Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83667-8 - The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes's Leviathan Edited by Patricia Springborg Index More information index Aaron, 264 Arminianism, 15, 246 Abiathar Arminius, Jacobus, 247, 266n17 high priest, 363 Asclepius, 33–5, 38, 44, 53 Abraham, 300 asthenes,´ 13, 297, See also absolutism, 200, 212–13, 443, 453, weakness 474, 494 ataraxia (psychological well-being), Achillini, 345 135 Act of Uniformity (1667), 312 Athens, 46, 408 Adam, 244, 248, 250 Aubrey, John, 17, 432, Brief Anabaptists, 396 Lives Anglicanism, 358–60, 365, 369–70, Augustine, 244, 277, 398, City of 395, 449 God anopheles,´ 13, 297, See also Austin, John, 19, 443–5, 494, See uselessness also William Birchley, Anselm of Canterbury Christian Moderator archbishop and saint, 279 authorization, political, 148, 206, anthropology, 98, 272, See 224, 231–2, 482 materialist Aylesbury, Sir Thomas, 462 Antioch synagogue, 295 Bacon, Francis, 414 Apollodoros Baillie, Robert ancient historian, 70 Scottish Presbyterian, 488 Aquinas, Thomas, 219, 245, 277, barbarism (‘barbaries’), 14, 341, 348, 345, 376 471 Archimboldo, Guiseppe Baxter, Richard, 18, 446, 484–9 Archimboldesque composite Bayle, Pierre, 207 images, 38 Bayne, Paul, 169, 301 Aristophanes, 114 Beacon Aristotelians, 82–4, 88–9, 97, 339, petition, 483–94 346, 424 Beccaria, 235, 238n32 Aristotle, 84–5, 96, 128, 133–5, 300, Bellarmine, Robert 342–6, 347–51, 354, 393, 396, Catholic Cardinal, 319–21, 362–4, 422, 435, Rhetoric, Metaphysics 389, 395 523 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83667-8 - The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes's Leviathan Edited by Patricia Springborg Index More information 524 Index Benjamin, Walter, 38 Cavendish, Henry, 36 Berkel, Abraham van, 450 Cavendish, Margaret Bible, 65, 243–5, 375–82, 386, 417, duchess of Newcastle, 36 433, 453 Cavendish, William Biblical criticism, 317 duke of Devonshire, 36, 414, 462 English, 294 Cawdrey, Daniel, 18 modern, 293 Cecill, Thomas, 46 Biblical Golden Rule, 132, 141 centaur, 69–70, 96, See also hybrid Biel, Gabriel, 345 (mythological) Birchley, William, 492, See also Cephas, 325, 388, See St. Peter Austin, John Charles I, 171, 461–3, See also Bishop of Derry, 282–3, 358, 395 Charlemagne; Charles the blasphemy, law of, 63 Great Boethius, 342, 347–8, 354 Charles II, 40, 42, 414, 424, 447, Bosse, Abraham, 30, 40 462–4 Boyle, Robert, 17, 292, 429, Charron, Pierre, 341 433–4 Cheke, John, 305n7 Bramhall, John, 272–85, 299, 347–8, Chillingworth, William, 376, 415, 358, 379, 394–7, 424, 428, 455, 417, 461 See also Archbishop of Chimaira Armagh, Debate with Hobbes lion-headed monster, 71 Bredekamp, Horst, 6–8, 63, 74, Christ’s effectiveness (Wirkung Thomas Hobbes Visuelle Christi), 296 Strategien (Berlin, 1999) Christian Church, 338, 378, Bridge, William, 160, 169 396 Brunner, Otto, 67 Church of England, 322, 358, 388, Bruno, Giordano, 414 418, 435 Burgess, Glenn, 496n15 Church of Rome, 263, 324, 433, Burton, Thomas, 486 442 Butler, Samuel, 452 Church of Scotland, 322 Christian state, 62, 257, 291, 363 Caesar, 386 chrysaor Calamy, Edmund, 18 giant, son of Poseidon and Calvin, John, 245–6, 260–2, 314, Medusa, 70 375–7, 380, 384–9, 444 Cicero, 160, 340, 446 Calvinism, 15, 