MethodsMethods ofof transporttransport andand averageaverage distancesdistances I.I. INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION This document intends to summarise and show, as regards all the Municipalities from Bizkaia, the results obtained from of the European Indicator 1 “Means of transport and average distances travelled in the inter- and intra-municipal commuting”. This constitutes the first indicator of the “System of Sustainability Indicators of the Municipalities of Bizkaia” and enables the definition of the mobility habits of people in the Territory, and in each Municipality and Region specifically. As is the case with any Sustainability Indicator, the index tries to gage the municipal and territorial reality as regards the modal distribution of transport and to interpret the trends -sustainable or not- followed over time. # Estación de control II.II. DEFINITIONDEFINITION r? dicator used fo What is the Ind This indicator analyses and represents the distribution of the means of transport used by the inhabitants of Bizkaia as regards inter- and intra-municipal commuting. In summary, it enables analysesanalyses and comparison of the prevailing mobility model in the Territory and its Municipalities and thus, to know the percentage of commuting that takes place in the same : According to transport mean According to reason of trip By foot Study Bicycle Work Private vehicle Leisure – social relations Taxi Shopping or others Collective transport Return # Estación de control II.II. DEFINITIONDEFINITION r? dicator used fo What is the Ind Likewise, the indicator quantifies: The average distances covered as regards total commuting in Bizkaia and according to Municipality The distribution of the inter-municipal commuting or within the municipality itself # Estación de control III.III. SUSTAINABILITYSUSTAINABILITY CONTEXTCONTEXT The European indicator 1. is related to the following sustainability criteria or reference objectives to be pursued by any sustainable society : III. Not to exceed the load capacity and regeneration capacity of the environment IV. To guarantee the mobility and accessibility to basic services and open areas where the environment is respected V. To promote an adequate organisation and planning of the municipal territory, based on a balanced use of the land VI. To foster the diversification of the economy and the use of local resources # Estación de control IV.IV. CALCULATIONCALCULATION METHODMETHOD calculated ? indicator been c How has the in The methodology proposed by the European Union and applied by Bizkaia has been : Citizens Survey. The mobility survey that the Transport Consortium of Bizkaia carries out regularly - four every year - for the Territory has been applied. Year of the data : 1998 Number of interviews : 5,861 families, representing 17,980 individuals. Data treatment, based on the requirements exacted by the European project. # Estación de control V.V. RESULTSRESULTS ated ? information trea How was the in The results have been obtained for all of Bizkaia, its most representative Municipalities, and the rest of the Municipalities of the Territory grouped in 9 areas of transport. MUNICIPALITIES: Amorebieta-Etxano, Balmaseda, Barakaldo, Basauri, Bermeo, Bilbao, Carranza, Durango, Erandio, Ermua, Galdakao, Gernika-Lumo, Getxo, Igorre, Leioa, Lekeitio, Markina-Xemein, Mungia, Ondarroa, Orduña, Plentzia, Portugalete, Santurtzi, Sestao