Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03512-6 - Operation Typhoon: Hitler’s March on Moscow, October 1941 David Stahel Index More information INDEX Afrikakorps 308 losses 26, 294 Air Fleet 245, 60, 96, 183, 206, 222–224 Operation Barbarossa 32 II Air Corps 61, 206 Fourth Panzer 73 VIII Air Corps 61, 131, 149, 165, 206 Sixth 8, 32, 49, 76, 121, 256 Air Fleet 460 Ninth Aktion T4 programme 264 deployment 62, 73, 131, 179, 182, Aleksin 304 276 Alexander I, tsar 3, 239 horses 194 Anatolia 52 Kalinin 184–189, 252–254, 287–289 Antonescu, Ion 109, 198, 278–279 losses 26 Archangel 233–234 Operation Barbarossa 32, 84 Armies (British) Viaz’ma encirclement 146 Eighth 308 Eleventh 32, 301 Armies (German) Sixteenth 32 First Panzer 76, 198, 230 Seventeenth 32–33, 84, 277, 280 Second Eighteenth 32 Briansk encirclement 77, 87, 118, 159 Armies (Romanian) deployment 62, 76, 260 Third 32, 279 drive on Moscow 177 Fourth 32, 278 Second Panzer Armies (Soviet) Briansk encirclement 119, 159–160 Third 77, 118–119 deployment 179, 182 Fifth 139, 218–219 drive on Tula 241, 257–261, 283 Ninth 198, 301 establishment 76 Thirteenth 77, 87, 119 logistics 95–97, 123, 126, 195–196 Sixteenth 78, 139, 156, 218 Mtsensk 189–192 Eighteenth 198, 301 Fourth Nineteenth 78, 156 deployment 62, 276 Twentieth 62, 78, 153, 156 drive on Moscow 165, 173–174, Twenty-Second 140, 161, 183 177–179, 241–246, 260–261, Twenty-Fourth 62, 78, 153, 156 282–285 Twenty-Ninth 140, 161, 183 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03512-6 - Operation Typhoon: Hitler’s March on Moscow, October 1941 David Stahel Index More information 401 / Index Thirtieth 140, 183 Bagration, Petr 13 Thirty-Second 78, 153, 156 Baltic Sea 33, 49 Thirty-Third 161, 219 Bär, Heinz 61 Forty-Third 62, 139, 218–219 Barbarossa, Operation 1, 16, 32–33, Forty-Ninth 139, 218 272, 290 Fiftieth 77, 118–119, 158–159, 258 Barclay de Tolly, Andreas 13–14 Coastal Army 198 Barents Sea 32, 235 Army Group Centre Baromykin, Boris 244 BBC radio 238 Bätcher, Hans-Georg 223 Briansk encirclement 119, 157–162 Battleaxe, Operation 237 drive on Moscow 173–179, 239–246 Becker, Hans 171 foreign armies 275–278 Belarus (Belorussia) 8, 70, 272 Grosstransportraum 20, 35, 92, Belgium 278 187–188, 250, 257 Below, Nicolaus von 100 horses 193–195 Belyasnik, Petr 236 logistics 187–189, 195–196 Beria, L. P. 69–70, 216 morale 206–208 Berlin 6, 57–58, 105, 200, 225–226 objectives 76, 191 Bessarabia 70, 277–278 Operation Barbarossa 32, 40–41 Bezhetsk 253–255, 259–260 operational problems 25–26, Bidermann, Gottlob 131, 154, 169, 35–39, 92–94, 290–291, 207–208, 228, 248 303–304 Bismarck, Georg von 55 optimism 111–112 Bittrich, Wilhelm 176 orders 131 Black Sea 32–33, 49, 278 partisans 122–124, 293 Black Sea Fleet 198 railways 20–21, 92 Bletchley Park 273 reinforcement for Typhoon 2, Blue, Operation 256 43–45 Blumentritt, Günther sickness/losses 192–193, 246–249, drive on Moscow 165, 240 262–266, 268–270 Operation Barbarossa 26–27 Viaz’ma encirclement 71, 88–89, post-war correspondence 306 150–151, 153–154 propaganda 105, 287, 304 weather problems 166–172 strategic thinking 90, 97, 111, 150 Army Group North 8, 32, 64, 