BENCH TOP TO BEDSIDE Clinical Implications of Minocycline Use in Acne Vulgaris: Focus on Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory Properties James Q. Del Rosso, DO he decreased sensitivity of Propionibacterium acnes studies reporting decreased therapeutic responses and a to commonly used oral antibiotics has increased greater recognition of treatment failures among patients Tworldwide during the last 20 to 30 years. Depending identified with antibiotic-resistant P acnes strains.4-8 on the country involved and the specific antibiotic in ques- Literature review of the prevalence of antibiotic- tion, the prevalence of P acnes resistance ranges from 20% resistant P acnes and evaluation of MIC data for mul- to higher than 90%. Studies with P acnes isolates, which tiple oral antibiotics indicate that P acnes resistance measure minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and has continued to be lowest overall with minocycline. degrees of prevalence of decreased antibiotic sensitivity, Additionally, the therapeutic benefit of minocycline and demonstrate that among all the antibiotics tested, resis- other tetracycline derivatives when used to treat inflam- tance to minocycline has beenCOS low. In addition, as withDERM matory dermatoses such as acne vulgaris appears to relate other tetracycline agents, minocycline exhibits multiple also to anti-inflammatory properties that are unrelated to anti-inflammatory properties, which, in addition to its antimicrobial activity. This article provides a historical antibiotic activity, appear to contribute to clinical efficacy review of P acnes antibiotic resistance and discusses anti- in the treatment of acne vulgaris. inflammatory properties of minocycline that appear to be In many countries, theDo most commonly Not used systemic of therapeuticCopy benefit in acne vulgaris. antibiotic treatments for acne vulgaris have been erythro- mycin, clindamycin, tetracycline, doxycycline, minocy- Historical Review of P acnes Resistance cline, and trimethoprim. During the last 20 to 30 years, to Antibiotics Used to Treat Acne there has been a growing recognition within the derma- In 1979, Crawford et al1 were the first to report tologic community that patterns of P acnes resistance to P acnes resistance to erythromycin and clindamycin, systemic antibiotic treatment are emerging and increasing averaging approximately 20% in 43 evaluated patients. worldwide. This perspective is based in part on studies Subsequently, in 1983, Leyden et al9 published findings showing that the prevalence of P acnes resistance ranges, from 75 patients with nonresponding or worsening acne depending on the antibiotic and the country, from as low receiving long-term antibiotic treatment and concluded as less than 5% for minocycline to 20% or higher (.90%) that P acnes resistance to tetracycline and erythromycin for many other antibiotics.1-3 It is further supported by was readily apparent. In 1988, Kurokawa et al10 evaluated 46 patients with acne who were treated with different antibiotics and com- Dr. Del Rosso is Clinical Associate Professor, Dermatology, University pared those results to historical observations for other of Nevada School of Medicine, Las Vegas; Clinical Associate Professor, individuals spanning a 15-year period. Using MIC data Dermatology, Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic from different strains of P acnes, they determined that Medicine, Henderson; and Dermatology Residency Director, Valley P acnes resistance to erythromycin, tetracycline, and Hospital Medical Center, Las Vegas. clindamycin was evident, whereas resistance to minocy- Dr. Del Rosso is a consultant, speaker, and researcher for Allergan, cline was not. The widespread topical use of erythromy- Inc; Coria Laboratories; Galderma Laboratories, LP; Intendis cin may be a factor in the marked progressive emergence GmbH; Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation; OrthoNeutrogena; of decreased sensitivity of P acnes strains to this agent. QLT Inc; Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Inc; SkinMedica, Inc; Stiefel Eady et al11 showed in 1993 that 178 patients with Laboratories, Inc; Triax Pharmaceuticals, LLC; and Warner Chilcott. acne harbored P acnes strains that were resistant to most VOL. 21 NO. 8 • AUGUST 2008 • Cosmetic Dermatology® 437 Copyright Cosmetic Dermatology 2010. