GOV WEST A1 A14 A30 A29 B46 B31 B1 B2 5-12 Yr. Olds 2-5 Yr. Olds C72 D32 D31 Y D39 A W Triplex C48 BREEZE GOV West Units D54 STORES Basement Conversion Garbage Dumpsters Key Duplex Unit Non-Recyclables www.GlenOaksVillage.com Plastic / Metal Recycling Townhouse www.facebook.com/GOVOnyc Paper Recycling Sunroom Addition On Facebook, Search for Glen Oaks Village co-op Laundry Facilities (Rear of Address Shown) Local Supermarkets Section 1 Key Food LR1: 247-74 77th Crescent 259-10 Union Turnpike Glen Oaks Village is a self-managed co- Section 2 Glen Oaks, NY 11004 operative housing development built in Glen Oaks Village Contact Information LR2: 74-12 255th Street (718) 831-6227 1948, shortly after WWII, as a home for Management Office LR3: 73-68 260th Street Stop & Shop many returning GI’s and their families. The 70-33 260th Street LR4: 260-44 Langston Avenue 653 Hillside Avenue garden apartment community has been (718) 347-2337 Police & Fire New Hyde Park, NY 11040 well maintained and is located within the (516) 616-9170 Maintenance Services Office Police - 105th Precinct boundaries of New York City. Its park-like Shop Rite setting makes it an ideal place to live and 70-41 260th Street 92-08 222nd Street (718) 343-8400 Queens Village, NY 11428 2335 New Hyde Park Road raiseafamily. The property is divided into New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Maintenance Supply Office (718) 776-9090 two parts: GOV West & GOV East, which are (Basement Level) Fire - Engine Company 251 Fairway Market a quarter mile apart from each other. The 254-10 Union Turnpike 74-13 255th Street (Rear) 242-02 61st Avenue property consists of 2,904 apartments in 134 Glen Oaks, NY 11004 Douglaston, NY 11362 (718) 347-6660 buildings on 110.12 acres. With lots of (718) 476-6251 (718) 423-2100 Security Office grass, numerous playgrounds, two lighted Emergency Medical tennis courts, 24-hour security and many 74-15 255th Street (Rear) Post Offices (718) 347-6660 Long Island Jewish Medical Center other amenities, it truly isapiece of 270-05 76th Avenue Glen Oaks Branch paradise in Northeast Queens. Glen Oaks Village Owners, Inc. New Hyde Park, NY 11040 256-29 Union Turnpike Board of Directors’ Board Room (718) 470-7000 (718) 347-4776 Glen Oaks Village is easy to get to from Next to Garage #E-45 North Shore University Medical Center Floral Park Branch (Main P.O.) either the Long Island Expressway or the th 300 Community Drive Enter Driveway at 255-01 75 Avenue 35 Tulip Avenue Grand Central Parkway. Take the Long Real Estate Closing Room Manhasset, NY 11030 Island Expressway to Little Neck Parkway (516) 562-0100 (516) 354-3297 (Exit 32 South) or Grand Central Parkway to 70-47 260th Street Glen Oaks Volunteer Ambulance Corps. Library Branches Glen Oaks, NY 11004 Little Neck Parkway (Exit 24 South). We 79-03 257th Street Glen Oaks Branch Floral Park, NY 11004 are also accessible to all public trans- (718) 347-1600 / 347-1637 256-04 Union Turnpike portation. The Q46 bus connects with the Storage Rooms Glen Oaks, NY 11004 Public Schools (District 26) E&F subway lines. The QM1A Express Section 1 (718) 831-8636 nd Bus and the LIRR Little Neck Station (Port 247-21 76th Avenue PS 186: 252-12 72 Avenue Parks & Recreation (718) 831-4021 Washington Branch) provide service to 75-07 Commonwealth Boulevard Glen Oaks Oval Park Manhattan. 