MS& ~C3 E-235 VOL. 20 KINGDOM OF THAILAND PETROLEUM AUTHORITY OF THAILAND Public Disclosure Authorized NA-TURAL GAS PIPELINE PROJECT FROM BANG PAKONG TO WANG NOI EGAT - INVESTMENTPROGRAM SUPPORT PROJECT (WORLDBANK PARTIALCREDIT GUARANTEE) Public Disclosure Authorized DRAFT FINAL REPORT Public Disclosure Authorized PREPARED BY TEAM CONSULTING ENGINEERS CO., LTD. FOR BECHTEL INTERNATIONAL, INC. Public Disclosure Authorized JUNE 1994 EZITEAM CONSULTINGENGINEERS CO., LTD. Our Ref: ENV/853/941237 2 June 1994 Mr. Emad M.Khedr Project Engineer 15th Floor, PTT Head Office Building 555 Vibhavadi-RangsitRoad Bangkok 10900, Thailand Dear Sir: Re: EnvironmentalImpact Assessment of Natural Gas Pipeline Project from Bang Pakong to Wans Noi We are pleased to submit herewith 5 copies of the Environmental Impact Assessmentof the Natural Gas Pipeline Project from Bang Pakong to Wang Noi for your considerations. We would like to thank the concerned Bechtel International personnel for their assistances throughout the course of study. Sincerely yours, Amnat Prommasutra Executive Director 51/301-305 Drive-inCenter, Ladprao Road, Soi 130,Bangkapi. Bangkok 10240. Thailand Telex:82855 TRIREXTH. ATTN: TEAM CONSULT.Fax :66 -2-3751070Tel. : 3773480. 3771770.1 'Ulll ?¶a. i LHunh1711n 4l nu nhJf11rnfllfl lusuo"wfl fupiuij iin ....... l2eUwl0t.._,,a,.,._l.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~...... .......... .......... 1: ^ d Id II¶Ut.'1 *'Al lem. LtU TThJwi Id , 1* . ^ t.1 4 - ... ... .. ......................................................................... I... u~~~~~~ i ..................................... 4..~ C f J I Pfl 1 ( ) .L>3?T~I ..i^l2SlMt.......... ..QltU.. ............ l.C. a<.l'....... w.K.>.. nQa.. ............. le w...............9 .. .. .. .. .... ............. .. ... , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. _ ... .... __A..-.............................. CHAPTER II PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 ROUTE ALTERNATIVES In conjunction with the Natural Gas Parallel Pipeline Project, PTT requested that Bechtel International,Inc. evaluated the feasibility of including, in the Project, and additionalpipeline extension from Bang Pakong to Wang Noi. This pipeline extension would supply natural gas to the Wang Noi Power Plant, the Bangkok Gas Ring, and two peak shaving plants at Nong Chok and Sai Noi. The supporting facilities for this pipeline extension would include a 30,000 PH compressor station at Bang Pakong, five intermediate block valve stations, and a custody transfer metering station at Wang Noi. A Feasibility Study has been prepared for the extension and has been submitted to PTT. The followingprovides additional informationregarding the route selection for the pipeline beyon what is provided in the Feasibility Study. Four different alternatives were evaluated for the pipeline route from Bang Pakong to Wang Noi (Figure 2.1-1). (1) Alternative 1 - EGAT Route (2) Alternative 2 - Railway, Highway, and EGAT Route (3) Alternative 3 - Cross-countryand EGAT (4) Alternative 4 - Follow PTT Existing Line (Bangkok Gas Ring) to Nong Chok (1) ALTERNATIVE 1 Alternative 1 follows mainly the EGAT Power Transmission Lines and is estimated to be approximately 100 km long. Approximately 90% of the pipeline would be placed in the EGAT ROW (right-of-way)and