DEPARTMENTDEPARTMENT OFOF AYUSHAYUSH MINISTRYMINISTRY OFOF HEALTHHEALTH ANDAND FAMILYFAMILY WELFAREWELFARE GOVT.GOVT. OFOF INDIAINDIA SCIENTIFICSCIENTIFIC ASPECTSASPECTS OFOF YOGAYOGA A Presentation By Dr. Ishwar V. Basavaraddi Director Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga New Delhi PRESENTATIONPRESENTATION –– A A SUMMARISEDSUMMARISED VIEWVIEW Traditional Information about Yoga Yoga: An experiential phenomena-Advantages. How Yoga Works? Yogic Methods For Management Of Psychosomatic Disorders. Holistic Effect of Yoga Practices - A Summarized View. Research Review on Scientific aspects of Yoga Practices. TRADITIONALTRADITIONAL INFORMATIONINFORMATION TRADITIONALTRADITIONAL INFORMATIONINFORMATION Yoga is the product of the perennial wisdom of India Origin of Yoga- at least three thousand years before Christ. Yoga is basically developed as a Moksha Shastra Which helps to over come all Kinds Of Suffering In India it is a Way of Healthy Living Yoga is an ancient art based on an extremely subtle science that of Body, Psyche and Spirit YogaYoga isis HarmonyHarmony Harmony is a Precious Treasure of Human Life There is no progress without Harmony. Harmony in all Walks of Life 1. Body and Mind. 2. Emotions and Intelligence. 3. Self and Society. 4. Purpose of Life and Method of Living etc. YOGA IS AN ART AND SCIENCE OF HEALTHY LIVING TRADITIONALTRADITIONAL INFORMATIONINFORMATION (HISTORY(HISTORY && DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENT OFOF YOGA)YOGA) Yoga means – Joining, Yoke, Absorption. Lord Shiva is the Founder – Indian mythology. Yoga is as old as civilization. References found in the excavation of Indus Valley. Yoga has been referred in the Vedas Moksha (liberation) is the ultimate goal of Yoga – Upanishads . Arya Ashtanga Yoga of Bauddhism & Saptanga Yoga of Jainism. Epics – Ramayana & Mahabharatha. Bhagavadgita – Quintessence of Yoga Shad-Darshanas Maharshi Patanjali (200 B.C.)– Yoga Sutras – Ashtanga Yoga Acharyatrayas: Shankara, Madhwa, Ramanuja Tantra/ Puranic Age (500-1500 C.E.). Natha Cult – Extraordinary psycho-techniques. Hatha Yoga school – More popular TODAYTODAY YOGAYOGA ISIS VERYVERY POPULARPOPULAR BECAUSEBECAUSE OFOF ITSITS EFFICACYEFFICACY ININ THETHE MANAGEMENTMANAGEMENT OFOF PSYCHOSOMATICPSYCHOSOMATIC DISORDERSDISORDERS YOGA WORKS BUT HOW? SHARIRASHARIRA ANDAND KOSHAKOSHA Sthoola Sharira (Gross Body) Annamaya Kosha (Physical sheath) Sookshma Sharir (Subtle Body) Pranamaya Kosha (Vital sheath) Manomaya Kosha (Mental sheath) Vijnanamaya kosha (Intellectual sheath) Karana Sharir (Causal Body) Anandamaya Kosha (Blissful sheath SEVENSEVEN CHAKRAS,CHAKRAS, PRANAPRANA ANDAND NADINADI CHAKRAS CHAKRAS HOWHOW YOGAYOGA WORKS?WORKS? Annamaya Kosha (Physical Sheath) Affected by Physical Problems due to wrong postural habits, sedentary lifestyle. Rectified by Yogasanas Pranamaya Kosha (Vital Sheath) Affected by wrong breathing pattern. Rectified by Pranayama Manomaya Kosha (Mental Sheath) Affected by Mental Afflictions & Occupational mental stressors. Rectified by Yama, Niyama, Dharana and Dhyana Vijnanamaya kosha (Intellectual Sheath) Affected by work load and Overstress. Rectified by Pranava Japa and Dhyana Anandamaya Kosha (Blissful