245-47 76th Avenue The Frank Padavan Campus at Glen Oaks 260th Street & 74th Avenue 247-20 76th Avenue P.S./I.S. 208 Tribute Triangle Park Section 2 74-30 Commonwealth Boulevard Little Neck Parkway & 75th Avenue The Board of Directors, along with its’ Glen Oaks, NY 11426 74-52 260th Street Enchanted Forest Dog Park management staff, creates policy and (718) 468-6420 260-07 75th Avenue 70-33 260th Street, Glen Oaks, NY 11004 operates the co-op. The Board is com- 260-22 75th Avenue P.S./I.S. 266 (In the Rear of Management Office) prised of volunteer resident shareholders 74-10 Commonwealth Boulevard 74-06 255th Street Queens County Farm Museum elected to three-year terms. A team of Glen Oaks, NY 11426 73-30 260th Street 73-50 Little Neck Pkwy professional staff employees provides the (718) 479-3920 260-66 73rd Avenue Floral Park, NY 11004 co-op with management and maintenance H.S. of Teaching, Liberal Arts&Sciences www.queensfarm.org 264-05 73rd Avenue services. The Management Office (718- 74-20 Commonwealth Boulevard Alley Pond Park 347-2337) is located in the Arnold Krause Lockable storage rooms are available for a fee. Glen Oaks, NY 11426 th Please call (718) 247-7000. Bordered by Grand Central Parkway, Administration Building at 70-33 260 (718) 736-7100 Winchester Blvd., Union Tpke, Springfield Blvd. Street, Glen Oaks, NY 11004-1110. All inquiries should be directed there. Version 7.0 (2016) GOV EAST 122 R25 70-06 A10 R 70-07 25 E 1 Enchanted Forest Dog Park 70-08 A 9 R24 70-09 R Q E 70-10 2 GAR A 8 S1 261-27 GAR 261-29 261-31 70-11 70-12 A1 261-33 A E A A3 261-35 260-41 3 2 7 A 261-37 A4 A10 A10 A5 264-25 S G A6 261-39 260-39 70-14 9 260-43 121 A A 261-41 A 70-15 E A 9 6 7 A A E G A8 264-23 260-37 1 A10 261-43 264-19 4 261-25 264-41 A8 261 R10 264-21 264-39 264-43 264-45 260-45 70-16 E A9 -45 A7 264-35 264-37 E3 E4 260-375 A A10 A5 A6 5 A 7 A A 9 8 A1 A2 6 4 260-33 A 2 70-17 - Storage 6 E 1 1 A 3 261-23 4 124 A 264-17 A P E R41 3 6 70-18 261-21 264-22 0 5 ar - 260-31 2 1 5 4 king A R 261-19 GAR Yard A A 6 4 E8 9 11 2 A 2 4 - E7 R10 G 2 260-29 A 1 5 4 4 E 132 A 70-19 264-20 3 A E 6 - 260-437 1 9 264-15 2 70-20 E E 4 260-27 A 128 A 6 261-47 6 116 3 1 A A 3 2 3 129 5 - 260-25 119 R1 264-11 A 3 70-43 2 260-49 6 Q1 9 4 261-53 4 A 264-18 A E E 264-09 2 6 - 261-17 2 A 8 261-01 261-51 4 2 260-23 4 4 E A 5 70-45 1 E4 A A 70-41 A A 261-49 3 6 261-03 3 4 70-33 2 260-53 A7 E3 5 A - E 4 6 7 S 4 A8 261-05 264-16 A A 2 70-35 260-63 5 6 - 1 2 7 E 5 1 Q46 