Application No: S/O1/00758/OUT Date Registered: 28th June 2001 Applicant: Ravenscraig Ltd Ravenscraig Site Motherwell MLI ISW Agent Robert Turley Associates 7 Newton Place Glasgow G3 7PR Development: Mixed Use Development Comprising Residential Areas, Primary SchoolslCommunity Uses, Business and Employment Uses, Open Space, a New Town Centre Including Retail, Leisure, Business, Housing and Hotel, + Associated Transport Infrastructure Location: Ravenscraig Motherwell Lanarkshire Ward: 2 : Calder Valley Councillor Vincent Mathieson 5: New Stevenston & Carfin Councillor Bernard Scott 6: Craigneuk Councillor Thomas Lunny 12: Knowetop Councillor William Wilson Grid Reference: 276850 657100 File Reference: SlPLlBMlLSlLG Site History: Former steelworks sites; Lanarkshire Steelworks closed 1981, Ravenscraig closed 1992. Development Plan: Unzoned/lndustrial - Burgh of Motherwell and Wishaw Development Plan Greenbelt - Northern Area Local Plan Contrary to Development Plan: Yes Consultations: Architectural Liaison Officer (no reply) Royal Fine Arts Commission (objection) Railtrack Scotland (no reply) Glasgow And Clyde Valley Structure Plan Core Team (conditions) Strathclyde Passenger Transport (conditions) West Of Scotland Archaeology Service (conditions) Scottish Natural Heritage (conditions) SportScotland (no objection) Central Scotland Countryside Trust (no reply) Glasgow City Council (objection) West Lothian Council (no objection) South Lanarkshire Council (objection) British Gas Transco (no objection) Falkirk Council (objection) Scottish Ambulance Service (no reply) Strathclyde Fire Brigade (no objection) Scottish Power (no reply) PLANNING APPLICATION No. S / 01 / 00758 / OUT A MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT, COMPRISING : RESIDENTIAL AREAS, PRIMARY SCHOOLS I North COMMUNITY USES, BUSINESS AND Produced by Lanarbhire Planning and Environment EMPLOYMENT USES Coundl Headwanerr Suite 501, Fleming House 2 Tryst Road CUMEERNAULD RAVENSCRAIG, MOTHERWELL. G67 1JW ii 01236616210 Fax 01236616232 1:40000 Site Area = 466.70 ha. I OSLlce"celA0904iL Scottish Water (no objection) The Scottish Civic Trust (no reply) The Coal Authority (no objection) S.E.P.A.(West) (no objection) Historic Scotland (no objection) East Dumbartonshire Council (no reply) Carfin Community Council (no reply) Central Wishaw Community Council (no reply) Coltness Community Council (no reply) Muirhouse & Flemington Community Council (no reply) Health And Safety Executive (no reply) Director Of Education (conditions) Countryside And Landscape Manager (conditions) Director Of Finance (no reply) Social Work Department (no reply) Director Of Housing (no reply) Scottish Executive Environment Group (no objection) Lanarkshire Chambers Group (no objection) Garden History Society (conditions) Scottish Homes (conditions) SEPA (conditions) Renfrewshire Council (objection) Chief Executives Dept (conditions) Director of Community Services (conditions) Representations: 49 Representation Letters Newspaper Advertisement: Motherwell Times on 5th July 2001 & 26th July 2001 Wishaw Press on 4th July 2001 Comments: This application seeks outline consent for the redevelopment of the former Ravenscraig steelworks in Motherwell. The proposal involves a major mixed use development on the site, which extends to 466 hectares (1,I 51 acres), the main elements of which are - Up to 3,500 new dwellings Up to 21 6,000 square metres of business/industry/storage/distribution A new town centre, with up to 57,600 square metres of retail floorspace, together with offices and other services, food and drink, major leisure facilities, a hotel, residential and community facilities 0 Major parkland areas New Roads, bus facilities and a new rail station 0 Schools In addition to the steelworks sites, the application also involves other land in the Windmillhill StreeVOrbiston Street area, required to form a new access into the site. Generally, the principle of redevelopment has been welcomed, but there have been substantial objections submitted in relation to the town centre proposal, and its impacts on other centres. These are fully considered in the accompanying report. It is recognised that there will be significant impacts arising from the proposal, but it is considered that these can be accepted if appropriate measures are taken to promote the restructuring of the existing centres of Motherwell and Wishaw, and if the scale and nature of the Ravenscraig proposals are strictly controlled. An alteration to the Structure Plan has been proposed, which would establish formal 'town centre' status for Ravenscraig, and enable about 30,000 square metres (net) of additional retail floorspace to be developed. This would provide a development plan context to enable the application to be considered to be