fl i I I! MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 93 10 27 1 9:30 a.m. | | I ft-1 if! p MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OP BRAZEAU NO. 77 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA p Page Nos. DATE: 93 10 27 TIME: 9:30 a.m. PLACE: M.D. Administration Building, Council Chambers Call to Order p Present 1. Additions to the Agenda 2. Adoption of the Agenda 3. Adoption of Minutes 1-16 (a) Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on 93 10 14 and 93 10 18. 17 (b) Minutes of the Public Hearing held on 93 10 14 for the purposes of discussing By-Law No. 189- 93 to Amend Land Use By-Law No. 109-90 - S 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec 25-49-8 W5M. I. 4. Emergent Items 5. Appointments/Delegations (a) 11:00a.m. - Ratepayer Concerns (b) 11:30 a.m. - Blackwood Hodge 6. Public safety services Department Matters - 9:45 Qtffit (a) Monthly Activity Report for the Month of September, 1993 and Proposed Activity Report for the Month of November, 1993. 18 - 20 Attachment. (b) Animal Control By-Law PLEASE BRING YOUR COPY. (c) Regional Response Improvement Program 21 - 22 Letter from Alberta Public Safety Services attached. 7. Agriculture Department Matters - 10:15 a.m. (a) Monthly Activity Report for the Month of September, 1993. jR 23 - 24 Attachments. 3. Finance Department Matters - 10:30 a.m. (a) Approval of Accounts 25 - 47 Report and Recommendation attached. .../2 IP 'Bl Page Nos. COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - 2 - 93 10 27 (b) Utility Accounts in Arrears <p 48 - Report and Recommendation attached. (c) Financial Statement for the period ending jp September 30, 1993 Separate Attachment. 9. Planning* Development and Lands Department - 10:45 a.m. (a) Monthly Activity Report for the Month of September, 1993 from the Planning, Development and Lands Technician and Development Officer and Proposed Activity Report for the Planning, Development and Lands Technician for the month of November, 1993. 49 - 54 Attachment. (b) Access to NW 6-50-8 W5M Letter from Mr. David G. Schmidt dated 93 09 27 attached. 55 - 57 - Report attached. 10, F.C.8.S. Department Matters - 11:15 a.m. P (a) Monthly Activity Report for the Month of September, 1993 and Proposed Activity Report for the Month of November, 1993. 58 - 59 Attachments. (b) Family Violence Prevention Month 60 — 62 - Report and Recommendation attached. (c) Regional F.C.S.S. Model To be provided for Information. 11. Public Worlca Department Matters - 1:00 p.m. (a) Monthly Activity Report for the Month of September, 1993. 63 - 65 Attachment. 12, General Matters (a) Monthly Activity Report for the Month of September and Proposed Activity Report for the Month of November, 1993 from the Acting Municipal Manager 66 - Attachment. (b) Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act Tabled from the 93 10 14/18 Regular Council Meeting. PLEA8E BRING YOUR COPY. P V3 |&\ p Page Nos. COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - 3 - 93 10 27 (c) Managing Diversity - The Leadership Challenge - 'B Calgary, Alberta - 93 11 23 to 93 11 24 67 - 73 Information attached. (d) Ratepayer Association Concerns 74 - 76 Letter from Mr. Heinrich dated 93 10 12 attached. Draft response attached. (e) M & E Stakeholder's Funding Request 77 - 81 Letter dated 93 09 30 attached. 82 - 85 Urgent Notice to all M & E. Stakeholders attached. (f) Community Government (g) 1994 Budget Approval - Drayton Valley Regional Landfill Authority 86 - 87 Attachments. 88 - 90 Minutes from the Drayton Valley Brazeau Recycling Society Meeting held on 93 10 12 91 - 94 Minutes of the Drayton Valley Regional Landfill Authority Meeting held on 93 10 12 (h) Community Development Meeting 95 - 100 Letter from the Drayton Valley and District Chamber of Commerce dated 93 10 [ 18 attached. (1) Edmonton Municipal and International Airports 101 - 102 Letter from the County of Parkland No. 31 dated 93 10 18 attached. (j) Three Year Business Plan 103 Letter from Alberta Municipal Affairs dated 93 10 19 attached. (k) Cost Saving Idea Awards 104 Report and Recommendation attached. (1) Long Service Awards 105 Report and Recommendation attached. (m) Attendance at Conference and M.D. Membership in Council 106 - 115 Report and Recommendation attached. (n) Reassignment of Duties Required by Resignations Report and Recommendation attached. 116 - 117 (o) Support of Application for CTAP Funding Ip Development of Jointly Owned Lands 118 - 127 Report and Recommendation attached. .../4 fB ;• Page Nos. COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - 4 - 93 10 27 13. Corre9pondence/Items for Information 128 - 134 (a) Letter from Toward 2000 Together received 93 10 18 regarding the Advisory Committee on Alberta's Economic Future. 135 - 137 (b) News Highlights from the A.A.M.D. & C. dated 93 10 06 and 93 10 13. 