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted without the prior written permission of the Publisher. BENCH TOP TO BEDSIDE commonly used antibiotics. Altogether, 153 patients (86%) That same year, Ross et al17 published an evaluation demonstrated resistance to erythromycin or trimeth- of 73 different antibiotic-resistant P acnes strains isolated oprim. In addition, 61 of 178 patients (34%) harbored from patients in the United Kingdom, United States, strains of P acnes that were resistant to tetracycline and France, Germany, Australia, and Japan. Using break-point cross-resistant to doxycycline, whereas all patients were antibiotic concentrations for the initial screen with eryth- sensitive to minocycline. In the same year, Eady et al12 romycin and tetracycline, resistance was demonstrated evaluated MICs for 46 resistant strains and 19 sensitive for 35 of 73 strains (48%) and for 15 of 73 strains (21%) strains of P acnes isolated from patients with nonre- for erythromycin and tetracycline, respectively. Using sponding acne who were treated with tetracyclines. MIC these same isolates, the average MIC90 for minocycline data obtained for the resistant P acnes isolates showed (4 μg/mL) was half than that observed for doxycycline that minocycline was more active than tetracycline (8 μg/mL); 8 times lower than that observed for tetracy- or doxycycline. cline (32 μg/mL); 16 times lower than that observed for In 1995, Cunliffe5 reported that levels of P acnes resis- clindamycin (64 μg/mL); and at least 128 times less than tance to erythromycin and clindamycin were 72.5%; to that observed for erythromycin (~512 μg/mL). trimethoprim, 17.5%; to doxycycline and tetracycline, 35.6%; and to minocycline less than 1%. In 1998, Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance Cooper4 published his findings after reviewing 12 manu- On a cellular level, erythromycin, clindamycin, and tet- scripts that discussed P acnes antibiotic resistance. It was racycline bind to the ribosomal RNA (rRNA) of P acnes, concluded that the prevalence of P acnes resistance had blocking protein synthesis and disrupting crucial cellular increased from 20% in 1978 to 62% in 1996 and that processes.16 Resistance to these agents develops when resistance of P acnes to several commonly prescribed anti- point mutations take place within the bacterial rRNA, biotics such as erythromycin, clindamycin, tetracycline, most likely interfering with or compromising attachment and doxycycline was common,COS with a low prevalence ofDERM of these drugs to P acnes ribosomal subunits.16 It has also P acnes resistance to minocycline. been suggested that tet gene products cause ribosomal In 1998, Eady13 described a 6-year study with conformational changes, which may interfere with or 2853 outpatients, during which antibiotic resistance in cause dissociation of drug binding to ribosomes.18,19 patients with acne was evaluated. Based on MIC evalua- Employing tetracycline as a model, it has been shown tions for erythromycin,Do clindamycin, and Nottetracycline, it that aCopy point mutation in 16S rRNA of the small ribosomal was concluded that the prevalence of antibiotic-resistant subunit is responsible for resistance with P acnes.15,17 propionibacteria to these 3 antibiotics progressively rose The reason that minocycline has demonstrated over from 5% during 1991 to 60% in 1996. time the lowest level of P acnes resistance based on One year later in 1999, Kurokawa et al14 reported on evaluation of MICs and prevalence data is not com- the effects of various antimicrobial agents versus resistant pletely understood. Assuming that an attachment to the P acnes isolated from acne lesions. Results showed that ribosomal subunit of P acnes is necessary for inhibition resistance to erythromycin, clindamycin, tetracycline, of protein synthesis, minocycline may possess molecu- and doxycycline could be observed for several strains of lar structural properties that are less susceptible to the P acnes, whereas no strains were resistant to minocycline. P acnes resistance response. Comparative preferential bind- In 1998, Ross et al15 obtained 21 clinically resistant ing studies with tetracycline, doxycycline, and minocy- isolates of P acnes from the skin of patients with acne. cline to ribosomes from resistant P acnes could shed more Respective MIC ranges for tetracycline, doxycycline, and understanding on differences in resistance patterns. minocycline were 2 to 64 µg/mL, 1 to 32 μg/mL, and 0.25 to 4 μg/mL, respectively. Among the major agents Anti-inflammatory Properties of Minocycline used to treat acne vulgaris from the tetracycline antibiotic The lipophilic nature of minocycline is believed to result in category, minocycline was shown to be the most active its propensity for accumulation within the sebaceous fol- against resistant P acnes strains. licle.20-24 As a result, the drug is capable of exerting its anti- In 2001, Tan et al16 reported the MICs of resistant microbial effect against P acnes by reaching the target site of P acnes strains isolated from 150 patients. The profile of the disease. However, reduction of P acnes does not explain resistant strains was highest with erythromycin (11/13 all of the mechanisms whereby minocycline and other tetra- [85%]),
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