Appendixes (Volume 1) Final Environmental Impact Report for the Balboa Park Plaza de Panama Project Project No. 233958 SCH No. 2011031074 May 3, 2012 The City of San Diego APPENDIXES VOLUME 1 A: Notice of Preparation and Comments B-1: Historical Preservation Technical Report B-2: Cultural Resources Technical Report C: Centennial Bridge Photographic Survey D-1: Traffic Impact Analysis (bound under separate cover) D-2: Parking Demand Study D-3: Parking Structure and Transportation System Financial Projections E: Air Quality Technical Report VOLUME 2 F: Biological Resources Letter Report G: Geotechnical Investigation H: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis I: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment J: Preliminary Drainage Study K: Noise Technical Report L: Public Service Letters M: Water Demand Analysis N: Sewer Study O: Waste Management Plan P: Water Quality Technical Report APPENDIX A Notice of Preparation and Comments MEETING April 14, 2011 1 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS PUBLIC SCOPING MEETING BALBOA PARK PLAZA DE PANAMA April 14, 2011 5:50 p.m. 2144 Pan American Road West San Diego, California Reported by Denise T. Johnson, CSR No. 11902 Toll Free: 800.300.1214 Facsimile: 619.239.4117 Suite 1600 402 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 www.esquiresolutions.com MEETING April 14, 2011 2 1 SCOPING MEETING 2 APRIL 14, 2011 3 4 MS. SHEARER-NGUYEN: Good evening. 5 How is everybody tonight? We are going to begin 6 the scoping meeting. Thank you for attending and welcome 7 to the scoping meeting for the environmental impact report 8 for the Balboa Park Plaza de Panama project. 9 I'm Elizabeth Shearer-Nguyen with the City of 10 San Diego Development Services Department. I am the 11 departmental analyst. And also in attendance with me is 12 Ms. Gallardo. She's our assistant deputy director. 13 This meeting is referred to as an environmental 14 impact report scoping meeting. And the purpose is to give 15 the public and interested parties an opportunity to submit 16 comments regarding the potential impact -- environmental 17 impact for the proposed project. 18 The information that is gathered tonight along 19 with submitted comments provided during the 30-day -- um, 20 review period, will be also used to develop the scope and 21 content of the EIR. 22 One of the things I ask is that you fill out the 23 comment forms that are in the back. Also, please include 24 your name and address. It is important that we keep all 25 this information. Comments can all be provided via e-mail Toll Free: 800.300.1214 Facsimile: 619.239.4117 Suite 1600 402 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 www.esquiresolutions.com MEETING April 14, 2011 3 1 or regular mail. 2 As previously mentioned, this meeting has been 3 scheduled to gather public information and input and 4 require the department review staff, required by the 5 city's municipal code, to provide the public and the 6 decision-makers with an independently prepared 7 environmental document which discloses impacts to the 8 environment. 9 This information is used by the city 10 decision-makers as part of the deliberating process in 11 approving or denying a project. 12 The environmental document itself does not 13 recommend approval or denial of a project. 14 A few comments on how this meeting is going to be 15 conducted tonight. First, there is going to be a brief 16 discussion about the project. And then we will open the 17 meeting for public comment. The meeting, again, is 18 designed to get as much public input as possible on areas 19 that need to be addressed in the EIR in the time allocated 20 for the meeting. So we're going to be giving everybody 21 two minutes to speak. But I just want to let you know 22 that we have the room until 9:00. So if it gets closer to 23 that time, we will -- we may be limiting the time to a 24 minute and a half depending on how quickly we get through 25 the process. Toll Free: 800.300.1214 Facsimile: 619.239.4117 Suite 1600 402 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 www.esquiresolutions.com MEETING April 14, 2011 4 1 Your vocal comments, like I said, will be 2 recorded -- or I haven't said that yet. Your vocal 3 comments will be recorded. So, therefore, each speaker 4 will be asked to come up, state their name and state their 5 address and then complete their comments within the 6 allotted time. 7 I would ask -- or please refrain from trying to 8 conduct a debate on the merits of the project because 9 that's not the purpose of tonight's meeting. 