IB) I n MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA (February 27, 1991) 91 02 27 0 5) I p MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA Page Nos. DATE: 91 02 27 TIME: 9:30 a.m. PLACE: M.D. Administration Building, Council Chambers Call to Order Present Additions to the Agenda Adoption of the Agenda Adoption of Minutes IS 1-10 (a) 91 02 14 Regular Council Meeting 11 (b) 91 02 14 Public Hearing to Consider an Application for Amendment to the Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77 Land Use By-Law No. 109-90 - Proposed Change of Land Use Designation - Lot 1, Plan 892-2287, 3.14 HA (7.76 Acres) from Agricultural One to Rural Industrial Public Hearing - 9:30 a.m. - To Consider the Adoption of a By-Law which will amend Land Use By- Law No. 109-90 by Changing the Land Use Designation of Part of NW 36-48-4 W5M from Agricultural One to r Highway Commercial. 12 - 17 Report and Recommendation attached. 18 - 19 By-Law No. 123-91: To Amend By-Law No. 109- 90, being the Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77 Land Use By-Law. Public Hearing at 9:45 a.m. - To Consider an application to amend Land Use By-Law No. 109-90 by redesignating the Land Use of Part of the SE 1/4 Section 1-50-7 W5M from Forestry to Agricultural One containing 147.47 Acres more or less as more particularly described and set forth in Certificate of Title No. 902 296164. 20 - 21 Report and Recommendation attached. 22 - 23 By-Law No. 125-91: To Amend By-Law No. 109- 90, being the Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77 Land-Use By-Law. 24 6. Yellowhead Regional Planning Commission Project Schedule - Regarding the Preparation of Area Structure Plans for the Hamlets of Violet Grove, Cynthia and Others Report and Recommendation attached. ...12 Page Nos. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 2 - 91 02 27 7. Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77 Community Tourism Action Plan 25 - 28 Report and Recommendation attached. G 8. Alberta Planning Board's 1991 Annual Planning Conference 91 04 09 to 91 04 12 29 - 34 Memorandum from the Alberta Planning Board dated 91 02 12 attached. 9. Pembina Provincial Grazing Reserve Request for Specialized Service 35 - 38 - Report and Recommendation attached. r 10. A.A.M.D. & C. Spring Convention One day Seminar - "The Life of a Landfill" 39 - 41 Memorandum from the A.A.M.D. & C. dated 91 02 14 attached. 11. Leadership Challenge '91 42 91 05 23 and 91 05 24 - Spruce Grove - Notice attached. 12. Partitions for Front Office 43 - 44 Report and Recommendation attached. 13. Approval of Accounts 45 - 51 Listing attached. IP 14. Animal Control By-Law 52 - 61 By-Law No. 126-91: 15. Correspondence/Items for Information 62 - 64 (a) Municipal Law Bulletin from Brownlee Fryett dated January, 1991. 65 - 68 (b) Letter to the Minister of Supply and Services, Minister of Transportation, Minister of Tourism and Minister of Environment from Douglas Bucar, President of Birchwood Village Greens, dated in 91 01 29. 69 (c) Memorandum from the A.A.M.D. & C. dated 91 02 14 regarding the 1991 Convention Handbook Survey. IP 70 (d) Information from Alberta Education dated 91 02 11 entitled "Education in the 90's". 71 - 72 (e) News Highlights from the A.A.M.D. & C. dated 91 02 13. 73 - 76 (f) Letter from Alberta Family and Social Services dated 91 02 05 regarding F.C.S.S. Review PI Advisory Panel Update #2. .../3 j^> Page Nos. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 3 - 91 02 27 77 - 78 (g) Minutes of the Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting held on 91 01 10. 79 - 86 (h) Information from the Rural Education and Development Association regarding Youth C Programs. Addendum Adjournment pj jP) pi MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77, HELD AT THE M D ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, DRAYTON VALLEY, ALBERTA. *ON THURSDAY, 91 02 14 CALL TO ORDER ' H. Rondeau, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 9:35 c a.m. PRESENT H. Rondeau, Reeve B. Booth, Deputy Reeve N. Norton, Councillor W. Tweedle, Councillor J. Coombes, Councillor J. Eriksson, Municipal Manager J. Andrew, Recording Secretary Also in attendance were: Roberge, Planning and Development Officer Tatro, Director of Public Works Fleming, Assistant Director of Public Works Fleming, Director of Finance and Administration Gehrmann, Subdivision Applicant Thomas, Barrister and Solicitor, Representing Mr. Gehrmann Baker, Land Resource Agrologist with Alberta Forestry, Lands and Wildlife Buchanan, Area Planner, Y.R.P.C. Pinkoski, Western Review Feniak, Strike Oilfield Service ADDITIONS TO 53/91 Moved by W. Tweedle that the agenda for the 91 AND ADOPTION 02 14 Regular Council Meeting be adopted with OF AGENDA the following additions and deletion: Addendum In-Camera Session to be Held Prior to Item No. 27 - Union Memorandum of Agreement 15. Snowplowing Agreements - Withdrawn 29. Alberta in a New Canada 30. Letter for Information from the Ratepayer's Association CARRIED. ADOPTION OF j 54/91 Moved by N. Norton that the minutes of the 91 MINUTES i 01 23 Regular Council Meeting be adopted as j presented. