瑞士伯尔尼纳景观列车 世界文化遗产列车线 伯尔尼纳景观列车 / Bernina Express Chur / Landquart / Davos / St

瑞士伯尔尼纳景观列车 世界文化遗产列车线 伯尔尼纳景观列车 / Bernina Express Chur / Landquart / Davos / St

中文 | en www.berninaexpress.ch 瑞士伯尔尼纳景观列车 世界文化遗产列车线 伯尔尼纳景观列车 / Bernina Express Chur / Landquart / Davos / St. Moritz / Tirano – Lugano 从冰山到棕榈树 From glaciers to palms 最美的阿尔卑斯山之旅 The most beautiful experience of the Alps 登山可以观赏冰山的耀眼光芒,下山可以饱 From the high towering glaciers of the moun­ 览意大利的棕榈树乐园:阿尔卑斯山上的 伯 tains down to the swaying palms of Italy, the 尔尼纳景观列车是海拔最高的连接欧洲南北 highest mountain railway in the Alps provides 的列车。而且途径的风光十分优美:火车连 a link between northern and southern Eu­ 接的都是风景如画的山川世界。在这里可以 rope. It does so in the most won derful way 欣赏大自然的风光,体验异域的文化,享受 imaginable, on a railway line that coexists in 最美的阿尔卑斯山之旅! perfect harmony with its glorious mountain setting. The wonders of nature and the cul­ 提示: 伯尔尼纳快车是瑞士大火车之旅的一部分,它 tural achievements of man merge into one of 汇集了瑞士最美丽的全景路线。更多信息请到以下网 the best ways ever to experience the Alps. 页查询 myswitzerland.com/grandtraintour Tip: The Bernina Express is part of the Grand Train Tour of Switzerland, which unites the most beautiful panoramic routes in the country. For more informa­ tion go to myswitzerland.com/grandtraintour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 在线上订: www.berninaexpress.ch London Amsterdam Hamburg Berlin London Bruxelles Köln Frankfurt Paris Mannheim Paris Frankfurt Stuttgart Berlin France Deutschland München Basel Wien Zürich London Landquart Österreich Bern Berlin Chur Davos Scuol Schweiz GRAUBÜNDEN Paris Zürich Müstair Meran Chur St.Moritz Switzerland Davos Bozen St.Moritz Genève Tirano Bellinzona Tirano Lugano Zermatt Madrid Milano Lyon Lugano Italia Roma Torino Milano Venezia Marseille Genova Roma Marseille Firenze Barcelona Roma Bernina Express Paris Frankfurt Stuttgart 771 km 497 km 306 km 5½ h* 5½ h* 4½ h* Deutschland München 276 km 4¼ h* Basel Zürich 203 km 119 km 2¼ h* 1¼ h* France Salzburg 419 km Österreich 5½ h* Luzern Landquart Wien Bern Chur Klosters Schweiz 4 Scuol 1 Thusis 5 Davos GRAUBÜNDEN 2 Filisur 3 Bergün Müstair St.Moritz 6 Pontresina 7 Ospizio Bernina 8 9 Alp Grüm Poschiavo Genève 10 Brusio Lyon 11 Bellinzona Tirano 12 Zermatt Lugano Italia 13 伯尔尼纳景观列车 / Bernina Express Verona C h u r / L a n d q u a r t / D a v o s / S t . M o r i t z / T i r a n o – L u g a n o Torino Milano Milano Firenze 199 km 293 km 168 km 168 km 415 km 4½ h* 4 h* 2½ h* 2½ h* 5 h* Venezia 联合国教科文组织世界遗产 / UNESCO World Heritage 310 km 5½ h* * 请参照公共交通指南 / Approx. travel times by public transport 冰川快车 / Glacier Express St. Moritz / Davos – Zermatt Ospizio Bernina 2253 2250 Pontresina Alp Grüm 2000 1774 2091 Marseille 1750 Davos St.Moritz Marseille1500 1535 1775 1250 Klosters Bergün 1179 1372 Poschiavo 1000 1014 Filisur Chur 750 1080 Firenze 584 Switzerland 500 Thusis in 697 Landquart Tirano 250 563 429 Lugano Printed 0 270 m.a.s.l. 