appropriate, but the approval of the Scottish Ministers for this alteration would be required before the consent could be issued. The range of issues involved with this proposal has also necessitated the negotiation of a 'section 75' planning agreement, which would cover a range of specific restrictions on the development in addition to obligations to be delivered by the developer. A detailed explanation of this is contained in the accompanying report. A comprehensive report on the application, taking all the considerations into account, is attached. It is considered that, subject to strict controls, through both planning conditions and a planning agreement, and the approval of the Structure Plan Alteration by the Scottish Ministers, outline planning permission should be granted. If the Committee is minded to grant consent, the permission will not be issued until after the Structure Plan Alteration is approved, and the planning agreement executed. It should be noted that, if the Committee is minded to grant consent, the application will require to be notified to the Scottish Ministers. Recommendation: GRANT, subject to (i) the recordinglregistration of an agreement under Section 75 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997; (ii) the approval of the Scottish Ministers of the proposed Alteration to the Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan, agreed by the Structure Plan Joint Committee on 26 March 2003, and (iii) the following conditions. 1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started, either within five years of the date of this permission, or within two years of the date on which the first of the reserved matters are approved, whichever is the later. Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. 2. That before development starts, further planning applications shall be submitted to the planning authority in respect of the following reserved matters:- the siting, design and external appearance of all buildings and other structures; the means of access to the site; the layout of the site, including all roads, footways, and parking areas; the provision of equipped play areas; the provision of public open space; the details of, and timetable for, the hard and soft landscaping of the site; details of management and maintenance of the areas identified in (d), (e) and (f) above; the design and location of all boundary walls and fences; the provision for loading and unloading of all goods vehicles; the phasing of the development; the provision of drainage works; the disposal of sewage; details of existing trees, shrubs and hedgerows to be retained, and details of existing and proposed site levels. Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail. 3. That within three years of the date of this permission, the first of the applications for the approval of reserved matters, specified in condition 2 above, shall be made to the Planning Authority, and that application for approval of all reserved matters shall be made within twenty years of the date of this permission. Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. 4. That, notwithstanding the generalities of condition 3 above, and the provisions of the Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations 1990, planning applications for the approval of reserved matters for each part of the site shall be accompanied by a certificate from a recognised firm of chartered engineers, duly signed by a Chartered Engineer or Chartered Geologist of Geotechnical Advisor Status (ICE, SlSG 1993) confirming the mineral stability of the site. This certificate shall be based on a professionally supervised and regulated rotary drilling programme. Reason: To ensure the mineral stability of the site. 5. That, notwithstanding the generalities of condition 3 above, planning applications for the approval of reserved matters for each part of the site shall be accompanied by a scheme to deal with contamination on the site. The scheme shall include: i. The nature, extent and type(s) of contamination on the site ii. Measures to treathemove contamination to ensure the site is fit for the use(s) proposed iii. Measures to deal with contamination during construction works iv. Condition of the site on completion of decontamination measures Before any of the various elements of the proposals on any part of the site are occupied or brought into use the measures to decontaminate the site shall be fully implemented as approved by the planning authority Reason: To ensure the site is fit for the use(s) proposed. 6. That, notwithstanding the generalities of condition 3 above, planning applications for the approval of reserved matters for each part of the site shall be accompanied by a risk assessment
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