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING 55/91 Moved by N. Norton that the Regular Council Meeting of 91 02 14 adjourn into a Public Hearing at 9:38 a.m. to consider an application for amendment to the Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77 Land Use By-Law No. 109-90 - Proposed Change of Land Use Designation - Lot 1, Plan 892-2287, 3.14 Ha (7.76 acres) from Agricultural One to Rural Industrial. CARRIED. .../2 UNADOPTED W^ -£- REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 2 - 91 02 14 56/91 Moved by W. Tweedle that the Regular Council Meeting of 91 02 14 reconvene from Public Hearing to consider an application for amendment to the Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77 Land Use By-Law No. 109-90 - Proposed C Change of Land Use Designation - Lot 1, Plan 892-2287, 3.14 Ha (7.76 acres) from Agricultural One to Rural Industrial at 9:46 a.m. CARRIED. Mr. Feniak left the meeting at 9:46 a.m. APPLICATION Application for Amendment to the Municipal District of FOR AMENDMENT Brazeau No. 77 Land Use By-Law No. 109-90 TO LAND-USE BY-LAW NO. Mr. Roberge reviewed the report and recommendation as 109-90 presented to Council. 57/91 Moved by N. Norton that the application for Amendment to the Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77 Land Use By-Law No. 109-90 - Proposed Vwj^ Change of Land Use Designation - Lot 1, Plan 892-2287, 3.14 Ha (7.76 Acres) from Agricultural One to Rural Industrial be refused on the basis that: fl?^1 (1) Presently no service road exists to the lot making for a hazardous entrance to the parcel from Highway No. 22. (2) An existing Industrial Park is located nearby which has all Municipal utility services and properly developed road access. (3) Alberta Transportation and Utilities are not prepared to issue a permit at this time. CARRIED. BRAZEAU Brazeau Pembina Integrated Resource Plan - Agricultural PEMBINA Expansion INTEGRATED RESOURCE Mr. Donald Baker, Land Resource Agrologist with Alberta PLAN Forestry, Lands and Wildlife, attended the meeting at 9:46 a.m. AGRICULTURAL EXPANSION Mr. Baker referred to the Brazeau Pembina Integrated Resource Plan. Mr. Baker indicated that his attendance at the meeting today was to enquire as to whether there is a demand at this time for land for agricultural expansion. Discussion was held regarding putting Section 34-48-8 W5M and Section 35-47-8 W5M into private ownership. Concerns were expressed that there is no physical access to three of the eight quarters. 1 .../3 t^ -3- REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 3 - 91 02 14 58/91 Moved by N. Norton that the Council for the Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77 supports the initiative of Alberta Forestry, Lands and Wildlife, to place Section 34-47-8 W5M and Section 35-47-8 W5M into private ownership, C however, no burden should be placed on the Municipality to provide access to the three quarters that do not have physical access. r CARRIED. Mr. Baker left the meeting at 10:06 a.m. SUBDIVISION i Subdivision Applications APPLICATIONS I 90/91 YH103-41 - NE 11-50-8 W5M - Gerhard Gehrmann GEHRMANN Mr. Roberge reviewed the report and recommendation as presented to Council. Mr. Thomas indicated that it is Mr. Gehrmann's intention to reside on the subdivided parcel and to sell the balance of the land. Mr. Gehrmann wishes to keep approximately ten head of cattle and the barns, etc. 59/91 Moved by B. Booth that the Council for the Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77 relax Section 72 3(b) of the Land Use By-Law and approve subdivision application 90/91 YH103-41 - NE 11-50-8 W5M - Gerhard Gehrmann - subject to the following conditions: r (1) All taxes being paid. (2) Owner/Developer enter into a Development Agreement with the Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77 satisfactory to the Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77. (3) Owner/Developer enter into negotiations with the Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77 for the acquisition of 5 metres along and parallel to the east boundary of the parcel being created for the purposes of r future road widening. CARRIED. Mr. Gehrmann and Mr. Thomas left the meeting at 10:17 a.m. CHARBONNEAU 90/91 YH120-41 - SE 26-48-4 W5M - Albert and Anna Charbonneau Mr.
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