updated: 13/2/18, 2:29 pm CHRIST CHURCH MUSIC LIST 2018 (B) 31 Dec 17 ORG/Talia Epiphany Mass DUDMAN Prelude Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern - Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706) Hymns 291; 452; 454; 268 Communion Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern - F.W.Zachow (1663-1712) Postlude Vom Himmel hoch, LV 51 - F.W.Zachow 7 Jan 18 NO Lucians (no Sunday School) ORG/cw & Jonathan Lee (Canberra) Baptism of our Lord We welcome visiting organ student Jonathan Lee Mass DUDMAN Prelude Andante Allegro from Organ Concerto in Bb, op.4/6 - G.F.Handel (1685- Hymns 3081750) (AHB t.230); 405; 526; 447 Communion Larghetto from Organ Concerto in Bb, op.4/6 - G.F.Handel Postlude Allegro moderato from Organ Concerto in Bb, op.4/6 - G.F.Handel 14 Jan 18 NO Lucians (no Sunday School) ORG/Talia Ep 2 Mass DUDMAN Prelude Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich - Johann Pachelbel Hymns 449; 448; 497; 246 Communion Prière & Non troppo lento - César Franck Postlude Fugue No.3 in D - G.F.Handel 21 Jan 18 NO Lucians Last day of School Holidays ORG/cw Ep 3 Mass DUDMAN Prelude Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam, BWV 684 - J.S.Bach (1685-1750) Hymns 160; 598; 560i; 595 Communion Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam, BWV 685 - J.S.Bach Postlude Allebreve in D, BWV 589 - J.S.Bach 28 Jan 18 Australia Day Long-Weekend Ep 4 Mass DUDMAN Prelude Improvisation - Colin Brumby (1933-2018) Hymns 59; 226; 672ii; 631 (t.517) Communion Extemporization III - A.E.Floyd (1877-1974) Postlude Carillon (on 'Old 100th') - Archie Day (1901-1975) 4 Feb 18 LUCIANS RESUME Ep 5 Mass RUTTER Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonata IV in Bb, op,65/4 - Felix Mendelssohn Prelude (1809-1847) Hymns 111; 219 (1st t. 7am / 2nd t. 9am; 143 (7am) / 414 (9am); 210 (t.425) Psalm 147:1-11 (Francis Jackson) PSALTER p23 Anthem O sing joyfully - Adrian Batten (1519-1637) SHEET Motet O Lord, my God to thee - attrib. Jaques Arcadelt (c.1510-1568) NCAB p293 Communion (7am) Expressions VI - Jean Langlais (1907-1991 Postlude Allegro con brio (1st mvt) from Sonata IV in Bb, op,65/4 - Felix Mendelssohn Sat 11 Feb GARAGE SALE (Lucians to run BBQ) UQ O-week Ep 6 (Pr 1) Mass RUTTER Prelude Andante moderato (from 3 Pieces) - Frank Bridge (1879-1941 Hymns 133 [omit v4]; 594; 96 (7am) / 110, t.479 (9am); 201 Psalm 30 (J.Corfe from Henry Lawes & William Croft) PSALTER p24 Anthem Cantate Domino - Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni (1657-1743) NCAB p92 Motet Lord, I trust Thee - G.F.Handel (1685-1750) NCAB p228 Communion (7am) Schmücke dich - Karg-Elert Postlude Præludium in G - Niklaus Bruhns (1665-1697) updated: 12/3/18, 11:25 pm CHRIST CHURCH MUSIC LIST 2018 (B) L E N T Wed 14 Feb SUNG EUCHARIST with Imposition of Ashes (No Lucians) Ash Wednesday, 7.30pm Mass DUDMAN (San/Ben/Acc/Agnus) Prelude Chorale Prelude 'Erbarm' dich mein, O Herre Gott', BWV 721 - J.S.Bach Hymns 559 (t.558); 131; 580; 576 Postlude Ich ruf zu dir, BWV 639 - J.S.Bach 18 Feb 18 Le 1 Mass RUTTER Prelude Fantasia super 'Jesu, meine Freude', BWV 713 Hymns 546; 463; 446 (t.772); 684 Kyrie Orbis factor (Plainsong) SHEET Psalm 25:1-10 (John