ST. FRANCIS’ EPISCOP A L C H U R C H IN THIS ISSUE E U R E K A , M O Page 1: Morning Coffee on the River Page 2: Search Committee Page 3: Friends of St. The Chalice Francis’ AUGUST 2 0 1 9 Page 4: From the Bishop’s Warden Page 5: Diocesan Elections; Feed the Morning Coffee on the River Need-STL Recently, I received word ing on open fires with the the boiling water into unwashed Page 6: Agape House; Potluck with Friends that an old friend from the smoke constantly shifting. All cups containing several Folgers Diocese of West Missouri was endured as we went Coffee Singles we would sit side Page 7: Food Pantry; Recipe died. We eventually lost track about our daily business of by side facing the river, watching of each other after Dayna and canoeing and having fun, the morning mist burn off with Page 8: Stump the Vicar; Interment of I moved to St. Louis. Permit mending cut fingers and toes the rising sun. Ashes me to share a story about the and caring for insect bites In the beginning of the week beginning of our friendship. we talked about the river and Page 9: Book Group; while we planted new seeds Eureka Days; Lunar July is a hot and sticky in the kingdom and watered camping and fishing. Then we Communion Sunday; month in the heartland of our those planted by others. began to talk about the campers Centering Prayer country. The sun beats down and Cliff Springs. Soon we shared Page 10: ASA mercilessly with rarely a stories about our children and Page 11: Worship cloud in the sky to offer a hint spouses. Then we began talking Participant Schedule of shade. Temperatures soar about ourselves, our careers, Page 12: Calendar into the 90's and sometimes and changed courses in life; fi- into the 100's with the hu- nally, we began to talk about our midity following close be- souls. We each talked about our hind. Even nighttime offers walk in the kingdom. We shared little relief from the swelter- I'm an early riser and so stories about learning to love ing heat. These were the con- was Joe, a teacher from Jesus and inviting the Spirit into ditions during the first week West Plains, Missouri, who our lives, and how God's Holy in July, 1998 when Dayna and specialized in students with Spirit works through us and em- I joined campers and staff learning and behavioral dis- powers us when we get our- from Cliff Springs Episcopal orders. Neither Joe nor I selves out the way. Camp in West Missouri and cared about how hot it was-- I am no longer astonished The Chalice other adult volunteers for a we wanted our morning when someone begins to share is published monthly by week of canoeing and camp- with me those spiritual things St. Francis’ Episcopal coffee. While the rest of the Church. Submissions are ing on the Gasconade River. I campers slept we would that had remained hidden in the due the 20th of each was the spiritual director for recesses of one's soul, nor when month prior to build a fire from driftwood, publication. this adventure, and Dayna fill a #10 tin can with about a I begin to share those secret Submissions may be was the nurse and surrogate things that I do not often share sent by email to quart of water, and place it [email protected] mother. It is interesting to on the fire. A little ash with others. I am no longer sur- Publisher: note what a person is willing floating on the surface of the prised because I see the hand of The Rev. Alfred Jewson to endure while seeking a water and a few flecks of God in everything that goes on goal: sleeping on rocks, around me. God is always work- Editor: Jackie Selle sand in the bottom of the hordes of blood thirsty mos- can did not deter us from ing, always there, gently prod- quitoes, moisture-laden hu- the pursuit of our morning ding, patiently waiting. midity, little shade, and cook- pleasure. After we poured So there we sat on camp The Chalice Page 1 www.stfranciseureka.com stools, watching the river roll gently they could see it every day, and as This profile will then be posted, thus by and flicking out little bits of debris they prayed they were to try to re- making it available to everyone in the from our coffee cups, as we lived out member some neat thing about that larger church. Bishop Smith’s office the gospel of Jesus Christ. God per- person. So everyone else drew names will assist in getting our profile dis- mitted me the opportunity to get to and then it was my turn. As I drew tributed to other dioceses. So that know one more member of the body that last pebble out of the hat and congregation members are aware, all of Christ in a most intimate way. The looked at it, on that pebble was the matters before and deliberations of lives of two men who began as name, Joe. the search committee are to be held strangers became linked forever in Fr. Al Jewson in the strictest confidence, including the communion of saints by the work names of the persons being consid- of the Holy Spirit. "Above all, clothe ered. These confidences are to be yourselves with love, which binds Search Committee kept not only through the whole pro- everything together in perfect har- Update cess, but forever after in regard to the mony. And let the peace of Christ identities of all candidates who were rule in your hearts, to which indeed by Paul Jokerst considered but not selected. you were called in the one body." The search for a new vicar for St. The search committee that has Colossians 3: 14-15 Francis’ has begun with the formation been selected for this process is com- It doesn't take mornings on the riv- of a nine-member search committee. prised of Paul Jokerst (chairperson), er, a campfire, or ashes in one's This committee is charged to identi- Jackie Selle (secretary), Mike Rohan coffee for each of us to begin to fy candidates for the position of vicar (B.C. liaison), Michael Booker, Su- share our journey into Jesus Christ. by reviewing applications, supporting zanne Jones, Jack Lauless, Barb Sacco, All it takes is willingness on our part documents, and references; to inter- Jerry Smith, and Marsha Smith. to share our journey with someone view applicants; and to recommend a On July 1 the committee received else. It takes our trust and confidence candidate to the Bishop’s Committee. the required training from The Rev. that the other person is willing to However, the initial task of the search Joseph Chambers, and on July 16 they hear our story, and it takes our will- committee is to understand and com- met again to appoint a chairperson, ingness to plant and water seeds in municate the desires, hopes, and secretary, and the liaison to the Bish- others and to permit seeds to be dreams of the members of St. Fran- op’s Committee. During the July 16 planted and watered in us. cis’. To do this, the committee wishes meeting, Fr. Al also discussed the pro- Dayna decided to do something to include the involvement of both cess in further detail. The committee that week that she had done in Mexi- clergy and laity in the process by col- will meet again on August 6 to estab- co the year prior with the youth lecting feedback to assist with their lish a questionnaire that will be given group from St. Andrew's Church. All work. At the conclusion of this pro- to every member of St. Francis’. The week long on the shores of the Gas- cess of reflection and discernment, results from this questionnaire will be conade, she gathered pebbles, care- the search committee will then pro- used to help construct a profile for St. fully examining each one and discard- duce a profile of St. Francis’ and re- Francis’ which will then be made ing a pebble here and there because view the final draft with the Bishop’s available to the larger church. it didn't quite look right or somehow Committee. Members of the committee will did not meet with her approval. On In doing this work, the search com- make announcements as more infor- Friday evening she wrote the name mittee must keep in mind our rich mation becomes available, and of each person on our trip on a differ- and complex history and our signifi- monthly updates will be included in ent pebble. During our farewell Eu- cant diversity, which spans theology, The Chalice. If you have any questions charist on Saturday morning, Dayna liturgy, and congregational de- about this process, please feel free to went around with all the pebbles in a mographics including gender, color, contact any member of the search hat and each person drew one. They ethnicity, race, social class, geogra- committee. were asked to pray for the next phy, and sexual orientation. We are a twelve months for the person whose congregation (and diocese) ever Deacon’s Time Off name was on the pebble. They are mindful of our past and the rich bless- Deacon Rebecca will be taking a month of asked to pray every day that God ings God has bestowed upon us but leave during August to spend time with hus- would take care of that person and band Phil, daughter Sarah, as well as family dedicated to our future and aware of members living away.
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