Sheath) Affected by Psychosomatic Ailments Rectified by Abhyasa and Vairagya leading to Samapatti state and later Samadhi. REFERENCESREFERENCES FROMFROM DIFFERENTDIFFERENT YOGAYOGA TEXTSTEXTS Hatha Yogic Approach Patanjali’s Approach (Practices focusing on Nadi-shodhana, (More practical and Holistic Approach) Chakras, Kanda and awakening of Kundalini) Ashtanga Yoga Yogic Shatkarma Kriya Yoga Asana Citta Prasadana Pranayama Pratipaksha Bhavanam Mudras Heyam Dukham Anagatam and focusing Bandhas on right actions Dhyana (Ashukla-Akrishna Karma) FOURFOUR BASICBASIC PRINCIPLESPRINCIPLES OFOF THERAPYTHERAPY FORFOR AA COMMONCOMMON MANMAN Breathing Rectification IDEAL STRATEGY FOR MANAGEMENT OF ALL THE PROBLEMS OF JUDGES Schedule Rectification Life style Modification Diet Rectification Yoga Yoga Practices (Kriya/ Asana/ Pranayama/ Mudras/ Workplace Modifications Bandha) and Ergonomics serve to reduce strenuous neck positions during work and leisure. YOGA WORKS BUT HOW? Kriyas Asanas, Pranayama and Dhyana Balance Endocrinal and Nervous control Increases Mind and Body Control Calm Relax Refresh Health , Happiness and Harmony WHATWHAT WEWE NEEDNEED TOTO BEBE HEALTHY?HEALTHY? INGESTION DIGESTION ASSIMILATION CIRCULATION ELIMINATION CONCEPTCONCEPT OFOF DIETDIET ININ YOGAYOGA Quality Quantity State of Mind SHATKARMAS-CLEANSINGSHATKARMAS-CLEANSING PRACTICESPRACTICES SutraSutra NetiNetiNetiNeti JalaJala Neti Neti KunjalKunjal NauliNauli TratakaTrataka KapalabhatiKapalabhati YOGASANASYOGASANAS COMMONLYCOMMONLY ADVICEDADVICED FORFOR FORFOR DIGESTIVE DIGESTIVE DISORDERSDISORDERS ANDAND MUSCULOSKELETALMUSCULOSKELETAL PROBLEMSPROBLEMS BhujangasanaBhujangasana SalabhasanaSalabhasana DhanurasanaDhanurasana MakarasanaMakarasana ASANASASANAS FORFOR RESPIRATORYRESPIRATORY DISORDERSDISORDERS Ushtrasana Gomukhasana Bhujangasana Matsyasana YOGASANASYOGASANAS COMONLYCOMONLY ADVICEDADVICED FORFOR DIABETESDIABETES VakrasanaVakrasana ArdhaArdha Matsyendrasana Matsyendrasana PaschmottanasanaPaschmottanasana YOGASANASYOGASANAS COMONLYCOMONLY ADVICEDADVICED FORFOR C.SPONDYLOSISC.SPONDYLOSIS UTTHANA-MADOOKASANA GOMUKHASANA (Cow Pose) RELAXATIVERELAXATIVE POSTURESPOSTURES SHAVASANA (Dead Pose) MAKARASANA (Crocodile Pose) PRANAYAMAPRANAYAMA COMMONLYCOMMONLY ADVICEDADVICED ININ ALLALL DISORDERSDISORDERS NadishodhanaNadishodhana Pranayama Pranayama UjjayiUjjayi Pranayama Pranayama YOGASANASYOGASANAS COMMONLYCOMMONLY ADVICEDADVICED FORFOR MEDITATIONMEDITATION PadmasanaPadmasana with with BhrumadhyaBhrumadhya PadmasanaPadmasana with with DrishtiDrishti DhyanDhyan Mudra Mudra DHYANADHYANA YOGAYOGA THERAPYTHERAPY ––––––WHY WHY ?? Improves the overall functioning of the Organs. Improves Circulation of Blood in the body. Acts as an efficient stress buster. Brings about a better neuro-muscular coordination. Strengthens the immunity. Decreases overall workload to the organs. Provides psychological well-being. Enhances the endurance to face abnormal situations . DESIGNING YOGA THERAPY PHYSIQUE (SAMA DOSHA Shaucha (Cleanliness) AGNI, Mitahar (Balanced Diet) DHATU, PSYCHE MALA) (PRASSANA Proper Breathing MANAH) Yoga Practice BIOENERGY SPIRIT HEALTH (PRANA) (PRASSANA Achar (Right Conduct) ATMA) Vichara (Right Thought) EMOTIONS