The Truth James and MA&&Dk&MMkiM@WM about Cats the Giant and Dogs Peach Screen 20tb C(,lIf11ry Fax IJiSllry Saver The twist women M ilI.ions o,f peach­ The Celluloid have been wairing for. t!s ... walr, thar s a song. Closet Instead of Cyrano de OK. Take rhe genius of The Celluloid Closet Bcrgerac, ir's Janeane Garof.110 (alrhough we rhink best-selling children's novelist "Roald Dahl (Chtlrlie chronIcles the subtle and she's really cllte) enlisring the help of rht! lithe Uma tllld thc Choco/tlte FtlctOIY), add rhe makers of The sometimes not-so-subtle Thurman. As a charming radio personaliry, Garof.1- N ighrmare Bcfore Christmas and trip it all up with hIstory of Hollywood and 10 catches thc car of a gorgeous photographer (Ben rhe rechnique of srop-f11otion animarion. Ir all homosexuality. ThIs closet Chaplin (Rt'lIItlillS of the Day). Whcn 11<: wants ro comes togerher in rhis happy advenrure that will Is packed full of all there Is meer her in person, she panics. Roman ric rwisrs and leave you feding jusr peachy. to know about how homo­ rums follow. T'S A BIG MONTI-I FOR ALL OF YOUR sexuals are vIewed In the I Fear movIes - from the role of favorite 20somethings. With Uma The U"ir1rNlti the sIssy, Hollywood's first r ;; Pallbearer As you can tell from gay stock character, to the ~. Thurman, Winona Ryder, Keanu I\/immil,," rhe ririe, direcror James first movie - Boys In the . Reeves and Ben Chaplin (we pre­ "Alas!" rhe people Foley (Glengtlrry Glen Band (1970) - where '. diet that he'll be a new f.wc), there's cried. If rhe weekly Musr Ross) hopes to PUt knots gays looked openly at theIr Isomething for every soft heart in the Sec TV quoea of Pri<'llds in your stomach. Mark own lives. jusr isn'r enough, you Wahlberg (Btlsketbtlll Ditlries) is the boyfriend WatchIng Celluloid house. The emphasis seems to be on can carch David Schwimmer playing a sappy roman­ turned bad. \Xlhcn he tries to tighten the reins on unfold Is like standIng in romance and all things twisted. tic who can'r find a job, a girlfriend or a way Ollt of his girlfriend, Reese Witherspoon (l01t11/ ill the front of a closet straIght out his morher's house. And you may bc (un)happy ro /'t'/(JOIl), her whole f.1miIy gets involved. You'll know of Saturday mornIng car­ Although the oldies (Richard Gere and know rhat Ptll/betln'r kicks ofT a glur of new movies whar it feels like to be stalked. toons. When narrator Lily Nick Nolte) are sticking with the gravy starring rhe regulars from Central Perk. Tomlin opens the door, an in their newest crime dramas, April is Mrs. Winterborne assortment of film clips Primal Fear TriStar comes crashing down on for the young at heart! P(/fIlmOllnf If you can rt!sist the urge to yell alit petty com­ your head. You won't be the Richard Gere makes ments or raise your hand when you have a question, only one feeling a bit stupId a big stretch playing you'll probably like Ricki Lake's newest shot on the for not getting the gay In­ arroganr criminal silver screen. Although it's no "my mother slept jokes the first tIme you saw defense attorney Marcin with my boyfriend and now she's pregnant," L1ke's these movIes. From over Vail. When a snivding, character does have an identiry crisis of sorrs. Stay 100 Hollywood films - penniless man is accllsed of murder, Vail cakes rhe runed for advice. we're talking maInstream case - if only co flex his courrroom mllscles. Laura movies like Rebel Without a Linnt!y (A Simple Twist of Ftltc) plays his tenacious Sunset Cause, Gentlemen Prefer ex-girlfriend/prosecuring attorney. Park Blondes and Ben-Hur­ TriSMr you'll be amazed and amused at how writers and The Last Supper \Xlarm fuzzies and a dIrectors skIrted around the SOllY bushel of sweaty gym Issue of homosexuality. A group of heady grad students sets a standing socks are probably not Celluloid Includes inter­ date with disasrt!r. In order co discuss politics and whar you'd expect from Sunset's leading