POLDERS OFTH E WORLD FINAL REPORT INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM LELYSTAD THE NETHERLANDS 1983 THE SYMPOSIUM ORGANIZATION - Department of Civil Engineering- Delf t"Universit yo fTechnolog y - IJsselmeerpoldersDevelopmen t Authority -Ministr y ofTranspor t and PublicWork s - Committee forHydrologica l ResearchTN O -Associatio n forWate rManagemen t andLan d UsePlannin g CO-SPONSORS OFTH E SYMPOSIUM INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS - ^ood andAgricultur e Organization of theUnite d Nations (FAO) -Unite d NationsEducationa l Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - Commission Internationale duGéni eRura l (CIGR) - International Association forHydrauli c Research (IAHR) - InternationalAssociatio n ofHydrologica l Sciences (IAHS) - International Association ofHydrogeologist s (IAH) - International Commission on Irrigation andDrainag e (ICID) - International Society of Soil Science (ISSS) - International Water ResourcesAssociatio n (IWRA) ORGANIZATIONS INTH ENETHERLAND S -Agricultura l University Wageningen - DelftHydraulic s Laboratory - International Institute forLan d Reclamation and Improvement (ILRI) - International Institute forHydrauli c andEnvironmenta l Engineering (IHE) - Joint CivilEngineerin g Organizations -Ministr y ofAgricultur e andFisheries : ForeignMarketin g andEconomi c CoooerationServic e Government Service forLan d andWate rUs e -Ministr y ofEconomi cAffairs : TheNetherland sForeig n TradeAgenc y -Ministr y ofEducatio n andScience : Directorate-General forScienc ePolic y -Ministr y ofTranspor t and PublicWork s Exposition CentreNe wLan d Information Division Rijkswaterstaat,Directorat e ofWate rManagemen tan d Hydraulic Research Rijkswaterstaat,Zuyde r ZeeProjec t Authority " Netherlands Engineering Consultants (NEDECO) - Research Institute forNatur eManagemen t (RIN) - Royal Institute ofEngineer s inTh eNetherland s (KIVI) - RoyalNetherland s Society forAgricultura l Science - Union ofWate r Boards EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 'POLDERSO FTH EWORLD ' Prof. Ir.W .A . Segeren,chairma n Ir.E .Schultz ,secretar y Mrs.W.J.M . vanGiersberge n Mrs. Ir.J ,M . Leemhuis-Stout Ir.J . Luijendijk Ir.W .Wolter s SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE 'POLDERSO FTH EWORLD ' Prof.Dr .Ir .J . C.va nDam ,chairma n Ir.H .J . Colenbrander,secretar y Ir.E .R .Dahmen ,secretar y Ir.W .Wolters ,scientifi c officer Ir.E .Allersm a Ir.K .P . Blumenthal Prof.Dr .A .K .Constands e Ir.J .va n Duivendijk Dr. Ir.J .W .va nHoor n Dr.J . deJon g Prof.Dr .N .A .d eRidde r Prof. Ir.W .A . Segeren Prof. Ir.A .Volke r Prof.Dr .A .J . Wiggers PREFACE The International Symposium and Exhibition 'POLDERS0 ^TH EWORLD ' washel d inLelystad ,Th eNetherlands ,fro m 4t o 10October ,1982 . Theai mo f the Symposiumwa s toprovid e acomprehensiv evie wo f the various aspects ofpolde r development and togiv escientists , engineers,decision-makers ,an dmanager s a forum fora discussio no f theseaspect s and their related problems. The Symposiumwa s arranged under the themeso f land andwate r management,construction ,agriculture ,socio-econom y and physical planning,an d theenvironment . Thesewer e treated inplenar y sessionswher ekeynote swer epresente d and inworkshop swher epaper s werediscussed . Because of the overwhelming number ofpapers , general reporters summarized them, Presented inthi sFINA LREPOR To nPolder s of theWorld ,ar eth e keynotes,th eGenera l Reports,an d theConclusions ,a swel l asa list ofauthor s and the titleso f theirpapers . Theactua l papers havebee npublishe d by ILRI,Wageningen ,i na seto f threevolumes . Ihop e that thisboo kwil l provide itsreader swit h anoveral lvie w onpolders ,polde r development,an d onwha t could be concluded because of this first-ever Symposium on 'Polderso f theWorld' . Toge t thisboo k intoprin t asquickl y aspossible ,w ehav edecide d toforg o the time-consuming tasko fcorrectin g and editing the English language.W ehop e our readerswil l forgive theimperfections . Delft,Jun e 16,198 3 W.A . Segeren Chairman 'holderso f theWorld ' CONTENTS PREFACE V THE SYMPOSIUMAN D EXHIBITION W,A. Segeren 11 KEYNOTES 15 INTRODUCTION W. A. Segeren. Introduction toPolder so f theWorl d 15 LANDAN DWATE RMANAGEMEN T 26 E. Schultz. Fromnatura l toreclaime d land. Land andwate r management inth epolder so fTh eNetherland s. 26 K. Pranioh. Land andwate rmanagemen t inpolder s 52 CONSTRUCTIONASPECT S 64 P. C. Masure. Thedevelopmen t of theDutc hpolde r dikes 64 R. Segers. Fromwindmil l towind-generator . Development in polder construction 82 M. A. Meyer. Construction aspects ofpolder s inth eworl d 98 AGRICULTURAL ASPECTS 126 J. Van der Veen. Agriculturalaspect s inpolde r areas inTh e Netherlands. 