llE. Ilol|M's- EEUENGT SUPER-HERO HANDBOOK lntroduction I tE sinister Dr. Victor Von Doom, monarch of Latveria, has master- minded and executed the tlEft of a U.S. nuclear missjie. Doom plans to launch tl|e warhead at New York City if tt|e tjnited States does not sur- Ender and be@mes a colony of Latveria. The pEsident and his cabirEt. realisirE the imminent catastrophe ahead, ca upon tf|e ajd of Captain America and The Amazing Spider-Man to thwan Doom's twisted ptot of revenge. Spidey and Cap set out for Latveria to stop the launch of the wartEad and apprehend the evil Dr. Doom. Only the most skilled and powertul Super-Heroes could survive such a test. Doom has recruited some of the mightiest and most dangerous Super-Villains of all time to guard the caste clmplex. Batroc, Machete, Rattan, Boomerang, Oddball, Grey Gargoyle, Eduardo Lobo, Etectro and Rhino have all become pawns in Doom's immoral scheme. Upon arriving at the castle complex, Spidey sets out to stop the launch of the missile while Cap plans to battle and apprehend Or. Doom. YOU must become a Sup€r-Hero and assume the identities ot both Spider-Man and Captain America as they face the treacherous vjllains. hidden traps and deadly obstacles contained in Dr. Doom's mysterious foatress. You'll need fast reflexes and quick decision-making skills to succeed on your jourr€y. In the numercus arcade-style challenges contained within the on-screen comicbook pages, you control the destiny of Spidey and Cap and the fate of New York City. Can you thwart the launch ol the missile and save New York City from destruction? Can you seize Dr. Doom and banish him foGver to a life of imprisonment? Can you display the skill and character needed to become a true Super-Hero? PrcpaE to fird out in: SPIDER-MAN and CAPTAIN AMERICA in DR. DOOM'S REVENGE! Getting Started Befo€ you can embark on your i)urrEy to seize the sinister Dr. Door. a,"d sa!€ New York City, you nust follow the specifc loading sequence lor yqjr cD.nuter sfro|/n o/er tlE r€)d iew pages. When tfE garn€ has loadgd, a series of o*bns a€ displayed trcm whlch you must select the ditfurlty level ol tiE game (Beginner. Herc or sup€r-He|o). In additbn. a series of qL€stions will be asked about the K6y Characte.s in tfb game, so you will rEed to read the bi(€raphies which appear later in the manual. Orrs all tlE q€stions have been arsv€€d cor€cily you rvill procaed to tfF game day. !E: For IBM PC versior6 yo|r willbe askad to maks addhonal cfrcices €gadif€ your ioysdcK what video rnod€ you wish lo Lrse and what detajl l€vel ,ou \aish to play In. Commodore eV128 System Requiremenls: . Commodo€ 64/128 .oisk Drive or Cassette unit . Joystick Loading TIE Game: Disk: Place Disk A in disk drive and type. LOAo "",8,1. Cassette: Plac€ tape in cassette unit and ensure that it is rewouncl, P€ss SHIFT aM RUN/STOP at the same time. then p.ess PLAY on tfE cassetle unt. Atbr a sfort delay tfE title sc€en will appear. As this is a multi-bad game, do not renpve lfF diskor cassette and folbw lhe on-screen orompts. Spectrum 48W+21+3 Systeh R€quirements: . sp€ctrum 48K, +2 or +3 ' Joystick or Keyboard . Cassette unit Loading TIE Game: Place tape in cassete unit ard ensuE hat it is revvgund. Typ€ LOAD'Doom" ard presg PLAY on your cassetb €cDrdet lf you a€ uslrE an extemal cassette recorder ensurB th€ TONE and VOLUME controls a€ set to th€ corlect lov€|. Wfen th€ game has loaded, ensuF you p€ss STOP on the cassetle r€cod€r lf you a€ using a joystick, pess fiie when lequested, ofle.wrse you must defim lhe keys lrou wish to use. As this is a muld-bad game, do rlot remove te cassette and tollow lfE orFscaeen DromDts, Getting Started Amstrad 481y'66416128 System R€quiaemenls: ' Amstrad {t}4, 664 or 6128 . Joystick or keyboard Loeding TtE Game: Disk: Place th€ gan|E disk into your drive and Vpe RUN t)OOM" Cassette: Placa tap€ in cass€te unit and ensuF that it is ewound. Type RUN "DOOM' ard pless pLAy on your cassetto t€coder. When the garne has baded, ensrs you pr€ss STOP on tfE c€ssettg recordar. lf you ar€ usirE a joystick, prEss filg when Fquested, otheMise you must defrB ttE keys !w wish to use. As thls is I rlu lti-bad gafiE, do Drt l€rove ttp cass€lte and follow tt€ orFsceen promds. Commodore Amiga Syste& R€quiremenls: . Amiga 500. 