and Sopelana, AREAS OF TRANSPORT: The rest of Arratia-Nerbioi, Gran Bilbao, Duranguesado, Encartaciones, Gernika-Bermeo, Plentzia-Mungia, Txorierri and Zona Minera. Note: Due to lack of data from the Municipalities of the area of Ondarroa-Markina, except for Lekeitio, Markina-Xemein and Ondarroa, these have not been included. # Estación de control V.V. RESULTSRESULTS ated ? information trea How was the in The following are some details of the results obtained for the Municipalities of Bizkaia and as regards : The modal distribution of transport Average distances covered by residents from each municipality Inter and intramunicipal commuting according to Municipalities and Areas of Bizkaia # Estación de control 1.1. ModalModal distributiondistribution ofof transporttransport:: PercentagePercentage ofof commutingcommuting byby footfoot,, privateprivate vehiclevehicle andand collectivecollective transporttransport # Estación de control ResultsResults fromfrom BizkaiaBizkaia Mobility habits, the use of the means of transport and the existing commuting requirements MODAL DISTRIBUTION (1998): By foot : 43,65% Collective transport : 26,6% Private vehicle : 29,07% Bicycle : 0,09% Taxi: 0,43% Average distance covered per person: 17.76 Km SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT : ☺☺ # Estación de control ResultsResults fromfrom BizkaiaBizkaia Main causes or reasons for commuting in Bizkaia Distribución de los desplazamientos para la totalidad de Bizkaia 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Oc io , re la c io ne s Estudio Trabajo Compras y otros Retorno sociales Transporte colectivo 5,31 4,29 2,25 1,81 12,94 Taxi 0,00 0,03 0,04 0,01 0,09 Ve híc ulo priva do 1,02 10,14 2,18 2,14 13,59 Motocicleta 0,04 0,12 0,04 0,02 0,21 Bicicleta 0,00 0,01 0,03 0,01 0,04 # Estación de control Andando 6,30 4,76 5,86 5,86 20,87 Note: Return refers to any return trip to the Municipality of origin, regardless of the reason for the trip InterpretationInterpretation ofof resultsresults MAIN CONCLUSIONS: Compared to other European territories, commuting by foot in Bizkaia is highly representative. Work is the main reason for the need for commuting in Bizkaia, and the private vehicle is the method of transport more widely used for this end. Therefore, it is important to give an homogeneous economical structure to the Areas and Municipalities of Bizkaia. Likewise, it is worth highlighting the scarce optimisation in the use of the private vehicle in Bizkaia. Out of the total number of users of private vehicles, 78% are drivers and 22% passengers. # Estación de control ResultsResults fromfrom MunicipalitiesMunicipalities ? ret the results? How to interpr To enable interpretation of the results of the Indicator according to Municipalities, the following method has been used: Based on the results obtained from commuting data as regards Bizkaia, the behaviour of each Municipality has been assessed and a colour code has been assigned for its interpretation. The code, for each section, is the following: Municipalities with a sustainable behaviour of the Indicator worse than the average for Bizkaia. Municipalities with a sustainable behaviour of the Indicator similar to the average for Bizkaia. Municipalities with a sustainable behaviour of