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 274 km 10/2019, 1 Rothenbrunnen, 622 m a.s.l. 2 Solis Viaduct / Solis, 863 m a.s.l. Landwasser Viaduct / Filisur, 1 048 m a.s.l. 3 4 Davos, 1 560 m a.s.l. 5 Wiesen Viaduct / Wiesen, 1 430 m a.s.l. 6 Engadin, 1 774 m a.s.l. Bernina / Morteratsch, 1 896 m a.s.l. 7 Ospizio Bernina / Lago Bianco, 2 253 m a.s.l. 8 Alp Grüm, 2 091 m a.s.l. 9 10 Valposchiavo, 1 014 m a.s.l. Circular Viaduct / Brusio, 780 m a.s.l. 11 Tirano, 429 m a.s.l. 12 Lago di Lugano / Lugano, 270 m a.s.l. 13 列为联合国非物质文化遗产的旅游胜地 非物质文化遗产 迹。全景火车所行之处已被联合国教科文组 图西 斯 — 提 拉诺 织列入了世界遗产。列车从瑞士历史最悠久 在122公里长的行程中需要穿过55个隧道, 的城市库尔 (Chur) 出发,穿过多姆莱施格河 通过196座桥梁:阿尔布拉/伯尔尼纳的瑞士 谷 (Domleschg) (图 1 ),这 儿 的 城 堡 密 度 在 全景列车是工程领域的杰作, 与自然风光共 欧洲首屈一指。随后,列车穿越过幽暗的许恩 同构成了独一无二的非物质文化遗产。 峡谷 (Schinschlucht),驰向悬空 85 米高的索 利斯桥 (Solisviadukt) 2 ,然 后 驰 入 极 富 浪 漫 伯尔尼纳景观列车 色彩的阿尔布拉山谷 (Albulatal),举世闻名的 库尔/(兰德夸特 —)达沃斯/圣莫里茨 — 朗德瓦萨高架桥 (Landwasserviadukt) 3 在 提拉诺 一片悬崖峭壁上静候您的到来。您也可以从 尊敬的旅客,请就坐,惊叹之旅即将开始:坐 兰德夸特 (Landquart) 出发,穿过佩拉蒂高峡 在 伯 尔 尼 纳 景 观 列 车 (B e r n i n a E x p re s s)上, 谷 (Prättigau) 抵达阿尔卑斯山海拔最高的城市 您不仅可以欣赏到阿尔卑斯山的壮美景观, 达 沃 斯 (D a vo s) 4 。伯尔尼纳快车继续沿着兰 还会不禁赞叹人类工程技术创造的伟大奇 德 瓦 瑟 隧 道 (Landwasser) 前 行,穿过 极 具 野 性 美的齐根峡谷 (Zügenschlucht),再从雷蒂亚铁 von Brusio) 11 ,最后抵达海拔 429米的意大利 路最高的桥威斯纳高架桥 5 上 跨 过 河 流 。两 段 小镇提拉诺 (Tirano) 12 。 铁路在菲利苏尔 (Filisur) 合二为一。穿过宏伟的 建筑奇迹和螺旋隧道,雷蒂亚铁路的海拔高度 伯尔尼纳景观列车 逐渐上升,钻出阿尔布拉隧道 (Albulatunnel), 提拉诺 — 卢加诺 恩 加 丁 (E n g a d i n) 6 的美景就尽收眼底。尊贵 您想更深入地探访阿尔卑斯山南部的旖旎风光 优雅的圣莫里茨也坐落在这个地区。火车继续 吗?乘坐伯尔尼纳景观巴士 (Bernina Express 向高处攀行,在伯尼纳峰 (Berninamassiv) 7 , Bus),再次踏上风景秀丽的旅途。巴士从提拉诺 列车与雄伟壮丽的冰川擦肩而过。在比安科湖 (Tirano) 出发,沿科莫湖 (Comersee) 行使,越 畔 (Lago Bianco) 8 ,您可以真正体会到无边 过瓦尔泰利纳山麓 (Veltlin) 的葡萄园,穿过如诗 无际的自由!此时,深山下面已然传来南国的呼 如画的瑞士村落,最后抵达卢加诺 (Lugano) 13 。 唤 – 列车从海拔 2 200 多米的最高点 9 ,蜿 蜒 曲折,一路向下,抵达普施拉夫 (Puschlav) 10 , 爬上著名的布鲁西奥螺旋铁路桥 (Kreisviadukt Sightseeing on our UNESCO World Heritage site UNESCO World Heritage na Express as the observation­car train nego­ Thusis — Tirano tiates the heart of the UNESCO World Heritage Running along 122 kilometres of track, passing Site. From Chur, the oldest city in Switzerland, through 55 tunnels and over 196 bridges and the train passes through the Domleschg (Fig. viaducts, the Albula / Bernina Line is a master­ 1 ), the region with the highest density of piece of engineering. Its combination with the castles in Europe. It then negotiates the dark surrounding landscape is what constitutes its Schin Gorge before traversing the 85­metre recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. high Solis Viaduct 2 to enter the wild and ro­ mantic Albula Valley, where it crosses the Bernina Express world­famous Landwasser Viaduct 3 and en­ Chur / Landquart / Davos / St. Moritz / Tirano ters a tunnel hewn into a sheer rock face. Al­ Take a seat and prepare to be amazed: experi­ ternatively, the journey starts in Landquart, ence the beauty of the Alps and astonishing passing through the Prättigau region to reach feats of railway engineering aboard the Berni­ the highest town in the Alps, Davos 4 ; the Bernina Express then follows the Landwasser felt down below, the train twisting and turn­ river, entering the wild Zügen Gorge to cross ing from