Biota Neotropica ISSN: 1676-0611 [email protected] Instituto Virtual da Biodiversidade Brasil Bento Gonçalves, Pricila; Barbosa Lima, Silvio Felipe; Semer Pomponet Oliveira, Geraldo; Amorim Lucena, Rudá On the oviposition and egg masses of Conus regius (Neogastropoda: Conidae) from northeastern Brazil Biota Neotropica, vol. 17, núm. 4, 2017, pp. 1-6 Instituto Virtual da Biodiversidade Campinas, Brasil Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=199154653004 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative iot eotropic : e www.scielo.br/bn online eition Article On the oviposition and egg masses of Conus regius (Neogastropoda: Conidae) from northeastern Brazil Pricila Bento Gonçalves 1* , Silvio Felipe Barbosa Lima 1, 2 , Geraldo Semer Pomponet Oliveira 3 & Rudá Amorim Lucena 4 1Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Centro de Formação de Professores, Unidade Acadêmica de Ciências Exatas e da Natureza, Cajazeiras, PB, Brazil 2Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade, Campus II, Areia, PB, Brazil 3AGF Largo da Lapinha, Liberdade, Salvador, BA, Brazil 4Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Departamento de Sistemática e Ecologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia), Campus I, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil *Corresponding author: Pricila Bento Gonçalves, e-mail: [email protected] onles . i . lieir . cen . €. On the oviposition and egg masses of Conus regius (Neogastropoda: Conidae) from northeastern Brazil . iot eotropic. : e . http://.oi. or/./ Abstract: •hrcteristics o‚ the e sses o‚ Conus regius Gmelin, 1791 are described and gured for the rst time ‚or the cost o‚ rƒil bse on ‚ele specien ‚on in the process o‚ oiposition rin the „ in the stte o‚ hi northestern rƒil. …wo clsters o‚ e sses were ‚on in the sbtil ƒone o‚ tp† bech ttche to roc‡„ sbstrte in copletel„ nprotecte site. iposition li‡el„ ben t lest one „ erlier since the specien had already afxed an entire egg mass and was ovipositing a second cluster at the time it was found. The egg masses were rrne in short irrelr rows o‚ three to nine closel„ spce cpsles in prllel n ‚cin the se irection. ne e ss clster consiste o‚ cpsles. Conus regius cpsles re sei trnsprent si‚or in sie iew higher than broad and have attened to slightly convex sides with slight wrinkles constituted by transversal ridges. Conus regius is on the ˆ• e ist o‚ …hretene pecies bt is still intensiel„ collecte in the st„ re n surrounding coastal environment by shermen for the purposes of selling shells and as a food source. Keywords : Gastropoda, Conoidea, reproduction, ootheca, Bahia. Sobre a oviposição e massas de ovos de Conus regius (Neogastropoda: Conidae) no nordeste do Brasil Resumo : •rcter‰stics e sss e oos e Conus regius Gmelin, 1791 são descritas e guradas pela primeira vez pr cost o rsil co bse e espŠcie encontro e processo e oiposi†o rnte o i no esto Bahia, nordeste do Brasil. Dois aglomerados de massa de ovos foram achadas na zona subtidal da praia de Itapuã xa sbstrto rochoso e ‹re copletente esprotei. processo e oiposi†o proelente coeo dia antes, uma vez que o espécime já tinha axado uma massa de ovos e estava depositando um segundo aglomerado de ovos no momento em que foi encontrado. As massas de ovos apresentaram arranjos em leiras curtas e irregulares conteno trŒs noe c‹psls estreitente esps prlels e posicions n es ire†o. € prieir ss e oos obser contee totl e c‹psls. €s c‹psls e Conus regius s†o seitrnsprentes si‚ores e ist lterl is lts o •e lrs e posse prte lterl seente cone cht co rs ses constit‰s por eleŽes trnsersis. Conus regius est‹ n ist •erelh e •spŠcies €es ˆ• s in Š intensente colet n ‹re e esto e bientes costeiros circniƒinhos por pescores por cont en s conchs e coo ‚onte lientr. Palavras-chave : Gastropoda, Conoidea, reprodução, ooteca, Bahia. Introduction “ ” et l. …erl ‘ lier eters et l. lores rƒ et l. . pecies o‚ Conus re on the ost Conus Linnaeus, 1758 is a highly diversied genus of predatory well ‡nown olls‡s e to the beti‚l color ptterns o‚ the t„picll„ rine neostropos with pproitel„ recent species worlwie he„ obconicl or biconicl shells …erl ‘ lier ’ohn “ . ochet ‘ o‚s . …he„ lie preoinntl„ in shllow tropicl …hese species re lso prticlrl„ neros e to hrpoon li‡e hbitts ’ohn enchsƒeh “ lier et l. ’ohn rlr tooth tht in•ects