COUNCIL OF EUROPE CONSEIL DE U EUROPE Strasbourg, 20th May 1963 Confidential Addendum to CCC (63) 3 Or. Pr o COUNCIL FOE CULTURAL CO-OPERATION Fourth Session Strasbourg, from 27th to 31st May 1963 mil mu m m COEQ15541 CULTURAL ACTIVITIES Supplement to the REPORT presented by the Cultural Affairs Division(i: (l) This supplementary Report contains additional information which was not available when the • first report was published (3rd April 1963). A 79.907 TN 3983/JM - i - Addendum to CCC (63) 3 CONTENTS page I. FINE ARTS (a) European Art Exhibition .... 1 (b) Diffusion of the results of the European Art Exhibitions 1 (d) European Art Exhibition in Latin America.. .. 2 II. ARCHITECTURE 2 VI. EXCHANGE OF PERSONS (b) Interchange scheme between lecturers of European and African Universities 3 (d) Study tours for workers. 3 VII. FELLOWSHIPS AND STUDY FACILITIES 4 VIII.PUBLICATIONS 5 IX. PRESENTATION OF THE EUROPEAN IDEA 8 X. CULTURAL CENTRE AT DELPHI 8 XII. OTHER BUSINESS.............. .................... 9 APPENDIX A 10 APPENDIX B 12 APPENDIX C 17 - 1.- Addendum to CCC (63) 3 I. FINE ARTS (a) European Art Exhibitions (i) Ninth Exhibition "Byzantine: Art as a European Art" The second meeting of the European organising" committee for this exhibition was held in Athens from 5th>to 8th April 1963. The report of the meeting appeared in Document"CCC (63) 6. The Council is'invited to s - note that the Ninth European- Exhibition will be held in Athens from 1st April to 15th June 1964. (Item VII) - include on the Agenda of the ad hoc Working Party on Pine Arts the question of drawing up a European index of works of Byzantine art (Item X) - adopt the Report, s s (b) Diffusion of the results of the European Art ' Exhibitions (ii) Travelling Documentary Exhibitions : - Pirst travelling exhibition: "Twentieth Century Sources" The Secretariat received an application from the. Norwegian Government for a grant from the Cultural Fund to cover' the', freight and insurance costs of the English version of this exhibition from London to Oslo (in accordance with Document CM (61) 98, part 1, item 10, b). The Council is invited to take a decision on this application. - Fourth travelling exhibitions. "Byzantine Art as a European Art" Mr. Hulsker agreed to arrange this exhibition. s « « Addendum to - 2- CCC (63) 3 (iii) Photographic records The European organising committee responsible' for preparing the Ninth European Exhibition requested the Executive Committee.,for the. exhibition to take as. many photographs as possible of the exhibits as a first step towards constituting a'European index of Byzantine art» (iv) Catalogues - Reprinting of catalogue of first European art exhibition ("Humanism", Brussels 1954} •The catalogues' will probably be available in- September 1963. 3£ (d) European Art Exhibition in Latin America MM. Ac MARCHAL and E. ROOBAERT (Belgium) will be entrusted with the preparation of the proposed exhibition on "European Architecture in the Middle Ages". A meeting between these specialists and MM.. Reinink and Van Lerberghe • is planned: • for- the' autumn of 1963. ' « II. ARCHITECTURE The Secretariat is preparing an Addendum to.Doc. CCC (63) giving the Austrian and Luxembourg replies. - 3 - Addendum to CCC (63) 3 VI. EXCHANGES OF PERSONS (t>) Interchange scheme between "lecturers of European and African Universities • The ad hoc Working Party met in Paris on 23rd' and 24th April 1963. The Report on the meeting is given in Doc. CCC (63) 7. (i) If the Programme Committee decides to recommend that the appropriation "be maintained" for "this activity,, the Council, is invited to: '• • - adopt the regulations proposed for these exchanges (Appendix C); - authorise a second meeting of the ad hoc Working Party in 1966 (Item III (e))\ - adopt the Report. (ii) If the Programme Committee proposes -that this activity be suspended in '1964,• the Council is invited to : - adopt thé' Report;"" •' - include the project in the new programme to be submitted to the' ad hoc Committee; - authorise the Secretariat to start taking the necessary administrative steps to put the scheme into effect in 1965. 'x ' s s (d) Study tours for workers The Secretariat received the application appearing in Appendix A from the United Kingdom delegation. s M S Addendum to - 4 - CCC (63) 3 VII. FELLOWSHIPS AND STUDY FACILITIES (a) Research fellowships (iii) Research commissioned "by the-Council into subjects meeting the needs of its programme The Director of Education and Cultural and Scientific Affairs proposes the subjects given in Appendix B, (b) Cultural Identity Card The Secretariat intends to examine new ways of improving the Cultural Identity Card system on the basis of experience acquired since it started to operate it. It is suggested that; (i) extra leaves should be included in the card giving the translation of the text on the card into all the official languages of the member countries of the Council of Europe or those adhering to the Convention (following'the example of the interr national driving liçence); (ii) the presentation of the brochure "list of facilities and useful addresses" should be improved; (iii) the regulations, should be amended'in order to include persons who have long been resident in a country without having acquired the'corresponding nationality. If the plan is approved, the Secratariat proposes holding a meeting with several specialists, for consultation on this point and to put forward concrete proposals to the Council at a later meeting. The Council is invited to adopt the Report of the Secretariat (Doc. CCC (63) 8). 