the Municipalities with a sustainable behaviour of the # Estación de control Indicator better than the average for Bizkaia. CommutingCommuting byby footfoot Results from Bizkaia: 43.65% MARURI MUNGIA BA KI O BE RM EO GORLIZ LE MO IZ MUNDA KA ELA NT XOB E BA RRI KA PLE NT ZIA MARURI SUKA R RIE TA IBARRANGELU SOP ELA N A EA BUST URI A MEÑA KA GAUTEGIZ ARTEAGA LEKEITIO URDULIZ BE RA N GO GATI KA MUNGIA MURUETA IS PA STE R ZIERBE NA GETXO LA U KI Z ARRIE TA ER EÑ O MENDEXA FORUA KORTEZUBI GUIZABURUAGA SA NT URT ZI LE IO A ERRIGOITI FRUIZ ONDARROA MUSK IZ NA BA R N IZ AMO RO TO ER AN DI O PORTUGALETE LO IU GAMIZ-FI KA BE RRI AT UA GERNIKA-LUMO ARRATZU AB ANTO Y CIE RVA NA - A. SE STA O ORTUELLA DE R IO MORGA AJ AN GI Z AU LES TI SONDIK A VALLE DE TRAPAGA-T. ZAM UDIO TRUCI OS LE ZA MA MENDA TA BA RA K ALD O GALDAMES LA RRAB ET ZU MU XI KA MARK INA -X E ME IN SOP U ER TA MUNITI BA R- A- G BI LB A O ETXEBARRI ETX EB A RR I A ARCENTALES GALDAKAO BA SA URI ALON S OTEG I LA N ES TO S A GUEÑES AMOREBIETA-ECHANO ARRIGO RRI AGA ZARATAM O CA R R AN ZA ZALLA LE MO A MALLA BI A BE DI A IURRETAGARAY BA LMAS E DA ERMUA BE RR I Z ARRANKUDIAGA GORDEXOLA UGA O- MI RAB ALLE S IGORRE DURANGO ZALDI BAR AR AK A LDO ZEBERI O AR AN T ZAZ U IZURZA MAÑARIA ARTE A AB AD IÑO ELOR RIO Porcentaje de DI MA ATX ONDO AR EA TZA desplazamientos a pie ORO ZKO ZEANURI No hay información 0.01 - 41.15 OTXANDIO UB ID E 41.15 - 46.15 ORDUÑA 46.15 - 100 CommutingCommuting inin privateprivate vehiclevehicle Results from Bizkaia: 29.07% MARURI MUNGIA BA KI O BE RM EO GORLIZ LE MO IZ MUNDAKA ELA NT XOB E BA RRI KA MARURI PLE NT ZIA SUKA RRIE TA IBARRANGELU SOP ELA N A EA BU ST U RI A MEÑA KA GAUTEGIZ ARTEAGA LEKEITIO URDULIZ BE RA N GO GATIKA MUNGIA MURUETA IS PA STE R ZIERBENA GETXO LA U KI Z ARRIETA ER EÑ O MENDEXA FORUA KORTEZUBI GUIZABURUAGA SA NT U RT ZI LE IO A FRUIZ ER R IGO ITI ONDARROA MUSK IZ NABARNIZ AMOROTO ERANDIO PORTUGALETE LO IU GAMIZ-FIKA BE RR I AT UA GERNIKA-LUMO ARRATZU AB AN TO Y C IE R VA NA - A. SE STA O ORTUELLA DE R IO MORGA AJ AN GI Z AULES TI VALLE DE TRAPAGA-T. SONDIKA ZAM UDIO TRUCI OS LE Z A MA MENDA TA BARAKALDO GALDAMES LARRABETZU MUXI KA MARKINA-XEMEIN MUNITIBAR-A-G SOP U ER TA ETXEBARRI BILBAO ETXEBARRIA ARCENTALES GALDAKAO BA SA U RI ALON S OTEG I LA N ES TO S A GUEÑES AMOREBIETA-ECHANO ARRIGO RRI AGA ZARATAM O CARRANZA ZALLA LE MO A MALLABIA BE DI A IURRETAGARAY BA LMAS E DA ER MU A BE RR I Z ARRANKUDIAGA UGAO-MIRABALLES GORDEXOLA IGORRE DURANGO ZALDIBAR ARAKALDO ZEBERI O AR AN T ZAZ U IZURZA MAÑARIA AR TE A AB ADIÑO ELORRIO DI MA ATXONDO AR EA TZA OROZKO ZEANURI OTXANDIO Porcentaje de desplazamientos UB ID E ORDUÑA en vehículo privado No hay información 0 - 26.57 26.57 - 31.57 31.57 - 100 CommutingCommuting inin collectivecollective transporttransport Result Bizkaia: 26,78% MARURI MUNGIA BA KI O BE RM EO GORLIZ LE MO IZ MUNDA KA ELA NT XOB E BA RRI KA MARURI PLE NT ZIA SUKA RRIE TA IBARRANGELU SOP ELA NA EA BUST URI A MEÑA KA GAUTEGIZ ARTEAGA LE K EI TIO URDULIZ BE RA NGO GATI KA MUNGIA MURUE TA IS PA STE R ZIERBENA GETXO LA U KI Z ARRIETA EREÑO MENDE XA FORUA KORTEZUBI GUIZABURUAG A SA NT URT ZI LE IO A FRUIZ ERRIGO ITI ONDARROA MUSK IZ NA BA R N IZ AMO RO TO ERANDI O PORTUGA LET E LO IU GAM IZ-FI KA BE RR I AT UA GERNIKA-LUMO ARRAT ZU AB ANTO Y CIE RVA NA - A.
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