Book Chapter Ceramic technology between past and present : a study of Malian traditions MAYOR, Anne Abstract Ceramic studies in archaeology have long focussed only on the stylistic classication of artefacts, through space and in time, based on morphological and decorative criteria. Few researchers were interested in the technical and functional aspects. It is now accepted that a set of stylistic traits does not necessarily coincide with a certain population. Many studies have demonstrated that technical aspects, on the other hand, are closely correlated to the identity of the producer group, as they often result from an early apprenticeship within the ethno-linguistic group. The transmission of technical knowledge can also follow other social configurations, such as clan, socio-professional class, or gender. Technical elements therefore provide essential information, even if they seem difficult to access. Furthermore, all pottery is produced in a particular context and is made to be used. The artisan will therefore make technical choices that take into account environmental and cultural constraints, as well as intended use. Studying the technical variability of ceramic assemblages thus aims at understanding the artisans' [...] Reference MAYOR, Anne. Ceramic technology between past and present : a study of Malian traditions. In: Smith Livingstone A., Cornelissen E., Gosselain O. & MacEachern S. Field Manual for African Archaeology. Tervuren : Royal Museum for Central Africa, 2017. Available at: http://archive-ouverte.unige.ch/unige:97520 Disclaimer: layout of this document may differ from the published version. 1 / 1 286 Field Manual for African Archaeology. Chapter 6 CERAMIC TECHNOLOGY BETWEEN PAST AND PRESENT: A STUDY OF MALIAN TRADITIONS Anne Mayor1 THEORIES MODELS INTRODUCTION Ceramic studies in archaeology have long focussed only on the stylistic classification of artefacts, through space and in time, based on morphological and decorative cri- teria. Few researchers were interested in the technical and functional aspects. It is now accepted that a set of The present The past stylistic traits does not necessarily coincide with a certain regularities population. Many studies have demonstrated that techni- cal aspects, on the other hand, are closely correlated to the identity of the producer group, as they often result Ethno- Archaeo- archaeo- logy from an early apprenticeship within the ethno-linguistic logy group. The transmission of technical knowledge can also mechanisms scenarios follow other social configurations, such as clan, socio- professional class, or gender. Technical elements there- fore provide essential information, even if they seem dif- ficult to access. Furthermore, all pottery is produced in a particular context and is made to be used. The artisan will therefore make technical choices that take into ac- count environmental and cultural constraints, as well as intended use. Studying the technical variability of ceram- ic assemblages thus aims at understanding the artisans’ OBSERVATIONS technical choices and their meanings. The technological Fig. 1. The ethnoarcheological approach, applied to the study of analysis of archaeological ceramics involves a recon- ceramics (Mayor 2011: fig. 1). struction of the different manufacturing steps following a chaîne opératoire framework (see Gosselain, this vol- ume, pp. 292-295). The main stages are clay processing, I. AN ETHNOARCHAEOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE shaping, finishing, and firing. CERAMIC TRADITIONS OF MALI In archaeology, the interpretation of ceramics usually re- As a case study, we will examine ethnoarchaeological fers to – explicitly or not – a series of knowledge built by research conducted by a team from the University of Ge- different approaches. Ethnoarchaeology (see Lyons, this neva and devoted to Malian ceramic traditions. It contrib- volume, pp. 270-274) provides explicit references that are uted to a renewal of our understanding of the history of useful for interpreting the past by studying systematically, technical systems and populations in the Niger Bend. in the present, the links between ceramics and their vari- Following a theoretical analysis that acknowledged ous meanings, as well as the mechanisms behind observed the impasse faced by archaeologists when interpreting regularities. Technological analyses therefore often rely ancient artefacts, due to a lack of understanding of eth- on ethnoarchaeology (fig. 1), and other approaches such nographic realities, the MAESAO team from the Univer- as experimental archaeology or archaeometry. These sity of Geneva, led by Alain Gallay and Eric Huysecom, methods are varied and borrow elements from cultural launched a broad ethnoarchaeological project in Mali to anthropology as well as analytical tools from the natural