DOCUMENT RESUME ED 054 890 RC 005 561 AUTHOR Harkins, Arthur M., Comp.; And Others TITLE Modern Native Americans: A Selective Bibliography. INSTITUTION Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis. PUB DATE Jul 71 NOTE 131p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$658 DESCRIPTORS Acculturation; *American Indians; *Bibliographies; Community Development; Cultural Background; *Education; English (Second Language) ;*History; Language; *Mental Health; Organization; Socioeconomic Influences; Students ABSTRACT Contained in this bibliography are approximately 1500 citations of works on Native Americans published between 1927 and 1970. Included are books, journal articles, other articles, and original research. The entries cover a wide range of topicsfor example, English as a second language, community development, history of various tribes, and drinking problems. A related document is ED 051 940. (LS) - ........ et. U S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEENREPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIG- INATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OFEDU- CATION POSITION OR POLICY MODERN NATIVE AMERICANS: A SELECTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY Compiled by: Arthur M. Harkins I. Karon Sherarts Ella Brown Richard G. Wbods Training Center for Community Programs in coordination with Office of Community Programs Center for Urban and RegionalAffairs University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota 9 July, 1971 1 Modern Native Americans: A SelectiveBibliography is intended to aupple - ment two additional compilationspublished by the Training Centerfor Community Programs, University of Minnesota: Price, John A. U.S. And Canadian Indian Periodicals. Minneapolis: 1971 Training Center for Community Programs,University of Minnesota. Harkins, Arthur M., I. Karon Sherarts, et. al. A Bibliography of Urban Indians in the UnitedStates. Minneapolis: Training Center for Community Programs,University of Minnesota. Please send any corrections, additions orother correspondenceconcerning these compilations to the authors, using theTraining Center address: Training Center for CommunityPrograms 720 Washington Avenue S.E. --Room 320 University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 Aberle, David F. An Economic Approadh to Modern Navajo Kinship. Unpublished 1967 paper read to AAA meetings, Washington, D.C.Mimeo. Abrahams, Ina. "Vocational Interest of Selected Indian College Students Oct., 1962 as Measured by the Kuder Preference Record."Journal of American Indian Education, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 20-24. Adair, John Joseph. A Study_of Culture Resistance: The Veterans of World Mar 1948 II at Zuni Pueblo. Ph.D., University of New Mexico. Adair, Mildred L. The Establishment GrowthDevelo II II nt and Functionin 1938 of the Federal Day School on the Navaho Reservation Since 1935. M.A., Florida State University. Adams, Evelyn C. American Indian Education: Government Schools and Economic 1946 Progres.Morningside Heights, New York: King's Crown Press. Adams, Larry L. AgAlpiy.7:11Eiltiuly of Indian Graduates of Union High School, 1965 Roosevelt, Utah. M.E., Brigham Young University. Adams, William Y. "Shonto: A Study of the Role of the Trader in a Modern 1963 Navaho Community."Bulletin 188, Bureau of American Ethnology. Smithsonian Ihstitution. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Agogino, George. A Study of the Stereotype of the American Indian. LA., 1950 University of New Mexico. Albert, E.M. "The Classification of Values: A Method and Illustration." 1956 American AnthroRologist, Vol. 58. Allegrezza, Tore S. Historical Survey of the Changing_Character of Indian 1939 Schools. M.A., University of Colorado. Allen, Arthur E. The Education of the New England Indians During the 1961 Colonial Period. M.A., Brown University. Allen, Ronald Lorraine. A Study of the Characteristics of Successful and Un- 1968 successful Students Enrolled in the Adult Indian Training Program Conducted by the Adult Education Center of the University of Montana. Missoula: Montana University. 3 -2- Ames, David W. and Burton R. Fisher. "The Menominee Termination Crisis: 1959 Barriers in the Way of Rapid Cultural Transition." Human Organization, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 101-111. Ammon, Soloman R. History and Present Development of Indian Schools in the 1935 United States. M.S., University of Southern California. Anderson, H. Dewey, and W.C. Eells. Alaska Natives: A Survey of Their Socio- 1935 logical and Educational Status. Stanford University Press, Palo Alto, California. Anderson, James G. and Dwight Safer. "The Influence of Differential Community Summer, 1967 Perceptions on the Provision of Equal Educational Oppor- tunities." Sociology of Education, Vol 40, No. 3, pp. 219- 230. Anderson, Kenneth E., et al. The Educational AChievement of Indian Children. 