Mesopotamian Year Names Neo-Sumerian and Old Babylonian Date Formulae prepared by Marcel Sigrist and Peter Damerow LIST OF KINGS The list of more than 2,000 year names which is made accessible here has been compiled as a tool for the dating of cuneiform tablets as well as for supporting historical studies on early bookkeeping techniques. This tool essentially consists of a collection of date formulae in administrative documents as they were used by the scribes in ancient Mesopotamia, and of computer generated indices for a quick identification of incomplete date formulae on damaged cuneiform tablets and of issues and events mentioned in these formulae. The collection covers presently the time period ● from the time of the empire of Sargon ● to the end of the dynasty of Babylon. Access is provided through ● a list of cities and kings, ● a list of words, ● a list of words of the English translation. According to the pupose of this compilation the data formulae as they are presented here do not quote specific texts but are often composite formulae based on several sources. Furthermore it was impossible to give always the numerous variants of some of the year names. In cases of doubt whether the given version adequately represents the textual evidence users should consult the references and the relevant publications on Mesopotamian year names. (A bibliography is currently in preparation and will soon be accessible here.) History of the project The preparation of this electronic tool is an outcome of an unusual and long-lasting cooperation between an assyiologist and an historian of science at intervals over a period of more than 10 years. The data are kept in a database. Originally it was planned to prepare a computer generated publication of these data. Some seven years ago, a preprint of this publication was made available to a small group of interested scholars, including at that time only the year names of the Ur III period and Old Babylonian period. Since then with the addition of year names used in other cities as, for instance, of year names from the Diyala region and of year names found in new publications and on tablets in museums the collection of year names grew tremendously. This fact alone already suggested to use the means of electronic data processing even more than it was intended at that time. The quickly growing facilities of the World Wide Web finally led us to modify our original plans and to provide first of all an online access to the collected data. Acknowledgements and call for participation Through all the years, several persons have contributed to the collection of year names and to the technical realization of electronic data processing. Many colleagues have helped us by making available their notes and the results of their research, or simply by supplying us with new year names to be included. In particular, we have to thank Prof W. W. Hallo and the trustees of the British Museum for their kind permission to publish year names coming from tablets under their curatorship. Collecting Mesopotamian year names is an ongoing project. Readings and Translations have to be improved, and it is likely that also in the future further year names have do be added. Making, nevertheless, the present version accessible should encourage users to sent us critical comments or to provide us with further year names. Marcel Sigrist Peter Damerow Ecole Biblique Max Planck Institute for the History of Science POB 19053 Wilhelmstr. 