Joubert) PSALTER p4 Anthem O for a closer walk with God - C.V. Stanford (1852-1924) AfC p142 Motet Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake - attrib. Farrant (16th c.) NCAB p224 Communion (7am) Ich ruf zu dir, BWV 639 - J.S.Bach Postlude Prelude in f, BWV 534 - J.S.Bach 25 Feb 18 Le 2 Mass RUTTER Prelude O Lamm Gottes unschuldig, BWV 1095 - J.S.Bach Hymns 559 (t.558); 485; 139; 583 Psalm 22:24-32 (George C. Martin) PSALTER p6 Anthem Lead me, Lord - S.S.Wesley (1810-1876) NCAB p206 Motet Ave verum corpus - William Byrd (1539/40-1623) NCAB p38 Communion (7am) O Lamm Gottes unschuldig - Johann Pachelbel Postlude Ciacona in f - Johann Pachelbel ORGAN CONCERT by Hector Olivera at 2pm 4 Mar 18 FAMILY SERVICE at 9am (no LUCIANS); Lucians REH 10-11.45am Le 3 Largo e spicatto (Concerto in d), BWV 596 - Prelude (7am) TALIA (7am) A.Vivaldi (4.3.1678-1741) / arr. J.S.Bach (1685-1750) Hymns (7am) 131; 464; 576; 611 Communion (7am) Auf meinen lieben Gott - Zachow Postlude (7am) Prelude in g, BWV 558 - J.S.Bach 10am-11.45 Lucians Rehearsal for LENT/Holy Week 3.45pm Rehearsal for CHORAL EVENSONG (Service @ 5.30pm) EVENSONG Voluntary Fugue in a-flat minor, WoO 8 - Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) Introit Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake - attrib. Farrant (16th c.) AWtE p13 Responses William Byrd (c.1543-1623), with Farmer (c.15.70-c.1601) Lord's Prayer BOOKLET / SHEET Hymns 121 (omit v3), 472, 558 BOOKLET / TIS Psalm 119:57-64 BOOKLET Canticles Thomas Caustun (c.1525-1569) SHEET Anthem Teach me, O Lord - William Bryd (1543-1623) SHEET Voluntary Largo e spicatto (Concerto in d), BWV 596 - Vivaldi/J.S.Bach (1685-1750) 11 Mar 18 (Birthday of Rene Vierne, d.1918) Le 4 (Mothering) Mass SHEPHARD Prelude Prière in Db - Rene Vierne (Improv. at 7am) Hymns 575; 25; 498; 609 Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 (Bairstow) PSALTER pp9-10 Anthem God so loved the world - Bob Chilcott (b.1955) AWtE p64 Motet Ave verum corpus - W.A. Mozart (1756-1791) NCAB p48 Communion (7am) Prière in Db - Rene Vierne Postlude Psalm-Prelude II/2 (Ps.139:11) - Herbert Howells updated: 5/4/18, 12:16 am CHRIST CHURCH MUSIC LIST 2018 (B) Sat 17 Mar BACH ORGAN CONCERT - Christopher Wrench (free admission) 3.30pm (60') 18 Mar 18 Le 5 Mass SHEPHARD Prelude Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, BWV 666 - J.S.Bach (1685-1750) Hymns 139 (t.405); 482 (t.575); 347; 595 SHEET Psalm 119: 9-16 (Joseph Barnby) PSALTER p11 Anthem Wash me throughly - S.S.Wesley (1810-1876) AwtE p45 Motet Nolo mortem peccatoris - Thomas Morley (1577/8-1602) NCAB p259 Communion (7am) Like as the hart - Peter Hurford (b.1930) Postlude Fugue in c, BWV 537 - J.S.Bach 10.40am EXTENDED REHEARSAL to 12.15pm 25 Mar 18 Baptisms Palm Sunday Mass SHEPHARD Prelude Valet will ich dir geben, BWV 735 - J.S.Bach Hymns 333; 342; 341; 351 Hosanna Hosanna - Orlando Gibbons (1853-1625) SHEET Psalm 31:9-18 (David Willcocks) PSALTER p5 Anthem Christus Factus est - Felice Anerio (c.1560-1614) AWtE p52 Motet Adoramus te, Christe - Orlande de Lassus (1532-1594) AWtE p69 7am (Comm) O Lamm Gottes unschuldig, BWV 1095 - J.S.Bach Postlude Prelude in b, BWV 544 - J.S.Bach c.10.40am EXTENDED REHEARSAL to 12.45pm Thu 29 Mar CHOIR REHEARSAL at 6pm (for GF/Easter) Maunday Thursday CHOIR warm-up at 6.35pm for SUNG EUCHARIST, 7.30pm Mass SHEPHARD (NB: incl. 