chrysanthemum, Clematis, Columbine, Foxglove, Hollyhock, English Ivy, Juniper, Laurel, Sage, Simlax, Snapdragons and Spruce. For control of Rust, Thrips and Mites on Asters, Carnations, Chrysanthemums, Hollyhock and Snapdragon. Use as a Dust or Spray! VEGETABLES: (as a Fungicide) For control of Powdery Mildew on Beans, Peas, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, and Cauliflower. For con- trol of Rust on Beans and Peas. Begin application at first sign of disease. Repeat applications at 7–10 day inter- vals. NOTE: Sulfur may injure certain varieties of beans. For control of Powdery and Downy Mildew and Botrytis Blight on Onions. Begin application before diseases are expected to appear. Repeat as necessary. Do not use on • Controls Black Spot, Powdery Mildew, Leaf Cucurbits (Cucumbers, Cataloupes, Melons, Squash) or Tung. FRUITS: (as a Fungicide and Insecticide) Spot, Rust and Brown Canker on Roses. APPLE, PEAR: For Powdery Mildew and Scab. Reduce dosage 1 tablespoon per gallon of water if hot weather threatens. For disease control on Apples, apply from pre-pink through cover periods. For Pears apply at pre- • Controls Listed Diseases & Insects on Shrubs, • sulfur bloom, bloom, petal fall, and cover periods. PEACH: For Brown Rot, Scab. Apply in pink, bloom, shuck, cover and pre-harvest sprays. Flowers, Vegetables and Fruits. CHERRY: For Brown Rot, Leaf Spot. Apply in pink, bloom, petal fall, shuck, cover and post-harvest sprays. PLUM, PRUNE: For Brown Rot, Leaf Spot. Apply in pink, bloom, shuck, cover and pre-harvest sprays. • Controls Thrips, Rust Mites, Red Spider Mites CITRUS: For Brown Rot. Apply according to State recommendations. For Rust Mite, Thrips, Red Spider Mites, Two-Spotted Spider Mites. Begin applications at first signs of damage and repeat as necessary. Rust Mites and Two Spotted Mites on Citrus. should be controlled at all times of the year in order to prevent russeting of fruit and greasy spots on leaves. – Mostly for disease control COMMON CHIGGER CONTROL: For control of chiggers in the yard, dust over the entire lawn, flower garden, shrubs and any place the chiggers may be hiding. This should be done a day or two before protection is desired • Controls Chiggers. and should be repeated at weekly intervals. The contents of this package will cover from 1,500 to 2,000 square feet. IMPORTANT: Do not use within 2 weeks of an oil spray treatment, on Citrus within 3 to 6 weeks. Use only according to State recommendations. Sulfur may burn foliage when temperature is high (90-95°F). 3. HERE ARE THE RESULTS YOU MAY EXPECT! – Kills some mites & thrips When used as directed, this product will provide effective and economical control of listed diseases and insects and thus promote healthy, lush growth. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Do not reuse container. Wrap container and put in trash collection. PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS CAUTION May be harmful if swallowed, inhaled or in eyes. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling and before eating or smoking. Keep children and pets off treated areas for at least 24 hours and until this material has washed into the soil. FIRST AID Have the product container or label with you when calling a Poison Control Center or doctor, or going for treatment. • lime-sulfur If inhaled • Move person to fresh air. • If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial respiration, preferably by mouth-to-mouth, if possible. • Call a Poison Control Center or doctor for further treatment advice. If on skin • Take of contaminated clothing. or clothing • Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15–20 minutes. • Call a Poison Control Center or doctor for treatment advice. – Mostly for disease control If in eyes • Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15–20 minutes. • Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye. • Call a Poison Control Center or doctor for treatment advice. If swallowed • Call a Poison Control Center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. ACTIVE INGREDIENT: • Have a person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. on tree fruit • Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the Poison Control Center or doctor. Sulfur . .90% • Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. INERT INGREDIENTS: . 10% TOTAL . .100% ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS This product is extremely toxic to fish. Do not apply directly to water. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN NOTE: Buyer assumes all risks of use, storage or handling of this product not in strict accordance with directions – Kills some scale insects given herewith. Voluntary Purchasing Groups, Inc. warrants this product to conform to the chemical description on CAUTION the label and for the purposes stated on the label. The limit of any liability incurred shall be the purchase price paid See Back Panel For Additional Precautionary Statements by the user or buyer. NET WEIGHT 2 LBS. iron phosphate: ÊÊÊÊ--ÕÕ}} slug bait » >iÃÊ-Õ}ÃÊ Ã>>«>«i>À }}VV UÊ*ÀÛiÊ->Ê>`Ê-Õ}ÊiÀ UÊÀÊÕÃiÊ>ÀÕ`ÊÛi}iÌ>LiÃ]ÊvÀÕÌÊÌÀiiÃ]ÊVÌÀÕÃ]Ê Ê LiÀÀiÃ]ÊÀ>iÌ>Ã]Êà ÀÕLÃ]ÊvÜiÀÃ]ÊÌÀiiÃ]Ê>ÜÃ]Ê Ê }>À`iÃÊ>`ÊÊ}Àii ÕÃið UÊ,i>ÃÊivviVÌÛiÊ>vÌiÊ À Ê À>ÊÀÊëÀ} >Ê iÊ1Ãi`ÊÀÕ`Ê*iÌÃÊ>`Ê7`viÊ /6 Ê , /\ )RONPHOSPHATE ii«ÊÕÌÊvÊÀi>V ÊvÊV `Ài ,/Ê , /-\ 1/" 4/4!, ­-iiÊ >VÊ*>iÊvÀÊ``Ì>Ê *ÀiV>ÕÌ>ÀÞÊ-Ì>ÌiiÌî Ê ‘Surround’ on pumpkin ‘Surround’ on apple Smothering agents • Petroleum oil • Soap (potassium salts of fatty acids) Diatomaceous earth • Silicon dioxide 6930 17x22.25" Front&Sides.5/15 5/15/02 3:48 PM Page 1 • For indoor pests: sold alone • For food crops: sold only in C mix with pyrethrins + PBO R I N A ON HARVESTED TOMATOES AND FRUIT (including grapes): To control Fruit Flies and Vinegar Flies. Apply with a hand or power sprayer or other suitable PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS means on tomatoes and fruit in baskets, on trucks or on plants, and row stock stacked in the yard. Apply liberally at the rate of 8 oz. per 100 sq. ft. of area. ® S W HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS VEGETABLE CROPS: For the control of insects such as Aphids, 12-Spotted Cucumber Beetle, Armyworms, Beet Webworms, Blister Beetle, Cabbage Looper, Cabbage Worms, Caterpillars, Celery Leaftiers, Colorado Potato Beetle, Corn Earworm, Cucumber Beetles, Diamondback Moth Larva, European CAUTION: Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Use in adequate ventilation and avoid breathing dust. E Corn Borer, Flea Beetles, Garden Fleahoppers, Harlequin Bugs, Imported Cabbage Worms, Japanese Beetles, Leafhoppers, Leaf Miners, Leaftiers, Loopers, Lygus Bugs, Mexican Bean Beetle, Mites, Oblique-Banded Leafrollers, Plant Bugs, Stink Bugs, Squash Vine Borers, Thrips, Vegetable Weevils, Webworms L USER SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS - Users should: Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. Remove and White Flies. C clothing immediately if pesticide gets inside. Then wash thoroughly and put on clean clothing. Remove PPE immediately after handling this product. Wash outside of gloves before removing. As soon as possible, wash thoroughly and change into clean clothes.
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