261 E 2 3 A 4 5 120 -07 2 A E A1 261-55 A 6 70-39 A 1 A 260-21 261-15 5 2 261-75 2 260-61 A 5 2 264-07 GAR 5 7 1 261-09 - A 5 QM1A 260-55 A A 5 70-47 261-77 4 A 261-11 E 264-14 A 3 2 S 6 1 A - 3 6 2 133 2 E 6 1 4 A E A 260-59 4 A 4 131 6 E 260-19 A 6 8 7 E 261-73 6 261-57 125 2 8 264-05 A 5 - A 6 70-49 A 260-15 260-11 264-12 4 3 4 A 2 E A 260-57 6 7 2 - 5 E E 1 5 2 261-59 G 4 70-53 A 123 A A 5 6 264-61 264-59 260-17 261-61 261-63 261-71 261-79 3 2 A E A7 264-21 264-19 9 70-55 261-65 E A8 A7 260-09 A8 A9 A4 A3 A10 A10 6 3 261-67 126 A E 6 261-81 - 6 9 261-69 S1 1 4 4 E 70-59 A11 2 E A 6 E A12 264-03 2 A 264-08 7 1 S 118 264-1 70-61 2 5 A 6 0 - A 264-06 3 1 261-83 4 2 260-07 1 E E 7 6 E 261-08 261-85 E 264-01 Q46 261-04 A1 2 5 70-63 1 261-10 264-1 E E18 A 3 264-69 260-05 127 2 A E8 261-02 E17 264-04 E3 E2 264-67 E12 70-36 70-65 E11 4 E A A12 70-38 4 260-03 260-46 264-05 264-07 A6 260-28 260-30 #4 264-02 264-09 264-11 71-01 E 261-40 264-01 264-03 H13 70-40 E7 E8 A11 E12 E11 3 E16 260-01 261-12 E5 E6 E9 E10 A10 70-42 A5 E2 261-42 130 O81 2 E1 6 A E10 260-44 261-54 9 260-24 0 3 1 - E E 3 261-56 E 261-38 A14 71-03 H14 2 E15 117 260-22 4 261-14 E2 100 A13 P155 8 H 260-34 70-50 260-18 O63 4 E E 70-68 O76 9 E14 261-16 261-36 A A12 3 260-42 261-58 261-70 H2 5 261-72 70-70 260-40 A A6 260-38 6 98 7 7 71-0 7 A 0 G1 A5 115 3 A 260-16 99 P148 70-52 H H 70-60 H 1 260-36 A7 261-68 5 O14 A11 P8 104 O64 261-60 260-08 A8 E13 E A O58 261-18 O34 4 261-34 4 70-54 261-62 A 260-04 A O33 9 8 261-64 8 263-51 264-50 264-52 H A E10 A 264-02 264-04 9 71-0 6 E 261-20 O14 261-66 264-20 G 70-56 O75 A2 A1 4 260-02 E E A8 264-14 264-16 264-18 9 70-58 H 261-22 9 A7 71-02 9 A17 A12 3 260-14 6 G A10 2 H 260-10 261-24 O13 A A2 A A18 A 1 5 5 E G 6 A10 E A11 263-46 261-32 263-49 E 261-26 A 4 O75 O113 A10 264-06 3 71-15 A - P1 O82 A 264-08 264-10 264-12 7 260-12 O57 261-28 4 71-04 A11 E6 A9 8 261-30 O39 2 A6 A5 71-11 A E A4 A3 8 A E16 71-13 A A10 A 263-47 263-44 264-22 9 7 264-46 G 71-17 8 G7 G A12 GAR E 7 GAR A 4 5 71-1 O40 1 4 O24 H GAR 71-19 263-33 A 6 1 263-45 A13 263-35 E15 P GAR 71-06 A 264-24 O23 7 92 2 8 1 H A 6 71-31 260-37 8 A 71-21 E5 4 GAR 4 263-37 263-40 51 A 71-33 - O24 4 A14 260-39 1 7 71-1 71-08 A A 6 7 4 114 7 260-41 263-39 N H E A H 71-29 E A 9 N 260-35 8 93 5 0 3 5 G 260-43 263-31 A A A10 E14 A9 2 260-45 264-26 4 A A E A10 O1 91 6 G E 263-38 2 1 71-10 260-47 71-27 71-35 A11 263-32 6 G E 4 P 263-36 P23 H A2 A12 71-19 6 - 71-21 E 263-30 6 4 E 260-33 5 E1 263-34 A 105 2 6 4 71-25 E E3 G3 G 6 A 263-29 97 E2 1 E13 A 5 E 4 #3 4 264-28 7 71-12 P97 103 N 1 G P139 O98 260-49 - P135 H A13 264-40 2 O97 264-38 260-31 2 5 71-18 71-20 263-27 3 0 3 3 A 264-30264-32 A7 H GAR 264-34 264-36 A8 E 263-25 101 263-28 1 72-13 72-15 P16 A 71-37 263-23 4 A 2 7 4 A12 A11 A10 A9 72-11 A 263-21 N H1 H2 71-16 260-51A14 A3 A2 P97 7 B 4 P9 71-22 N28 H 4 1 71-39 2-12 Yr.
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