Published by the Ukrainian National Association inc., a fraternal non-profit association rainian Weekly vol. LVIII No. 28 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 15.1990 50 cents Weary of CPSU, economic conditions, lvashko resigns as Ukraine's president Soviet miners stage political strike elected CPSU deputy general secretary JERSEY C1TY, N.J. - Miners in the vorkuta fields inside the Arctic by Kathleen Mihaiisko throughout several major coal-mining Circle and in a few mines on Sakhalin Radio Liberty Research regions of the Soviet Union, including island far to the Pacific East took part the Donbas in Ukraine, staged a 24- in the daylong strike, notable for the MUN1CH - volodymyr lvashko, hour warning strike on July 11 to stronger emphasis on politics and not the former first secretary of the Com– demand the resignation of the Soviet just economic need, reported The New munist Party of Ukraine, was elected government, nationalization of Com– York Times. Wednesday, July 11, to the newly munist Party property and moreecono– "in the last year things have gotten created position of deputy general mic autonomy for the coal mines, worse," vasily Grinev, a miner from the secretary of the Communist Party of the reported various sources last week. Kuzbas, was quoted as saying. Last year Soviet Union. The miners' demands had been an– Soviet miners nearly crippled the He defeated conservative Yegor nounced at a conference of workers of economy with a strike pressing for Ligachev, often described as an ortho– the Donetske and Luhanske regions of economic reform, improvement in their dox Marxist who is Soviet President Ukraine, held on July 8 in the Shakhtar poor standard of living, improved Mikhail Gorbachev's most prominent stadium in Donetske, reported Rukh working conditions, more consumer opponent. Press international on July 12. goods, including basic items such as Mr. Gorbachev, who was re-elected According to Andriy Slyvka of the food and soap, and greater autonomy on Tuesday, July 10, as the CPSU Donbas (Donets Basin) strike commit– for the mines. general secretary, in nominating Mr. tee, 141 out of almost 250 Donbas coal "The food stores are almost empty lvashko said it is important that the two mines took part in the strike, while again," said Mr. Grinev, a miner for people at the top of the party leadership others held rallies in support of the most of the last 30 years. "The politi– be "close in their views" and that the volodymyr lvashko striking miners, wrote RP1. Miners in cization of the miners is growing and party not be divided. From that point the Kuznetsk Basin (Kuzbas) in Siberia, (Continued on page 3) the Ukrainian's election was virtually decided that it would return to the assured. matter at a later date, once the issue of Even before his formal nomination, state sovereignty is decided. Bishop Greschuk of Edmonton dies in fact, Mr. lvashko sent word to Kiev The question arises why Mr. lvashko EDMONTON - Bishop Demetrius apostolic administrator of the Eparchy that he was resigning from the post of resigned on the obviously false pretext Greschuk, Ukrainian Catholic eparch of Edmonton. Two years later, on April chairman of the Ukrainian Supreme of "lack of support" just before his of Edmonton, died here at his residence 28, 1986, he was installed as eparch of Soviet, a job he has held for only five election as Mr. Gorbachev's deputy, in on Sunday, July 8. He was 66. Edmonton. weeks. Mr. lvashko, naturally, made no all likelihood, Mr. lvashko was aware that Ukraine's parliamentary opposi– He was the spiritual head of Alberta's A requiem service for Bishop Gres– mention of his possible leap forward in 35,000-member Ukrainian Catholic chuk was held July 12, and funeral the CPSU hierarchy in his statement of tion would seize on his promotion to community, having been installed as services were scheduled to be held the resignation. Rather, as TASS reported, support contentions that party officials eparch on April 28, 1986. He had been next day, Friday, July 13. Both services he cited "the lack of support in the put career ambitions above the interests consecrated a bishop on October 3, were to take place at St. Josaphat's Ukrainian Supreme Soviet for conduct– of the nation and, hence, should not be 1974. Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in Ed– ing the program of economic, social and entrusted with the business of state. Bishop Greschuk was found dead monton. cultural rebirth of Ukraine as 1 under– During questioning on July 11 of the Monday morning, July 9, slumped over stand it." nominees for deputy general secretary, his desk at his residence, it is believed he Mr. lvashko referred here to a con– a Congress delegate from Leningrad died of a massive heart attack, as he had troversy that erupted last Friday when queried Mr. lvashko precisely on a history of high blood pressure and was the Ukrainian Parliament sent a request whether the party's opponents would on medication at the time of his death. to the 63 of its members who are use his resignation against other Com– The bishop was born November 7, attending the party congress to return munists. Mr. lvashko expressed confi– 1923, in innisfree, Alberta. He studied without delay to Kiev. The request said dence that a Communist would replace philosophy and theology at St. Au– that the absence of so many legislators him as Supreme Soviet chairman, gustine's Seminary in Toronto, gra– was hampering the work of Parliament adding that the party should fight for duating in 1950. at a very critical time, when Ukraine is every one of its members in the Soviets. On June 11, 1950, he was ordained a faced with strikes in the Donbas coal- But indeed, opposition leader priest by Bishop Neil Savaryn in Ed– fields and, in addition, is on the verge of Mykhailo Horyn has already accused monton. He served as pastor of St. making its long-awaited declaration of the new deputy general secretary of viadimir and Assumption of the Bless– state sovereignty. putting his political career "above the ed virgin Mary churches in Edmonton Mr. lvashko denied that the absence interests of Ukraine and the Ukrainian in 1950 to 1956, and of Holy Eucharist of the Communist deputies was hinder– nation," and the accusation is likely to Church, also in Edmonton, in 1956- ing business in Parliament (only a ring true to many residents of the 1959. handful of delegates, indeed, went back republic. News of the leading Rukh Later he was assistant pastor of Si. to Kiev), in rather unfriendly parting activist's reaction was reported by Josaphat Cathedral in Edmonton in words to the Ukrainian legislature, Mr. Radio Liberty. 1959 to 1968, and served as pastor of St. lvashko held "anti-Communist, uncon– Mr. lvashko's public image among Stephen Church in Calgary, Alberta, in structive forces" to blame for obstruct– Ukrainians will no doubt suffer simply 1968-1974. ing "productive work" in the Supreme by virtue of the fact that he had placed a He was appointed titular bishop of Soviet, and noted with dismay that 200 high priority on securing for himself the Naziano and auxiliary bishop of the party members — including representa– chairmanship of the new Ukrainian Edmonton Eparchy on June 27, 1974, tives of the Central Committee — had Supreme Soviet. His nomination for the and was consecrated bishop in Edmon– been among those demanding his lmms– post was loudly protested by the radical lon on October 3, 1974. Officiating at diate return home. deputies grouped into the Democratic the consecration were Bishops Neil The Soviet newscast "Yremya" re- Bloc. Savaryn, lsidore Borecky and Andrew ported on July 11 that the Ukrainian The bloc, which accounts for one- Roborecky. Supreme Soviet, having received Mr. quarter of ali parliamentarians, fielded On March 17,1984, he was appointed Bishop Demetrius Greschuk lvashko's statement of resignation, (Continued on page 3) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY IS, 1990 ROUNDTABLE DlSCUSSlON UAOC returns to Chernivtsi region NEW YORK - Ukrainian Autoce– dox Church in Ukraine to Ukrainian phalous Orthodox faithful held their Orthodox Church. Szporluk and Tishkov talk first mass in over 50 years in Chernivtsi in response to the parish's actions, on province, southwestern Ukraine, on June 14, Bishop Antoniy of the state- about the national question June 10, in the village of Mamayivka in sanctioned Ukrainian Orthodox Church the Kitsman district, reported the in Chernivtsi issued a decree banning by Dr. Roman Solchanyk accepts Russians, Jews, Poles as in Ukrainian Central information Service. some sense Ukrainian - namely, as the Rev. Stepan Antonovych, pastor of Roman Szporluk is a professor of The mass was celebrated by Bishop the breakaway parish, from performing fully legitimate citizens of Ukraine. And Danylo of Chernivtsi and Khotyn, who history and director of the Center for here 1 would like to express my agree– religious services, the UC1S noted. Russian and East European Studies at was greeted by more than a 1,000 The Rev. Antonovych, however, ment with Уаіегіу when he stresses the faithful with banners and crosses. the University of Michigan, Уаіегіу importance of the civil society as declared his intention to continue Tishkov is a director of historical something that is now more of a reality Following the service, the parish conducting his religious duties. sciences and, since early last year, than it was then. community declared its intention to The Ukrainian Autocephalous Or– director of the institute of Ethnography Tishkov: The argument for this is the transfer its allegiance from the official thodox Church was destroyed by Stalin of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
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