1534 CONGRESS! ON AL RECORD-HOUSE JANUARY 9 The members of the committee unanimously agreed that investigation Minnesota : Exl)erimental work in a farm community has been under work should be undertaken in charge of Kans.as State College. Prof. way for one year. On eight farms all possible equipruent which can be H. B. Walker has been requested to mail you outlines of the investiga­ operated by electricity indoors and out of doors has been installed. tion. The work is progressing in a substantial manner. Material has Detailed studies are being conducted to determine, t! possible, the costs been collected showing the chief agricultural regions of the State with of this servke compared with the advantages enjoyed. 'l'be chief re­ possibilities and tendencies of each section. A rural electrification sults to date have been the unearthing of a large number of problems survey is now being made to be sure data regarding present uses of which require study. In November the average current consumption electricity on the farms of Kan as and from. which information can be of these farms was 190 kilowatt hours. secured for future investigation problems. The effects ot ultra-violet South Dakota: Experimental work on a farm line, 16 farmers, has rays on animal production are being investigated by Doctor Hughes. been conducted for the past nine months. The primary object here is This is a new and promising field. to determine how the farm load will develop under intelligent uper­ The following is a brief summary of the work in other States: vision. At present the average current consumption per farm per New Hampshire: The- investigation work will be done in at least month is over 100 kilowatt hours. four sections of the State, covering poultry farming, dairy farming, Iowa: Two mopths ago investigation work on a community of 69 fruit farming, and general farming. There will be no experimental farms was started. In addition to this research work will be con­ 1i.ne. Plans are developed to go ahead just as soon as a competent man ducted at the agricultural experiment station. Prof. J. B. David on can be secured. has been requested to send you an outline of this investigation. New York: The committee has been organized, and plans for a com­ California: In this State the first year' work, which has been prehensive investigation are being developed. under way for the past four months, will be devoted to a compre­ Virginia: An experimental farm community will serve as the basis hensive analysis of the problem and the collecting of data already for this investigation. The line is now being built, and a trained man available. Among othei' things, an investigation of the efficiency of is devoting his full time to the work. irrigation pumping plants will be made. Alabama: This work started with an ar1·angement between the Oregon: A rural electric survey covering 200 farms, representing Alabama Polytechnic Institute and the Alabama Power Co. Since that 10 of the chief agricultural areas of the State, was made this past time a State committee has been appointed. Ten farm experimental summer. The data collected have been digested and compiled. With lines are now in operation and eight more approved for installation. this as a basis, a further investigation is being developed. In addition to the data to be collected in the field investigations are This work is being developed in the beUef- under way at the Alabama experiment station upon the following: I. That where two or more groups are concerned it is desil·ai.Jle to A. Dish washing: A tudy to determine the requirements which must gather around the common table and outline a development program. be met by dishwashing equipment. The relation between various food­ II. Facts are wanted. Opinions are only omething to test out. stuffs and utensils. The variables of water temperature, pressures, III. When facts are obtained they should be made available to any solvents, and jet wlocities are being considered. one intere ted. B. Refrigeration: A study to determine the farm requirements of IV. Agriculture should have electric service but on a basis which refrigerating machinery, including particularly household uses, dairy will stand. products, curing meat, and poultry products. At present an expei'i­ Very truly yours, mental meat-curing plant is being constructed. CO.llliiTTEEl 0~ THE RELATION OF ELECTRICITY TO .AGRICULTURE, C. Poultry work: A new poultry plant is practically completed, which E. A. WHITE, DirectlH'. will be wired completely for experimental electrical work, including RECESS incubation, brooding, lighting, refrigeration, etc. Data will be also gathered regarding feed preparation, water heating, water supply, etc. llr. JO~"'ES of Washington. llr. President, I move that the D. Hou ehold: Two homes, one a farmhouse, are being completely Senate take a :reces · until 12 o'clock noon to-morrow. equipped, including ~ges, water heaters, washing