understand the relationships between ceramic traditions sciences (see Livingstone Smith and de Francquen, this and ethnic groups (Gallay et al. 1998). We will summa- volume, pp. 173-179). rize what was learned through this research, which was carried out from 1988 to 2011, in order to explain how to 1 University of Geneva, Switzerland. obtain data that can renew our understanding of the past. A. Mayor. Ceramic technology between past and present 287 POUNDING IN A CONCAVE FORM HOLLOWING AND DRAWING OF A LUMPSUPERIMPOSITION MOLDING OVER A AND DRAWING OF CONVEX FORM LARGE RINGS PHASE 1 PHASE 1 PHASE 1 PREFORM PHASE 1 PREFORM PREFORM PREFORM OR OR OR PHASE 2 BASE + BODY PHASE 2 BASE PHASE 2 BASE PHASE 2 BODY PHASE 2 BASE + BODY R R R c c PHASE 3 BODY PHASE 3 BODY PHASE 3 BASE PHASE 3 BODY c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c OR OR PHASE 4 BODY c c c c c c PHASE 3 RIM PHASE 4 RIM PHASE 4 RIM PHASE 5 RIM PHASE 4 RIM R R R PHASE 5 BASE PHASE 5 BASE PHASE 6 BASE Fig. 2. Schematic ‘chaines opératoires’ for the four main shaping techniques practiced in the Niger Bend (Mayor 2011: fig. 3). 288 Field Manual for African Archaeology. Chapter 6 SPATIAL INSERTION OF SETTLEMENTS AND Tombouctou DYNAMICS OF INTERETHNIC RELATIONS Songhay migration Site (or site Identity of Identity of Site location in space) function ceramic inhabitants relation to Contacts with the Songhay, producers settlement borrowing and transformation territory by the Peul and northern Somono 16° Functional theme of ceramics Lake Débo P2 P4 Somono endogamous network from the ‘water people’ Percentage of traditions P1 plateau de Bandiagara P3 Shaping techniques Contacts with the Mossi Firing atmosphere and the Songhay, borrow- ing and transformation Decorating techniques Diafarabé (traditions A+B) Height H Ceramic traditions Djenné Max. diameter M r e ig Potter tools N Opening diameter O Contacts with the Bwa, borrowing Macroscopic technical and transformation (Dogon, tradition D) O/M index marks Bambara N H/M index Bani migration Shape of foot W E Traces of use and and body S 13° 100 KM wear Degreasers A.M. 2005 Moulding over concave form Special Moulding over convex form adjustments Clay colours Hollowing of lump of clay on bowl Hollowing of lump of clay on mould Pounding on diagonal weave Food residues Decorations Pounding on straight weave Pounding on fired clay mould Pounding on wooden mould Pounding on unfired clay mould DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS 6° 5° 4° 3° Fig. 4. Current distribution of shaping techniques and historical movements of populations responsible for their development (Mayor Fig. 3a. Diagram showing the links between selected relevant descrip- 2011: pl. 5 modified.) tive features and interpretations in terms of the spatial integration of settlements and the dynamics of inter-ethnic relations (Mayor 2011: fig. 59.) Production of ceramics Certain ceramic traditions are characterised by a manner of working and P1 aesthetic properties that reflect the ethnolinguistic identity of producers Consumption of ceramics P2 Recipients in a dwelling unit reflect the identity of the inhabitants P3 Dimensions of recipients reflect their function Spread of ceramics The spatial distribution of a ceramic tradition reflects the structure of P4 the producer group’s population Fig. 3b. Examples of regularities linking material facts with inter- pretation, and structuring the research. 1 A. Mayor. Ceramic technology between past and present 289 Such a goal demands that specific methodological require- Following the qualitative study of ethnographic data ments be observed during field surveys: and the first implementation of archaeological testing on - An extensive strategy: in order to understand the ce- locations with a varying degree of temporal and spatial ramic traditions of a region a wide geographical area must association, (e.g., Huysecom 1996), it was necessary to be covered, and enquiries must be made in many villages, re-examine the archaeology of the Niger Bend in the light with potters and customers from diverse socio-cultural of information about current ceramic traditions. The idea backgrounds. The idea is to approach the complexity of re- was to develop a new understanding of the history of ality and to get an accurate picture of technical boundaries. technology and populations (Mayor, 2011; Mayor et al. - A restricted objective: with limited time and resourc- 2005). This involved the adoption of three complemen- es, a consequence of the previous requirement is that one tary approaches (see Stahl, this volume, pp.250-252). must restrict oneself to the study of ceramics and of the elements that contribute to their understanding. This re- A. The ethnoarchaeological approach quires discipline, in order to put aside
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