the remaining 10% would be installed in land requiring new ROW. The advantages of this route include; limited impact to land oweners, residents, and economic activities along the pipeline route; miproved constructatility due to limited obstruction; and reduced ROW costs. The main disadvantage of this route are the increase capital and operating costs due the requirement for installing AG Mitigation facilities along the line. ENV853/94140/CHAP-11 2-1 I.r ^all(a A; , -I -9: IC, 1 >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cn v * c- ;t z O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( r, ac-= c- a : ( s J Q .~~~~~~~~~c ca 1: r 6 < Ui ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~p; r '1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6c:c-!; r c-:t z ) %d > R " r xct g z i~~~9.~z ov O v 6~~~~~~~~~~~~cr, C * n; J, Ic 9 - a p ;D~~~~~~~~~r;JSH zt SDGE r K:;z14a)- , c 6 o . la ~z suLs Vrnlmneittoepnao ru Lasn -pVX- wOAIi aI P n"VILPrn e Al3O.te^I U un[m)W,IJ I 1I 1,sri L LAz a Enen3L LtU UtLLrLWJI WULN-LnLP- rtUL A P (OeKWtLuLsftMnt3lsWst LUr.utsLpwILtE"IIR LenmtQULPA- LtU .L-P12R l 4 LoMJDL e LLUU-^RKne- (f3p-ttr_ W-utLLrI) t9LAUL&-R.ULPALLUm6j LLUKOLJUA. reo>C>^FnaKtzun,subeisuswe 3rVNlt[tV/CfSAN3 (rtLnztuLrtartn) Sl rtP,919LTI4WtULSLULflItUAWfl ULLlWLIWLflUjflL 8 01 K9 L1LI5LU5Wfl WLfSUtfLf L 01 nitM- U fiUMLUnLL LLtt't *9 01 fKlnflAflttLfl YttlJflL14 ftLWU 51 ' 01 1 ttbL/1tt9nLl4tLUkLUtt4 Ll04 tu wlUUttL9 *z 01 LRUMMULWLflCLAtQ1 I3gitkLflLg2WLfl LULNILRUUflMMf16 LRUWtLULRUGUQltA/flL J P, 4 I P .?.0 A 4 ttLLtLRULQhmnQLto nP DRAFT FINAL REPORT OF NATUJA. G.AS PIPELINE PROJECT FROM BANG PAKONG TO WANG NOI Table of Contents Page CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND 1-1 1.2 OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE OF THE STUDY 1-1 CHAPTER II : PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 ROUTE ALTERNATIVES 2-1 2.2 PIPELINE FACILITIES 2-4 2.2.1 Pipeline Route 2-5 2.2.2 Pipeline Hazard/MitigationMeasure 2-8 2.2.3 Pipeline Design 2-8 2.2.4 Cathodic Protection 2-9 2.2.5 Pipeline Construction Method 2-9 2.3 PIPELINE OPERATIONS 2-15 2.3.1 Gas Transmission Facilities 2-15 2.3.2 Pipeline Markers 2-16 2.3.3 Gas Leak Control 2-16 2.3.4 Operations Schedule 2-16 2.3.5 Gas Supply/Demand 2-17 2.4 OVERALL PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM 2-17 2.4.1 Construction Stage 2-17 2.4.2 Operation Stage 2-17 i CHAPTER II : EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS 3.1 SURFACE WATER QUALITY 3-1 3.1.1 Literature Review 3'1 3.1.2 Study Methodology and Sampling Stations Description Results of the Study 3-9 3.2 AQUATIC ECOLOGY 3.2.1 Literature Review 3-12 3.2.2 Results from Field Work 3-14 Plankton Organisms 3-14 Benthic Organisms 3-18 Aquatic Weeds 3-18 Fishery 3-21 3.3 TRANSPORTATION 3-22 3.4 INFRASTRUCTURE AND PUBLIC FACILITIES 3-22 3.5 LAND USE 3-26 3.5.1 Introduction 3-26 3.5.2 Objective 3-27 3.5.3 Scope of Work 3-27 3.5.4 Study Methodology 3-27 3.5.5 Results of the study 3-27 3.6 SOCIO-ECONOMIC 3-36 3.6.1 Scope of the Study 3-36 3.6.2 Objective of the Study 3-36 3.6.3 Methods of Study 3-36 3.6.4 Results of the Study 3-41 The Existing Gas Pipeline Area 3-41 The Proposed Gas Pipeline Area 3-61 ii CHAPTER IV : MAJOR HAZARD ASSESSMENT 4.1 METHODOLOGY 4-1 4.1.1 Hazard Identification 4-1 4.1.2 