File Ref.No.6676/GA - IV - B - SO/2012/CU UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT Abstract General and Academic - MA Sociology Programme under CBCSS PG Regulations 2019,- Syllabus of the course, " SOC 4 C13 : CONTEMPORARY KERALAM: DISCUSSIONS AND DEBATES " in lieu of Project work for SDE/Private Registration students- Implemented with effect from 2019 Admission - Orders Issued G & A - IV - B U.O.No. 5802/2021/Admn Dated, Calicut University.P.O, 31.05.2021 Read:-1. UO. No. 4487/2019/Admn dated: 26.03.2019 2. U.O.No. 3778/2020/Admn dated 23.03.2020 3. Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Studies in Sociology PG held on 27.02.2021 ( Item No. 4) 4. Remarks of the Dean, Faculty of Humanities dated 30.05.2021. 5. Orders of Vice Chancellor dated 30-05-2021 ORDER 1. The Regulations for Choice Based Credit and Semester System for Post Graduate (PG) Curriculum- 2019 (CBCSS PG Regulations 2019) for all PG Programmes under CBCSS for Affiliated Colleges and SDE/Private Registration with effect from 2019 Admission onwards has been implemented, vide paper read (1) above. 2. The Scheme and Syllabus of M.A. Sociology Programme under CBCSS PG Regulations 2019 , has been implemented with effect from 2019 Admission onwards, vide paper read (2) above. 3. The meeting of the Board of Studies in Sociology PG held on 27.02.2021, has approved the Syllabus of the theory course in lieu of the Project work for MA Sociology SDE/Private Registration students with effect from 2019 Admission onwards, vide paper read (3) above. 4. The Dean, Faculty of Humanities has approved the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Studies in Sociology PG held on 27.02.2021, vide paper read (4) above. 5. Considering the urgency, the Vice Chancellor has accorded sanction to implement the Scheme and Syllabus of the theory course in lieu of Project work for MA Sociology SDE/Private Registration students in the University with effect from 2019 Admission onwards, subject to ratification by the Academic Council. 6. The Scheme and Syllabus of the theory course-" SOC4C13 : CONTEMPORARY KERALAM : DISCUSSIONS AND DEBATES " - in lieu of Project work for MA Sociology SDE/Private Registration students, is therefore implemented in the University with effect from 2019 Admission onwards, subject to ratification by the Academic Council. 7. Orders are issued accordingly. (Syllabus appended). Ajitha P.P Joint Registrar To The Director, School of Distance Education Copy to: PS to VC/PA to PVC/ PA to Registrar/PA to CE/JCE I/JCE V/DoA/EX and EG Sections/GA I F/CHMK Library/Information Centres/SF/DF/FC Forwarded / By Order Section Officer UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT MA SOCIOLOGY (CBCSS-PG – REGULATION-2019) 2019 Admission Onwards SCHEME & SYLLABUS of the Course SOC 4 C13 : CONTEMPORARY KERALAM: DISCUSSIONS AND DEBATES ( in lieu of Project work for SDE/Private Registration students) CORE COURSE NO. OF CREDITS: 4 SOC 4 C13 CONTEMPORARY KERALAM: DISCUSSIONS AND DEBATES COURSE OUTCOMES Explain the trends, patterns and processes of Keralam’s development experiences Examine the impact of natural calamities and disasters on Keralam Appraises the dynamics of Gender, Migration and Aging in Keralam Evaluates the social mobilisations in Contemporary Keralam Module I: Development, Change and Inclusion 1.1 Development experiments in Keralam: People's Planning; Inclusive development Practices- Education(SSA) , E-governance (Akshaya) 1.2 Community Based Organisations in Social Development -Kudumbashree, MGNREGS 1.3 Kerala model of development: Debates Module II: Environmental issues and Disaster Resilience 2.1 Political Ecology of Waste Management: Solid Waste Management 2.2 Environmental Issues of Kerala – Interference of man on Nature: Silent Valley Issue , Western Ghats-Madhav Gadgil Report and Kastoorirangan Report 2.3 Disaster resilience: Land use pattern and natural calamities: Flood, Sea rise; Policies and initiatives by Kerala Government for disaster management Module III : Gender, Migration, Ageing 3.1 Gender constructions in Modern Kerala Society : Gender relations in Keralam, Gender discrimination and harassment of women in cyberspace, Transgenders: Inclusionary practices 3.2 Migration- Malayali diaspora: Social, cultural & economic impact on Keralam, Migrant labourers in Keralam: Assimilation and Adjustment strategies 3.3 Ageing in Kerala Society – Age pyramid, Age friendly societies, Problems of elderly care in Kerala, Policies and Programmes for elderly in Kerala Module IV: Mobilisations in Contemporary Keralam 4.1 Dalits, Adivasis and land struggles: Muthanga Struggle, Arippa land Struggle 4.2 Gender sensitisation movements: Right to Sit Struggle, Penpolai Orumai 4.3 Environmental mobilisations: Plachimada Movement, Movement against Endosulfan Reference Arunima. G.2003 "There comes Papa-Colonialism and transformation of Matrilny in Kerala,Malabar(1850-1940)".Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi Zachariah.K.C, et al.2002-Kerala s gulf connections. CDS,.Trivandrum Jaya Devan, T.N (edt).