Volume No. 85 April 21, 1993 Issue No. 12 FIAT LUX THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF ALFRED UNIVERSITY Saturday nighters to do AU Nealon, Sandler City. Now Kevin Nealon, one of SNL's "ALFORD? [sic] I'M DEFINITELY stage not as a comedian, but as a musi- most constant participants, and Adam COMIN'!" cian; his singing career turned out to be to play McLane Sandler, one of its newcomers, are Known for his role as the Weekend short lived. Nealon got his big break as a bringing their patented brand of humor Update anchorperson, Nealon also stand up in Hollywood, where he met to Alfred. spoke at a teleconference last Dana Carvey, who also got him an this Saturday You may remember Sandler from his Wednesday of his creation on Mr. audition on SNL. Nealon prefers the by Dave Bachrach, contributor part on MTV's "Remote Control" game Subliminal. He related that in addition to "straight" news delivery pioneered by For those of us who have thought of the show, or his handful of stand-up spots a movie about Mr. Subliminal in the Chevy Chase, who he cites as a positive Hot Dog Day concerts of recent years as on Late Night With David Letterman, works for HBO, plans for "Hans and influence. He starred as "Drunk #2" in jokes, this year's extravaganza is no but you are more likely to be laughing Franz: The Girlyman Dilemma," co- Roxanne with Steve Martin. "If you were exception. Except this time the joke is these days at his multitude of imperson- starring Arnold Schwartzenegger, are getting popcorn you would have missed intentional. ations and off-the-wall raving. SNL has also on the drawing board. When asked me," he quipped. Since Robert Klein attended Alfred shown him as Iraqi Pete, Crazy what possessed him to come to Alfred, Sandler and Nealon will be performing University, we haven't come close to the Spoonhead terrorizing the neighborhood the vegetarian replied that he had at McLane Center on Saturday, April 24, comedy greats that have emerged with for candy on Halloween, or the melodi- adopted a steer, ducks, goats, and sheep at 730 p.m. with opening comedian help from Saturday Night Live, an hour ous Operaman, among others. When at a Watkins Glen farm sanctuary that he Tony V. The cost for AU students is $6, and a half of live performance broadcast some Friday Night Live crew, including had never visited before. and general admission price is $9. on NBC each weekend from New York myself, met him at NBC, he exclaimed, Originally, Nealon was drawn to the Tickets are available at South Hall. Coll and company deliver state of AU address Susann« Dunn « ~ ^ ; HI ï - by Darcia Harris, news editor fjyMfiMM'eSßB President Edward G. Coll,Jr., flanked the student senate approved it. by Provost Richard Ott, Associate When questioned about further plans Provost Susan Strong, and Peter for remodeling other residence halls, Fackler, vice president of student Coll said "we know what shape they're finance, spent the greater part of the in as well as you do." According to evening after his "state of the Coll, AU had plans to remodel another University" address, fielding students' hall this past year but there were too questions concerning housing, tuition many students to close one down. increase and the future of the Provost Ott announced that Cannon Steinheim. "will be coming off the line" for Coll announced that tuition and room remodeling in the 1993 academic year. i• and board cost increased by the annual Many students also seemed con- six percent, making a total of $22,480. cerned about what may be in store for Coll also explained the increase in the the Steinheim castle. student activity fee from one hundred "Two architects came in and said to two hundred dollars, effective fall restoration would be terribly expen- 1993. According to the president, a sive," said Coll in reference to the gradual increase over a four year approximated million-dollar cost. Coll period was approved by the 1989 insisted that until a practical use was student senate and is intended to cover found for the building, the expense to the deficit for the financing of the new restore it cannot be justified. "I love that building just as much as everyone Peter Fackler, vice president of business and finance, watches campus center. Coll assured students that the activity else," insisted Coll. "It would make a "as Tanya Matos, vice president of senate, questions President fee would not be increased again unless great president's office." Edward G. Coll, Jr. during the "State of the University Address.' Kingsbury refuses recognition to new fraternity / /!