Cunninghame House, Irvine. 21 November 2013 Garnock Valley and West Kilbride Area Committee You are requested to attend a Meeting of the above mentioned Committee of North Ayrshire Council to be held in Bridgend Community Centre, Bridgend, Kilbirnie on THURSDAY 28 NOVEMBER 2013 at 2.00 p.m. to consider the undernoted business. Yours faithfully Elma Murray Chief Executive 1. Declarations of Interest Members are requested to give notice of any declarations of interest in respect of items of business on the Agenda. 2. Minutes The accuracy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 10 October 2013 will be confirmed and the Minutes signed in accordance with Paragraph 7 (1) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 (copy enclosed). North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 3. Community Planning 3.1 Police Scotland Submit report by Police Scotland on activity within the Garnock Valley and West Kilbride area 3.2 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Submit report by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service on activity within the Garnock Valley and West Kilbride area (copies enclosed) 4. Garnock Street Site: Public Realm Improvements Submit report by the Corporate Director (Development and Environment) on progress around plans to upgrade the public realm environment at a Council owned site at Garnock Street, Kilbirnie Cross (copy enclosed). 5. Traffic Regulation Order for School Keep Clear Zig Zag Markings Submit report by the Corporate Director (Development and Environment) on the promotion of a Traffic Regulation Order to make School Keep Clear zig zag markings legally enforceable within North Ayrshire (copy enclosed). 6. North Ayrshire Council (Beith & Gateside) Charitable Trust, North Ayrshire Council (Dalry) Charitable Trust and North Ayrshire Council (Kilbirnie & Glengarnock) Charitable Trust Submit report by the Chief Executive on the new Charitable Trust Funds established for the towns of Beith & Gateside, Dalry and Kilbirnie & Glengarnock (copy enclosed). 7. Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund: Applications for Financial Assistance Submit report by the Corporate Director (Education and Skills) on applications received in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme and the Local Youth Action Fund (copy enclosed). 8. Margaret Archibald Bequest: Application for Financial Assistance Submit report by the Chief Executive on awards paid to date in financial year 2013/14 and on an application received in respect of the Bequest (copy enclosed). 9. Date and Venue of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Garnock Valley and West Kilbride Area Committee will be held on 30 January 2013 at 2.00 p.m. in Beith Community Centre. 10. Urgent Items Any other items which the Chair considers to be urgent. North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 2 Garnock Valley and West Kilbride Area Committee Sederunt: Robert Barr (Chair) Chair: John Bell Anthea Dickson Jean Highgate Elizabeth McLardy Catherine McMillan Attending: Apologies: Meeting Ended: North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 8EE 3 4 Agenda item 2 Garnock Valley and West Kilbride Area Committee 10 October 2013 DALRY, 10 October 2013 - At a Meeting of the Garnock Valley and West Kilbride Area Committee of North Ayrshire Council at 2.00 p.m. Present Robert Barr, John Bell, Anthea Dickson and Catherine McMillan. In Attendance B. Anderson, Performance/Grants Information Officer (Education and Skills); and D. McCaw, Committee Services Officer (Chief Executive's Service). Also In Attendance Inspector G. Jones (Police Scotland) and Watch Manager G. Harkins (Scottish Fire and Rescue). Apologies for Absence Jean Highgate and Elizabeth McLardy. 1. Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest by Members in terms of Standing Order 16 and Section 5 of the Councillors Code of Conduct. 2. Minutes The accuracy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 29 August 2013 was confirmed and the Minutes signed in accordance with Paragraph 7 (1) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. 3. Community Planning 3.1 North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Board: Minutes of Meeting held on 12 September 2013 Submitted report by the Chief Executive on the meeting of the North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) held on 12 September 2013. Councillor Dickson, as a representative of the Community Planning Partnership Board, gave an update regarding the Neighbourhood Planning Development Day held on 19 September 2013 and on the information presented by Professor Tannahill of the Glasgow Centre for Population Health on regenerating areas of need in Glasgow and on how this tied in to the neighbourhood planning approach. Page 1 5 There was discussion on the local implications in terms of neighbourhood planning and on the future role of the Area Committees. The Committee agreed to invite the Community Planning Partnership Analyst within the Chief Executive's Section to attend the next meeting of the Committee on 28 November 2013 to outline how the whole neighbourhood planning process will work locally and on how the Area Committee will relate to all Community Planning Partners in the future in terms of practical constraints and accountability. 