(1988). Glimpses of Kerala. Government Press .Tvm. Soman, C.R (edt)(2007).Kerala fifty years and Beyond. St.Joseph’s Press, Thiruvanathapuram. Swapna Mukhopadhyay, The Enigma of the Kerala Woman : A Failed Promise of Literacy, Social Science Press, New Delhi, (2007) Kerala Development Report, Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi, Academic Foundation New Delhi, 2008 Krishna, Gayathri. “Transgenders in Kerala-Realisation of their Identity.” Journal of Social Work Education and Practice, Vol.3, No.1, 2017, pp. 26-42. Vasudevan, Deepa. “Queering Kerala: Reflections on Sahayatrika.” Because I Have a Voice Queer Politics in India.Arvind Narrain and Gautam Bhan.Yoda Press, pp. 175-196. Robin Jeffery, ‘Politics, Women and Well- being- How Kerala became ‘a Model’, Palgrave macmillan, 1992 K.C.Zachariah, E.T. Mathew, S.Irudaya Rajan, Dynamics of Migration in Kerala, Dimensions, Differenitals and Consequences, Orient Longman Pvt.Ltd, 2003 Sundar Ramanathaiyer, Stewart Macpherson, Social development in Kerala: Illusion or Reality?, Ashgate Pubilishing, 2000 Govindan Parayil, Kerala – The development experience: Reflections on sustainability and replicability, Zed books, London, 2000 Antony Palackal and Nisha Jolly Nelson (eds), AGEING, CARE AND WELL-BEING: Reinventing Social Gerontology (Essays in Honour of Professor Jacob John Kattakayam), Rawat Publications, 2021 S. Irudaya Raja, Aneeta Shajan, S. Sunitha, Ageing and Elderly Care in Kerala,CHINA REPORT (2020): 1–20 Antony Palackal, Globalization, Consumer Culture and Identity: The Middle Class in a Postmodern Society, Rawat Publication, 2014 Daliya Sebastian, AGEING AND ELDER ABUSE: A Study in Kerala , Rawat Publication, 2013 Ravi Raman, K(2010) Development, Democracy and the State: Critiquing the Kerala Model of Development,New York:Routledge Oommen MA (1985) From Mobilization to Institutionalization: The Dynamics of Agrarian Movement in Twentieth Century Kerala. Bombay: Popular Prakashan. Oommen MA (1990) Essays on Kerala Economy. Delhi: Oxford University Press. Bijoy CR and Raman KR (2003) Muthanga: The real story. Economic and Political Weekly, 17 May, 1975–1982. Jeffrey R (1992) Politics, Women and Wellbeing: How Kerala became a Model. Houndmills: Macmillan Press Kunhaman M (1985) The tribal economy of Kerala: An intra-regional analysis. Economic and Political Weekly 20(11) Steur L (2010) Adivasi workers’ struggle and the Kerala Model: Interpreting the past, confront ing the present. In: Raman KR (ed.) Development, Democracy, and the State: Critiquing the Kerala Model of Development. London and New York: Routledge File Ref.No.6676/GA - IV - B - SO/2012/CU UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT Abstract General and Academic- Faculty of Humanities- Corrected version of the Scheme & Syllabus of M.A.Sociology Programme under CBCSS PG Regulations 2019 - for affiliated Colleges and SDE/Private Registration- with effect from 2019 Admission onwards - implemented- Orders Issued G & A - IV - B U.O.No. 3778/2020/Admn Dated, Calicut University.P.O, 23.03.2020 Read:-1. UO No.10111/2019/Admn dated 29.07.2019. 2. UO No.2780/2020/Admn dated 29.02.2020. 3. Letter from Chairperson, Board of Studies in Sociology PG dated: 12.03.2020. 4. Letter from Dean, Faculty of Humanities dated 18.03.2020. ORDER 1. The Scheme and Syllabus of I Semester MA Sociology Programme in accordance with CBCSS PG Regulations 2019 for affiliated Colleges and SDE/Private Registration had been implemented in the University with effect from 2019 Admission onwards, vide paper read as (1) above. 2. The Scheme and Syllabus of II Semester to IV Semester of MA Sociology Programme in accordance with CBCSS PG Regulations 2019 for affiliated Colleges and SDE/Private Registration had been implemented in the University with effect from 2019 Admission onwards vide paper read as (2) above. 3. In the Scheme/ syllabus of MA Sociology-CBCSS, the students have to select 2 elective courses of credit 4 each in III Semester. But in the list of papers mentioned in the scheme part of the Syllabus implemented vide papers read as (1) & (2) above, it was erroneously mentioned that any 3 elective should be selected. 4. The Chairperson, Board of Studies in Sociology PG vide paper read as (3) above has clarified that the students need only to select any two electives in III semester and requested the corrections to be effected in the Syllabus already implemented. 5. The Dean, Faculty of Humanities vide paper read as (4) above has conveyed his approval for the corrction in the Scheme/Syllabus 6. Considering the matter in detail, the Vice Chancellor has accorded sanction to implement the corrected version of the Scheme and Syllabus of MA Sociology in accordance with CBCSS PG Regulations 2019 for affiliated Colleges and SDE/Private Registration w.e.f 2019 admission onwards. 7. Orders are issued accordingly. 8. UO read as (2) above stands modified to this extent. (The Scheme & complete Syllabus appended ) Biju George K Assistant Registrar To 1. The Principals of all Affiliated Colleges 2. Director , SDE Copy to: PS to VC/PA to PVC/ PA to Registrar/PA to CE/JCE I /JCE V/JCE VIII/DoA/EX and EG Sections/GA I F/ Digital Wing/DoA/CHMK Library/Information Centres/SF/DF/FC Forwarded / By Order Section Officer University of Calicut Structure of the Courses in M.A.
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