1000 or2000. Joystick Loading TtE Gam6: Make sulB llE cDmptibr is tu.rEd off. Place diskA jnb Drive OFO:. lfycu have an sxbmal disk driv€ fited, this will allow you to run Dbk B trcm tE exterMl Tum on ttE comMsr, and afier a shod delay tt|e title sc€en will appear. Follow lhe on-sq8€n Drcmoti Atari ST System R€quiremonts: ' 52O ST or above . Joystick Loading TtE came: Make sure tfE compubr is &nEd otf. Ptac€ disk A into the filst disk drive aM switch on tfE computer, Wtpn ttE tolder appeaE o.r the desKop, double click ttp lile Malel-pr!. After a shod delay the tite screen lvi appear. Fo ow the on-sc€en o|omots. Getting Started IBM rc and Compdibles System Requiremenls: . IBM PC/KVATIPS2, Tandy 10OG2000 or Compatible wilh 512K ' t"ls DOS 2.'l or GFater . CCA {4 coloui, EGA (16 colour), or Tardy (tO colour) Ootional: . Joystick . Ad Lib Music Card . HeaBay l00O Spe€ch Board Loading TIE Clame: Plac€ Disk A into Driv€ A and typ€ MARVEL. In a bw seconds ttE game will load. Hard Disk lnstallatitn: create a new dircctory on your hard disk ard copy all of the liles from all the gams dlsks into that dilEctory. Make this new di€c1ory the ourrent dirgc{ory and type MARVEL. ctetail oDtions: H:gh detais will add backgrcund an;malbn to sone of tne s€erFs in lfE game. HowBver. on slowgr machines, this will decrease tfE speed of tfE game. lf you find this to be the case on yc{r comuter, run th€ ganp with low detail. This wjll eliminaiB tfE background and allow ths game to run at full speed Saving the Garne This option wod<s only with bmmodoe 6418, @mnadoB Amigie' Atari ST and BM rc aN @mpatible versions. At any comic book panel scre€n, type "8" (tor Elookmark) to save your curent position in the game. You will be given a series of eight alpha-numeric characlers. Write these down as they will bs us€d wl'en €sloring the ganE. Restoring The Game This option ,mt*s only with @nmodo@ 6418, @mnodoE Amiga' AWi ST dtld BM rc eN @mpatib!6 velsro''s- At any comrc book panel screen, type 'R' b restcre tfg game. You will be asked b enter tfE characbrs you wtqte down when you saved tfB gam€. Game play will resum€ whe€ you lgft off. A Gombat Moves Spidey and Cap's Combat Moves SoideFMan ard Captain America's combat.rDv€s are diffeEr and unique. Combat rnoves a€ debrmined by tfF distancs yourSuper_Hercs a€ tromtt€ar oooorErt or ob6!acb, Movemeri fondard ard backward, as well as tfE iump and duc* tnoves, €nrain constant m matbr virat distarEo SPidey and CaP ale from tfEk fo€ or hazard. TlEse dbtarres a€; A) Close to an oPponent or obstade B) Mid-distance from an opponent or obstacle C) Far-distarce trom opponent or obstacle Below you can see tfp d fe€nt combat n|9ves of Sddey and Cap ard how they relate to distarce. TtE Joystick Controls sedion ol this manual show ho'|/ to obtain each mo/e. captain America F.om all disianc€s: . Walk L€n 'Walk Right . Verticat Leap . Duck . Forward Leap . Backward SomeGault . Tum Arcund/Change oireclion Closc distance lrom opponent: . High Attack Mighv Shield Purch to tfE head . Midsection Attack Mighty Shield Punch to tfle body ' Low Attack The Commardo Low Kick Middistance tlom opponent: . High Attacd Star-spangl€d LeapirE Kick . Midsection Attack TtE corporal K.o. Wallop ' Low Attack PoweFPacked Low Shield Toss Far distanc€ trom oDgonent: 'High Attack Dest^rctive Mighty Shield Hud . Midseclion Attack Destructie Mightt Shie d Hurl . Low Attack Power-Packed Low Shield Toss Combat Moves Spider-Man From all distances; . Walk Len . Watk Bign , Vertical Lgap . Duck . Backward 'Spidey' Ftip . Forward 'spidey' Ftip . Tum Arourd/Chango oirection Close distance lrom opponem: . High Attack Jaw-crusher Blow . Mids€ction Attack: Rib-breaker strike . Low Attac*: Crippling Low Kick Mid{islanc€ f rom opponent: . High Attack Btack Widow Tomahawk Kick ' Midsection Attack Lunging "Spidey' Kbk . Low Attack WhidirE Lol/ Web Shot Far distanc€ trom opponent: . Hrgh Attack Dynamic High W€b Shot . Midsection Attack Dynamic Hjgh Web Shot . Low Attach WhidirE Lc Web Shot ^/ Opponents and Obstactes Each Super-Villain has his ownunhue cornbat moves, you must deleM against lfEse atlacks: BatEc Leaping Jump Sids Kick Boomerang Detonating 'Shattering"Heave Dr. Ooom Optical Laser Blast€rs Elecllo EleckifyirE LightnirE Bolt Hurl Robolic Crrilla Atomic Piledriver Gaey cargoyls Ston€ CaslirE Right Hand....Bewarel Hobgoblin Exploding Pumpkin Bomb Toss Machete Slashing Saw Btade Pitch Eduardo Lobo Severing Ctaw Thrust Oddball PlurEjng Acrcbatic crenade Drop Rattan 'Noggin Knocke." Stick Bash Rhino TfE lmpating FreightTrain Thrust Suoer-Hero Controls Commodore 8V128, Spectrum 4€W+A+3 Amstrad .181y'681y'6128 & IBM rc MOVE JOYSTICK POSITION Jump UP Up Oucif Down Walk Left Lelt Wdk Right Righ LeadFlip Left* Upp€r Left Corrpr LeadFtip Right.' Upper Right comer Turn Arourd Bottom Coffprs High Attacks Button + Upper Positons Midsection Attacks Button + l-efr or Right Low Attacks Button + Elottom Positions ' Tho cha.acler tlill oontinue to duck until you push th€ ioystick uP " WtEn Srider-Man perfordE a Forwad Flip.
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