10 I would also need to emphasize that the focus of 11 the comments need to stay on the environmental 12 documents or impacts that you believe need to be 13 thoroughly analyzed in the project EIR. 14 Bobbi Herdes with Recon will be acting as the 15 moderator and timekeeper for the duration of the meeting. 16 I respectfully request that you enter comments when 17 notified. 18 Lance, from Recon, will also be calling people's 19 names. What we will be doing is calling a few names at a 20 time. So if you could come up to the front so when one 21 person is done, the next one can move in. 22 The other item I'd like to point out is we have 23 two minutes on the clock. And there is a timer up at the 24 podium. So when you get to the 30-second mark, that means 25 you have 30 seconds left, it will flash yellow, is my Toll Free: 800.300.1214 Facsimile: 619.239.4117 Suite 1600 402 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 www.esquiresolutions.com MEETING April 14, 2011 5 1 understanding. And then it will turn red to say that your 2 time is up. 3 We'll now begin. I would like to introduce to 4 you Scott Jordan, who will provide you with a brief 5 description of the project. 6 MR. JORDAN: Thank you for coming out tonight. 7 I'll just quickly take you through the components of the 8 project. 9 I guess to begin with, the actual client on this 10 is the Plaza de Panama Committee. It is a sole-purpose 11 entity devoted to developing and implementing this 12 project. It is a nonprofit 501 C3 governed by a board of 13 directors and will end at the completion of this project. 14 It is not intended to be around forever. 15 Project funding, there will be a self-sustaining 16 bond to fund the parking structure and the maintenance and 17 the operation of the parking structure, the tram, and with 18 the remainder of the project being funded through private 19 donations. 20 Overall, the project vision and goal for the 21 project is to rehabilitate the plaza, eliminate vehicle 22 traffic from the plaza, increase parkland, limit 23 pedestrian-vehicular conflict, to improve the 24 transportation system, to build on previous park planning 25 experiences and to complete the project hopefully by Toll Free: 800.300.1214 Facsimile: 619.239.4117 Suite 1600 402 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 www.esquiresolutions.com MEETING April 14, 2011 6 1 December 31st, 2014 to help celebrate the centennial 2 celebration. 3 I guess that the basis of the project is really 4 trying to take what exists today and turn it into what you 5 see on the screen here. This is the Del Prado. It is 6 probably one of the best pedestrian areas in the park. 7 And we're looking at trying to convert these other areas 8 to reflect that same sort of condition. 9 You all know the existing conditions. I'll 10 quickly take you through the major components of the 11 project. As part of this project, we're looking at 12 creating pedestrian-only areas of the Plaza de California, 13 El Prado West, Plaza de Panama, Esplanade, as well as the 14 proposed pedestrian tram adjacent to a proposed 15 underground parking garage with a rooftop park on it. And 16 in order to accommodate that, the proposed construction of 17 a bypass road that reconfigures off of our lot will be a 18 vehicular drop-off, 80 accessible spaces as well as a 19 valet staging area, coming around through a great separate 20 crossing coming underneath the proposed Promenade 21 connection, around and be connecting into this underground 22 garage. 23 Very quickly, the Plaza de California originally 24 was intended as a pedestrian space, it was piazza-like in 25 its configuration. As you know today, it's bifurcated by Toll Free: 800.300.1214 Facsimile: 619.239.4117 Suite 1600 402 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 www.esquiresolutions.com MEETING April 14, 2011 7 1 a roadway going through it. What we are proposing to do 2 is to essentially return it back to pedestrians, improve 3 the paving, add some tables and chairs, return to the 4 trees and pots around the perimeter of it and take it back 5 to what it was back in 1915. 6 Del Prado, again, was another great space back in 7 1915, where people could walk up and down the center of it 8 and enjoy the weather here in San Diego. Today, it is 9 taken over by cars. And what we're proposing to do is 10 trade the bypass roads, bring pedestrians back into this 11 space, and make it an environment they can enjoy and visit 12 without having to worry about cars.
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