MonitoringMonitoring FlowFlow atat thethe SacramentoSacramento DeepDeep WaterWater ShipShip ChannelChannel ShawnShawn MayrMayr DWRDWR -- CentralCentral DistrictDistrict FebruaryFebruary 28,28, 20062006 AcknowledgmentsAcknowledgments ¾¾ Clients:Clients: DWRDWR--DivisionDivision ofof EnvironmentalEnvironmental Services,Services, MaureenMaureen McGee,McGee, andand RogerRoger ChurchwellChurchwell ¾¾ FieldField Operators:Operators: DWRDWR--CentralCentral DistrictDistrict,, DaveDave Huston,Huston, KarenKaren LamLam FatFat ChongChong Him,Him, JohnJohn Ho,Ho, DaveDave SchaapSchaap,, LeijiLeiji LiuLiu ¾¾ DataData Scientists:Scientists: DWRDWR--CentralCentral DistrictDistrict,, DaveDave Huston,Huston, andand KarenKaren LamLam FatFat ChongChong HimHim TwoTwo TalksTalks ¾¾PartPart 1:1: ShipShip ChannelChannel FlowFlow InvestigationInvestigation ¾¾PartPart 2:2: CurrentCurrent EventsEvents inin DWRDWR FlowFlow MonitoringMonitoring z NewNew MonitoringMonitoring StationsStations z IncreasedIncreased AccuracyAccuracy z IncreasedIncreased SafetySafety z ImprovedImproved TelemetryTelemetry andand DataData StorageStorage SummarySummary ¾¾ Purpose:Purpose: AA fishfish migrationmigration studystudy neededneeded flowflow monitoringmonitoring atat thethe SacramentoSacramento DeepDeep WaterWater ShipShip Channel.Channel. ¾¾ TwoTwo flowflow estimationestimation approachesapproaches werewere evaluated.evaluated. 1. VelocityVelocity IndexIndex MethodMethod (Acoustic(Acoustic Doppler)Doppler) 2. OrificeOrifice ++ VerticalVertical SlotSlot EquationsEquations (Acoustic(Acoustic DopplerDoppler Calibration)Calibration) r e v i R n a c i r r r e e e v m v i i A R R s e e n n m m u u l s ∆ e n k o r o e Sacramento C iv M el nto R Sacram er e s Riv a r Thru- e v nn a l a a C h River C e Stockton s n u p m a l u l s i o hi n u a T t S S River San Joaquin e xports Study Purpose – Fish Migration tides Bay San Pablo San Francisco Bay HeadHead ofof thethe SacramentoSacramento DeepDeep WaterWater ShipShip ChannelChannel William G. Stone Ship Locks I-Street Bridge @ Sacramento t n River e m e v o M h s Fish Movement Attraction FlowFi Port of Sacramento Deep Water Ship Channel WilliamWilliam G.G. StoneStone ShipShip LocksLocks Monitoring Location Unintended FlowLock Paths Operation 3 2 1 Å Ship Channel Sacramento River Æ • Large Ship Bay - 640’ x 86’ • Decommissioned in mid 1980’s and de-authorized in 2000 • Reactivated for fish passage study in 2003 and 2004 • Currently non-operational 1. Upstream Side of Sacramento Gate + Lock Operation Sacramento River Gate Boat Moves in Ship Channelas Gate Gate Opens It Leaks Gate Closes Gate Opens and the Water Equalizes Boat Moves Out 2.2. DownstreamDownstream SideSide ofof SacramentoSacramento GatesGates ++ UnintendedUnintended FlowFlow PathsPaths 2.2. CenterCenter GapGap inin thethe SacramentoSacramento RiverRiver GateGate @@ HighHigh FlowFlow Delta H = 5 ft (January 2006) Gate rotation 3.3. DownstreamDownstream SideSide ofof ShipShip ChannelChannel GateGate @@ LowLow FlowFlow Velocity Contour Plot 0.00 0.25 0.50 ft/s Depth 18 ft 0 ft 86 ft Distance IndexIndex VelocityVelocity ApproachApproach Vaverage Vindex Q=Vaverage ×A HeadHead DifferenceDifference ApproachApproach ¾¾ OrificeOrifice EquationEquation (Eq.