Vyavahara (Behaviour) (PRASSANA INDRIYA) RESEARCHRESEARCH REVIEWREVIEW ONON SCIENTIFICSCIENTIFIC ASPECTSASPECTS OFOF YOGAYOGA PRACTICES.PRACTICES. BIOBIOBIO-BIOBIOBIOBIO-BIO ---CHEMICAL---CHEMICALCHEMICALCHEMICAL EFFECTSEFFECTS Glucose & Sodium Hemoglobin increases. decreases. Lymphocyte count increases. Total cholesterol & Total white blood cell count. Triglycerides decreases. decreases. HDL cholesterol increases. Thyroxin increases. LDL & VLDL cholesterol Vitamin-C increases. decreases. Total serum protein increases. Catecholamines decreases. Hematocrit increases. PSYCHOLOGICALPSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTSEFFECTS Somatic & kinesthetic Social adjustment increases. awareness increase. Anxiety and depression Mood improves and decrease. subjective well-being Hostility decreases. increases. Self-acceptance and self- actualization increase. PHYSIOLOGICALPHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTSEFFECTS Stable ANS with a tendency Cardiovascular efficiency towards PNS dominance. increases. Pulse rate & Respiratory rate Musculoskeletal flexibility & joint decreases range of motion increase. Gastrointestinal & Endocrine Blood pressure decreases. function normalizes. Galvanic Skin Response Immunity increases. (GSR) increases. Pain decreases. EEG - alpha waves increase. Endurance increases. EMG activity decreases Energy level increases SCIENTIFICSCIENTIFIC STUDIESSTUDIES –CLINICAL–CLINICAL Several Research Studies on Bronchial asthma – Long term follow up studies – 5 years (VK Yogas). Research studies on Stress related disorders – VK Yogas. High altitude sickness and exposure to extreme cold and heat situations – DIPAS. Coronary Artery Disease, IBS and Cancer – AIIMS. Psychiatric & Neurological Disorders – Schizophrenia, Depression, Epilepsy etc. – NIMHANS. RESEARCHRESEARCH STUDYSTUDY DONEDONE ATAT MDNIYMDNIY 2006-20072006-2007 A Study of the effect of Yoga practices on management of Techno- stress in Computer users: A quantitative approach using psycho- neuro- physio- motor functions. COLLABORATING INSTITUTES Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, Ashok Road, New Delhi and Escort Heart Institute and Research Center, Okhla Road, New Delhi FINDINGSFINDINGS Significant positive difference found in computer hassles between the participants of experimental group and control group. Significant positive difference found in the general stress level between the participants of experimental group and contrel group. Significant positive difference found in the occupational strain related parameters like psychological strain, vocational strain and physical strain between the participants of experimental group and control group. Significant positive difference found in the parameters related to occupational role like role overload, role insufficiency and role ambiguity between the participants of experimental and control group. Significant positive difference found in Neck, shoulder, Back and Wrist Pain between the participants of Experimental group and control group. Significant improvement found in self care among the participants of Experimental group. SOMESOME FUNDAMENTALFUNDAMENTAL
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