Quantitative Analysis 4-5 4.2 HAZARDOUS ASSESSMENTS 4-8 4.3 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS 4-16 4.4 HAZARD MITIGATION MEASURES 4-16 CHAPTER V ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 5.1 INTRODUCTION 5-1 5.2 WATER QUALITY 5-1 5.2.1 Construction Period 5-1 5.2.2 Operation Phase 5-2 5.3 AQUATIC ECOLOGY/FISHERY 5-3 5.3.1 Construction Period 5-3 5.3.2 Operation Period 5-4 5.4 TRANSPORTATION 5-4 5.4.1 Construction Period 5-4 5.4.2 Operation Period 5-5 5.5 LAND USE 5-5 5.6 SOCIO-ECONOMICS 5-5 iii C?-fPTER VI : MITIGATION MEASURES AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 6.1 INTRODUCTION 6-1 6.2 MITIGATION MEASURES 6-1 6.2.1 Construction Period 6-1 Water Quality 6-1 Aquatic Ecology/Fisheries 6-6 Transportation 6-6 Land Use 6-7 Socio-Economic 6-7 6.2.2 Operation Period 6-8 Water Quality/Aquatic Ecology 6-8 Transportation 6-8 6.3 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT 6-8 6.3.1 PTT Safety Policy 6-10 6.3.2 Operating and Maintenance on Safety 6-10 of Gas Transmission Facilities 6.3.3 Environmental and Safety Training 6-11 6.3.4 Recommendations 6-11 CHAPTER VII ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAMS 7.1 INTRODUCTION 7-1 7.2 WATER QUALITY/AQUATIC BIOLOGY 7-1 7.3 TRANSPORTATION 7-1 7.4 INFRASTRUCTURE 7-4 7.5 SOCIO-ECONOMIC 7-4 7.6 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY 7-4 iv CHAPTER VII : ENVIRONMENTALMONITORING PROGRAMS (Corit'd) 7.7 CONCLUSIONS 7-5 v List of Tables Tables Page 2.3-1 Natural Gas Supply Forecast (mmscfd) 2-18 3.1.1 Water Quality classification of Bang Pakong River, 1991 3-2 3.1.2 Water Analysis in Khlong Prawet Burirom and Bang Pakong River on June 1991 3-5 3.1-3 Surface Water Quality by Ones; Classification and Objectives 3-6 3.1-4 Characteristics of Water Samples to be Determine 3-10 3.1-5 The Results of Water Quality Sampling Stations Main Waterways to be Intersected by Pipeline (December 21-22, 1993) 3-11 3.2-1 Number of Species and Density of Plankton in Khlong Prawet Burirom and Bang Pakong River (June 1991) 3-13 3.2-2 Species Composition and Abundances (Organisms/ Litre) of Plankton Organisms in the Gas Pipeline Project Area, December 21-22, 1993 3-15 3.2-3 Benthic Organisms (Individual Per Square Meter of Bottom Surface at Five Sampling Stations, December 21-22, 1993 3-19 3.2-4 Species of Aquatic Weeds Found in Bang Pakong River, 1993 3-20 3.3-1 Annual Average Daily Traffic Volumes in 1992 3-25 3.5-1 Type and Area of Land Use on the Pipeline Route 3-35 3.6-1 Sampling Site and Sample size of the Former Gas Pipeline 3-37 3.6-2 Sampling Site and Sample Size of the Proposed Gas Pipeline 3-38 3.6-3 General Characteristic of Respondent 3-43 3.6-4 Structure of Household 3-45 3.6 e 5 Occupatio and Economic Status of Respondents 3-49 3.6-6 Land Holding Status and Housing Condition 3-51 vi Tables Page 3.6=7 information about the Pipeline Project Received by Those Living Here Before the construction Phase 3-54 3.6-8 Information about the Pipeline Project Received by Those Living Here after the Construction Phase 3-56 3.6-9 Attitude Toward the Former Pipeline Project and Reactions of Respondents 3-57 3.6-10 Impact from Former Pipeline Project and Compensation 3-62 3.6-11 Opinion about the Proposed Gas Project 3-64 3.6-12 General
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