44 IL - 91190 Jerusalem D-10117 Berlin [email protected] [email protected] Last change: 25/09/01 PD Introduction ❍ Agade ■ Sargon ■ Rimusz ■ Naram-Sin ■ Szarkaliszarri ■ King unknown ❍ Lagasz II ■ Ur-Baba ■ Gudea ■ Ur-Ningirsu ■ Ka-ku ■ Lu-gula ■ Lu-Baba ■ Ur-gar ■ Ur-Mama ■ Pirigme ■ Nammahni ■ Ur-abba ■ King unknown ❍ Uruk ED 3 ■ Utu-hegal ❍ Ur III ■ Ur-Nammu ■ Szulgi ■ Amar-Sin ■ Szu-Sin ■ Ibbi-Sin ■ King unknown ❍ Isin ■ Iszbi-Erra ■ Szu-iliszu ■ Iddin-Dagan ■ Iszme-Dagan ■ Lipit-Esztar ■ Ur-Ninurta ■ Bur-Sin ■ Lipit-Enlil ■ Irra-imitti ■ Enlil-bani ■ Zambija ■ Iter-pisza ■ Urdukuga ■ Sin-magir ■ Damiq-iliszu ■ Dadbanaya ■ King unknown ❍ Larsa ■ Gungunum ■ Abi-sare ■ Sumuel ■ Nur-Adad ■ Sin-iddinam ■ Sin-eribam ■ Sin-iqiszam ■ Syilli-Adad ■ Warad-Sin ■ Rim-Sin ■ Rim-Sin II ■ Hammu-rabi ❍ Babylon ■ Sumuabum ■ Sumulael ■ Sabium ■ Apil-Sin ■ Sin-muballity ■ Hammu-rabi ■ Samsu-iluna ■ Abi-eszuh ■ Ammi-ditana ■ Ammi-syaduqa ■ Samsu-ditana ❍ Sealand ■ Ilima-ilum ❍ Kisurra ■ Itur-Szamasz ■ Manabaltiel ■ Szarrasyurrum ■ Ubaya ■ Zikrum ■ King unknown ■ Bur-Sin ■ Ibbi-Szamasz ❍ Kish ■ Yawium ❍ Mari ■ Yahdun-Lim ■ Sumu-Yamam ■ Iszar-Lim ■ Yasmah-Addu ■ Zimri-Lim ■ Hammu-rabi ❍ Manana, Urum ■ Halium ■ Abdi-Erah ■ Manana ■ Naqimum ■ Ahi-marasy ■ Sumu-iamutbala ■ King unknown ❍ Marad, Kazallu ■ Ibni-szadum ■ Sumu-ditan ■ Iamsi-el ■ Alum-pumu ■ Sumu-numhim ■ Sumu-atar ■ Syallum ■ Iahzir-el ■ King unknown ❍ Nippur ■ Hammu-rabi ❍ Sippar ■ Altinu'u ■ Bunu-tahtun-ila ■ Immerum ■ Sin-bani ❍ Uruk OB ■ Alila-hadum ■ Sin-kaszid ■ Sin-iribam ■ Sin-gamil ■ Ilum-gamil ■ Dingir-am ■ ir3-ne-ne ■ Rim-Anum ■ Nabi-iliszu ■ King unknown ❍ Diyala: Esznunna, Tell Asmar ■ {d}Szu-ilija ■ Nur-ahum ■ Kirikiri ■ Bilalama ■ Iszar-ramaszu ■ Usyur-awassu ■ Azuzum ■ Ur-Ninmarki ■ Ur-Ningiszzida ■ Ipiq-Adad I ■ Szarrija ■ Belakum ■ Warassa ■ Ibal-pi-El I ■ Ipiq-Adad II ■ Naram-Sin ■ Ibni-Erra ■ Iqisz-Tiszpak ■ Dannum-tahaz ■ Dadusza ■ Ibal-pi-El II ■ Syilli-Sin ■ King unknown ❍ Diyala: Dhiba'i, Uzarlulu ■ Abi-matyar ■ Sin-abuszu ■ Hammi-duszur ■ Naram-Sin ■ Dannum-tahaz ■ Dadusza ■ Ibal-pi-El II ■ King unknown ❍ Diyala: Szaduppum, Harmal ■ Waqrum ■ Szumahum ■ Bilalama ■ Isztaszni ■ Immerum ■ Hammi-duszur ■ Taram-Urim ■ Ibal-pi-El I ■ Ipiq-Adad II ■ Naram-Sin ■ Ibni-Erra ■ Iqisz-Tiszpak ■ Dannum-tahaz ■ Dadusza ■ Ibal-pi-El II ■ Syilli-Sin ■ King unknown ❍ Diyala: Nerebtum, Ichcali ■ Hadati ■ Iszmeh-bala ■ Sin-abuszu ■ Ikun-pi-Sin ■ Hammi-duszur ■ Ibal-pi-El I ■ Ipiq-Adad II ■ Naram-Sin ■ Iqisz-Tiszpak ■ Dannum-tahaz ■ Dadusza ■ Ibal-pi-El II ■ Syilli-Sin ■ Ibbi-Sin ■ King unknown ❍ Diyala: Tutub, Khafaje ■ Abdi-Erah ■ Abi-matyar ■ Sumuna-jarim ■ Tattanum ■ Hammi-duszur ■ Warassa ■ Yaqim-el ■ King unknown ❍ City unknown ■ Sziqlanum ■ Izi-sumu-abum ■ Adaki Index Back to Babylon Ammi-syaduqa List 1 mu am-mi-sya-du-qa2 Year in which Ammi- (YOS 13 lugal-e {d}en-lil2-le nam- syaduqa the king, Enlil 13, RlA 2 en-nun-na-ni / nam-en-na- having magnified his 189, 249) ni bi2-ib2-gu-la {d}utu- princely lordship, rose gim kalam-ma-ni-sze3 zi- forth steadfastly like the de3-esz ib2-ta-e3-a un sun over his country and szar2-ra-ba si bi2-ib2-sa2- established justice for all sa2-a his people 2 mu sipa sun5-na an {d}en- Year in which (Ammi- (RlA 2 lil2-bi-da-ke4 / {d}en-lil2- syaduqa), the humble 189, 250, bi-da-asz kalam in-ne-da- shepherd of An and Enlil, BBVOT 1 gal2-la (released the debts) lasting 116) on his country 3 mu gibil sza / egir sipa Year after the year in (CT 8 3b; sun5-na an {d}en-lil2-bi- which (Ammi-syaduqa) BM 78733, da-asz kalam in-da-gal2-la the humble shepherd of YOS 13 An and Enlil, (released the 230) debts) lasting on his country 4 mu {d}marduk en gir3-ra Year in which (Ammi- (RlA 2 szu-nir gal-gal-la ku3- syaduqa) brought into (the 189, 252, sig17 ku3-babbar {na4}za- temple) Esagil great BE 6/II gin3-na-ke4 e2-sag-il2-la- emblems made of gold, 120) sze3 in-ne-en-ku4-ra silver and lapis-lazuli for Marduk the strong lord 5 mu {d}en-lil2-la2 en gal- Year in which (Ammi- (RlA 2 la mu-a-ni in-sa4-a syaduqa) for Enlil the 189, 253, {urudu}alan-a-ni masz2 great lord who called him BE 6.2 123) igi-du8-a szu-a an-da-gal2- by his name brought into la u3 alan-a-ni szud3-de3 (the temple) Enamtila his ab-be2-a e2-nam-ti-la-sze3 statue (representing him) i-ni-in-ku4-ra holding an offering lamb in his hand saying prayers 6 mu asz-me i3-mah-a szu- Year in which (Ammi- (RlA 2 nir-ra u4-gim dalla ib2-ta- syaduqa) brought into (the 189, 254, e3-a e2-babbar-ra-sze3 in- temple) Ebabbar MHET 2 ne-en-ku4-ra magnificent sun-disks, 509, YOS emblems shining like the 13 35) light of the day 7 mu dingir-lamma didli-a Year in which (Ammi- (RlA 2 u6-di-da ba-ab-du7-du7-a syaduqa) brought into (the 189, 255, {d}sze3-ri5-da dam mah-a temple) Ebabbar various BM 79777) e2-babbar-ra-sze3 in-ne- protective deities, having en-ku4-ra an awesome look, for Szerida the august consort 8 mu {gisz}dur2-gar ku3- Year in which (Ammi- (YOS 13 sig17-ga-a husz-a-ta ki- syaduqa) brought into (the 408) bad-ra2-a-asz i3-tum2-ma temple) Enamtila a throne u3 alan-a-ni hub2 ab-szu2- made of redish gold, szu2-e-a e2-nam-ti-la-sze3 fitting for a distant place in-ne-en-ku4-ra and a statue (representing him like a messenger) in a running posture 9 mu {d}utu en-na an-ta Year in which (Ammi- (YOS 13 gal2-la alan-a-ni nam-nir- syaduqa) brought into (the 71) gal2-la-a-ni zubi ku3- temple) Ebabbar for sig17-ga-ke4 szu-a an-da- Szamasz the lord who gal2-la e2-babbar-ra-sze3 resides in heaven his in-ne-en-ku4-ra statue (representing him like) a noble holding in his hand the zubi-weapon made in gold 10 mu sipa zi sze-ga {d}utu Year in which (Ammi- (RlA 2 {d}marduk-bi-da-ke4 ur5- syaduqa), the true 190, 258, ra kalam-ma-na / ka-la-ma- shepherd, the obedient BM 79807) na / ma-da-na szu bi2-in- servant of Szamasz and du8-a Marduk, released the debts of his country 11a mu am-mi-sya-du-qa2 Year in which Ammi- (RlA 2 lugal-e igi-gal2 gu-la {d} syaduqa the king, with the 190, 259, marduk lugal-bi in-na-an- great insight which YOS 13 gar-ra bad3-am-mi-sya-du- Marduk his king has given 382;
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