(Eq. 1)1) Q = AK 2g∆h ¾¾ SimplifiedSimplified toto Q = AK ∆h where,where, AA == areaarea == 1’1’ xx stagestage KK == 2.52.5 (from(from boatboat measuredmeasured flow)flow) ∆∆hh == headhead differencedifference ¾¾ ∆∆hh == SacramentoSacramento RiverRiver ElevationElevation –– ShipShip ChannelChannel ElevationElevation r e v i R n a c i r r r e e e v m v i i A R R s e e n n IST m m u u l s e n k o r o e Sacramento locks C iv ento M R Sacram er s Riv a r e v a l a C River Stockton e s n u m a l u l s i o n u a T t S River San Joaquin RVB TranslationTranslation ofof KnownKnown ElevationElevation DataData Bay San Pablo San Francisco Bay WaterWater SurfaceSurface ElevationElevation TranslationTranslation ¾ StageStage datadata forfor Eq.Eq. 11 requiredrequired ¾ GeneralGeneral linearlinear regressionregression equationequation used:used: y = 1.22x − 2.2 where,where, yy == stagestage atat boatboat locklock xx == stagestage atat RVBRVB 2.22.2 == empiricalempirical numbernumber createdcreated toto makemake thethe stagestage aa thethe boatboat locklock andand ISTIST equivalentequivalent atat zerozero flowflow FishFish LadderLadder FlowFlow EquationEquation ¾¾VerticalVertical SlotSlot EquationEquation (Eq.(Eq. 221)) Q = α(y0 / b0 ) −γ , where,where, αα && γγ == 3.773.77 && --2020 yy0 == waterwater depthdepth bb0 == slotslot widthwidth == 11 footfoot 1 - Rajaratnam N, Katopodis C & Solanki S (1992) New designs of vertical slot fishways. CanadianJournal of Civil Engineering 19(3): 402-414. Predictions of Measured Flow: water elevation based Measured Flow Vertical Slot 3:1 1:1 Orifice Flow (cfs) Time PredictionPrediction ofof MeasuredMeasured FlowFlow Recipe for success: 3 parts vertical slot equation 1 part orifice equation GateGate OperationOperation EventsEvents && 20032003 --20042004 FlowFlow DataData Measured flow Calculated flow Gate openings PartPart 11 ConclusionsConclusions ¾¾ VelocityVelocity IndexIndex MethodMethod waswas notnot judgedjudged appropriateappropriate forfor thethe velocitiesvelocities observedobserved duringduring thethe periodperiod ofof record.record. ¾¾ WaterWater SurfaceSurface DifferenceDifference MethodMethod providedprovided aa reasonablereasonable fitfit ofof observedobserved data.data. ¾¾ Recommendation:Recommendation: FutureFuture studiesstudies shouldshould includeinclude aa stagestage monitoringmonitoring atat thethe PortPort ofof Sacramento.Sacramento. IntermissionIntermission PartPart 2.2. CurrentCurrent EventsEvents inin DWRDWR FlowFlow MonitoringMonitoring ExpandingExpanding FlowFlow MonitoringMonitoring NetworkNetwork S a c r R ra e iv m iv e R r e n n a to ic er m A Sacramento r e iv R s e n m u s n o C er iv R ne lum ke Mo San Pablo R iv as er Bay er av al C Stockton •San Joaquin River at Mossdale •San Joaquin River at Lathrop •Old River at Head •Old River at Head S us River a la n is an F St •Clifton Court Intake Groupr a n c i S •Montezuma Slough at the Salinitys Gates a •Montezuma Slough at the Salinityc Gates n e o mn Jo lu B a uo a q T •West Grantline Canal at Permanenty Barrier Site u in R iv e •San Joaquin River at Rough and Ready Island r •Knights Landing Ridge Cut •Middle River at Undine Road DataData BaseBase andand TelemetryTelemetry ¾¾ DataData BaseBase andand ProcessingProcessing –– HydstraHydstra z SpecializedSpecialized databasedatabase forfor hydraulichydraulic andand hydrologichydrologic data.data. z ImprovedImproved storage,storage, processing,processing, andand deliverdeliver ofof data.data. ¾¾ TelemetryTelemetry z FromFrom GOESGOES SatelliteSatellite toto CellCell Modems.Modems. z AllowsAllows higherhigher bandwidthbandwidth andand twotwo wayway communications.communications. z LowerLower costcost maintenancemaintenance andand decreaseddecreased downtime.downtime. ShawnShawn MayrMayr Department of Water Resources Central District 3251 S Street, Sacramento, CA 916-227-7598 [email protected].
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