Gaelic Society Collection 3 Publication Control Classmark Author Title, Part No

Gaelic Society Collection 3 Publication Control Classmark Author Title, Part No

A B C D E F G H 1 2 Gaelic Society Collection 3 Publication Control Classmark Author Title, part no. & title Barcode 4 date number (Dewey) A B C. : ann teagasg Criosdiugh, nios achamaire do reir ceisd & 1838 q8179079 238 38011086142968 5 freagradh ai A' Charraig : leabhar bliadhnail eaglais bhearnaraigh 1971 0950233102 285.24114 38011030517448 6 A' Charraig : leabhar bliadhnail eaglais bhearnaraigh 1971 0950233102 285.24114 38011086358515 7 A' Charraig : leabhar bliadhnail eaglais bhearnaraigh 1971 0950233102 285.24114 38011086358523 8 A'Choisir-chiuil : the St.Columba collection of Gaelic songs arranged for 1983 0901771724 891.63 38011030517331 9 pa A'chòmdhail cheilteach eadarnàiseanta : Congress 99. - Glaschu : 26-31 2000 M0001353HL 891.63 38011000710015 10 July A collection of Highland rites and customes / copied by Edward Lhuyd 1975 0859910121 390.941 38011000004195 11 from th A collection of Highland rites and customes / copied by Edward Lhuyd 1975 0859910121 390.941 38011086392324 12 from th A collection of the vocal airs of the Highlands of Scotland : 1996 1871931665 788.95 38011086142927 13 communicated a A Companionto Scottish culture / edited by David Daiches 1981 0713163445 941.11 38011086393645 14 A History of the Scottish Highlands, Highland clans and Highland 1875 x3549092 941.15 38011086358366 15 regiments. Ainmean aìte = Place names 1991 095164193x 491.63 38011050956930 16 Ainmeil an eachraidh : iomradh air dusan ainmeil ann an caochladh 1997 1871901413 920.0411 38011097413804 17 sheòrsacha Aithghearradh teagasg Chriosta : le aonta nan Easbuig ro-urramach 1902 q8177241 232.954 38011086340042 18 Easbuig Ab A B C D E F G H Alba [map]. - 1:1,000,000 1972 M0003560HL 912 38011030517398 19 Albyn's anthology : or, a select collection of the melodies & local poetry p. 1816 t5440979 782.4209411 38011086358291 20 - vol.1 Albyn's anthology : or, a select collection of the melodies & local poetry p. 1818 q3345805 782.4209411 38011086339507 21 - vol.2 A little borderless village / edited by Kevin MacNeil = Baile beag gun 2000 1874253072 80838 38011010442476 22 chrio Amannan : sgialachdan goimi / Pòl MacAonghais ... (et al.) 1979 055021402x 891.63 38011030516762 23 Amannan : sgialachdan goimi / Pòl MacAonghais ... (et al.) 1979 055021402x 891.63 38011086393256 24 Amannan : sgialachdan goimi / Pòl MacAonghais ... (et al.) 1979 055021402x 891.633 38011050760738 25 Am bloigh beag le beannachd : agus sgeulachdan eile / air an tíonal 1997 M0001658HL F 38011050687980 26 agus an Am feachd Gaidhealach : ar tir 's ar teanga : lean gu dlùth ri cliù do shinn 1944 w3998157 891.63 38011030516382 27 Am feachd Gaidhealach : ar tir 's ar teanga : lean gu dlùth ri cliù do shinn 1944 w3998157 891.63 38011086396085 28 An aghaidh na sìorraidheachd : ochdnar bhard gaidhlig : duanaire dà- 1991 0748660917 891.631 38011050350167 29 chànanac An aghaidh na sìorraidheachd : ochdnar bhard gaidhlig : duanaire dà- 1991 0748660917 891.631 38011097413515 30 chànanac Analekta Hellenika meizona : sive, Collactanea Graeca majora ad usum 1821 t5440471 880.8 38011086359489 31 academi. - Tomus 1 : Complectens excerpta ex va