http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society GENERAL INDEX Illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italics or by illus where figures are scattered throughout the text. abbeys/religious houses agricultural labour, early CI9 15-20, Battle 373, 374 164-5 Bermondsey 85, 87, 88, 90, 95, 98, Alan, John 107 104, 377n Albencio see Albigni Boxley 379n Albert the chaplain 365 Canterbury see abbey of St August- Albigni (Albencio) family ine; Christ Church; Greyfriars; Arnica 277 priory of St Gregory; priory of Nigel de 277 St Sepulchre; Whitefriars under William de 364, 369, 374 Canterbury Nigel de 364, 368-9, 374 Dover Alcock, John, bishop of Rochester St Martin 50, 57, 302, 364, 365, 106 372, 374; St Radegund 302 Aldbury, John de 303, 309 Faversham 299, 379n Aldington Gent 364, 365, 374, 378n Falconhurst 367 Guines 377n manor 45,46, 48, 50, 58, 59, 60, 61 Leeds 306n, 376n Aldridge, Neil, 'A Belgic Cremation Lyminge 275 Cemetery and Iron Bloomery Furn- Merton 305n ace at Jubilee Corner, Ulcombe' Minster-in-Thanet 210, 275, 387 173-82 Reculver 235 Alfred, King, naval engagement with Rochester 311-19, 377n, 378n Danes 229-41 St Albans 275, 277-8, 285, 286n, Alfred, priest of Ridingate 301 368-9 Alfred of St Martin's 301 Sheppey 377n Aliza (wife of Hunfrid) 303, 309 West Mailing 378n, 391 Allen, Tim, Cotterill, Mike & Pike, Westminster 278, 366 Geoffrey, Copperas. An account Adam son of Elgar of Sturry 301, 308 of the Whitstable Worlcs and the Adam son of Hubert 369 first industrial-scale chemical pro- Adam son of Lenenoth 308 duction in England, reviewed 405-6 Adcock of Dover (builder) 289n Allhallows, Kingsmead Park prehistoric Adelold 368 settlement site (illus) 67-81 Ethelred 230 Alnod Cilt 273 Ethelstan 237 Alphege, St 292 Ethelweard 229,230,231,233,234,239 amphitheatre, Roman 30 Ethelwulf (Athelwulf), king of Kent Amys, William 187 45,231 Andrew of Bridge 304 433 GENERAL INDEX Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 229-39 axes, Neolithic 382; see also hand-axes Anglo-Saxon period Aylesford Alfred, engagement with Danes king's land 312, 374 229-41 Station Road, evaluation 271 fieldwork Canterbury 31, 33-4, 39, 259, Bache, John 89, 107 262; Ickham 266; St Margaret's Badlesmere, poor relief 11, 12, 17 at Cliffe 269 Bailey, Chris 385 Rochester charters 311-22 Bailiwick of the Seven Hundreds of the Sarre, place-name 387-9 Weald 46 animal bones Baker, John 93, 107 Roman, Canterbury 32, 33 Baker, Robert 278 Anglo-Saxon, Canterbury 33 Baldock, Nicholas 199 medieval Baldwin, archbishop of Canterbury Canterbury 34, 36, 38, 39; 292, 300 Tonbridge 138 Baldwin the falconer 364, 367, 374 Anschetil of Peckham 364, 372, 374 Baldwin, Denise see Harding, Kather- Archaeology South-East 67 ine & Baldwin, Denise Arches, Emma, m.l Nigel de Mune- Baliol family 296 ville, m.2 Manasser, count of Bernard of 302-3, 308 Guines 366 Eustace 303, 308 Arches, William de 366 John 303 architectural fragment, medieval 34 Bampton (Devon), honour of 299 Armagh, archbishops of see Crowmer, Banstead manor (Surrey) 371 George; Hampton, Dr Barclay hundred 46, 47 arrowheads, Neolithic 271, 382 Bardolf, Hugh 299-300, 308 Arundel, earls of 57, 