/ g / D £... Opinion by Marcus Sperling, staff writer The seems to be a misunderstanding tarnished." at AU," said Kingsbury, commenting on with the Alpha Delta Omega, the new Another misunderstanding is that, the fact hat Alpha Delta Omega is taking Grunge is local fraternity, unaffiliated with AU or according to Alpha Delta Ctaega Vice members from both schools. commercialized Alfred State College. President, Keith Bellomo, greek opinions Alpha Delta Omega currently has five Page 5 Alpha Delta Omega sent out form of them are either positive or neutral; but pledges; four males and one female. letters to chapter presidents and admin- the impression of the greeks is negative. Only one student is from Alfred State, istrators; however, the letters stated "I don't think we need anymore according to Bellomo. different things. fraternities. We need more sororities to "We want to start off with a group that The letter to the chapter presidents said balance it out, but seven fraternities for a is dedicated, then open it to other Students debate that it was important to Alpha Delta campus this size is enough," said Sigma people," said Bellomo. Malcolm X Omega to maintain good relations with Alpha Mu brother D. Bradley Seymour. The reason they are doing this, accordr Page 3 the current greeks. It also mentioned that According to Paul Kingsbury, AU ing to Bellomo, is because they feel it would be a social fraternity. greek advisor, he met with the members there's enough people out there who The letters to the administrators only of the new fraternity and gave them don't want to pledge an existing house, Sports mentioned that Alpha Delta Omega was options they could take, such as becom- but do want the friendships, connec- a co-ed fraternity "based on Christian ing a national co-ed fraternity. tions, and closeness a fraternity AU falls to Hobart principles." Au has a policy, according to provides. The letter also stated that "In recent Kingsbury, that won't allow local The fraternity meets at St. Jude's church Back Page times, the community's image of the fraternities to be recognized. on the ASC campus but, according greek institutions at Alfred has grown "Organizations at AU are for students Bellomo, is not a church group. Fiat Lux • April 21 • Page 3Arts Depression brings Feature Pnoto CLmU Neu change to AU by Ann-Marie Bramer, features editor part ten in a series Being a Pacifist," and in 1936, there The Depression Era was full of change were so many peace societies they for the AU community. The period were getting into each others' hair. saw three presidents, the school's first Other new occurrences at AU includ- radio station was founded, AU ed: a new radio station called W8LHK, celebrated its centennial and, of a new moving picture outfit that course, there were the typical finance included sound, and a series of forum and building developments. lectures with speakers that included a President Davis resigned in 1932, governor from Wisconsin and an ending the forty year presidency that under sea explorer. was often referred to as the Golden AU celebrated 100 years of quality Age of AU. He was replaced by Paul education in June of 1936. The festivi- Emerson Titsworth, whose acceptance ties started with an Alumni Humor of the position fulfilled his childhood Association dinner: its menu featured dream. a birthday cake with 100 candles with Titsworth and his family were the fifty of each. Later in the ceremonies, New sport at AU first presidential family to live in King Alfred (actually, an AU student Crandall Hall, which was newly dressed appropriately) made an by David P. Holmes, staff writer designed for that purpose. appearance. After Asser, his secretary AU's Business and Finance depart- practiced for the scream-a-thon. I Unfortunately they were not able to (actually an AU professor) explained ment has been collaborating with the guess I needed more practice, because enjoy it for very long, as Titsworth to the king what wonders had been physical education department to add I still had to go back to Financial Aid. died on his way to a church service in wrought in the century old school, the another varsity sport to AU: The run- As I caught my breath, the lady at December, 1933. king demanded to see the "worker of around. Financial Aid laid the most difficult obstacle of the course before me. To Following the funeral. Dean John miracles" who had brought these The run-around has several distinct pick up my paycheck, I must apply for Nelson Norwood was named as acting things to pass. President Emeritus parts to it, as well as some non- a new social security card. I built up president, and by the following June, Davis stepped forward, and the king essential obstacles. Let me tell you my leg muscles running up and down the "acting" was cut.
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