Analekta Hellenika meizona : sive, Collectanea Graeca majora ad usum 1820 t5440488 880.8 38011086359497 32 academi. - Tomus 2 : Complectens excerpta ex va An ceathramh leabhar leughaidh / air a dheasachadh le Iain Mac 1923 w403952x 891.633 38011030517745 33 Dhomhnaill. L An ceathramh leabhar leughaidh / air a dheasachadh le Iain Mac 1923 w403952x 891.633 38011050760639 34 Dhomhnaill. L An ceathramh leabhar leughaidh / air a dheasachadh le Iain Mac 1923 w403952x 891.633 38011086393017 35 Dhomhnaill. L A B C D E F G H An ceathramh leabhar leughaidh / air a dheasachadh le Iain Mac 1923 w403952x 891.633 38011086393025 36 Dhomhnaill. L An ceathramh leabhar leughaidh / air a dheasachadh le Iain Mac 1923 w403952x 891.633 38011086393033 37 Dhomhnaill. L An ceathramh leabhar leughaidh / air a dheasachadh le Iain Mac 1923 w403952x 891.633 38011086393041 38 Dhomhnaill. L An dara leabhar air son nan sgoilean gae'lach : a ta air an cumail suas le 1826 q8176678 248.83 38011086339945 39 C An dara leabhar air son nan sgoilean gae'lach : a ta air an cumail suas le 1926 t5437782 248.83 38011086394833 40 C An Deagh sgeul aig Marcus : Soisguel Mharcuis ann an Gàidhlig an là an 1980 b8110860 226.3 38011030516648 41 diugh An eaglais shaor 1843 q8175621 891.631 38011086142984 42 An English-Gaelic dictionary of expressions, idioms and phrases / edited 1985 0901771783 491.63 38011030517679 43 by An English-Gaelic dictionary of expressions, idioms and phrases / edited 1985 0901771783 491.63 38011086392258 44 by An English-Gaelic dictionary of expressions, idioms and phrases / edited 1985 0901771783 891.633 38011050760696 45 by An lasair : anthology of 18th century Scottish Gaelic verse / edited by 2001 1841580929 891.631 38011020002351 46 Rona An lasair : anthology of 18th century Scottish Gaelic verse / edited by 2001 1841580929 891.631 38011050705170 47 Rona An original collection of the poems of Ossian, Orrann, Ulin and other 1816 x0859633 891.6311 38011086356337 48 bards, An seanachaidh : leabhar leughaidh Gaiddhlig 1936 t5420698 891.63 38011086398396 49 An sgeulaiche 1909 315239 059.9163 38011086358473 50 An sgeulaiche 1909 315239 059.9163 38011086359117 51 An sgeulaiche 1909 315239 059.9163 38011086359125 52 A B C D E F G H An t-aite as fhearr leam : agus rannan is rosg eile 0 M0005245HL 891.631 38011050651507 53 An Teachdaire Gaelach : Vol.1 a cheud leabhar, anns a bheil d 1830 t543996x 059.9163 38011086359612 54 An t-eileanach : leabhran miosail Eaglais Bhearnaraigh : Aireamh 1- 1970 q8177620 285.24114 38011030516572 55 Aireamh 12 : Am Faoilleach, An t-eileanach : leabhran miosail Eaglais Bhearnaraigh : Aireamh 1- 1970 q8177620 285.24114 38011030516580 56 Aireamh 12 : Am Faoilleach, An t-eileanach : leabhran miosail Eaglais Bhearnaraigh : Aireamh 1- 1970 q8177620 285.24114 38011030516598 57 Aireamh 12 : Am Faoilleach, An t-eileanach : leabhran miosail eaglais bhearnaraigh : Aireamh 1- 1970 t5441163 285.24114 38011086358531 58 Aireamh 31 : Am Faoilleach, An treas leabhar leughaidh / air a dheasachadh le Domhnall Mac A-Phí 1921 w4039068 891.633 38011030517752 59 An tuil : anthology of 20th century Scottish Gaelic verse / edited by 1999 0748662197 821.914 38011000004153 60 Ronald An tuil : anthology of 20th century Scottish Gaelic verse / edited by 1999 0748662197 821.914 