an altitude of more than 2,200 me­ the river via the Wiesen Viaduct 5 , the highest tres 9 down into the Poschiavo Valley 10 and such structure on the RhB network. Filisur is over the famous Brusio Circular Viaduct 11 to where the two sections combine. The Bernina Tirano 12 in Italy at an altitude of 429 m. Express now negotiates breathtaking feats of railway engineering including helical tunnels Bernina Express Bus as it makes the ascent to the Albula tunnel, Tirano — Lugano gateway to the magnificent Engadin 6 and Fancy sniffing yet more southern air? The scenic chic St. Moritz. The train continues upwards, journey continues aboard the Bernina Express passing the mighty glacier world of the Berni­ Bus. The trip from Tirano to Lugano 13 passes na massif 7 . The boundless freedom of the vineyards in the Valtellina region, through pic­ mountains becomes a tangible reality at the turesque villages and along Lake Como. Lago Bianco 8 ! But now the south makes itself 列车时刻表 / Timetables 库尔/兰德夸特 /达沃斯/圣莫里茨/蒂拉诺-卢加诺 / Chur / Landquart / Davos / St. Moritz / Tirano – Lugano 15.12.2019 — 12.12.2020 冬季 / Winter 夏季 / Summer 夏季 / Summer 冬季 / Winter 15.12.19 – 08.05.20 09.05. — 25.10.2020 09.05. — 25.10.2020 15.12.19 – 08.05.20 26.10. – 12.12.2020 26.10. – 12.12.2020 9751) 953 973 951 961 975 1) 976 1) 974 950 960 952 9761) 08.32 08.32 Chur 18.19 18.19 09.18 09.18 Tiefencastel 17.30 17.32 | | 08.37 Landquart | 20.13 | | | 09.17 Klosters Platz | 19.29 | | | 09.50 Davos Platz | 18.47 | 09.33 | 10.17 Filisur | 18.18 17.18 09.47 09.47 10.30 Bergün 17.04 18.02 17.04 | | 11.08 Samedan | 17.29 | 15.11 | 09.39 | | 15.11 St. Moritz 12.36 16.19 | | | 12.36 15.20 10.22 09.52 | 11.17 15.20 Pontresina 12.25 16.04 | 17.21 16.16 12.25 Bernina 15.36 10.40 | | 11.35 15.36 | | | 17.02 | | Diavolezza | | | | | | Ospizio Bernina 11.49 | | 16.41 | 11.49 16.01 10.59 10.28 10.59 11.58 16.01 Alp Grüm 11.42 | 15.45 16.34 15.45 11.42 16.53 12.01 11.14 12.01 12.54 16.53 Poschiavo 10.48 14.49 15.09 15.56 15.09 10.48 17.02 12.21 11.32 12.20 13.02 17.02 Le Prese 10.41 14.41 14.54 15.42 14.54 10.41 17.32 12.49 12.00 12.49 13.33 17.32 Tirano 10.07 14.07 14.25 15.13 14.25 10.07 Bernina Express 59512) › › 5951 2) Bus 5950 2) › › 5950 2) 14.20 14.20 Tirano 13.00 13.00 17.30 17.30 Lugano 10.00 10.00 伯尔尼纳冬季全景之旅 Bernina Panorama Winter 提示:伯尔尼纳铁路在秋冬两季推出定期列车伯尔尼 Tip: The Bernina panoramic cars operate in winter in 纳特快全景列车 (Bernina Panorama),每 日 提 供 多 combination with the regional trains, offering a 个 班 次 ,附 加 费 用 5.00 瑞士法郎 享受顶级旅程! travel experience in a class of its own on the Bernina Line several times a day for a surcharge of CHF 5.00. Pontresina–Poschiavo 路段因从2020 1) 运营时间 / Runs: 2) 运营时间 / Runs: 年11月2日至2 02 0年11月7日的建筑 施工而 26.12.2019 – 05.01.2020 20.02­05.04.2020 (每周四­周日 / Thu – Sun) 遭到封锁。 10.04.2020 – 01.11.2020 09.04­25.10.2020 (每天 / daily) Line closure between Pontresina 05.12.2020 – 07.12.2020 29.10­29.11.2020 (每周四­周日 / Thu – Sun) and Poschiavo due to building work from 0 2 – 0 7.

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