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This file is fully searchable (read search tips page) Archive CD Books Australia exists to make reproductions of old books, documents and maps available on CD to genealogists and historians, and to co-operate with family history societies, libraries, museums and record offices to scan and digitise their collections for free, and to assist with renovation of old books in their collection. The Hobart Town Gazette 1844 Ref. AU6100-1844 Navigating this CD To view the contents of this CD use Acrobat Reader’s forward and back buttons to browse through the pages, alternatively use the INDEX bookmark to search for specific information and then use the bookmarks and Acrobat’s page buttons (or slide bar) to go to the relevant page. Use Acrobat Reader’s bookmark functions to jump to highlighted sections. To activate bookmarks click on “Window” and then “Show bookmarks” (or press F5) Searching this CD This book has been formatted to be searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader. • Adobe Reader 6 or later is recommended for more advanced searching capability within a file or across multiple files. • Generally 95% - 99% of the words can be searched. Where the original type was poor the words may not be recognized for searching. • For more detailed explanation and tips to get the best search results click here The technical advancements that allow this searching bring a wonderful finding aid but there is still no substitute for reading the book! Copyright ©2005 Archive CD Books Australia Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved For more books on CD from Archive CD Books Australia, see the web pages at www.archivecdbooks.com.au 'V ,V.auzt 'IffW__- It qd, '11,D11SIC -114 1 BY AUT8OBVTY. THE A)14 1 wr 1 10 +s17 t%i%1Jrtt1r+ All Public Notifications which appear in this Gazette, with any Official Signature thereunto annexed, are to be considered as Official Communications made to those Persons to whom they may relate. By His Excellency's Command, J. E. BICHENO, Colonial Secretary. VOL. XXIX. FRIDAY , JANUARY 5, 1844. No. 1443. Or CRQ ' LANDO. RE-SALE y ate, February, 1832, the p4th day of November, 1838, the By His Excellency SIR JOHN EARDLEY EARDLEY- 27th day of December, 1838, the 15th day of WILMOT, Baronet, Lieutenant- Governor of the March, 1839, the 12th day of April, 1839, the Island of Van .Diemen's Land and its Depen- 16th day of April, 1840, and the 11th day of dencies, i^c. January, 1842, have been completed, and the plans A PROCLAMATION. are now ready for inspection at the Office of the Surveyor-General ; I do therefore by these presents notify and proclaim, that the several lots of land herein- WHEREASdeschbed thehaving several heretofore parcels ofbeen land exposedhereinafter for after described, and before referred to, will, after the ex- sale by public auction, pursuant to the Land Regula- piration of one calendar month, become disposable;, tions of the 16th day of February, 1832, the 24th day of and I do therefore by these presents notify and pro- November, 1838, the 27th day of December, 1838, claim, that the several lots of land hereinafter described the 17th day of January, 1839, the 15th day of will be put up for sale by pubVic auction, on Monday, March, 1839, the 12th day of April, 1839, the 16th the 22nd day of January next, at twelve o'clock, at the day of April, 1840, and the 11th day of January, Court House, Launceston, subject to the conditions of 1842, but the persons who attended and bid for the same such Government Notices of the 16th day of February, having failed in payment for their purchases within the 1832, the 24th day of November, 1838, the 27th day time by the said regulations limited, the said land is, of December, 1838, the 15th day of March, 1839, in pursuancof the conditions expressed in the before- the 12th day of April, 1839, the 16th day of April, mentioned regulations, and in accordance with the 1840, and -the 11th day of January, 1842. Government Notice, No. 78, of the 16th day of April, 1840, in reference thereto, again liable to be sold : TOWNSHIP OF LAUNCESTON. Section O o. And whereas the necessary arrangements referred to LOT 1. e32 q ERCHES. in the before-mentioned regulations of the 16th day of J3ounded. on the south east by 1 chain 35 links R FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1844. 117 apprehended (by information or otherwise) and lodged notice, that I am authorised by His Excellency the in safe custody the said Daniel Priest. Lieutenant-Governor to offer a reward of Fifty Pounds for the discovery and apprehension of the party or M. FORSTER, Chief Police Magistrate. parties who committed the said Murder (provided Description of Daniel Priest.-Trade farm labourer, such discovery and apprehension be not effected by a height 5 feet 6, age 34 years, complexion fresh, head principal ) ; and should such service be performed by a oval, hair brown (no whiskers in 1836), visage narrow, Prisoner of the Crown, then, in addition to such forehead high, eyebrows dark brown, eyes dark brown, reward, he will be recommended to the Queen for a nose medium length, mouth wide, chin long, native Free Pardon. place near Gourland, marks-woman inside left arras, FRANCIS BURGESS , Chief Police Magistrate. scar on left eyebrow. Remarks-tried at Herts Assizes, 15th July 1835, sentence life. POLICE OFFICE , LAUNCESTON. 8th January, 1844. ItEWARD of One Hundred Acres of Land, or One Hundred Sovereigns! WHEREASor less) of aSpiritskeg containing of Wine fivehasgallons been seized(more Police Department, 5th July, 1843. and condemned under the 3rd Section of the Permit HEREAS, under dates 19th January and 1st Act ; also a box containing 29 lbs. Confectionary, and March, 1843, Rewards of Fifty Sovereigns, a Cheese, handed over from the Customs : I hereby Free Pardons, and Passages from the Colony, are give notice, that the same will be put up for sale by offered for the capture of either of the armed runaway public auction, by Mr. B. Francis, at his Auction Convicts, Lawrence Cavanagh, Martin Cash, and Rooms in Charles-street, Launceston, on Monday, George Jones : this is to give notice that, in addition to the 29th January, 1844. the Rewards offered in the notice already referred to, FRED. MIDGLEY, Chief District Constable. I am authorised by His Excellency the Lieutenant- Governor to promise the Reward of One Hundred Acres of Land, or One Hundred Sovereigns, to any POLICE OFFICE , LONGFORD. person who may give such information as shall directly 16th January, 184 4. lead to the capture of the above-named Bushranger W HEREAS two casks, one containing about 5 George Jones ; the others, Cash and Cavanagh, having W gallons of Rum, and the other about 5 gallons been apprehended. Should this service be performed of Wine, have been seized under the Third Section of by a free person, he or she will be allowed to choose the Permit Act, and condemned to be forfeited and between the Reward in Land or Money : if the former, sold as such law directs ; I hereby give notice, that it will be selected by the person to receive the Reward the same will be put up for sale by auction, at the (but not out of any Township or Reserve), and pur- above office, on Tuesday, the 6th day of February chased in the usual manner at auction by the Local next, at 12 o'clock precisely. Government; and if the person entitled to the said JAS. HORTLE, Chief District Constable. additional Reward be a Convict, then he or she will receive the sum of One Hundred Sovereigns. POLICE DEPARTMENT. M. FORSTER, Chief Police Magistrate. 24th January, 1844. THE under mentioned Convicts having escaped MURDER, 1 from their authorised places of residence, all Fifty Pounds Reward , and a Free Pardon. constables and others are hereby required to use their utmost exertions to apprehend and lodge them in Police Department, Hobart, 2nd January, 1844. safe custody. HEREASinformation onoath is nowbefore FRANCIS BURGESS, Chief Police Magistrate. Wme, that Daniel Barwell, free, a Blacksmith, was inhumanly murdered at the Nile, near Mr. Glover's, in the District of Morven, on the night of ABSCONDED. Wednesday, the 29th of last November, and the From Rocky Hills' Probation Station, on the 12th instant.
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