'Gloria') Prelude Le banquet céleste – Olivier Messiaen (1908-1922) Hymns 141; 536; 640 (after Duruflé); 534; 501 SHEETS x2 Psalm 116:1-2, 11-18 (Percy Buck) PSALTER p8 Anthem (FW) Ubi caritas - Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986), followed by TIS 640 SHEET Motet Verily, verily - Thomas Tallis (?1505-1585) SHEET Psalm 88 (Luke Flintoft), during the stripping of the altar & sanctuary PSALTER Fri 30 Mar Good Friday 8.00am Veneration of the Cross / Reproaches / Distribution of the Reserved Sacrament NO LUCIANS Prelude Herzlich tut mich verlangen - Johann Peter Kellner (1705-1772) Hymns 339; 342; 344; 341 Communion Voluntary O Mensch, bewin dein Sünde groß, BWV 622 - J.S.Bach 10.45am REH Messiaen (vln/pfe) 11.00am - Lucians arrive 11.10am REHEARSAL 12pm-3pm Seven Moments LUCIANS CHOIR Adoramus te, Christe - Orlande de Lassus (1532-1594) AWtE p69 Hymn A time to watch (Breslau) SHEET CHOIR To mock your reign - Thomas Tallis (?1505-1585) SHEET ORGAN Chorale Prelude on ‘Rockingham’ – C.Hubert H. Parry (1848-1918) CHOIR Solus ad Victimam - Kenneth Leighton (1929-1988) AfC p13, [NCAB p416] ORGAN O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig, BWV 618 – J.S.Bach Hymn 530 There is a green hill CHOIR Nolo mortem peccatoris - Thomas Morley (1577/8-1602) NCAB p259 Hymn 342 When I survey ORGAN Chorale Prelude on ‘Caswall’ – Peter Hurford (b.1930) ORGAN Prière – Jean Langlais (1907-1991) Hymn 344 Glory be to Jesus ORGAN Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund, BWV 621 – J.S.Bach updated: 9/5/18, 9:56 am CHRIST CHURCH MUSIC LIST 2018 (B) ORGAN Herzliebter Jesu; Herzlich tut mich verlangen, op.122 – Johannes Brahms CHOIR God so loved the world - Bob Chilcott (b.1955) AWtE p64 ORGAN Consummatum est (7 Chorals-poemes, op. 37/7) - Tournemire (1870-1939) Hymn 339 O sacred head (vv1-3) CHOIR Ecce quomodo moritur justus – Jacob Händl (1550-1591) AWtE p67 CHOIR Wash me throughly - S.S.Wesley (1810-1876) AwtE p45 Hymn Lift high the cross (S.Murray / not TIS) SHEET Vln & Pfe Louange à l'Immortalité de Jésus (‘Quartet' - Olivier Messiaen (1908-92) ORGAN O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß, BWV 622 – J.S.Bach 1 Apr 18 CHOIR warm-up at 5.15am School Holidays begin Easter Day 6am CHORAL EUCHASIST (Dawn) Mass DARKE in F (no Kyrie, Acclamations/adapt) Hymns The night is past; 393, 370 [no DESCANTS] NB: no Psalm Gos. Process Christ lag in Todesbanden, BWV 625 - J.S.Bach Anthem This joyful Eastertide - Charles Wood (1866-1926) SHEET Motet My Master from a Garden Rose - Eleanor Daley (b.1955) SHEET Postlude Prelude in D, BWV 532 - J.S.Bach 7.30am Easter Breakfast in the Hall 8.10am REHEARSE in CHURCH (with Trumpet from 8.30am) 9am SUNG EUCHARIST TRUMPET/Paul Rawson Mass RUTTER Prelude Sarabande for the Morning of Easter - Herbert Howells (1892-1983) 370 [Intro/v1 Rutter, v3 Halley, v4 DESC/Wrench]; 386; Hymns 388 (omit vv 5,6,7) v3 TPT DESC/cw & v8 SOP DESC/cw; SHEETS 361 (v3 TPT DESC/Oxley) Psalm 118: 1-2, 14-24 (George Thalban-Ball / George J.

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