machine , irons, The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock and 37 minutes Yentilators, water supply, dishwnshe1· , etc. p. m.) the Senate took a rece8s until to-morrow, Saturday, E. Fire fighting: A complete fire-fighting apparatus is installed at one January 10, 1925, at 12 o'clock meridian. of the farms, and studies are under way to determine the fire protection a farmer can secure from well supply. F. Water heating: Work is being conducted on a combination of HOuSE OF REPRESENTATIVES solar and electric water heaters. G. llay curing: Plans are being developed for artificial curing of hay FRIDAY, Januar·y 9, 1925 next summer. H. Sweet-potato curing: An experimental sweet-potato curing house The House met at 12 o'clock noon. has been built, and studies will be made on the fall crop, comparing The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered electrical curing with other methods. This is a problem of heating and the following prayer : ventilation. 0 Thou wha art all in all, more than heart can dream or I. Electric tractor : An electric tractor specially designed for garden tongue can tell, come to us in that love and mercy whlch work is being built. save the world. Forcive us our sins and let our souls live in J. Farm shop : Studies ru·e being made of electricity as a motive Thy forbearance. .Make all our lives a pulse b at of Thy holy power for farm shops. nature. Deliver us from all mistaken notions concerning Thee K. Miscellaneous studies : Lines have been built which will take cur­ and help us to see Thee in the revelation and mi sion of Thy rt>nt to building centers on the experiment station farm. Current con­ dear Son. May we strive after the holiness and sublimity of sumption and load requirement studies are being made on feed grinding, His wonderful character. Continue Thy holy ministry in all milking, cream separating, fly killing, mule clippers, corn shelling, our hearts, and may the best wisdom and understanding fanning mill, threshing. hay baling, pea hulling, fertilizer mixing, direct them. Amen. and sterilizing dairy utensils. Portable motors mounted on tr'Ucks with extension cnbles are being used. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday wa read and In this work the departments of poultry, dairying. animal husbandry, apprm-ed. THE MILITARY BILL home economies, nutrition, horticulture, and agronomy are cooperating with the department of agricultural engineering, assisted by engineers l\Ir. W AT SOX. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to from the power company. extend my 1·emarks in the REcoRD upon the militury bill, wllich Indiana: Work started January 1. An investigation of the appli­ was under consideration by the House yesterday. cation of electricity to fruit farming ·ill be conducted in the southern Tbe SPEAKER. The gentleman from Pennsj-lvania asks part of the State, paying especial attention to precooling and stationary unanirnou consent to extend his remarks in the manner indi­ spraying. An expet·imental line will be built in the northern part of cated. Is there objection? the State to the Wanatah Experimental Farm, owned by the agricultural There was no objection. exp!:'riment station, with about a dozen typical dairy farms reached. Mr. WATSON. Ur. Speaker, I am particularly inter ted Illinois : Work bas been stnrted on an experim!:'ntal farm community in that part of the bill making appropriations for military and in the east central part of the State, which includes farms representing nonmilitary activities for 1926, so far as it alludes to the ap­ four of the chief types of agriculture in the State. propriation of $15,000 to be expended by the Secretar;v of Wisconsin : An experimental line on which six fa.rms are actively War in erecting a fitting marking of the burial place at nards­ cooperating has been in operation for- eight months. Particular atten­ town, Ky., of Lieut.. John Fitch, soldier, inventor, and pioneer. tion was paid to artificial hay and grain drying this past summex:. John Fitch was born in South 'Vinds01·, Conn .• on Jun 21, Special studies are being made on electric cooking, household refriger­ 1743. When about 40 years of age he moved to Buck County, ation, and dishwashing. All equipment installed is metered for current Pa.. and while residing there he conceived the idea of pro­ consumption. pelling vesse.ls by steam power. Mr. Fitch was of a mechanical 1925 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 1535 temp ·ament and, with the aid of a local blacksmith, con­ H. R. 7453. An act to amend an act approved March 3, 1909, sh·ucted a model of a steamboat, making experiments with it entitJ.ed "An act for the removal of the restrictions on aliena­ upon a milldam at a village called Davisville, in Bucks County, tion of lands of allottees of the Quapaw Agency, Okla., and not far from the city of Philadelphia.
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