368, 389 civil law, 119–21, 138, 146, 203, Campanella, Tommaso, 98 208, 228, 302–3, 472 Canons of Dort (1619), 246 civil science, 22, 64, 78, 99, 124, Cardano, Gerolamo, 340 135–6, 138–40, 144, 479 Cary, Lucius, 415, 461 civil society/state, 116, 119–20, Castellio, Sebastian, 314, See also 200–6, 208–11, 221, 258, 364, Erasmian liberalism 479 Catechism, 245–6, 483, See also civil strife, 402 Greater Catechism (John civil war, English, 166, 172, 190, Owen) 302, 393, 414, 461–2, 466, Cavendish, Charles, 423, 462 472 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83667-8 - The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes's Leviathan Edited by Patricia Springborg Index More information Index 525 Clarendon, 1st earl of Cowley, Abraham, 426, 452 Edward Hyde, q.v., 415, 426, 443, crime (crimen), 219–21, 223 446, 448 against state, 221, See also non Clarendon, Earl of, 17, See also iure ‘Imperij sed iure belli’ Edward Hyde, q.v. criminal law, xii, 217, 228, 232–3 Clement of Alexandria theory of Grotius, 230 Church Father, 276 Cromwell, Oliver, 425, 445, 465–6, Codex Hermeticum, 34, See also 481, 484, 486, 489, 490–1, Hermeticism 493–4 Coke, Edward, 10, 227, 472 Crooke, Andrew, publisher, 480 Columbus, Christopher, 113 Cudworth, Ralph, 17, 430 Common Law, 145, 226 Cumberland, Richard, 450–1, De tradition, 11 Legibus Naturae Commonwealth, 33, 175, 205, 362, cura animarum (pastoral care), 16 389, 494 Curley, Edwin, 13, 252 Christian, 10–12, 297, 363, 489, Cyril of Alexandria 491 Church Father (c. 375–444), 398 conatus, 87–9, 100, 209 Constant, Benjamin, 206–7, 211 Damascene, John, 347, 398, See also Constantine, Emperor, 397, 398, John of Damascus 401–2, 405 Davenant, William, 64–6 Constantinople, 203, 209 Gondibert, 42, 66 contract theory. See also social Davies, John, 482 contract De Martel, Thomas, 392 Hobbes’s, 443 De Vitoria, Francisco, 219 contractarianism decaying sense (Hobbes Hobbesian moral, 147 imagination), 95 Kant’s moral, 147 Decembrio, Candido, 341 Copernicus, Nicolaus, 35, 416 demon (daemon), 69, 74, 380, See Corcyra, 190 also demonology corporeal/incorporeal, 92, 96, desacralization, 13, 297 100–1, 345, 348–50, 419 Descartes, Renee,´ 63, 82–4, 94–5, Corpus Christi College, Oxford 345, 347, 415–17, 419–24, 430, Cambridge, 436 435, Discourse Corpus Hermeticum, 34 Deuteronomy, 377–8 Cosin, John, 358, See also Bishop of Devonshire, Earl of, 462, See also Durham William Cavendish Cotton, Charles, 482 diaspora, 19 Council of Nicaea (AD 325), 397, Digby, Kenelm, 419, 422, 424, 401–2 430 court, royal, 17 Digges, Dudley, 169, The court of Inquisition, 32, 218–19 Unlawfulnesse of Subjects Spanish and Portuguese, 311 Diodorus of Sicily covenant theology, 243–8, 250, 251, ancient historian, 124n18 253–8, 260–1, 264–5, 316, See Dionysos also covenant Greek god, 70–3, 74 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83667-8 - The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes's Leviathan Edited by Patricia Springborg Index More information 526 Index divine law, 122 essence (essentia), 340, 346–8, Doppeldecker/Doppelganger¨ 350–1 figures, 36, See also pace separate, 101 Kantorowicz Eucharist, doctrine of, 387 Dryden, John, 449 Euclid, 35 Du Moulin, Louis, 448 Euripides, 71–3, Bakchai Du Verdus, Francois, 392 European