3.2 (a) Police Scotland Submitted report by Police Scotland on activity within the Garnock Valley and West Kilbride area for the period 1 April to 15 September 2013. Information was provided on:- detailed Ward crime statistics; the statistical increases in relation to common assaults and the consumption of alcohol in relation to Ward 7; directed patrol plans in relation to bogus workmen, violence, disorder and antisocial behaviour, acquisitive crime, drug related offences and speeding; speeding offences in West Kilbride and West Kilbride Road, Dalry; traffic management issues in relation to the Lochlibo Road, Burnhouse area and along the Burnhouse to Lugton route; crimes of note in the Ward areas; and the wide-ranging public consultation survey, the results of which will influence priorities for future policing plans. Members asked questions, and received clarification, on the following:- robbery statistics in relation to house breakings; the pro-active approach to stop and searches; whether there is a specific trend in relation to the increase of common assaults and the consumption of alcohol in Kilbirnie and Beith; speeding in relation to Largs Road, Kilbirnie; the reporting of an incident in the Garden City/Kirkland Road area of Kilbirnie; the use of the new 101 Police contact number; and the theft of farm gates highlighted at the Dalry Community Council meeting. Noted. Page 2 6 3.2 (b) Police Scotland: Public Counter Service Provision Submitted report by the Chief Executive on the proposals arising from Police Scotland's Public Counter Services review, and seeking feedback from Members to inform the Council's response to the consultation which will be considered and agreed by the Police and Fire and Rescue Committee on 30 October 2013. Members discussed on the following:- the Saltcoats Police Station holding area and any impact the restriction of hours from 24 hours to 0800-1800 7 days a week would have on this aspect of the facility; and the operation of the public counter facilities at Kilbirnie and Largs between 0900-1700 hours Monday to Friday and the phone provision which will be available outside the Police Stations. The Committee (a) noted the information contained within the report and briefing paper; and (b) agreed that Members intimate any further concerns to the Divisional Commander. 3.3 Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Submitted report by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service on activity within the Garnock Valley and West Kilbride area for the period 18 August to 28 September 2013. Information was provided on:- accidental/deliberate dwelling and non-domestic fires; no malicious false alarms for the reporting period; one third of the road traffic collisions in North Ayrshire were within the Committee ward areas; other special service activities; the Post Domestic Incident Response (PDIR) campaign to address fires in sheltered housing; the inter-agency work, and work within schools, being undertaken in the lead up to Bonfire night; and the 8 Home Fire Safety Visits undertaken since the last reporting period, of which 3 were considered to be high risk, Page 3 7 Members asked questions, and received clarification, on the following:- the impact of liaison officers within schools; rubbish fires at Balgraymuir Farm, Barrmill; and clarification on what constitutes a rubbish fire. Watch Manager Harkins undertook to pass on the information regarding Balgraymuir Farm, Barrmill to the Group Manager. Noted. 4. Community Development Grants Scheme and Local Youth Action Fund: Applications for Financial Assistance Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Education and Skills) on applications received in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme and the Local Youth Action Fund. The Committee agreed (a) to award £700 to the North Ayrshire Access Panel from the Community Development Grants Scheme; and (b) to defer consideration of the Local Youth Action Fund application from Garnock Valley Youth Forum to the next meeting for further information on what consultation has been undertaken with regard to the application. 5. Date and Venue of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Garnock Valley and West Kilbride Area Committee will be held on 28 November 2013 at 2.00 p.m. in Bridgend Community Centre, Kilbirnie. The meeting ended at 3.05 p.m. Page 4 8 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Garnock Valley and West Kilbride Area Committee 28th November 2013 Submitted for the attention of the Garnock Valley and West Kilbride Area Committee is the Police Scotland report for 28th November 2013. The report includes information relating to the Multi Member Ward Areas for Dalry and West Kilbride (Ward 6) and Kilbirnie and Beith (Ward 7) for the 7 month period between 1st April 2013 to 5th November 2013. The Local Community Policing Plan priorities for 2013/2014 form the main focus of our proactivity and support for public reassurance continues.
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