1953 U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Washington, D.C. Anduri, Carl E. A Study of High School Dropouts. M.A., Fresno State 1953 College. Angers, W. "Achievement Motivation." Psychol. Rec., Vol. 10, pp. 179- 1960 186. Anonymous. American Indians: An Annotated Biblioaraphy of Selected 1970 Library Resources.University of Minnesota: Library Services Institute for Minnesota Indians. Anonymous. American Indians in California. Californir: State Advisory Nov., 1965 Commission on Indian Affairs, Division of Fair Employment Practices, Department of Industrial Relations, State of California, San Francisco. Anonymous. An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Materials Collected 1969 and the State Department of Education the Minnesota Indian Education..Committee, in Coplunction with other Nembers of the Indian Community to be Mr4? Available Under Public Law 89-10 Title II.Minneapblis: University of Minnesota. Anonymous. Annual Report. Arizona Commission of Indian Affairs. 1966-67 4 -3- Anonymous. Annual Report. Oklahoma Public Welfare Commission. 1965 Fiscal year ending June 30, 1965. Oklahoma City. Anonymous. The Annual Re_ports of the Secretary of the Interior. U.S. n.d. Department of the Interior.Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office. Anonymous. Answers to Your Ouestions About American Indians. U.S. 1968 Bureau of Indian Affairs.Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govern- ment Printing Office. Anonymous. Appendix to the 1966 Project Awareness Report. Minnesota 1966 Student Association. University-American Indian Educa- tional Enrichment and Vocational Motivation Project. Mimeo. Anonymous. "ASU Indian Education Center: An Overview of Activities." May, 1967 Journal of American Indian Education, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 18-20. Tempe: Arizona State University. Anonymous. Basic Goals for Elementa Children: Volume IBe.inners 1966 Level and Level One; Volume II, Levels Two and Three; Volume III, Levels Four, Five and Six; Volume IV, Levels Seven and Eight. Bureau of Indian Affairs. Lawrence, Kansas: Publications Service, Haskell Institute. Anonymous. Bilingual Family School Proiect (Adair County, Oklahoma). 1969 Little Rock: South Central Regional Education Laboratory Corporation. Anonymous. Books About Indians and Reference Material. Boise: Idaho 1968 State Departnent of Education. Anonymous. Books for Teachers and Children. Toronto, Ontario: 1970 Canadian Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Develop- ment, Education Division. Anonymous. Bureau of Indian Affairs Workshop '69. Final Report. 1970 Flagstaff: Northern Arizona University. Anonymous. California Indian Education: Report of the First All- n.d. Indian Statewide Conference on California Indian Education. Ad Hoc Committee on California Indian Education, 1349 Crawford Road, Modesto, California. -4- Anonymous. Census of Population; Vol. I: Characteristics of the 1963 Population; Part 38, Oklahoma. U.S. Bureau of the Census. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. Anonymous. Census of Population: 1960; Vol. I: U.S. Summary. U.S. 1960 Bureau of the Census. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. Anonymous. The Cherokee Report. Original Cherokee Community Orgaai 1967 zation (0.C.C.0.). Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Anonymous. The Christian Indian. 12/62:7. Christian Reformed Church. 1962 Rehoboth, New Mexico. Anonymous- "Coleville Termination."Hearings before the Subcommittee 1965 on Indian Affairs of the Committee on Interior and Insular Aftuirs, House of Representatives on H.R. 5925 and S. 1413. To Provide for the Termination of Federal Supervision over the Property of the Coleville Tribe, etc. 89th Congress -- first session. Anonymous. "Constitutional Rights of the American Indian." Hearings 1963 before the Subcommittee on Indian Affairs, Committee of Interior and Insular Affairs. 80th Congress -- second session. Anonymous. "Constitutional Rights of the American Indian."Hearings 1963 before the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the Committee of the Judiciary, U.S. Senate, etc. Pt. 2. 89th Congre9s -- first session. Anonymous. Coutock_LI962an. U.S. Bureau of the Census. 1963 Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. Anonymous. Culture and Alcohol Use: A Bibliography of Anthropological 1966 Studies. Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Research Founda- tion. Ontario: The Authors. Anonymous. Curriculum Needsof Navato Pupils. Window Rock, Arizona: 1969 Bureau of IndianAffairs (Department of the Interior). Anonymous. Dan and His Pets. Books One Through Five. New Mexico: 1969 Shiprock Independent School District NuMber 22. 6 _5_ Anonymous. Dictionary Catalog of the Edward E. Ayer Collection of 1961 Americana and American Indians. 16 vols. Boston: G.K. Hall and Co. Newberry Library, Chicago. Anonymous.
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