138 (c) Letter from Mr. Halvar Johnson, Minister of Education, dated 93 10 12 with regard to Community Government. 14. OUE8TION PERIOD 15. COUNCILLORS' REPORTS Addendum Adjournment •up) 1 S MXNUTE8 OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77, HELD IN THB M.D. It ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, IN DRAYTON VALLEY ON THURSDAY, 93 10 14 and 93 10 18 CALL TO ORDER Mr. Lambert, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. PRESENT Present E. Lambert, Reeve B. Guyon, Deputy Reeve L. Coward, Councillor W. Tweedle, councillor J. Coombes, councillor \ L. Johnson, Acting Municipal Manager I J. Andrew, Acting Municipal Secretary Also in attendance were: M. Goldade, Project Manager R. Matthews, Planning, Development and Lands Technician D. Roberge, Planning and Development Officer J. Hill, Staff Sgt., R.C.M.P. D. Bangle, new Staff Sgt., R.C.M.P. S. Murray, Senior Public Safety Officer Mr. Springer, Resident Mr. Heinrich, Resident Mr. D. Schmidt, Resident J. Gallimore, Finning D. Riopel, Finning W. Lind, Supervisor of Supplies and Services B. McLeod, Western Review K. Smith, J.K. Smith and Associates ADDITIONS TO ADDITIONS TO AND ADOPTION OF THB AGENDA AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 776/93 Moved by W. Tweedle that the agenda for the 93 10 14 Regular Council Meeting be adopted with the following changes: Additions 11 (j) A.A.M.D. & C. Sessions During Fall Convention 11 (k) Breton Hospital District signs 11 (1) M.D. Map 11 (m) Lindale Post Office Issue Deletions/Replacement 5 (b) Public Hearing - Wellsite Construction - (LSD 14) 23-49-7 W5M Replaced with: 5 (b) Community Government Concept S> CARRIED UNAHXM0U8LY. Mr. Johnson indicated that a portion of the Canoxy Meeting may be required to be an In-Camera (closed session) and requested that the item In-Camera (closed UNADOPTED session) to deal with Personnel Matters be dealt with early during the meeting. ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF MINUTES MINUTES 777/93 Moved by L. Coward that the following minutes be adopted as presented: •P ./2 -2.- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 2 - 93 10 14/18 (a) Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held on 93 09 17. (b) Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on 93 09 22. 1 (c) Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held on 93 09 28. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. EMERGENT EMERGENT ITEMS ITEMS Mr. Coombes indicated that upon previous discussions regarding the Community Government Concept, that he had reviewed his notes and had found himself to be in error with regard to the municipality's elected representation that had originally been proposed. An apology was provided to Mr. Guyon. Mr. Coombes then referred to a previous comment made by Mr. Lambert with regard to mismanagement relative to the Twin Rivers School Division stating that this comment was unfair. Mr. Lambert indicated that it was a personal opinion which he had stated. Brief discussion took place with regard to this issue. FINANCE FINANCE DEPARTMENT MATTERS DEPARTMENT MATTERS Correspondence from the Alberta Municipal Financing Corporation With regard to Distribution of Surplus and CORRESPON Prepayment Policy DENCE FROM THE ALBERTA Mr. Johnson reviewed the above correspondence and Council MUNICIPAL discussed portions of the information provided. FINANCING CORPORATION Mr. Roberge attended the meeting at 9:43 a.m. Mrs. Matthews attended the meeting at 9:47 a.m. 778/93 Moved by W. Tweedle that the following items be received for information: (a) Memorandum from the Alberta Municipal 1 Financing Corporation dated 93 09 22 with regard to Distribution of Surplus; and (b) Memorandum from the Alberta Municipal Financing Corporation dated 93 09 20 with regard to Prepayment Policy. 1 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PUBLIC PUBLIC HEARING HEARING UNADOPTED To Amend the Land Use By-Law No. 109-90 - 8 1/2 of SB 1/4 TO AMEND THE Sec 25-49-8 W5M LAND USE BY LAW NO. 109- 779/93 Moved by J. Coombes that the Regular Council 90 -S 1/2 OF Meeting of 93 10 14 adjourn into Public Hearing SE 1/4 SEC at 9:48 a.m. for the purposes of discussing 25-49-8 W5M By-Law No. 189-93 to amend Land Use By-Law No. 109-90 - S 1/2 Of SE 1/4 Sec 25-49-8 W5M. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. /3 1 IP -3- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 3 - 93 10 14/18 CX} 780/93 Moved by B. Guyon that the Regular Council Meeting of 93 10 14 reconvene from a Public Hearing held for the purposes of discussing By- Law No. 189-93 to amend Land Use By-Law No. 109-90 -S 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec 25-49-8 W5M - at 9:52 a.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Smith left the meeting at 9:52 a.m. BY-LAW NO. By-Lav No.
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