lady, Rhea vIews wIth the likes of Tom current events, Cameron Diaz, Annabeth Gish Perlman (TV's C!J.'crs). She's taken the post as coach Hanks, Whoopi Goldberg, (Betlllfifi" Girls), Ron Eldard (Scellt of tI \\"I'O/ntlll), of a boys' high school varsiry baskerball team. And Shirley MacLaine and Jonathan Penner (Thc Ntlked Tl'lltli) and Courrney rhey're Ollt to kick some proverbial burt. Enough said. Susan Sarandon. ThIs Is a B. Vance (PtllltlJe/~ invite a different controversial must-see for all movIe guest to cach weekly dinner party. The surprising buffs and anyone Interested guest list will ririllate you as much as the movie's in tales from the closet. dark humor. Boys 'l"oll(hS((III(, Celtic Pride Doe-eyed \Xlinona Ryder caprures rhe hearr of Hol()'lIIood Pictllr('s The Reel Deal Lukas Haas (Letlp of Ftlith) and rhe resr of rhe I f you've been class. See, she hangs our ar an exclusive boys' high known to plan your life The Truth about school. And wc::ll, you know how rhe hormones­ around a particular Cats and Dogs er, emorions - are ar rhar age. Basically, rhey're tt!am's schedule (read: When a successful actress refuses to watch all rripping over each orher rrying ro win her the Boston Celtics) and herself on screen, it seems fItting that she should heart. So here's whar we're wondering: Isn't a certain show on a par­ play the character of Abby In The Truth about \Xlinona getting a Iirde old ro be hanging our wirh ticular network by the Cats and Dogs, (See prevlow this page.) You see, Abby has the wIts to hook a would-be suit­ high schoolers? name of sOlllerhing like, let's say, SportsCt'IIfer, then or, but she doesn't thInk she has the looks to seal the deal. you have to fit G·/tic Pride into your lineup. Dan "I can't bare to see my own stuff," says Janeane Garofalo. "Oh my God, It's so Feeling Aykroyd goes to desperate measures - while draw­ unpleasant," she says about seeIng herself on a huge screen - every flaw, times 10. Minnesota ing lots of laughs - to supporr his f.1Vorite group of You may only know her as the crazy roommate and Gap prIncess In Reality Bites. Fi""Lil1( ball bouncers. But she's a seasoned actress and stand-Up comedIenne - we tracked her down The notion is thar between shows In St. LouIs - and she was a cast member of Saturday Night Lille. You weddings bring our Mulholland wouldn't expect such a pro to hate to see herself In the movIes. the best in people. Falls "I could definitely relate to beIng the type of person that has to earn attention at a Unless, of course, you AlGAlIVA party tllrough verbal skills," Garofalo says about how she Idontlfled wIth her character, jusr said "I do" to Nick Nolte puts on Abby. "Every boyfrIend I've ever had, I had to oam. It always started out as friends. a nervous groom his tough-guy hat and "I've nevor had someono say 'Wowl' In the begInnIng." (Vincent D'Onofrio, steps back in time to the So why does she keop doIng movIes? Strtlllge Dtlys) you 1950s as one of the "You're beIng paId a lot of money to road. a lot," she says. Her first love. Is stand-up can'r stand. And rhen biggest, baddest cops in the LAPD. The group comedy, but acting gives her the froedom and financial stability to go for her true love. you run inro his brother, played by Keanu makes up its own rules to enforce the law until Garofalo says thore's a bIg dIfference botween comody, which she creates; and actIng, Reeves, and accidenrally have sex wirh him glitches in a rourine murder case threaten the statuS whIch Involves dialogue created by somoono else, while rhe guesrs arc still caring the cake. Oops. of the whole department. Sounds vaguely "[Acting) can bo very boring .. , If you're sayIng dIalogue that you·don't think Is Cameron Diaz (The Mtlsk) is the lucky bride. lamil. .. sorry. InterestIng," she says. "But at the same tIme, It's better than workIng In a factory." 24U_ Magazine • April 1996 .
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