126 - H. Brommer. Agriculture and food production inpolde r areas 141 SOCIO-ECONOMIC ANDPHYSICA L PLANNINGASPECT S 166 - A. K. Constandse. From spontaneous settlement to integrated planning and development 166 - J.H.M. Kierihuis. Themanagemen t ofpolder s inTh eNetherland s 176 - A. S-feir Younis. Economic aspects of soil conservation progress inLDC' s 187 ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS 221 - J. de Jong and A, J. Wiggers. Polders and theirenvironmen t in TheNetherland s 221 - M. Vannuooi. Ecological values ofpotentia l polder areas 242 SPECIALKEYNOTE S 251 - A, Volker. Lessons from thehistor y of impoldering inth eworl d 251 - B. Verhoeven. Polders of the future 268 GENERAL REPORTSAN D CONCLUSIONS PERTHEM E 279 THEMEA :POLDE R PROJECTS 280 - D, S. Heslam. Various aspects ofpolder s ina certai n area 280 - E. Allersma. Various aspects ofpolder s ina certai nare a (continued) 293 - D. W.Ryaroft. General description ofpolde rproject s 304 - J. Mihnea. Workshop conclusions 314 THEMEB 1:LAN DAN DWATE RMANAGEMEN T 316 - M. J. Hall. Watermanagemen t systemsan d designcriteri a 316 - J.J.A. Feijen. Watermanagemen t systems and design criteria (continued) 326 - J. Wesseling. Water quality,geohydrolog y and soils 339 - E. Romijn. Water quality,geohydrolog y and soils (continued) 349 - D. Kirkham. Workshop conclusions 355 THEME B2:CONSTRUCTIO NASPECT S 358 - J. Van Duivendi.jk. Dikesan d embankments 358 T. G. Hammond. Miscellaneous construction aspects 370 H. S. Adhin. Workshop conclusions 377 THEME B3: AGRICULTURAL ASPECTS 378 J. W.van Hoorn. Agricultural aspects 378 R.J.A. Dudal. Workshop conclusions 383 THEME B4:SOCIO-ECONOMI CAN DPHYSICA L PLANNING ASPECTS 385 H. J. Groenewegen. Physical planning 385 D.B.W.M. van Düsseldorf and P.11.G. van Steekelenburg. Socio­ economic aspects. 398 A. K. Constandse. Workshop conclusions 410 THEME B5:ENVIRONMENTA L ASPECTS 411 A. van der Beken. Environmental aspects 411 M. Vannuoai, Workshop conclusions 421 CONCLUSIONS 423 J. C, van Dam. Final conclusions 423 LISTO FAUTHOR SAN DPAPER S 431 PUBLICATIONS 441 Listo fpublication s withinth eframewor ko fth eSymposium , including information where toobtai n them 441 THE SYMPOSIUM AND EXHIBITION 'Polderso f theWorld 'wa shel d fromMonda y October 4throug h Sunday October 10,198 2i nLelystad ,th ecapita l cityo f theIJsselmeerpolders . TheSymposiu mwa shos t to42 6participant s from 52countrie s allove r theworld ,developin g countries aswel l asdevelope d countries. The first threeday swer emainl y devoted to thescientifi c parto f Polderso f theWorld . Inth eplenar ymornin g sessions twelvekeynote s were delivered.Th efirs tmornin gwa suse d foropenin g addresses and introduction speeches,statin g generalview s onpolde r development now and inth efuture .Th eothe rmornin g tenkeynote swer epresented ,deal ­ ing thefiv e themeschose n to treat thesubject : - Land andwate rmanagement ; - Constructionaspects ; - Socio-economic andphysica lplannin gaspects ; - Environmentalaspects . The Symposiumwa shonoure d by thesponsorshi p of agrea tman y interna­ tionalorganizations ,a se.g . theWorldbank ,FAO ,Unesco .Thes eorgani ­ zationswer erepresente d bydirector s and other staff,presentin g key­ notes on thejus tmentione d themes.Als omany ,mor edisciplin e orien­ tated,internationa l organizations granted their support assponsor . Inth eafternoo no f thefirs t threeday sworkshop swer ededicate d toth e exchangeo fview so nproblems ,idea san d solutions inpolder-development . Thebasi s for thisha dbee nprovide d by thepaper swritte nb yman yo f theparticipants . Theoverwhelmin g amounto fpaper s (some 140)di d notallo w everypape r tob epresente d infull .Genera lreport shav e summarized thepaper so f 11 their sessions and risenquestion s or topics for discussion.Th ework ­ shops,mostl ywit hmor e thanon ereporter ,wer e concluded by thechair ­ men,wh opresente d theirfinding s and conclusions onWednesda y after­ noon, thelas tplenar y session. Finally thechairma no f theScientifi c Committeepresente d theoveral l conclusionso f theSymposium . Twowel lknow n 'polder'professor s -A .Volke r and B.Verhoeve n- wer e honoured for theirman y contributions topolde r development inth e world,o n theirpresentin g keynoteswit ha 'lessons tob e learned' character. The first threeday so f theSymposiu mwer e followed by threeday so f fieldtrips to:th eIJsselmee r polders,th eolde rpolder s in themi dan d west ofTh eNetherland s and the 'DeltaWorks' ,th e large engineering works inprogres s at thismoment ,fo r theprotectio no f the south-west regiono fTh eNetherlands .Th eparticipant s visited anope nai rdemon ­ stration and exhibition of 'polderequipmen t andmachinery 'o n thefirs t fieldtrip. Parallel to thementione d activitiesa nExhibitio nwa shel d (October 4 through 10)i nwhich ,nex t toa n introductory partwit h informationo n polders allove r theworld ,governmen t services,researc h institutesan d companies
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