5€ o j° - 5 - Addendum to CCC (63) 3 VIII. PUBLICATIONS (a) Translation"of literary works written in the • • lesser-known European languages (i) Translations in progress or already published The Belgian delegation asked for an English translation of "Die Kapellekensbaan" by L.P. BOON to be included in the series. The Icelandic delegation informed the Secretariat that the proposal to translate one work into English inadvertently appears twice in Document DECS/Inf (63) 3 (in the 1962 and the 1963 programmes). • ' This makes it possible to include an additional work in the 1963 programme. The work would either be '' ' "Mr. Fahim and Ourselves" by A.S. HISAR which was planned for 1964, or "De Kapellekensbaan" by L.P. BOON. The Council is invited to adopt the programme for lc)63 and 1964, (ii) European translations undertaken by UNESCO In order to make it possible to exchange information on the type and range of translations published under .the auspices of the Council of Europe and UNESCO (as far as works in European languages are concerned) the Secretariats of the two•• Organisations have agreed to send, each other their lists of works already translated or in preparation. The list of works published by UNESCO to' date appears in Appendix C. • (b)' Folklore (iii) Third volume of the collection (theatre) The second meeting of the ad hoc Working Party responsible for the preparation of this volume was held at Vienna on the 7th and 8th May. The Report on this meeting appears in Doc. CCC (63) 11. It is hop.e.d .that the French and German manuscripts will be ready by the end of 1963. o j o Addendum to - 6 - CCC (63) 3 (iv) Continuation of the collection - 1964; Preparation of the fourth volume' The ad hoc - Working"Party recommends to' the.Council for Cultural Co-operation that's ' - the 4th volume should bë devoted to Anecdotes, a subject which could not be treated at. sufficient length in the first volume on folk tales; - the preparation of this volume should be entrusted to Professor Georges- Megas, honorary Director of Folklore Records at the Academy of Athens; - authorisation should be given to this end for the meeting of a new ad hoc Working Party; - this Working Party should be convened in Athens on 8th, 9th and 10th September 1964- after the International Congress of .Experts on Folk Tales; - the Working Party should be made up as follows : - Professor Megas - Mr. B^dker, responsible for the first volume of the collection ' • - Professor Str^mback, second volume - Professor • Schmidt, third volume - Mrs. M.L. Te-nèze, Head of the Department of Literature of the Museum of Popular Arts and _ Traditions, Paris. _ Professor K. Ranke, University of Gottingen, Germany Professor Tecer, Istanbul, Turkey. The Working Party also expressed the'desire to have the specialists mentioned in Appendix F to Document CCC (63) 11, take part in this Working Party, if possible at the expense of their respective governments; - the person responsible for.the 5th volume should take part in the second meeting of the new Working Party in order' to maintain"continuity in the collection. The Working Party recommends the Council for Cultural Co-operation to adopt the following timetable ; 1966 - 5th volumes "Dancing" 1968 - 6th volumes' "Religious Legends and Beliefs" - 7 - Addendum to CCC (63)' 3 1970 - 7th volumer "Childrens* Games" 1972 - 8th volume: "Rural and Pastoral Rituals" - * 9 th volume; "Puzzles, Rebuses and Riddles" The Working Party invites the Council to appoint- a person to take.charge of the 9th volume and, if possible, to transmit his name to the meeting in Athens. - Special work on "Imagery" The Working Party is of the opinion that a work on "European Imagery" would be particularly desirable but that it cannot be prepared under the present programme both because of its size and of the number and kind of illustrations which it should include. It therefore asks the Council for Cultural Co-operation to provide for such a volume on this subject by granting special appropriations and undertaking long-term preparation. The Council is invited to adopt the new proposals of the Working Party regarding the volumes proposed in continuation the collection and to include the volume on "Imagery" in the new cultural programme to be submitted to the ad hoc Committee.
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