38011050705204 61 Ronald An tuil : anthology of 20th century Scottish Gaelic verse / edited by 1999 0748662197 821.914 38011050760597 62 Ronald Armorial gallery : Highlanders' Memorial Church Glasgow 1922 1922 t544169x 929.6 38011086357285 63 Ar saoghal-- : aig toiseach linn eile 2002 0861527577 891.63 38011050559155 64 As an Fhearann / edited by Malcolm MacLean and Christopher Carrell 1986 1851580360 941.15 38011086394080 65 Asturian : the Asturian language in education in Spain 2003 M0004172HL 468 38011050559213 66 A sud is a so air feadh an eilein / [compiled by Norman MacLeod] 1963 q8177531 891.631008 38011086340174 67 Athghearradh teagaisg Chriosta / air a cheartachadh le Iain Camshron, 1886 q3347744 238.5 38011086339796 68 Easbui Baird Chill-Chomain : orain agus dan le Donna poetry / [by John 1936 M0003443HL 891.63 38011030516713 69 MacLean and A B C D E F G H Bàird na h-Alba : o chionn fada chun an latha an diugh 1997 q8178772 912.411 38011086143016 70 Bàrdachd a Rinneadh le Nisich : le nisich cuid tha bheò is cuid nach eil 1963 q8177413 891.631008 38011086340166 71 Bardachd Leodhais 1998 0861521099 891.63 38011097413374 72 Bàrdachd na Roinn-Eòrpa an Gàidhlig / deasaichte le Ruaraidh 1990 1871901057 891.631 38011097413986 73 MacThòmais Bàs Tigh Céilidh [Sound recording] 1967 q8177778 780.26 38011086340273 74 Bloody Culloden / compiled and edited by John Macdonald 1995 q3355092 941.175 38011050688012 75 Breton : the Breton language in education in France 1998 M0002632HL 443.2 38011020002492 76 Breton : the Breton language in education in France 2002 M0004495HL 443.2 38011040597315 77 Britain and Ireland 900-1300 : insular responses to medieval European 1999 052157319x 941 38011050652745 78 change Bru-Dhearg : fo laimh Chalum Mhic Pharlain 1909 t544256x 782.4209411 38011086356378 79 Cailin mo ruin-sa : The maid I adore / Gaelic and English words and 1930 M0002667HL 781.78141 38011050332389 80 melody b Caisteal A'Ghlinne : the castle of the glen / Gaelic words and melody by 1935 M0002662HL 784.78141 38011050332413 81 Hen Canna [broadsheet] : the archaeology of a hebridean landscape 1999 1902419049 912 38011000004245 82 Canna [broadsheet] : the archaeology of a hebridean landscape 1999 1902419049 912 38011000004252 83 Can seo : a BBC Television course for beginners in Gaelic / Gaelic 1979 0563162902 491.63 38011086393405 84 language Caran an t-saoghail = The wiles of the world / editor, Donald Meek 1997 187474467x 891.63 38011050545865 85 Caran an t-saoghail = The wiles of the world / editor, Donald Meek 1997 187474467x 891.63 38011050618803 86 A B C D E F G H CARMINA GADELICA:HYMNS AND INCANTATIONS:WITH 1900 t5426494 891.63 38011086395384 87 ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES ON WORDS, RI : VOL. I CARMINA GADELICA:HYMNS AND INCANTATIONS:WITH 1900 t5428501 891.63 38011086395392 88 ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES ON WORDS, RI : VOLUME II CARMINA GADELICA:HYMNS AND INCANTATIONS:WITH 1940 t5428553 891.63 38011086395400 89 ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES ON WORDS, RI : VOLUME III Carmina Gadelica : hymns and incantations, with illustrative notes on 1954 b5415747 891.63 38011086395376 90 words,. - Vol.5 / edited by Angus Matheson

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