369 Bardolf, Robert 300, 308 Ash manor379n Bargar, Doctor 328 Ashbourne, Master 335 Barham see Gilbert of Barham Ashburnham (Sussex) 325 Barham family 155 Ashburnham family Barrett family 189, 190 - (brother of Anne) 339 Edward 193 Anne, m. Edward Dering 325, 326, Thomas 195, 196 333-4 William the elder 189, 190, 193, Elizabeth 325 199,201 Sir John 325 William the younger 190, 201 Asherinden see under Tenterden Barton, John 331 Ashford Basing (Hants), barony of 371 clockmakers 188, 189-90, 198n, 199, Baskerville, Simon 333 201 Basset, Alan 300 Kennington manor 50, 59, 61 Basset, Thomas 300 overseer 12 bastardy 14 painter 187 Batchelor, Richard and wife 390 physician of 333 Bateman, William 332 Ashford Archaeological Group 245 Battle Abbey (Sussex) 373, 374 Asser 233 Bawldine, John and family 390 Audley, Edmund, bishop of Rochester Bayly, John 109,115n 106, 107 bead, Roman 33 Augustine, St 235 Beatrix, m. William de Arches 366-7 Avrences, Rualon de 364, 366, 374 Beatrix, countess of Guines, m. Alberic Avrences, William de 366 de Ver 366 434 GENERAL INDEX Beauchamp family Estercogheringdenne 46 estate 273 Halden manor 48, 50, 53, 58, 59, Thomas 273 60,61 Thomas, earl of Warwick 273 Hemsted Estate 44 Beaumont family 325 Hliossole common 46, 53, 55 Beckenham manor 370, 374 Hyringdenne common 46 Becket, Thomas see Thomas Becket, Illden Wood 60 St Langham 45 Bede, Venerable 231, 234-5, 241n manor 51, 57-8, 63n Bedesham 273 Ofneham 46 Beechgrove Bruderhof community Plegwingham 46 283 Ripton manor 58, 62 Bekesbourne Benfleet (Essex) 230, 233,239 church 379n Bennett, Master 333 manor 371 Beresford, Kathryn, 'The 'Men of see also Patrixbourne Kent' and the Penenden Heath Bell family 325 Meeting, 1828'151-71 Benenden Berg, Mary, 'Twelfth- and early Thir- Aegelbertinherst 46 teenth-Century Charters Containing Backtilt Wood 57 Pledges Naming Thomas Becket' Blakeburnham 45 291-309 clergy 109 Berhtwold, archbishop of Canterbury commons 45, 51-3 235 Cruthole 58 Berkeley, Robert de 300 dens (illus) 43-65 Bertram, Mr 202 Bagtilt 50, 53, 57; Benenden 50, Bethersden 57-8; Bishopsden 50, 51, 53, church, sundial 190 58; Comden 50, 55, 58; Crithole Dering estates 323 50, 58, 59; Dingleden 50, 58; Bettenham family 325 Dockenden 50, 58-9; Eaglesden Betteshanger 273 62; East Ridden 50, 53; Eborden Bexley, Wansunt Pit, Holocene arch- 50, 51, 53, 59; Eslynden 62; aeology 381-2 Ewhurst 50, 59;Folkenden 50, 59; Bexley Archaeological Group, Notes Halden 48, 50, 53, 58, 59, 60, 61; on the 814 AD Bexley Charter. Hartnope 50, 59; Heldindenne 59; Extracts from the lecture notes of Hemsted 50, 53,58,59; Hinksden/ David Vicerey-Weekes, reviewed Hinxden 50, 59; Hole 46, 50, 53, 411 60; Holnhurst 50, 59, 60; Iden 50, Biddenden, dens 51,60, 61; Isenden 50, 51,53,59, Bishopsden 58 60; Knolle 50, 60; Leasden 50, 58, Ewhurst 59 60, 61; Lollesden 60; Maplesden Lewcell 63n 50, 53, 60; Osenden (Osinden) Biddulph, Edward, 'Holocene Archaeol- 50, 60-1; Plashed 62; Ramsden ogy at Wansunt Pit, Bexley' 381-2 50, 59, 61; Rickmansherst 50, Bilsington 61; Ridden 59, 61; Saltenden 62; dens 50 Samden 50, 58, 61; Simmonden manor 50, 51,57, 58, 60, 369 50, 60, 61; Standen 44, 50, 51, Birling, Cobham