www.laprensatoledo.com Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest Latino Newspaper «Tinta con sabor» • Proudly Serving Our Readers since 1989 • Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! Valuable Coupons Inside! January/enero 21, 2004 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal Vol. 34, No. 19 Taquería El Nacimiento STAY TUNED TO LSU’S SCHOLARSHIP BAILE MARCH 6 Mexican INSIDE: Restaurant México creates special prosecutor for Juarez killings...............................3 Welcome! Bush appoints a Hours: Carry-Out Tejano ........................4 Mon-Thur: 9AM-12AM Phone: 313.554.1790 Fri & Sat: 9AM-3AM 7400 W. Vernor Hwy. Directory of Latino Sun: 9AM-12AM Detroit MI 48209 Businesses/Services.....5 SPECIALTY OF THE HOUSE: Horoscopes..................5 Carla’s POLLO JALISCO Krazy Korner.........................6 •Jugos/Tepache •Carne a la Parrilla • Tacos Deportes.......................7 •Burritos •Aguas •Pollo Dorado •Mojarra Frita • Licuados •Tortas Página para Los •Quesadillas •Tostadas •Pozole Niños............................12 •Caldos •Carne de Puerco Ramiro Burr’s •Mariscos en Salsa Verde I-75 Marisol Ibarra, ACP’s Director of Work Force Development, gives lecture on Latin Music...............14 •Breakfast Super Burro the Alliance of Construction Professionals (ACP) and TPS’s joint effort to enroll high Livernois Classifieds............16-19 ¡Bienvenidos! W. Vernor Springwells school students in ACP’s apprenticeship programs. She is accompanied by Kevin E. McCann, Director of TPS’s Career Technology Department. See story on page 4. Breves Casi 10 millones de emigrantes mexicanos viven en EE.UU. MEXICO (AP): México divulgó el martes un análisis en que se afirma que poco menos de diez millones de “Highly Recommended” by La Prensa personas nacidas en este país viven en los Estados Unidos. El Consejo Nacional de Honest Homemade Población informó que 9,9 millones de mexicanos Mexican Food residen al norte de la frontera y que más de 7,8 millones de Enjoy our Margaritas at ese total, o un 79%, no son all four convenient locations: ciudadanos estadounidenses. El consejo no indicó West Toledo: Sylvania & Douglas cuántos de esos emigrantes and Franklin Park Mall poseen documentos legales de residencia en el vecino Oregon: 2022 Woodville Rd. país, pero dijo que los Bowling Green: 892 S. Main St. mexicanos residentes en Estados Unidos aumentan en 419.472.0700 390.000 emigrantes anuales. Lisa Canales-Flores being sworn in as Washintown Township Board of El análisis está basado en Education President last week. el censo del año 2000 en México y en lo que se Canales-Flores elected school board president consideran como tendencias Last week, the Wash- She and David Hunter Canales-Flores thanked futuras de la emigración, ington Local Board of Edu- were sworn in to serve new John Adler, the outgoing basadas en entrevistas cation chose Lisa Canales- four-year terms on the board president, for his service to semestrales en la frontera con Flores as the president of after being re-elected in No- the board, her parents, and centenares de mexicanos que the board. She was for- vember. associate board members. pasan a Estados Unidos o regresan a su país. merly the vice president. The ceremony took place Over 7,000 students at- Si bien el estudio fue Board member Steve Zuber at the Administrative Build- tend Washington Local divulgado primeramente el was elected vice president. ing in Toledo. schools. (Continued on Page ?) Special of the Week ¡Now Open! Club Frogtown! Mathews Ford 1996 Dodge Cada sábado/each Saturday, 10PM - 2AM 2811 Navarre Ave. Avenger ES - ¡$1 Draft! Oregon OH 43616 Auto, Air, PW, PL CLUB FROGTOWN 1-800-225-8210 $4,990 3535 N. Holland Sylvania Rd., Sylvania, OH Caribe Swing con DJ Dimas; $3 cover after 10PM Fax: 419-691-5077 [26149-B] Your Latino las mujeres son gratis; salsa, merengue. ¡$2 Margaritas! Dress Connection! Remarkable Car! More vehicles on page 20 appropriately. Smoking permitted! Your DetroiTolédo Connection • Tinta con sabor • For Holiday Flowers: Call JOHN RAMON’S FLOWERS 313-842-8461 • Página 2 La Prensa January/enero 21, 2004 declaración en respuesta a Mexican migrant workers oppose Bush immigration proposal Breves unos comentarios que (Continued from Page 1) realizaron Bush y Fox a By JULIANA BARBASSA working in the United States, form. “This is a population that wages were forgotten for half año pasado, un sumario comienzos de semana, en el Associated Press Writer and allow for more foreign a century. really got the shaft. I can under- ejecutivo se distribuyó de marco de la Cumbre FRESNO, Calif. (AP): workers to come when em- stand their skepticism, but that In 2001, they sued in fed- nuevo el martes con ocasión Extraordinaria de las President George Bush’s plan ployers show a need. was a long time ago.” eral court, demanding repay- de las conversaciones sobre Américas de