nerotoins into pre„ lier et l. http://.oi.or/./ http://www.scielo.br/bn Biota Neotrop . : e onles . et l. …erl ‘ lier r et l. et l. he st re n srronin costl enironent is hih ener eters et l. lores r et l. n tht cn lso inr n een reion chrcterie b slihtl steep sbtil one copose o sn eth to hns lier et l. ohn erl lier crbonte n roc„ sbstrtes s well s ree otcrops tht re nerl epose et l. lores r et l. . here is econoic t low tie Žles †erƒeir . he hr sbstrtes nero stron iportnce in the etrction o copons o eicl n phrcoloicl wetherin process in the reion oriintin seients copose o sn interest lier et l. erl lier €r et l. • ƒrt n crbonte €ittencort ‡• . he enironentl copleit ow et l. • et l. eters et l. n o •tp“ n other beches o ‚lor oers riet o icro hbitts as a food source for shing communities on some Pacic islands ( erl n cro hbitts tht or the estblishent o ierse conities lier n in northestern €ril. o inertebrtes Žles †erƒeir especill olls„s which pecies o Conus tht inhbit the intertil to sbtil ones sll constitute the second most diversied phylum in the world ( ‹i et l. ‡ . lie in heteroeneos hbitt ohn • eters et l. The area is under the inuence of urbanized areas that input nutrients lores r et l. . he re ƒiescent when epose to snliht n and domestic sewage. Moreover, shing pressure on Itapuã beach has tpicll see„ shelter in she res ner le roc„s n the seient drastically reduced the populations of shes, crustaceans and mollusks. ohn . …ost species ore ctiel t niht ohn erl lier lores r et l. prein on iersit o wors 2. Field observations and laboratory procedures (e.g., polychaetes), hemichordates, echiurans, crustaceans, shes and other his pper is bse on obsertions o the oiposition n e cpsles olls„s e.. biles n stropos lier et l. ohn o specien o Conus regius on ‰eceber t low tie in the †r et l. ‡ ˆehr ereen ohn • ‰ et l. sbtil one o •tp“ bech. he ele in oiposition ws obsere or erl lier ow et l. • et l. pproitel • intes ws not hnle rin the oiposition process lores r et l. . and was not collected to be deposited in a scientic collection. This species Conus re ioecios stropos ohn lores r et l. . is well „nown in the litertre n is thretene with etinction especill Šeproctie spects relte to spwnin e sses n lre he been t the st site where it is cptre or the prpose o sellin the shell stie or nber o species worlwie ‹ebor • sterr • and as a food source. The rocky substrate with the rst attached egg mass Œtrn •‡ ohn b ‰•Žsro ‡ b Œb„„en ‡ €nel ws niplte or pproitel or intes to photorph it ot o ‡ †r et l. ‡ erron bc enchseh ˆehr the wter n or the reol o ew e cpsles. he e cpsles ereen ). Females deposit dozens of large, usually ask-shaped egg reoe were presere in ‡— ethnol. he cpsles were esre in cpsles on or within ierent sbstrtes erron c ˆehr ereen the lbortor sin the three iensions escribe b ohn s ohn . •ch e cpsle contin ew to hnres o well s n itionl esre: e ‘ lenth o escpe pertre hp ‘ heiht ebros ohn . Conus fauna on the coast of Brazil includes about 20 species, ve of which re eneic to the contr Šios . Conus regius elin ‡ is coon potentill neros n preoinntl noctrnl species €r et l. • et l. Šios . •t inl lies on n ner roc„ corl rees n clcreos ree enironents ro lori to €rilin wters n ctiel ees on wors especill polchetes €nel ‡ €r et l. • ‹ee nnell et l. et l. Šios . his species lso be on hl brie in the sn €nel ‡ . • cpsles ro C. regius were sccinctl escribe n poorl illstrte onl b ‰•Žsro ‡ n €nel ‡ ro soth lori ‘ €hs n the cribben se o †olobi respectiel. Conus regius ws once reconie s er bnnt shllow wter species especill in northestern €ril et l. bt is crrentl on the •’†Œ Še ‹ist o hretene ‚pecies •’†Œ ‡ . o the best o or „nowlee so little inortion hs been pblishe bot the reproctie biolo o n Žtlntic Conus species. hs the prpose o the st is to proie itionl inortion on the oiposition n inl e cpsles o Conus regius bse on specien on in the sbtil one in northestern €ril. Material and Methods 1. Study Area his st ws concte in the shllow sbtil one o •tp“ bech ”•‡•‡•‚ ” • •– which is locte pproitel „ ro Figure 1. A …p o the €ril sll sƒre hihlihtin the stte o €hi the cit o ‚lor in the stte o €hi northestern €ril ‚il et l. n the stte o €hi lre sƒre hihlihtin the loction o the •tp“ bech northestern €ril˜ B …p o stretch o the cost o €hi showin the loction .
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