275 Bock, Fedor von 1 treatment of Jews 170 Briansk encirclement 88–89, 158–159 in Typhoon planning 81 impact of weather 81, 239–241 Army Group South 8, 32, 49, Kalinin 184–185, 188, 252–254 256, 301 new operations 259–262, 287–289 Axis formations within 278–281 October operations 298–300 disputes within 84 optimism for Typhoon 21, 56–57, Reichenau’s order 121 294–296 Army Group Vistula 374 planning for Typhoon 49–50 Arnim, Hans-Jürgen von 76 relationship with commanders 71–76, 84 Auchinleck, Claude 308, 361 Soviet POWs 162 Auleb, Helge 94 Spanish Blue Division 275–276 Austerlitz, battle of 13 strategic thinking 81, 120, 127, 165, Austria 12 179, 182, 196, 282–283, 290–291 Avdotnya 267 Viaz’ma encirclement 78–80, 89–92, Azov, battle of Sea of 301 115–116, 118, 143, 150–151 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03512-6 - Operation Typhoon: Hitler’s March on Moscow, October 1941 David Stahel Index More information 402 / Index Bogolyubskaya, Irina 216 Caulaincourt, Armand de 27–28, 83 Bolshoi Theatre 216, 224 Cavallero, Ugo 279 Bomber Command 200 Central Asia 5 Bonaparte, Napoleon 3, 13–15, 19, 27, Chales de Beaulieu, Walter 43, 176 83, 97–98, 142, 176–177, 239, Charles XII, King 11–12, 15, 269, 297 27, 297 Borodino, battle of 14, 176 Cherevichenko, I. T. 198 Brauchitsch, Walter von 64 Chern 257 logistics 197 China 271 Luftwaffe losses 225 Churchill, Winston 99, 156, 232–237, new operations 259–262 308, 361 OKH directives 81, 230 Ciano, Galeazzo 58, 99, 102, 181–182, strategic thinking 49, 111, 179, 199, 279 239–240, 253 Ciuperca, Nicolae 32 Braun, H. E. 144–145 Clausen, battle of 11–12 Breith, Hermann 189 Clausewitz, Carl von 9–10, 15, 19, 30, Bremen 201 150, 198, 258 Brest fortress 33, 216 Clössner, Heinrich 87 Brest(-Litovsk) 205, 352 Cochenhausen, Conrad von 159 Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of 69 Cologne 200 Briansk 49, 62, 73, 195–197, 212, Conrad III, king 52 258, 293 Constantinople 52 Briansk, battle of 2, 305 corps (German army) encirclement 76–78, 86–88 II 267 fighting to escape pocket 118–120, V 146, 282 157–162 VI 253 Britain 3, 31, 107, 156, 204, 224, 233, VIII 146 236–238 IX 58, 153, 195 Britain, battle of 235 XII 177, 245 Brockdorff-Ahlefeldt, Walter Graf von XIII 177, 245 266 XX 246 Bruch, Gerhard von 250, 286 XXIII 253 Bucharest 199, 222, 278 XXXIV 76, 192, 260 Budak, Mile 53 XXXV 76, 86–87, 192, 260 Budenny, S. M. 45 XXXXIII 36, 86, 193, 257 Bug, River 205 LIII 119, 193–194 Bukovina 70 corps (Hungarian) Bumke, Ludwig 166 Mobile Corps 279–280 Busch, Ernst 32 corps (Italian) CSIR (Italian Expeditionary Corps in Canaris, Wilhelm 270 Russia) 33, 279, 371 Carpathian Group 33 Crimea 16, 198, 214, 237, 290 Case Blue 1 Cripps, Stafford 140, 233, 237 Case Yellow 1 Croatian Air Force Legion (Hrvatska Cassidy, Henry 5, 223 Zrakoplovna Legija) 61 Catherine II, tsarina 13 Croatian Infantry Regiment 277 Catloš, Ferdinand 33 Crusader, Operation 237, 309 Caucasus 112, 245 Czechoslovakia 201 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03512-6 - Operation Typhoon: Hitler’s March on Moscow, October 1941 David Stahel Index More information 403 / Index Deck, Josef 162 ‘Grossdeutschland’ (Infantry Regiment) Degrelle, Léon 97, 165, 206, 370 118, 158 Denisova, Maria 148, 152 ‘Polizei’ 229 Denmark 278 ‘Das Reich’ 37, 173–177, 243–245, Desna River 45, 49, 77 247, 262 Detschino 178 ‘Wiking’ 33, 277 Dietrich, Otto 100–101, 105–106, divisions (Slovakian) 165–166, 181, 304 Mobile Division 280–281 divisions (German) divisions (Soviet) 176 1st (Cavalry) 80, 87, 194, 206, 275 3rd Communist Division 218 3rd (Motorised) 125 17th Rifle Division 215 6th (Infantry) 94, 103, 130, 269 107th Motorised Rifle Division 128 7th (Infantry) 276 divisions (Spanish) 8th (Infantry) 206 250th (Infantry) 275 10th (Motorised) 87, 119 Dmitriev 82 15th (Infantry) 246–247 Dmitriev-Lgovskiy 191 23rd (Infantry) 114, 282 Dmitrovsk 60 25th (Motorised) 80, 87, 103, 119–120, Dnepr River 16, 32, 56, 62, 115, 278 203 Dnepropetrovsk 133, 184, 216 28th (Infantry) 206 Don Basin 86, 108 29th (Motorised) 87, 119–120, 158 Dorokhovo 151, 304 30th (Infantry) 195 Dose, Wolf 54 35th (Infantry) 60, 146 Dukhovshchina 49 36th (Motorised) 130, 183–184, 188, Dukhovshchina offensive 300 252, 255, 288 Dumitrescu, Petre 32 46th (Infantry) 262 Dunkirk 156 52nd (Infantry) 118, 159 Dvina River 32 56th (Infantry) 194 58th (Infantry) 54 East Prussia 12 79th (Infantry) 50 Eberbach, Heinrich 126, 257–258 86th (Infantry) 73, 289 Eden, Anthony 237 87th (Infantry) 115 Efferbergen, Hans 193 98th (Infantry) 178, 239, 246, 263 Efremov, M. G. 219 112th (Infantry) 118 Egypt 112 129th (Infantry) 252, 255, 288–289 Ehrenburg, Ilya 220 131th (Infantry) 57 Elizabeth, empress 83 134th (Infantry) 159 Eremenko, A. I. 45, 58, 77, 87, 119–120, 137th (Infantry) 26 158 161st (Infantry) 89, 287 Erfurth, Waldemar 26 162nd (Infantry) 289 Ershakov, A. N. 153 163rd (Infantry) 201 Esebeck, Hans-Karl Freiherr von 95 167th (Infantry) 118 252nd (Infantry) 117 Far East 5 263rd (Infantry) 26 Fausten, Heinz Otto 55, 131 267th (Infantry) 114 Fehn, Gustav 18, 68 268th (Infantry) 282 Felber, Hans-Gustav 177 293rd (Infantry) 87, 119 Feldt, Kurt 194 707th (Infantry) 123 Filaret, Patriarch 10 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03512-6 - Operation Typhoon: Hitler’s March on Moscow, October 1941 David Stahel Index More information 404 / Index Fili 212 Grossman, Vasily 59, 62, 76, 81, 220 Finland 168, 236, 271, 278, 281 Guderian, Heinz 18 First Protocol 233, 237 Briansk pocket 86–88, 119–120, Fischer, Wolfgang 78 158–160 Foreign Armies East 271–272 drive on Tula 257–262 Foreign Armies West 271 logistics 195 Förster, Otto-Wilhelm 253 operational problems 61, 64–65, 126 Four-Year Plan Organisation 108 planning for Typhoon 49–50 Fourth Crusade 53 relations with fellow commanders France 13, 22, 199, 205–206, 276–277 73, 285 Franco, Francisco 102 strategic thinking 27, 67, 82, 190–191, Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871) 104 241, 367 Frederick I, Kaiser 30, 52–53 weather affecting operations 80, legend of Barbarossa 30–31 169–170 Frederick II, king 13 Guicking, Ernst 51, 118, 159, 193, Fremerey, Max 87 205, 231 Friedland, battle of 13 Günther, Helmut 205, 262, 268 Frisch, Franz 92, 97 Gzhatsk 174 Fritzsche, Hans
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