Monterrey, to give undocumented work- But Bush has stressed that From 1942 to 1964, about ment from the U.S. and Mexi- migración que se desarrollan donde plantearon que ers temporary legal status he expects most of the work- 400,000 men became can governments, as well as en la ciudad septentrional de trabajarían con la OEA para brings back painful memories ers will return home perma- braceros—a term that stems banks that transmitted the Monterrey y el nuevo plan «asegurar la integridad» del for Florentino Lararios, who nently when their job is done. from the Spanish word for arm, money. The claims against the anunciado la semana pasada referendo. spent 14 grueling years in a And as a motivator, part of “brazo,” and refers to their Mexican government and por Bush. «No es el presidente Fox similar World War II-era pro- their pay would be collectable manual labor. banks were dismissed, but the El lunes, durante el primer ni es el presidente Bush ni es día de las sesiones de la OEA... los que van a gram. only after they go back to Some managed to stay after rest of the case continues. Monterrey, Fox encomió las garantizar la integridad del “How can they create an- Lararios, a 77-year-old with México. escaping their job sites and join- protestas de Fox. proceso revocatorio en Ven- large, rough hands that never Compared with illegal im- ing the undocumented work other program, when they still Funcionarios de Washington ezuela. No, aquí hay mastered a pencil, recalls the migration, “this program will force. Others were lucky enough haven’t paid the debt to the han dicho que de 7 a 10 instituciones. Este es un país back-breaking work picking be more humane—humane to to get sponsored by an employer braceros?” asked Delia Reynosa, millones de inmigrantes soberano y hay un árbitro cotton in the South, the workers—and will live up to for permanent residency. whose father was a bracero be- indocumentados residen en electoral», señaló Chávez en slapped-together communal the highest ideals of our na- The ones who stayed were tween 1942 and 1962. Estados Unidos, y que los un discurso que ofreció en el housing, the cold meals eaten tions,” Bush said last Monday able to give their children a Sons and daughters of mexicanos abarcan Congreso en cadena de ra- in the fields, and the unwel- in México in a visit with Presi- better life, said Dimas Villareal, braceros who still work in the aproximadamente la mitad dio y televisión para come prospect of going back dent Vicente Fox. who got permanent residency fields also fear that a new guest de ese número. informar al país sobre su Un informe del Servicio gestión en el 2003. to México without a chance to But immigration advocates in 1959 and raised his nine worker program could depress de Inmigración y El mandatario aprovechó become a U.S. citizen. and unions want protections children in the United States. their wages in the same way Naturalización dijo en enero el evento para expresar su “If we accept, then our allowing workers to switch jobs The rest “got cut off, like a that the bracero program kept que el número de inmigrantes rechazo a los comentarios grandsons and great-grand- and stay in the United States, machine that they didn’t need farm wages low in the 1950s. indocumentados en Estados que ofreció Bush a favor del sons will go through what we and conservatives are reluctant anymore,” said Frank “There aren’t enough jobs Unidos asciende a unos 7 referendo revocatorio en went through,” Lararios said. to reward anyone who entered Villareal, who brought his fa- for us even now,” said Sixto millones y aumenta en unos Venezuela, pero sostuvo que “We suffered a lot.” the country illegally. ther to a meeting Sunday at a Cortes, a day laborer whose fa- 350.000 inmigrantes anuales. la declaración del While generally welcomed Lararios, who left his native church in Fresno. ther was a bracero in the ’50s. Chávez: Bush, Fox y la gobernante estadounidense by farmers, Bush’s immigra- San Luis Potosi as a young man “It was humiliating,” said President Kennedy ended OEA no garantizan fue «mucho más inteligente tion proposals face opposition and spent most of his life in the Manuel Herrera, 75, who was the program, saying the pro- referendo en Venezuela que la que había dado unos Por FABIOLA SANCHEZ días antes su consejera from an unlikely combination fields, said he is leery of any a bracero from 1954 to 1960. gram was “adversely affect- CARACAS (AP): El (Condoleezza Rice)». that includes unions, conser- program that does not guaran- “They rented us, got our work, ing the wages, working condi- presidente Hugo Chávez dijo «El (Bush) debería ser vatives, and migrant workers tee a chance at U.S. citizenship. then sent us back when they tions and employment oppor- el jueves que no serán sus consejero de ella (Rice)», like Lararios who are supposed “It’s not good.
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