civil law tradition, 10, See Duc de Broglie, 213 also Rechtsstaat Duppa, Brian, 441–3 Durandus a S. Porciano, 345, See faith (fides), 244 also Guillaume Durand; Falkland, 2nd Viscount, Lucius Duranti; Durantis Carey (1610–43), 461 Fanshawe, Richard, 42 Eachard, John, 428, 443, 449 Fawn, Luke, 483 Ecumenical Councils, 337 fear, 75, 111, 190, 202, 255, See also Edward III, 36 fear of death (Epicurean) Edwards, David, 327, 332, On Fenelon, Franc¸ois de Salignac de la Toleration Mothe (1651–1715), 207 Edwards, Thomas, 18 Ferguson, James, 296, 299 effigies, royal, 33, 35–8 Field, Richard Elizabeth I, queen of England, 405, Dean of Gloucester, 367 414 Filmer, Sir Robert, 427, 443 emblem books, 7 Fiora, Joachim of, 262 English Civil War, 361 Fonseca, 345 English Nation (popolus fortune, 323, 466 Anglicanus), 170 Enlightenment, 102, 222, 265, 314, Galileo, Galilei, 88, 90, 219, 313, 321, 326, See also radical 414–17, 422–4, Saggiatore Enlightenment, Enlightenment (1623) Deism Gassendi, Pierre, Syntagma entity and body (ens and corpus), French philosopher, 17, 86, 341, 100 416, 419, 422–5, 430 Ephesians, 112–13, 301 Gellibrand, Samuel, 483, 488 Epicurus, 124n19, 422, 430 Genesis, 126n33 Epiphanius, 398 gentile (pagan), 63, 69, 75, 323, 340, episcopacy (Anglican), 325, 367–70, 378–81, 401 372, 387, 389, 434, 490, 494 glory, 110, 116, 119, 181–93, 194–6, Episcopalian 296, 471 Church organization, 444, God’s glory, 247 Government by an Overseer God episteme, 11, See also absolute power (potentia absoluta epistemology Dei), 274 Erasmus of Rotterdam, 14, 293, as cause, 380–6 319–21, 381 God’s tyranny, 272 Erastianism, 18, 480, 489–90, 492 God’s will, 275 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83667-8 - The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes's Leviathan Edited by Patricia Springborg Index More information Index 527 mortal, 34–6, See also immortal heresy, 69–70, 244, 312, 314, 316, God 318, 320–1, 396–7, 400–2, 434, ordinary power (potentia ordinata 447, 478 Dei), 274 Herle, Charles, 165–6 as person, 380–6 hermeneutics, 15, 256, See also Godolphin, Sydney, 415 Hermetic, Hermeticism God’s will, 274, See also ‘divine Protestant, 398 will’, ‘power of God’ Hermes, 54n26 Golden Age, 113, 124 Herveus, 345 Gomorrah, 278 Hesiod, 114, 124n17 Goodwin, John, 166, 484 Hill, Thomas, 485–7 Goodwin, Thomas, 169, Christ Set Hippo, 376, See also Augustine of Forth Hippolytus Great Tew circle, 415, 461, 463, 467 Homer, 114 Gregory of Rimini, 345 honour, 35, 181–5, 187–92, 364, Gresham, Sir Thomas, 434 387 Grotius, Hugo, 220, 222, 227, Aristotelian honour, 187 229–30, 232–4, 293–4 Horace, 114 Guarini, Giovanni Battista, 42, House of Commons, 175, 313, 434 Pastor Fide House of Lords, 313, 361, 434 human nature, theory of, 7–9, Hades, 380 116–20, 467–8 Hales, John, 461 humanism, European, 341, 351, 467 Hall, John, 445, 489 Humphrey, Robinson, 486–8 Hall, Joseph Hunton, Philip, 160, 165–7 bishop of Exeter and Norwich, Hyde, Edward, 18, 415, 443, 446, 362 460, 481, See Earl of Clarendon Hall, Magdalen, 83 Hydra Hammond, Henry, 293–4, many-headed serpent, 71 Paraphrase hypostasis (‘upostasis) Hariot, Thomas, 462 substance, personality, hypostacy, Harley, 54n51 337, 398 Harnack, Adolf von 19c.
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