College possessions 60, 61; Tilden 50, 61; Tottenden 86, 87, 93 62; Walkhurst 50, 53, 62; West Bishopsbourne, manor 50, 51, 53, 58, Bishopsden 50, 53, 59; West 60 Ridden 50, 53; Woodsden 62 Black, Jeremy, book review by 395-6 435 GENERAL INDEX Black Prince 83 Brinton (Brynton), Thomas de, bishop of Bloet, Robert, bishop of Lincoln 366 Rochester 87,91,92, 93, 99,104-5 bloomery furnace, Iron Age (illus) Briwer, William 300 173-82 Broad Oak see under Sturry Bocher, John 329 Bronze Age period Bocher (Bouchier), William 106 Allhallows 67-81 Boef, Hamo le 301, 308 Broad Oak 265-6 Bohun, Joan de, countess of Hereford Canterbury 29 and Essex 92 Cowstead Comer 270 bones see animal bones; human bones Dover 268 Boniface IX 93 St Margaret's at Cliffe 269 Borowe, William 107 Shorne 271 Bosco, William de 303, 309 Whitfield 269 Boteler, Sir William 277 brooches Botelier, Adam de 302, 308 Iron Age Bottlesham, William de, bishop of Ulcombe 176, 178, 179, 181; Rochester 89, 93 Woodnesborough 383, 384 Bouchier see Bocher Roman, Canterbury 30 Boughton Malherbe, Edward Dering Anglo-Saxon visits 337 Abbey Farm 209; Ickham 246 Boughton Monchelsea, Boughton Court Brook manor 50, 59, 60 manor 329 Brooke family Boughton under Blean Sir George, 9th Lord Cobham 95, church 5 96, 109 poor relief 2, 3,4-7, 11, 12, 17 Henry, 11th Lord Cobham 115n workhouse 6, 7, 11 John, 7th Lord Cobham 107 Boulogne, count of see Eustachius Thomas, 8th Lord Cobham 107 Bourchier, Thomas, archbishop of Brougham, Thomas 5 Canterbury 106 Browne, Alice 331 Boxley Browne, Edward 286n abbey 379n Brus, Robert de 304, 309 described as romantic 160 Brynton see Brinton manor 364, 373,374 Buckingham, countess of 325, 338 Brabourne manor 50, 58, 59 Buckingham, duchess of 331 bracelet, Roman 30, 33 Buckingham, duke of 328, 337, 338, Bradshaw, Master - 328 339, 343 Bradshaw, J. 245 Bulfinch, John and wife 390 Bradwater, Phillipp and family 390 Burghley, Lord 361 Brandon, Peter, book review by 396-7 burials see cremations; inhumations brasses, monumental, Cobham 102, Burton, Master 336 105, 106, 107,108 Butcher, Abraham 329 Breeze, Andrew, 'Welsh Seri 'Causeway' butchery and Sarre, Thanet' 387-9 Anglo-Saxon 33 Brent family 325 medieval 138 Brent, John 30, 31 Butler, John 8 Bretoil, William de 365 Bygcrofte, John 106 Brett, Sir Robert 391 brick kilns 288n Cadyndon, John de 278 Bridge see Andrew of Bridge Caly, Sir William 113n Bridges, Sir John 163 Camden, marquis of 155 Bringborn family 325, 338 Camden manor 58 436 GENERAL INDEX Canterbury Canterbuiy Archaeological Trust 27, abbey of St Augustine 192, 302, 243 363-4, 374 interim reports 259-72 amphitheatre 30 Canut, Radulf 364, 372, 374 archbishops of, land holdings 364, Caources, Patrick de 364, 369, 374 372-3; see also Baldwin; Carington, Master 340 Berhtwold; Bourchier, Thomas; Carpentar, Thomas 106 Courtenay, William; Cranmer, casting pit, medieval 260 Thomas; Langton, Stephen; Catel, John 93 Laud, William; Parker, Matthew; Catholic Emancipation Act 151-71 Sudbury, Simon de; Theodore; Cauderun family 306n Walter, Hubert; William; Wulfred Cecil, Thomas, earl of Exeter 325 Binnewith 262 cemeteries
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